16 - 33%

Acid Teochii

November 24th 2014

Something was wrong with Ae-Cha.

Yuuki could tell that just by looking at her, the member who was closest to him had been withdrawn all day. It had only been a few days since she’d confronted him after all, and he felt as though that had placed a bridge between them, making it so they had steadily been growing closer every day. But today… she was practically silent. She hadn’t had an opinion when they’d gone to the cinema earlier in the day, which was weird enough by itself for Ae-Cha not to have an opinion on something, she’d stayed quiet when Hanni had asked what they wanted him to cook for dinner, she didn’t partake when Yuuki attempted to start up their usual, lighthearted mocking… something was just wrong, and it was driving Yuuki crazy that he didn’t know what it was.

So of course, he hired the mystical human being that was Kwak Hyunki to investigate for him.

“Heyyyy… Marco-ah, old buddy old pal…” Yuuki had sang  as he slowly inched over to the rosey haired boy. Marco turned to him, noodles still hanging out of his mouth, with his eyes set in a firm glare. The younger boy wasn’t currently wearing his green contacts, which Yuuki found odd since he rarely went anywhere without them, even around the dorm.

“What do you want, Jaehwa-hyung. No, I’m not lending you any money.”

Yuuki gasped, eyes widening at the insult. “I would never!”

“Hyung, you already owe me 25,000won.”

“That’s beside the point.”

“That’s exactly the point.”

“OKAY, I get it, I’ll pay you back eventually. But for now, I need another favour. I’ll pay you in… makeup products.”

“I don’t wear makeup.”

“We’ll sort something out! I need you to talk to Ae-Cha for me.” Yuuki sighed as he looked down at his feet, trying to ignore the judging stare that Marco was giving him while his face flushed.

“You need me to go talk to your girlfriend?” Marco sighed, an eyebrow raised while running a hand through the loose curls his hair had fallen into.

“She isn’t my girlfriend.”

“Right, whatever you say hyung. Not yet anyway I guess. Why, what’s wrong between you two?” He pushed his weight off the counter he’d been leaning on, swallowing the last few noodles and putting the bowl into the sink, making a mental note to thank Hanni for the food.

“Nothing’s wrong between us,” Yuuki huffed, crossing his arms and giving a tight lipped smile. “I just doubt she’ll talk to me about what’s wrong, everyone loves you, she’ll open up to you, then you can come back and tell me.”

Marco sighed, washing his face to be sure he was rid of the soy sauce on his lips. “Fine, I’ll go talk to her, but you do my chores for the next week.”


Marco gave a small smile as he walked over to the girls’ room, knocking lightly on the door. He could feel Yuuki’s gaze on his back, but did his best to ignore it. Ae-Cha was his friend too, he’d noticed the change in her. He wasn’t doing this for Yuuki, he was doing it for himself and Ae-Cha’s friendship, even if she had been irritable with him recently after Hyo’s departure.

Getting Yuuki to do his chores was just an extra sneaky bonus.

“Ae-Cha-ah, are you in here?” he called through the wood, leaning against it slightly.

“Yeah, I am.” Was her curt reply.

Marco stood still for several seconds, before speaking again. “So…can I come in?”

“If you must.”

Marco pushed the door open, slowly stepping inside the girls’ room. He didn’t go into Cho and Ae-Cha’s room very often, Myung had made it so all the rooms were personal space for the occupants and no-one else, just in case people needed to get away for a while. They all needed to get permission to go into each other’s rooms, and it was rare any of them needed to go into the girls’.

Two of the four walls were painted a light, candyfloss pink, pretty much the same tone as his hair, while the other two were a deep, royal purple. Ae-Cha sat on her bed that was diagonally placed between the two purple walls, her face buried into her pillow while an open shoebox rested on the end of the bed by her feet.

“Hey, Ae-Cha.” Marco smiled as he sat beside her bed, trying not to laugh at the fluffy heart rugs that had been thrown around the floor. Most likely from Cho’s insistence. “How’re you?”

“I’m okay…” She sighed, turning slightly to face him although her eyes focused on the floor beside him.

“You and I both know that’s a lie. Yuuki’s worried about you, you know.”

