Chapter 2

Jiyong's Sandara


[Dara's POV]

            I opened my eyes lazily and stared at the ceiling. Ah, I must’ve fallen asleep last night after crying over Jiyong (T_T). I was wondering if he’s still mad of me...? Maybe I have to make it up to him… Yeah, a nice breakfast without using the stove won’t burn the kitchen, right? I chuckled upon that thought and sat up. “GOOD MORNING SANDARA!!” I yelled to myself as I stretched up and rubbed my eyes with my hands… Wait, last time I remembered my hand still had the cuts undone, where did these band-aids come from…?




            Could it be… with all possibilities… Jiyong :D?! A smile crept upon my face at the thought, and I could feel a wave of warmth sneaked into my chest. There’s no one other than us in this house, it must be him… He must be come into my room last night… So he actually cared, huh…? Well, just this once, I’ll forgive him for trespassing into my room again…

            I walked into the bathroom with a huge grin plastered on my face, today is gonna be a very beautiful day~


[3rd person's POV]

            Dara walked downstairs after a long morning bath, and she spotted Jiyong on the couch watching TV. Jiyong seemed not to notice her presence, so silently, she tip-toed to the kitchen. Just as what she planned, she was going to make a simple breakfast as a surprise for Jiyong as an apologize…

            “Where are you going?” a voice suddenly asked out of nowhere

            Dara froze right at her spot, and turned facing Jiyong. Damn, I caught! “Umm, I… I want to get water! You know, this weather makes us thirsty even in the morning, right?” she made an excuse and waving her hand to the side as if she felt too hot, with a slight smile

            Jiyong’s brow raised “I didn’t know that winter air felt hot for you…?” he smirked and put his thumb on the side of his lips “No, you’re not going to my kitchen anymore, you little skeleton”

            “Skeleton…?” Dara chuckled

            “Yeah, since you’re so thin, just like a skeleton” Jiyong said with his pokerface

            Dara’s smile dropped “So funny” and she stomped her feet towards the stairs like a little girl, earning a loud laugh from Jiyong

            Omo, is he really laughing…? It’s my first time hearing him laugh! Dara thought

            Jiyong stood up and followed her, grabbed her hand to prevent her from walking upstairs “Yah, I was just kidding” he said still half-laughing. “Let’s just go grab some breakfast outside. You choose the place, my treat?”

            Dara’s smile came across her face “Jinjja?” she asked, again with her 5-years-old-girl side

            “Jinjja. Now put a thick jacket, its cold outside” Jiyong tapped her shoulders and pushed her towards her room’s direction


[Dara's POV]

            Omo!! He just asked me to go out with him!! What should I wear now? I have to looks nice in front of him… I opened my dressing room and start looking trough racks of dresses and clothes… Hmm, this one is out-of-fashion… This? Makes me looks old… This dress? too long… This one? Too short! Awww where’s the perfect clothes?

            Just then, my eyes caught a very pretty blue dress. That one!! I grabbed the dress and put it on with a white cardigan. I took a last look on the mirror, really, I think I looked perfect!

            With a simple pony-tailed hairstyle, I walked back to the living room where Jiyong had waited for me. I smiled to him, but he seemed out of earth…

            “Jiyong? I’m ready” I said, and he snapped back into reality

            “What are you wearing? It’s cold outside! Put something thicker” he ordered me

            “But… I like this one! I’m sure it won’t be that cold outside” I set out puppy eyes of mine

            Jiyong sighed deeply “Just don’t blame me if you got cold later”

            “I won’t!!” I said happily. “Now let’s go to the Ice Cream Parlor near here, you know, the one across the road” I grabbed his hand and led him out the door

            “Its winter yet you want Ice Cream as your breakfast…?”

            “Neh! You let me choose and I chose. Ppalli!” I urged. He just followed me in silent, but without me realizing, our hands still intertwined with each others


[Jiyong's POV]

            Seriously, this girl is really a weirdo. Its freaking winter and she dragged me to the Ice Cream Parlor for breakfast. It’s true that I let her choose wherever she wants for a nice breakfast, but I never expected that this place would be her choice…

Well, aside of that weird behavior of her, I must admit that she looks really beautiful with that dress… I even got speechless while staring at her earlier…. God, Jiyong, what have gotten into you….? No no no, I didn’t think that she’s beautiful, lalalalalalalala………..

