Chapter 1.

Split In Two

♫ = The song recommended to read along with.


“Sisters function as safety nets in a chaotic world simply by being there for each other.” 
― Carol Saline


"Yu Ri wake up... you have to get ready for work," she patted her younger sister's head earning a groan from her. Ja Ri chuckled at her sleepy gestures. A white kitten leaped on to the bed only to set her tiny paws on Yu Ri's back. Yu Ri laughed at the kitten's attempt to annoy her.

"Arasso. Come on, let Ja Ri feed you and I'll go take a shower," she got up and petted the kitten, only to receive a sweet meow from her. Ja Ri picked up Gaia and the two left Yu Ri to shower and prepare herself. 

Ja Ri walked downstairs, petting her beloved kitten, "Gaia, would you like beef & liver or smoked salmon flavored?" 

Gaia her paw and simply meowed. Ja Ri laughed, "Okay smoked salmon it is. Here you go, big girl."

Ja Ri placed the can in front of Gaia. It didn't take long for her to assault the can that contained her meal. Ja Ri felt happy looking at Gaia gaining weight. A month ago, when she first met Gaia, she was abandoned in a shoe box on the street. Gaia, was a mere newborn then and she looked weak and lifeless. That same night Ja Ri took the shoebox and headed for a pet store. She bought bottles, a litter box and a toy and quickly ran home with Gaia. The whole night, while Yu Ri was out, she tucked Gaia in a blanket and fed her milk from a bottle. Ja Ri craddled the newborn kitten whose eyes were barely open. Since that night, Gaia became part of the Choi family. 


"You're adorable and remember to eat everything in that can, arasso?" she smiled at the kitten who was busy eating. Ja Ri was ready to pet Gaia until she received a text.

From: Kai

Remember not to be late. Also be prepared we have a guest that will join us today. 

"Yes sir," she sighed at how cold and rude he must have sounded if he were to speak those words instead of text them. Kai never seemed to praise Ja Ri when she does good but always looks down upon her when she makes mistakes. You're truly remarkable, Kim Jong In.  Ja Ri began to prepare the table for Yu Ri to come down and enjoy her breakfast. An omelette with toasted wheat bread. On the side was fruit salad that contained seedless grapes, diced pineapples and watermelon, and some strawberries. There was a glass of orange juice next to fruit salad since Yu Ri can't drink milk. The breakfast was simple yet would provide energy that Yu Ri and her would need for work. 

Yu Ri walked down the stairs in a happy mood, tying her hair up in a neat ponytail. Gaia looked up to see Yu Ri and meowed at her. Ja Ri laughed at her cuteness. 

"Yummy! Let's eat!" Yu Ri exclaimed as she walked downstairs to see her side of the table with her prepared breakfast. Ja Ri smiled and sat herself as well, only to begin drinking her glass of milk.

"You always drink your beverage before touching your food," Yu Ri pointed out chuckling. 

Ja Ri blushed, "Yah, why do you always observe me?"

"Aw you're even blushing, how cute," Yu Ri grinned and Ja Ri laughed at her comments. 

"Okay enough, are you taking the bus this morning?" 

Yuri shook her head, "Ani, someone is dropping me off."

Ja Ri replied after finishing her milk, "Oh, alright what about after work?" 

"Yeah I will be, what about you?" Yu Ri stuffed 3 fruit bits in in one go. 

Ja Ri nodded, "Yeah be sure to board the 10:35 bus."

"Arasso, don't be late, then."

"Pft, am I ever?" the both giggled at her joke. Ja Ri was always on time except when it came to Kai. For some strange reason she always came late by a couple of minutes which irked Kai. 

"By the way, Yu Ri. Who is dropping you off?" she asked as she ate a bit of the omlette.

"A friend of mine," Yu Ri simply said, trying to hide how nervous she felt. She began to spread some jam on her toast. Ja Ri just nodded as took a bite of her toast. 

You Don't Even Know

"Have fun at work!" Yu Ri yelled over at Ja Ri who was jogging her way to the bus stop.

