The Jerk's Sister


Seoyoun's P.O.V

"What will you get?" I greeted him with a smile.

"" He winked at me.

"I'm sorry, but what?" 

"Haha, can I get a latte?" 

" that all?"


"Okay..$2.45." He handed me a $5 bill and I handed him his change.

"When does your shift end?"

"In 10 minutes..why?" 

"Do you have plans?"

"Yes she does. With me. Sir, your latte." Jenissi gave him is latte and then go away.

"Well then..have a nice day pretty lady." He winked at me and I pretended to throw up.

"Noona! You shouldd've seen your face! It was hillarious!" I scowled at Zelo.

" your shift you maybe want to..uuhmm..umm..uhh.." Hansol was just too damn adorable. 

"Go out for a walk and coffee? Sure!" I finished his sentence and smiled.

"Seoyoun! We have to go now and meet our new family!" I heard Youngjae yell.

"Oh..I'm really sorry..but..maybe tommorow?" 

"I don't see why not."

"Great! Then see you tommorow!" I waved to him and as I turned around, someone bumped into me. I felt a hot liquid spill on my legs. 

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I-I didn't mean too!" I was going to shout at her, but I saw it was a girl that was half my size and age. Instead of scowling and swearing her off, I bent down to her eye level.

"It's alright." I raised my hand to reassure her.

"Please don't hurt me!!" She started crying and I chuckled.

"I would never hurt a girl like you." I wiped her tears away and gave her a smile.

"R-Really?" She sniffled and looked at me. I nodded.

"Now, let's get rid of that hot chocolate on your face." I stood up a bit higher so I could wipe the hot chocolate and the remainder of her tears with my tears.

"Kim Joo Ah!! There you-" I looked to see him and he looked at me.

"Oppa! Guess what!!" She asked as he picked her up.


"I was looking for you, but I bumped into this unnie. I spilled some hot chocolate on her and I thought she was going to hit me! She didn't though! She wiped away my tears and even wiped the hot chocolate with her shirt!! She's so nice!! I wish she was your girlfriend so-"

" okay? Need a shirt?" He looked at me with a hint of remorse in his eyes. 


"So it's settled? Pretty unnie is now Taeyang oppa's girlfriend?" I heard Youngjae oppa and Hansol laugh at me. Er, the situation I was in.

"Look, doesn't really work that way..2 people become lovers when they love each other and-"

"So..unnie can't come over?" Her eyes started tearing up. 


"Of course she can! Not now, but oppa promises to bring her with your brother after work tommorow!" Youngjae oppa interupted me. He put out his pinky and they pinky promised.  

"Yay!!! So you guys are in a relationship!! I expect to see hand holding and all the pther couples do tommorow!!" She giggled and it became very awkward for me and Taeyang.

"Haha, princess..let's go home now..I'm sure Seoyoun is very busy.."

"Okay!! Bye unnie!!!" She waved bye and I waved bye back. As soon they were out of sight, I punched Youngjae hard.

"Ow! What was that for?"

"Youngjae..I think you know.." Hansol giggled..wait no Youngjae hyung?

"Hyung, you got out of your comfort zone..finally! Anyways, I need to go help clean up..I'll meet you at the house in exactly an hour. Enough time  for you to change right?" I nodded and he left.

"So want to accompany me oppa?" I asked Hansol oppa.


"You are older than Youngjae oppa..right?"

"Yea..w-well okay then..let's go shopping then!" He smiled and we went out. 

*A/N: I'm going to skip the whole shopping part just to cut it shorter, but no worries..there's going to me more sweet moments between te OC and Hansol^^*

Hansol's P.O.V

Wow..that was all I can say..

"Wait..aren't you supposed to be wearing a dress and all that pretty stuff instead of.." *A/N: This is her outfit..*

"I already met Ms. Shin, my new stepmom. Mrs.Yoo now..but sh's okay with it..I just hope her son is as nice as her. Honestly..I think I'm just going call her mom..she's better than my biological mom anyways." She muttered the last part.'s Xero? I mean he did say-nonono..It can't be..could it?

"Oh..well I guess I'll talk to you tommorow?" I asked her and felt mysel heat up a bit.

"Yup..oh wait..give me your phone number." W-what? No girl has ever offered to trade numbers. In fact..she was the only girl in my age group.

"Sure! I'll need someone to talk to anyways aha." Wtf was Kim Hansol?! She didn't mind my stupidity and we traded numbers. Then, she waved bye and went inside. I got in my car and drived back, smiling like an idiot. 



I'm trying to go for a triple update later today!!

I'm also going to try to update as much as possible before my trip!!

Hope you enjoyed and give the fic lots of love!!!

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wintxry #1
Chapter 6: That was some intense stuff... Don't get me wrong, I really like your story and just finished reading what you have so far... Honestly I thought she was going to just and when they get to the apartment just hang out, maybe watch a movie? I don't know, I'm not really a writer.
Anyways really enjoyed reading what you have so far