Chapter 7

Jiyong's Sandara


[Jiyong’s POV]


I stopped at her words. All Lies.


First, 'Alone' huh?


And second, what is she talking about?!?


"What are you talking about? Why is it suddenly all about me? We were talking about you, for godness’ sake, Dara!" I gripped her arm tight.


Why would she lie to me...?


Does she not trust me enough to tell me everything...? After these more than half a year we've been living together and being the closest girl to me ever since she was born...?


But again, she won't be afraid to tell me where she was and what did she do if it's not something 'wrong'...


She mumbled some words and freed herself from my grip, running upstairs... Sobbing?


What do I do now... What would I say to Seunghyun about this...




[Dara’s POV]


I packed my things into a small travel bag, just the things that's necessary. I wasn't planning to leave this house permanently, no, so I wouldn't need to bring so many things. I think I just needed some alone time... Three or four days will do...


The night came by. Quietly, I sneaked my way downstairs. Jiyong oppa must be sleeping right now... Must keep quiet, don't want to be caught red-handed by him... Especially not now, when I'm still not ready to face him...


It was so dark, from the living room to the kitchen. No single light was on, and it somehow added the feel of cold aura in this house. What are you expecting to see, Dara-yah? Babo. It's late night, of course it would be dark over here... Jiyong oppa is still sleeping upstairs...


Luckily my feet already used to walk trough these rooms, it knew right where the things are located. No worry to hit something and making noises...


"You didn't go alone this morning"


What the??!


I knocked over a table upon hearing the voice, utterly shocked. The voice was calm... But dangerous one. I stopped my step right away, totally aware of what was happening right now.


Aish... This is too dark!! I can't see anything... And it's not much of a help at this type of moment.


"Jiyong oppa... Is that you...?" I whispered slowly


"You went out with that Jaejoong oppa of yours..."


My hands froze in a failed attempt to put the unfortunate table back to its place. He... knows all along?!? How does he even know that I was out with Jaejoong?!


As if he could read my mind, he continued "I saw everything Dara-yah... I saw him walking you to the door..."


My eyes widened in horror. He knew my lies... Yet he didn't say a word about it... I do now?



"I don't know how about you, Dara..." He paused for a moment. "...but I've tried my best to keep you living happily here for the past seven months, three weeks and five days--". He stopped abruptly and let out a forced laugh "Yes, I even count every single day you've been here with me... Now you can see how pathetic I am..."


I didn't know why, but my eyes suddenly got warm at everything he was saying... He even kept track on how long I've been here, for godness' sake!


Somehow my feet found its way to the corner of the room, and my hands moved to turn on the table lamp. My heart cringed at the next thing I saw under the dim lights...


Jiyong oppa was sitting there, on the couch, staring blankly at nothing. He seemed deep in tought with a somehow twisted expression between troubled and sad...


"...really, I've tried to make you at least feel at home... Maybe you can't see it, I understand why... But I swear, I've tried with all my heart..."


A crystal clear, almost invisible tears ran down his painful eyes... His current state got me utterly speechless...


"...and in the end, no matter how much I gave my attempts, I can't even make you trust me, Dara!! What a pathetic failure, you don't even trust me enough to tell me where you have been, nor with whom you were out..!!! Remembering that I've known you since you were born..." He trailed off, more tears streamed down his face. He didn't look like he was angry at me, it was more like he was putting the blame on himself... Which pained me even more.


"...or so I thought" he finished, finally letting out a low, painful sob but still with the same blank expression


Is he...crying over me, for real? Does this mean he actually care for me all along? Without me realizing? Am I too selfish to even notice...?


Something wet landed on the back of my hands... I was unconsciously crying along with him. Since when has my hands resting on Jiyong oppa's hands...? My knuckles turned white already at the lack of blood circulation, probably because how hard my grip at his hand was


I sniffled hard "Oppa mianhae" I started. "Jeongmal mianhae... I didn't mean to hurt you like this. Please, stop crying..."


He suddenly turned to look at me right in the eyes with a sharp yet soft, caring gaze. "Look at you now. Ready with your things. You've had enough, don't you, my little rabbit?"


I fliched at his old pet name for me  "I don't! Oppa, stop talking this nonsense..."


"I've been prisoning you for too long, right? I'm too selfish for letting myself do things to you this far... And now you're going to him for comfort... You only know him for a few months, yet you trust him more..."


No... Stop please... One more word and I'll lose myself...


[Jiyong's POV]

"...and if this is what you want, and apparently the best for you, I will let you go, Dara-yah... My no-longer little rabbit, you've grown up a lot now that you don't have to be kept under my vision all the time anymore... Don't worry, I will explain everything to Seunghyun..." I smiled bitterly at my totally failed joke at the end. Yeah, if this is what you really want, I won't force you to stay here anymore, Dara... If this is what makes you happy, I'll sacrifice everything, including my happiness... The chance to always be close to you...


I took my hand off her grip (which was not that hard) and raised it to caress her flawless cheek...


My eyes shifted to her tempting plump pink lips, giving me an urge to kiss her...


 Just one first and last kiss...


[Dara's POV]

He only gave me a slight pat on the head before calling Jae to fetch me from his house, ignoring my pleads not to send me away. In less than ten minutes Jae came by and here I am, sulking by myself at the passenger seat. What have I done...?!


"Where do you want to go, Dara? You're not really planning to stay at my place, right?" Jaejoong broke the deafening silence, since I was so into my own toughts to start a conversation


"Neh" I answered, uninterested "Just drop me anywhere. I'll manage to stay somewhere"


"I don't drop a beautiful lady just 'anywhere', especially at midnight" Jaejoong chuckled. "Wanna go to Bom's?"


"Sure. And thanks Jae" I sighed "Mianhae, for bothering you at this kind of time"


"Don't be so uneasy. It's not a bother for me, really. I actually kinda happy that you rely on me this much Dara, to think that you trust me this much"


I didn't answer anymore, to tired to say a thing and quite feel bad for him. Jaejoong is a nice guy, but unfortunately he misunderstood what was actually happening right now...




I realised that I'm not that good with cliffhangers. So I re-updated it, full chapter

Anyway. I'm having a really importan exams next month... Guess I got less time to write

I always try to update regularly, but that's just impossible with these tasks on my last grade of school =_=

But still, lots of love for everyone <3 thanks for reading <3

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Authornim!!! Please update!!!
Chapter 11: Finally!!!they admitted it already!
doubleDyno #3
Chapter 11: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaahh.... >o<
finally the love is spoken ^.^
thanks authornim ^^
purple_bee #4
Chapter 11: Waaahh! Finally they confessed! More daragon moments please!
vhannie #5
Chapter 11: kyaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh...oh my gosh

kilig much...
cant wait for the next chapter
Chapter 11: Kyyyyyyaaaaaa!!! Finally finally they say dat they LOVE each other(*^▽^)/★*☆♪
alyssamaria #7
Chapter 11: Kyaaahh!!!
They love each other!!! FTW!!!
heiress #8
Chapter 11: kyaaaaaaaa!!! they confessed already! finally!! Yiiiiieeee!! <3
love it! hahahaha.

More DaraGon moments please. :)
Chapter 10: Kyyaahhh 박 산 다 라 tell him how you feel >< I hope the nding is happy Daragon fighting! ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 10: OMG I want more updates GGYYYAAAHHH this is too short