Arasso, you too!" Ja Ri replied with the similar audible volume. She noticed the bus was approaching so she quickened her pace. Both the bus and Ja Ri arrived at the bus stop at the same time. Ja Ri was slightly panting as she entered the bus, paying her fare she sat down near a window. She gazed through the window and paid attention to every detail. The people in the cars looked bored, the children who are walking together to school and adults who are cruising through the street.

The bus soon became crowded and she noticed a pregnant mother and her toddler. Ja Ri didn't hesitate to give up her seat for the pregnant woman. The woman thanked and smiled at her and Ja Ri returned the smiled. She then focused on her stop and her wristwatch. Finally, she was let out walked over to her work. Some men looked at her and even flirted with her. However, she paid no mind to them because to her they were all alike. Except him...

Ja Ri made her way into SM. As always, it looked busy and full. Never was there a day where everyone took the chill pill and walked at a normal pace. She quickly proceeded to the elevator and clicked the button that read, "16". Ja Ri sighed as she knew she will meeting her crush. The crush who failed to realize that she was the strongest and most talented backup dancer at SM. The crush who made her feel worthless most of the time. The same one who she had to work with for 2 whole month. It's their 2nd week and she felt like quitting but however, she will not quit over a guy. Ja Ri only had to bury the feelings she felt towards Kai, since he will never be returning them to her.

The elevator's door opened and she stepped out making her way into the isolated dance hall. Kai hated disruption and complaints so the dance hall was separated from the other dance halls and offices. Ja Ri walked in the dance hall to find Kai stretching his legs. His eyes met hers for brief second and rolled them away from hers.

"Finally. Begin stretching."

Ja Ri nodded and bowed before she placed her dufflebag on the nearby bench. She approached and sat down keeping her distance from him. For the next 10 minutes all they did was stretch in silence. After those minutes were up Kai got up and played a song. 

"Alright we need to work on our body chemistry. It's been lacking a lot."

Ja Ri nodded and got up to place herself beside his figure. She looked at their bodies through the mirrors. He was a tower compared to her. Her body was fragile looking and petite and his was well built and toned admirably. Kai always managed to take her breath away, effortlessly. However, Kai never cared for her since it was his dance career that only interested him. Ja Ri knew and admired that but she couldn't help but feel silly for feeling such feelings towards a man who shows no interest in her. She shook off the thought and positioned herself to dance along his side and not embarrass herself. This will be a long day...

After successfully dancing with no problems, Ja Ri began to feel confident around Kai. However, the first time she stumbled against Kai caused them both to fall on their behinds. Kai scoffed loudly at Ja Ri who took most of the fall damage. Ja Ri grew scared when she met Kai's dark gaze. I'm sorry, Kai...

"We can't afford any mistakes! What are you doing?"

"I'm sorry, it won't happen again... it was a mista-"

"Hell yeah it was," Kai got up grunting without even sparing Ja Ri another glance. Ja Ri helped herself up and tried holding her tears back. She hated causing trouble since she was little. Even though she was an adult, she couldn't help the tears that desperately want to drop. Ja Ri hated more at how weak she could be, instead of standing up for herself she shut herself up. If Yu Ri was here she would have given Kai a piece of her mind that would silence him. However, she was no Yu Ri in this case. Staying quiet would always be better for her, in her eyes. Say something, Ja Ri!

"I wanted to apologize, once again," Ja Ri repeated but Kai only stood quiet and played the song again. 

"Let's start from the beginning. Again," ignoring Ja Ri's apology

Ja Ri pulled herself together and nodded trying to hide her slight red eyes. Their bodies began to move as they took charge of the dance floor, with no problem. 

Love You To Death

"Hi baby," Yu Ri placed her dufflebag in the backseat before turning to kiss the man inside the car she got in.

"Hey love, how was your morning?"

"It was great, Ja Ri made a yummy breakfast.

Jiyong smiled and grabbed his girl's hand, "I'm glad baby."