“It’s nothing, Marco, really. I’m just being silly.”

“I’m all ears either way. If it’s bothering you, it’s important. You’re my friend, aren’t you?”

“Co-worker, technically.”

“Still my friend.”

Ae-Cha sighed before sitting up, dangling her feet off the side of the bed. Her hair was messy and unkempt, frizzy from the way she’d been lying on it while on the bed. “You know, I don’t think I told you guys that I’m adopted.”

Marco did his best to keep the shock from his face, Ae-Cha probably didn’t want a big deal being made out of that fact. “No, you haven’t mentioned it before…”

“Well… that’s a thing. It’s my adopted big brother’s birthday today…” Ae-Cha trailed off, still not looking up to meet Marco’s gaze.

“So why are you so sad over this, Ae-Cha-ah? Just call him… I know it’s hard being apart from family for so long, but I’m sure he’d be happy just to get a call from you.”

Tears had begun to form in their maknae’s eyes, despite her attempt to hide them from Marco, he’d seen them and his stomach churned slightly with nerves. “I don’t think I can, Marco-oppa. I don’t know where he is, I don’t even know if he’s alive.”

“What…what do you mean, Ae-Cha?”

“Daewon-oppa, my brother, disappeared over a year ago. He sent me a letter…” Ae-Cha leant over to the shoe-box, pulling out a small piece of paper. It was rumpled and creased, as though it had been read over and over. “This was the last thing I got from him, next thing I know my parents are calling me, stressed out of their minds because Daewon had run away. I was told to keep an eye out for him in case he tried to come visit me here in Seoul, but so far, nothing…” Ae-Cha gently handed Marco the sheet of paper, who looked up at her for permission. At her small, hardly distinguishable nod, he unfolded the paper, reading the words written on it.

Dear Choi Ae-Cha,

You know I miss you, right? I hope you’re doing well. I know your group is meant to be debuting soon. I saw your teaser picture, your hair looks great! Please be keeping healthy, I don’t want to see you doing any extreme dieting or
anything like that. My baby sister is perfect the way she is, alright?

Although I love supporting you, that isn’t the reason I’m writing. I’m writing to you because I’m confused, I don’t know what to do. I wish you were here, you were always really good at just sitting down and listening, you always helped me sort my thoughts so they made sense.

Have you ever just felt… incomplete? I feel empty recently, like I’m not all here. Like if I was a battery, I’d only be on 33% charge. I just feel…wrong, and I don’t know why.

I need to get better, and I don’t know how to.

Please call when you can, I know you’re busy, but I miss my baby sister’s voice.

Love, Choi Daewon.

Ae-Cha began speaking again when she saw Marco lift his head, her voice thick with emotion. “I called him as soon as I got the later, but he never picked up. It was an hour later when my parents called, asking if he was with me and panicking. I should have checked up on him more, called him more and made sure he was okay. I should have checked my mail sooner; I should have been a better sister to him.”

“Ae-Cha…” Marco started, his eyes wide with shock. “You don’t blame yourself for his disappearance, do you?” At Ae-Cha’s following silence, Marco sighed, getting to his feet and sitting beside her on the bed, pulling the small maknae into his arms. “It isn’t your fault. Your brother was going through some problems, there was nothing you could do about it. I’m sure he’s safe, he’ll turn up eventually.”

“What if he isn’t safe though, Marco?” Ae-Cha sobbed, her tears finally beginning to spill over. “What if he’s gone?”

Marco bit his lip, unsure of how to respond to such a question. “I’m sure he isn’t… do you want me to go and get Yuuki for you?”

“Yuuki wouldn’t understand…” She hiccupped into his shoulder.

“He would, he’s worried about you. I know he’s an idiot, but he isn’t an idiot all of the time. He knows when the time comes to be serious, you should know that better than anyone. Come on, let’s go see Yuuki and I’ll get the other to bring you some cake back from the grocery store, okay?”

Ae-Cha stayed silent for a few seconds, before nodding. “Okay… can it be ice cream cake?”

