Chapter 11

Jiyong's Sandara




Sorry for making you all wait :(


[Jiyong's POV]

"You're one stupid , do you know that?" Jieun scolded me angrily as soon as Dara left the scene. I didn't know why she was angry, though. Girls are really hard to read...


"What??" I asked, totally had no idea of what she was talking about


Jieun shifted her weight on one foot as she put her hand on her hip "I've made some alone time for you guys to talk with each other. Finally you two could meet after a while! And you just had to ruin it by talking about me. Out of all the topics you could've talked about, you chose to talk about me, Ji. ME."


"Then? What's wrong with me talking about you? I wasn't badmouthing you or something, wasn't I? I talked good things about you anyway, if there's anything you would want to tell me, that should be a 'thank you'!" I argued


Jieun squeezed her eyes shut and exhaled in distress, before she whispered in much a calmer, sarcastic tone "That's the point, Ji, you stupid, dumb, insensitive creature. I'm at loss of words on what to call you now."


I blinked. Okay... I'm totally clueless about two things right now. 1) Since when does she have this habbit of cursing me, and 2) Why does she get mad when I talk good things about her (I mean, isn't it what usually girls want us, men, to do?)


Seeing no response from me, she slumped in defeat. "You don't get what I'm saying, do you?"


".....In fact, I don't" I admitted. "Elaborate?"


"She misses you, a lot--don't even try to object, I'm not done talking-- I can see it from her eyes. And she is curious about your whereabouts for this past month, she stated it herself, I heard her. You should've been able to see it... She would want to talk about you, Ji, because she worries about you, she cares for you. Unfortunately you destroyed all of that by talking about me instead. Stupid way to break her heart... You're lucky I interrupted before it got worse"


"Damn" I cursed upon realizing my insensitivity. "That didn't go troughout my mind...Are you even sure with what you're telling me? I mean, she's the one who had left for her own good, you know that. Why would she comes back now, if not only for formality?"


"Of course I'm aware of that fact, babo." Jieun pushed my head with her index fingers. "But from what you've told me, it's not her who wanted to go... It was you who push her away. This is a girl intuition, only girl can understand this. Now go explain everything to her including your feelings towards her. Or just tell her everything when you're ready... Either way would give the same result, I guess" with that, she left upstairs without taking a second glance to my confused self sitting on the couch.


What the hell. I screwed everything up, how am I supposed to fix it? Her first choice is to go explain everything to Dara now, but no way on earth I'm going to do that. It's the second choice then. But when?


An idea suddenly popped out in my mind. I quickly got my phone and start dialing numbers in rush.


"Dong Youngbae" I whispered slowly.


It wasn't long before Youngbae picked up his phone and I explained my whole ideas to him. At first he was hesitate, saying that it's a dead stupid idea and it could bring troubles to him. But then after a while of reforming my plans, he finally agreed. Probably because how desperate I sounded already...


"Now that's fine with me. But this plan has flaw, Jiyong. We have to invite Kim Jaejoong too. He's also in my dance class, Dara would notice."


I clicked my tounge and thought about some ways to get him away, but came up with nothing. "It's not something we can't handle. It won't be much of a bother if he comes too. Daesung would be there anyway to distract him... We'll manage." I finished with a victory smile plastered on my face. Gosh, I'm so smart, ain't me? Sometimes I wonder why I was born this genius. ㅋㅋㅋ. OKAY I'LL STOP BEING BIG HEADED, CUT OFF WITH THE CRITISM.


"Alright, it's decided then. I will contact the place to make reservation. You owe me a big much for this, Kwon Jiyong."


"Thanks Youngbae. I will make sure to hook you up with Jieun." I grinned widely, even though he couldn't see me.


[Dara's POV]


"What's with the sudden trip?" I questioned Bom who was sitting next to me in the bus heading to Busan (Is there any beach in Busan? LOL). She was busy texting with her phone, she didn't bother to look up to me when she answered absent-mindedly, "Dunno, Seunghyun oppa only said this has something to do with Youngbae Seonsaengnim and Jiyong"


"Seunghyun? My oppa? How come you're still in touch with him? And Jiyong? Kwon Jiyong?" I asked again, utterly confused. Why would Jiyong involved in this?


Bom's eyes widened as if she had said something wrong, "NO! Uhh.. I mean, Jiyong has that huge company and... I- I think he needs someone for the ads, so he need someone who--who can dance" she chukled awkwardly as she shifted uncomfortably on her seat.


I eyed her suspiciously. I'm not actually convinced with anything she had said... But I decided not to bug her about it, including about that one particular question she didn't answer. That doesn't really matter for now.


We arrived at the beach house an hour later, and of course the first thing everyone wanted and needed was to get some rest. I and Bom got a room on the far end of the hallways, and if Bom wasn't super sleepy now, she would've around with the organizer complaining about our room.


I won't complain a single thing, though. Despite the weird placement of the room, I was statisfied with it. There were two comfy single beds, with luxurious-looking interiors. Even the bathroom was filled with various expensieve beauty products. But my favourite of this room is the window. The window was facing straight to the beach, and I could get the view everyone would want to see.


"Bom-ah, do you want to take a walk?" I asked her, but she gave me no response. She was fast asleep on her bed. I guess this means I got plenty of alone time.


I wrote some notes for her before leaving, in case she woke up and I'm still out. Following my feet wherever it wanted to go, I ended up sitting by a pool alone. By now the sun was already setting, so people didn't just wander around especially outside.