He drove off with one hand on the wheel towards their destination. Yu Ri smiled at her man. The man she loved with everything she had. His eyes were on the rode but her returned the smiles right back. 

"Where do you plan on dropping me off, babe?"

Jiyong's smile faded away. He wished that he was able to walk inside YG with no problem. However he was forbidden to be seen with her in a romantic way. Yu Ri did feel bad inside but she understood perfectly fine and never regreted having him as her boyfriend. 

"The usual place babe..." Yu Ri nodded sweetly and squeezed her grip on his man. Jiyong smiled at his beautiful girlfriend who always seemed to understand and never fail to show her love towards him. 

"Babe, I think it's time for me to meet Ja Ri and Gaia," Yu Ri stared at him with her widen eyes. 

"Are you serious? Omo, yes that'd be amazing. She'd be happy to meet you. Gaia as well!" Yu Ri laughed at the thought of Gaia and Jiyong meeting. 

Throughout the whole ride, Yu Ri smiled watching the world throughout the tinted windows of Jiyong's car. Jiyong smiled along with his girl, he felt accomplished when he saw her smiling widely next to him. The happy ride soon came to an end as he pulled over a few blocks away from YG. Yu Ri cupped her hands around his cheeks and placed her lips fully on his. Her lips moved in sync with his and he loved every second of it. He put his hands on her waist and pulled her in towards him. Enjoying the moment they get to share happily together. 

Yu Ri slowly pulled away, "Text me when you can baby, have a great day!" 

He pecked her lips, "I will my sweet Yu Ri. Remember to not overwork yourself? I'll call or text you when I can, I love you baby."

"I love you too," Yu Ri smiled and gathered her belongings before exiting the car. She looked back, smiling as she walked over to her job where Jiyong had to drive too as well. Never forget, Jiyong. How much I really love you. 

"Goodmorning, Mr. G Dragon. There is a meeting in room 178 with the other Big Bang members," the lady at the front desk informed. He nodded and he made his way to the elevator. The doors were ready to close until someone squeezed herself through. 

"Wooo, that was close..." she had her hands on her knees as she as panted not recognizing the presence of the man near her. G Dragon smiled at her as he suddenly felt nostalgic. She then lifted her gaze to meet the her lover's eyes. Her cheeks became red and she kept her distance from. The latter stood there, holding in his laughter. She's too adorable. Yu Ri flashed her teeth at her secret boyfriend who was smiling right back. She never failed to surprise and amuse him, which he loved so much.

When she reached her destination she quickly waved at him before exiting the doors. He watched her every move. Her tied up hair that revealed her slim neck. How her oversized t-shirt managed to compliment her figure. The sweet scent that lingered after she left. She's perfect. G Dragon snapped back to reality when the a 'ding' indicated that he arrived on the floor he was suppose to be on. He wore his emotionless expression until he entered the room where his crew and friends greeted him. 

In the room underneath him, Yu Ri entered and met her co-workers. She greeted them with a happy smile and waving hands. The gathered around her to compliment her as usual and greet her as well. She's was very popular among her co-workers and she always felt grateful to be admired and cared for by her fellow backup dancers. 

"Yu Ri, let's stretch together. Shall we?" her sunbae asked her in a kind tone.

"Of course, my dear sunbae," she chuckled and joined him, followed by the rest. 

"Did you hear? Some of you guys will be joining Big Bang on their upcoming concert," her sunbae informed her as he stretched his arms.

Yu Ri's ears perked up but she tried to hold in her glee, "Oh really? That's great. It could lead you to the recognition you deserve."

She spoke the truth. He was a talented choreographer and thought outside of the box. He only smiled at her, "Thanks Yu Ri, you need to practice lots from now on. You'll be on stage with Big Bang, 2 weeks from now."

Yu Ri smiled but inside she was going crazy with happiness. 

It's Cold♫

Yu Ri waved goodbye at her sunbae. She walked towards the bus stop that was two blocks away. Her phone ringed, notifying she that he received a message.