            We went to the cashier to order some… breakfast. She eyed the Ice Creams intently, deciding what to eat…

            “What do you want…?” I watched her in awe. How could a girl got amused easily just by Ice Cream…?

            “Umm… I want a scoop of Strawberry, a scoop of Melon-Mint, and jelly as the topping… Oh, wait, put a scoop of Orange-Beach on it too…!” she answered excitedly. How does a thin girl like her could eat all of those Ice Creams…?!

            “You heard her” I ordered the waitress lazily

            “What about you?” Dara said looking at me

            “I’m not a weirdo to eat Ice Cream as my breakfast…” I answered suppressing my chuckles as a cute pout came across her face

            “Okay sir, so three scoops of Ice Creams with Jelly Topping. Totals 6 dollars” the waitress smiled. “But for couples, you got 50% off so it would be 3”

            I saw Dara’s eyes widened in surprise “Anieyo… we’re not….”

            “Oooh this shop really knows how to amuse couples, right baby?” I cut her and when I took my wallet from my pocket, I just realized that my hand had been intertwined with hers all along. I felt a blush crept upon my face… C’mon Jiyong, take a grip on yourself… It’s just a simple holding hand… Why am I blushing….!!

            I quickly looked away and put the money on the counter, earning a questionably looks from Dara. Luckily the waitress distracted her

            “Thank you sir, and this is your Ice Cream, miss” the waitress said smiling holding out Dara’s Ice Cream which she took by granted. A wide grin plastered on her face, totally forgot about couple thingy. “C’mon Jiyong Oppa, let’s eat over there…!” she grabbed my arm and dragged me to a booth outside the store. Why does she keep dragging me over and over…?!

            “Do you want some, Oppa?” Dara giggled and held a spoon for me

            “…” I eyed the spoon considerably

            “Don’t want to? That’s okay” she giggled again like a child and put a spoonful of Ice Cream into , savoring the flavor blissfully. And she took another spoon, but I was fast enough to grab the spoon from her and stuck it inside my mouth

            “Hmm, you’re right, It’s delicious” I smirked at her pouts

            “Use your own spoon!” she snatched the spoon away from my hand as she stuck her tongue out and dug into her Ice cream, then quickly put it into before I could grab it again. “Aish! Brain freeze!” she squeezed her eyes shut and held onto

            “Aish this girl, eat slowly you Ice Cream disaster” I rolled my eyes, she was just smiling



Okay, so...... How was it????

I know, such a short update right? T_T

Well, did I let you down guys T_T?

I took too much time too update, mianhaeyo :"(

But finally I updated this long-forgotten story!!! I'm so happy >_<

Thank you for sparing your time to read my story! I really appreciate it! ^^

Comments are loved!!! heart

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Authornim!!! Please update!!!
Chapter 11: Finally!!!they admitted it already!
doubleDyno #3
Chapter 11: Kyaaaaaaaaaaaahh.... >o<
finally the love is spoken ^.^
thanks authornim ^^
purple_bee #4
Chapter 11: Waaahh! Finally they confessed! More daragon moments please!
vhannie #5
Chapter 11: kyaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh...oh my gosh

kilig much...
cant wait for the next chapter
Chapter 11: Kyyyyyyaaaaaa!!! Finally finally they say dat they LOVE each other(*^▽^)/★*☆♪
alyssamaria #7
Chapter 11: Kyaaahh!!!
They love each other!!! FTW!!!
heiress #8
Chapter 11: kyaaaaaaaa!!! they confessed already! finally!! Yiiiiieeee!! <3
love it! hahahaha.

More DaraGon moments please. :)
Chapter 10: Kyyaahhh 박 산 다 라 tell him how you feel >< I hope the nding is happy Daragon fighting! ㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 10: OMG I want more updates GGYYYAAAHHH this is too short