“Ice cream cake it is, I’ll call them in a second.” Marco stood, putting his hand out to help Ae-Cha to her feet, which she gratefully took with a weak smile. He gently pulled her from the room, his stomach twisting slightly at her lack of resilience. Ae-Cha would never usually let anyone pull her around by the hand, she would usually much rather drink from the toilet than feel as though anyone was controlling her.

“Yuuki-hyung,” Marco started, smiling a little at him and the startled look he gave at Ae-Cha’s teary face. “Here, she needs cuddles. She’ll explain it to you I suspect, I need to call Vann-hyung.” He gently pushed Ae-Cha over into Yuuki’s waiting arms, who instantly held her close, none of the usual mocking present in his tone has he soothed her, begging for an explanation.

Marco left the two friends alone, heading to the hallway while calling Vann, pressing the mobile to his ear.

‘Marco-ah? What’s wrong?’ The worried, brotherly voice answered after only a few rings.

“Nothing to panic over, hyung, are you guys still at the store?”

‘Unfortunately, yes.’ Vann sighed. ‘Sherlock and Hanni are currently arguing over what type of meat to get for tomorrow. Sherlock wants beef, but Hanni is determined we’re having pork. They’ve been at it for 10 minutes now.’

“Ouch, that doesn’t sound fun.” Marco smiled a little, hearing the two members arguing behind Vann. “While you’re there, would you do me a favour and grab some ice cream cake if they have any? I’ll pay you back for it of course.”

‘I’ll have a look when we finally get around there. Any particular reason ice cream cake is needed?’

“Ae-Cha isn’t feeling great, she’s upset and I promised her cake. She recommended ice cream cake…”

‘I’ll grab some. No need to pay me back, just let me know what’s going on with her when we get back, okay?’

“Deal, thanks hyung.”

‘Don’t worry about it, I’ll see you soon.’

With the final words being said, Vann hung up. Marco quickly stuffed his phone in his pocket before leaving the hallway, back into the main room where Ae-Cha was cuddled up to Yuuki on the couch, her eyes drooped as Yuuki silently played with her hair, a phone pressed against her own ear.

They sat in silence for a full 60 seconds, neither member acknowledging Marco’s presence until Ae-Cha began speaking.

“Wonnie-oppa, you didn’t pick up again… I wish you’d let us know where you are, if you’re safe…” She gave a small sniff. “Happy birthday, oppa, I miss you. I’m sorry I didn’t get in contact soon enough. I love you oppa, byebye…” She hung up the phone, wiping at her eyes while willing the tears that were forming would somehow disappear.

“Are you okay, Ae-ah?” Yuuki asked her gently, running pale fingers through her wildly coloured hair.

“I’m okay… Marco-oppa, cake?” She asked, turning towards him with curious, damp eyes.

“On its way now.”

“Thank you, oppa.” She cuddled down into Yuuki’s chest again, allowing his t-shirt to soak up the tears still on her face. “I miss Daewon so much… I have new brothers now though, and I finally have a sister… I love you all though, you know that right?”

“We know, don’t worry. Take a nap, Ae-Cha, we’ll wake you when the others get back with the cake.” Marco assured, smiling slightly.

“Thank you oppa,” she muttered, before quickly dozing off, exhausted from her tears.

Marco let out a small sigh. The past few weeks had been so emotional and draining on all of them. He’d lost track of how many breakdowns there had been. How could it get any worse?


Hi guys! The stress of being an idol is really getting to Acid Teochii, ey…

So this might be the last chapter for a while, simply because I’m doing this story and BaraHana for NaNoWriMo this year!

I’ll have a great big backlog of chapters ready for when I return in December! Wish me luck!

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Chapter 34: Can't wait until we go over to China to check up on my babies AKA HANNI, JIN AND CHO because I'm excited.
Chapter 34: *Sighs at Ae-cha*
Aiya, be respectful, maknae! I feel bad for Hope and Jin... Eesh.
I still like her better than Yue tho :P
Chapter 32: *Blinks*
Does that say Ae-Cha
Wow it does
That was unexpected
I bet she's going to do something to Yue tho
Chapter 31: My Jimin munchkin is just so adorable Anna you write her so freaking well xD
Chapter 31: -_- You actually scared me here ok
Chapter 29: Aah the pain is real
Chapter 29: Oh my Hyo *cries*