I won't deny that I actually want to see Jiyong, knowing that he was also here with us. But what to say once we see each other? Just say 'Annyeong Jiyong oppa, how have you been?' casually? Is that even possible after I ran out his house just like that?


"You're here" a voice suddenly called out.


I turned to see who's the owner of the voice, and almost tripped when I know who's talking. I didn't know that meeting him this fast is even possible.


I awkwardly smiled, "Er... Yeah, I kind of a member of this dance club"


"Ah, right. I should've remembered" he stared at me blankly. "You used to talk a lot about the dance classes when you were still living with me."


I looked down. He talked about the past so casually like there was nothing ever gone wrong... Maybe he realized that it was plain stupid just to break down because of my rebellion?


"Yeah... I did talk about it a lot. It just excites me, first time getting a dance class at that time." I admitted.


"Then afterwards you got enrolled after passing the exam, along with your partner Jaejoong, I suppose?" Jiyong guessed.


I frowned at this. He still didn't know that I changed partner after he left. "No, it's not like that." I denied, "I changed partner, I was with Minji when I passed the exam. Jaejoong got chosen on a completely different way, he went for an audition in disguise and eventually got accepted. He wanted to show his solo talent"


Jiyong's eyes widened, and his face somehow brightened. "Jjinjja? Why did you change partner?"


"We both agreed that our concepts didn't match... So we called it off"


"I see..." Jiyong rubbed the back of his neck. He was about to say something more when suddenly Jieun appeared and tapped his back. Why is she here? She's not a member of this dance club, for all I remember... And why does she keep popping out randomly when I'm with Jiyong oppa?


"Ji, have you seen Youngbae anywhere? He said...--Omo, Dara-yah! We meet again!" Jieun yelped as soon as she saw me. I smiled at her, trying to be as warm as possible now that I have no reason to be cold towards her. I have given up on Jiyong, I keep telling myself everyday and there's no way I'll back down now.


"Ne, it's nice to meet you again Jieun-ah"


"Let's have a talk some other time, neh? I missed you soooo much, but now I have an appointment already..." She continued as she gave Jiyong a look, "Where's Youngbae?"


Jiyong rolled his eyes. He looked bored as if he had done this for many times. But in some ways, I could sense that he was much more relaxed now rather than when Jieun wasn't around. "Upstairs. Faaaaar upstairs. When he said he wanted to meet you on the pool, he was referring to the one on the rooftop, not the one here"


Jieun facepalmed herself, "Aish, that one dumb guy didn't give me details. Arasso, I better go now. Bye!" she waved and ran inside the building.


I chuckled as my eyes followed her figure that's been blocked by the gates now. Jieun's behaviour could really brighten up anyone's mood. "She's too cute, no wonder you date her oppa"


"Date her?" Jiyong raised his eyebrows. "I'm not dating Jieun, if she's the 'her' you're talking about. She has a thing for Youngbae, see? And on top of that, I don't have feeling for her either" he shrugged.


"Jinjja???" I shouted in shock


"Why so shocked?" He grinned. "Did you assume something already?"


"I thought you were dating her!" I whined, almost teared up in joy. "The media said so, you even said that you like her..."


"Whoa, whoa. Why the tears" he wiped my tears sofly using his thumbs. "I like her, as a friend of course! Why? Did my words affect you much?"


"I-I-- You were so cold, I thought you hate me" I kept crying. If Jiyong said he has no feelings for her... Do I have any chance? "And when you said you like her, I thought you like her as in you love your lover. I thought I didn't have any chance anymore... So I gave up on you. But now I am not going to lose you anymore, I like--I love you, Jiyong oppa"


Jiyong froze. He looked at me in disbelief. "You... What? And I thought you left for good... You tried to left the house because you didn't want to see me again after I trapped you in my house. You wanted to... Leave for Jaejoong. You wrote so many good things about him in your diary. You must've wanted to go for him..."


"I didn't!" I quickly replied. "I was scared because you knew I lied... I planned to leave only for one or two days, and not to Jaejoong! But you misunderstood it, so..."


"Thank god!" Jiyong suddenly pulled me in his arms and hugged me tightly. "What have I done with my life? Our misunderstandings really had put us in hard situations"


My eyes widened in shock, his actions were out of my predictions. Is he hugging me... For real??? I couldn't say anything, my feelings were overwhelming... I feel like shouting in happiness, but that would be embarrassing, so I circled my hands over his waist and hugged him back instead.


"I love you too, Dara... I always have been, I still am, and I will always love you" he kissed the top of my head.



Ta-Dah! n_n

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Authornim!!! Please update!!!
Chapter 11: Finally!!!they admitted it already!
doubleDyno #3
Chapter 11: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaahh.... >o<
finally the love is spoken ^.^
thanks authornim ^^
purple_bee #4
Chapter 11: Waaahh! Finally they confessed! More daragon moments please!
vhannie #5
Chapter 11: kyaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh...oh my gosh

kilig much...
cant wait for the next chapter
Chapter 11: Kyyyyyyaaaaaa!!! Finally finally they say dat they LOVE each other(*^▽^)/★*☆♪
alyssamaria #7
Chapter 11: Kyaaahh!!!
They love each other!!! FTW!!!
heiress #8
Chapter 11: kyaaaaaaaa!!! they confessed already! finally!! Yiiiiieeee!! <3
love it! hahahaha.

More DaraGon moments please. :)
Chapter 10: Kyyaahhh 박 산 다 라 tell him how you feel >< I hope the nding is happy Daragon fighting! ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 10: OMG I want more updates GGYYYAAAHHH this is too short