From: Babe <3

I'm sorry I couldn't drive you tonight ): BUT I can't wait to work with you tomorrow, baby :D

Get home safely, I love you. <3

She smiled at his sweet message. Yu Ri then remembered to message her sister, reminding her that she should on her way to the bus stop right about now.

To: Unnie <3

Ja Ri, start walking your over to the bus stop right now! Kekeke~ Oh! I have great news to share with you. I'll tell you night! Love you <3

Yu Ri smiled as she proceeded her way to the bus stop. Ja Ri will finally meet Jiyong... and I'll finally share the stage with my baby. Life's great. She arrived at the bus stop and she sat on the bench to continue her conversation with Jiyong on her phone. Almost 10:35.



"Goodnight," Ja Ri bowed at at Kai, waiting for a reply. Nothing... Ja Ri sighed to herself and gathered her things making her way to the door. Kai was searching for song to practice to, forgetting that Ja Ri was nearby. After minutes of searching, he began to search for Ja Ri only to find that she already left. He was going to play the song but something caught his attention. A velvet wallet that looked like it'd belong to a woman. He grabbed it and opened it, ignoring the money she contained in the wallet. 

He found and I.D of hers and a picture of Yu Ri with Gaia. Although he didn't know she had a twin. She's a lonely cat woman? Kai scoffed at the idea. Hm? Choi? So that's her name. I'll give this to her tonight? Nope, tomorrow morning. Kai put the feminine wallet into his book bag. Only to continue his practice. What if she needs it? Pft, it's whatever. 



Ja Ri politely wished good nights to anyone she knew as she made her way threw the doors. It was suppose to rain tonight, right? She checked for any signs of a possible rainstorm. Nope, all clear. She continued her walk over to the bus stop. Ja Ri noticed that the streets were strangely quiet which worried her slightly. She took out her phone and sent a message to her sister who should be nearby. It's 10: 53.

To: Yu Yu 

Yeah, I'm here now. 

Ja Ri waited patiently at the bus stop, looking for the bus. Oh there it is! She pulled her hand signalizing the bus stop. Something's not right in there... Ja Ri squinted her eyes and realized the bus seemed to be driving sloppy. What's going on? The bus zoomed pass her, heading towards a tree. Her eyes widen with fear and fright. No no no. What? Ja Ri chased the bus but her knees grew weak when she witnessed the bus slam against the tree and flipped on it's opposite side. 

"YU RI!" she cried out, tears spilling from her eyes. Her heart beated rapidly at the scene. Her hand searched for her phone desperately and dialed emergency.


Ja Ri felt helpless once again. Please be okay, Yu Ri. You have to be. 



I felt as if my world began to fall apart. What managed me to stay strong was the hope that Yu Ri survived.


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Chapter one is halfway complete c:


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Chapter 8: i feel kinda sadddd and baddd and pityyy for like Ja Ri like its so unfair how only Yu Ri gets all the attention. I think if it were me, i would hate Yu Ri but Ja Ri is holding up well. I wish Yu Ri wakes up soon and Kai to finally realised that its Ja Ri he's interested in. Also, its a bit irritating how he doesn't bother to get to know Ja Ri yet he is a bit possesive about her - when Sehun asked for her number. This story is just really good and i can't wait for the next chapter.
aldimia #2
Chapter 8: i missed Yu Riiii
midst_lhady22 #3
Chapter 7: expected to a man who have sharp eyes that can pregnant half population of human in the world and pop the other's ovaries with one look xDDD
Chapter 7: woahh.. can't wait for the next chapter..
it gets more interesting.. ^^
midst_lhady22 #5
Chapter 6: oh dear! Kai pabo as ever! *sigh* but author nim u manage to help me feel what does the character feels.. im feeling hurt, disappointed ans guilty...same as JaRi feels
midst_lhady22 #6
Chapter 5: ohohohoho...welcome to the double life>:))
Chapter 4: Very well written! I am looking forward to reading more :)