Chapter 6

Jiyong's Sandara


[Jiyong’s POV]


Finally done with the dishes.


I put away the gloves and went back to the living room, turning the TV on. My finger kept pressing the remote, changing the channels one after another. Sport, news, even girls doing fashion show in extremely revealing clothes seemed so boring... Now what do I do...


I glanced at the stairs. Maybe Dara would forgive me if I ask her for an outing? What about shopping? Girls love shopping, right?


Grinning, I quickly climbed the stairs and skidded to a stop in front of Dara's room feeling excited. Now I'm acting like a children. Seriously Ji, you really need to stop doing these kind of things. You're 20, duh =_=. I dusted invisible dusts from my shoulder and straightened the ugly wrinkles that formed on my shirt before grabbing the doorknob casually


"Don't worry, I really don't mind it. I'm not doing anything at the moment... In fact I was about to call you just right when you called me" Dara's voice faintly coming out of the door, barely audible enough for me to hear


Huh? So she's talking with someone? Maybe I just need to ask her later... I'll be leaving now... She needs her privacy and all...


...Or no.


Might as well continue listening. ㅋㅋㅋ^^. Curious enough about who's she talking with, since she sounded so happy. I took my hand off the doorknob and pressed my ear flat to the door, trying to listen more


"Yeah... such... a coincidence" Dara's voice sounded hesitant, as if she was waiting for something. I held my breath, must.not.get.caught.


 There was a long pause before Dara continued talking "I don't think it would be a good idea..." She trailed off. What?? What idea?!?


"Fine then~ I'll go get changing now. Be there in 10 minutes!" She chirped happily. Is she going to go somewhere? With who?! What about our our date??? Er... Outing. I meant our outing. I quickly ran into my room, noticing that she could get out of her room anytime soon




[Dara’s POV]


"Oppa" I smiled cheerfully as I stepped into the café. Jaejoong was sitting with one leg on top another, playing with his metallic light blue laptop which was lying peacefully on the table.


Jaejoong looked up to me and smiled "Just at the right time. Look, I found this video. Do you think this will match our concept? I personally think this is perfect!" He said as he pushed his laptop towards me. I sat down facing him, watching the video titled "Troublemaker". It was shown on the screen, a good-looking man dancing ever-so-dangerously-close with a blonde hot girl in a very revealing dress.


Truth to be told, the girl's moves were making me feel kinda uneasy.


How am I going to do these moves??? Like seriously... Crawling on the floor that way, bending down showing ABSOLUTELY NO.


How come someone as innocent as Jaejoong found this kind of video?!? Not to mention watching it all AND suggesting me to do THIS?!?


I awkwardly chuckled and pushed the laptop back to him. "I'm not sure... I prefer an easy and relaxing dance, I won't mind if the moves are difficult, but this just..."


Jae seemed down a bit, but then he beamed "This is supposed to be easy! I'll teach you! Really, this isn't as difficult as what you think it would be, just trust me" he grinned, his brown orbs almost begging at me


I looked anywhere but his eyes. Yes, I might be able to do it if he teaches me, but the moves are way too far from my comfort... Now how much I regret coming here =_= What do I do now???


...If only Jiyong oppa was really my partner, he would've heard my opinion first and it would be easier for me to decline the dances I don't want! Or else Seunghyun oppa would kick his . /evil laugh/


I'm not placing Jaejoong as a bad guy now. Jaejoong is a good guy with many consideration. But I must admit that he could be a little bit pushy sometimes.


"Uhm... I guess... That's fine..." I finally agreed half-heartedly.




"Where were you Dara-ah?" Jiyong's frown greeted me when I was back from the cafè with Jaejoong. Fortunately Jae had left already before Jiyong oppa opened the door... I had to give a little 'encouragement' for him to leave, so that Ji oppa won't see him. He left right on time, or else Jiyong oppa would freak out again...


Wait, what's wrong anyway if he sees Jae oppa walking me home?


"Somewhere" I shrugged and walked into the house, trying to avoid any eye contact


"Yah! Don't walk out on me when I'm talking to you" he said as he grabbed my arm, almost harshly


"Oppa, let go" I struggled as I kept walking inside "I went somewhere to do some important bussiness, okay? Now let go"


"With whom?" He loosened up his grip a bit, looking at me intently as if he wanted to swallow me whole




"What kind of important busines?"


Just damn.


I only wanted to go out to forget the problems we were having... But now they're just coming back at me twice--No, three times-- as much...


"...Alone! Why do you care anyway? Isn't it better if I'm not here oppa-ing you all the time?? Isn't that exactly what you want?!?" I yelled. Much to my surprise.


Jiyong froze, startled at my sudden outburst... Or so I thought.


"What are you talking about? Why is it suddenly all about me? We were talking about you, for godness' sake, Dara!" His grip at my arm tightened to the point I thought it would stop my blood circulation


"Jiyong oppa, let go, it hurts!" I screamed in a failed attempt to claw his hand off my arm. He didn't budge even a bit. His gaze was stern, with an expression between upset and angry plastered on his face


His stern eyes, that's not Jiyong oppa's... The look that scares me the most...


"Stop it, you're hurting me!" I finally managed to yank his hand off, running upstairs... Letting out the tears that had been gathering in my eyes without me realizing


I locked myself in my room, crying for what seemed like hours. Who was that..? That wasn't not Jiyong oppa. Oppa isn't this scary... He might be cold, but he never scares me...! Who was he...???


I can't... I can't live with this Jiyong oppa anymore... I just can't... 



Hey guys I'm baaack!

Taking about a century just for an update... LOL Mianhaeyo TT_TT

But at least I'm back, right?????? :3

Thank you for reading!!! And for subscribing. Lots of love for all of you <3

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Authornim!!! Please update!!!
Chapter 11: Finally!!!they admitted it already!
doubleDyno #3
Chapter 11: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaahh.... >o<
finally the love is spoken ^.^
thanks authornim ^^
purple_bee #4
Chapter 11: Waaahh! Finally they confessed! More daragon moments please!
vhannie #5
Chapter 11: kyaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh...oh my gosh

kilig much...
cant wait for the next chapter
Chapter 11: Kyyyyyyaaaaaa!!! Finally finally they say dat they LOVE each other(*^▽^)/★*☆♪
alyssamaria #7
Chapter 11: Kyaaahh!!!
They love each other!!! FTW!!!
heiress #8
Chapter 11: kyaaaaaaaa!!! they confessed already! finally!! Yiiiiieeee!! <3
love it! hahahaha.

More DaraGon moments please. :)
Chapter 10: Kyyaahhh 박 산 다 라 tell him how you feel >< I hope the nding is happy Daragon fighting! ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 10: OMG I want more updates GGYYYAAAHHH this is too short