Chapter 6

Shattered Heart
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Myungsoo looked at the slender body that was lying beside him. The white bandage covered the blonde’s beautiful eyes. Myungsoo ran his fingers along the bandage and then made his way to caress the blonde’s hair. 

“What are you doing, Myungsoo?” muttered Sungjong.
“You’re awake?”

Sungjong smiled and then he spoke again, “With my eyes being covered like this, you wouldn’t know whether I am awake or not, right?”

Myungsoo chuckled before he shifted closer to his lover. He snuggled up to Sungjong.

“Love you, babe.”
“Love you too, Myungie.”
“Still hurt?”
“Eh? What do you mean?”
“You know...there.”

Sungjong blushed when he realised what Myungsoo meant. Then, he shook his head.

“No. It doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Sungjong nodded at him. Then, Myungsoo sat up.

“Well, let’s open your bandage. Doctor said that we could open it in the morning.”

Sungjong slowly sat up too. He felt Myungsoo’s hand in his head, carefully opening the bandage. After the bandage had been removed, Sungjong felt the light hit his still closed eyes.

“Now, open your eyes slowly.”

Sungjong did as he was told. He opened his eyes very slowly. Like that time, Sungjong’s sight was blurred at first; but seconds later, he could see Myungsoo’s face clearly.

“I can see you now, Myungie.”
“You can? Oh, thank God. Now, where’s the eyedrop?”
“Mm...There, on your left.”

Myungsoo turned his head to the left and saw the eyedrop on his bedside table. He took it and looked at Sungjong again.

“Now look up, please.”

Sungjong looked up and Myungsoo moved closer to him. He opened the cap and carefully dropped the content into Sungjong’s eyes, one by one.

“Well, that’s it.”

Myungsoo put the eyedrop back onto its previous place. When he turned around again, Sungjong’s face suddenly had appeared in front of him, so close. Then, the blonde kissed him on the lips. Myungsoo was really surprised by Sungjong’s action just now. Though, the kiss didn’t last long. After Sungjong pulled back, Myungsoo felt his face redden and his eyes widen.

“Thanks, Myungie. Because of you, I don’t feel desperate anymore.”

Somehow, with his eyes sparkling because of the eyedrop’s effect and the sun was shining through the curtain, Myungsoo thought that Sungjong looked like an angel right now. Then, when Sungjong smiled at him, Myungsoo pulled the blonde into his embrace.


Myungsoo didn’t say anything. He only tightened his embrace and caressed Sungjong’s back. Sungjong felt confused, but he leant into Myungsoo’s embrace and smiled again.

“I don’t know why I’m feeling like this. When I see your angelic figure, I really feel guilty because I’ve hurt you. I’ve hurt you, and you still have no idea about it at all. I’m afraid of losing you. I’m so scared that if I told you the truth, you would leave me. I love you. I want to love you. I don’t know why, though. But I’m still not sure about my true feelings for you. If you weren’t the one who was hurt because of me, would have I even done this for you now? Am I just doing this because I feel responsible for you?“ Words that been in Myungsoo's mind.



Hoya looked at his mobile phone that was vibrating now. He put his pen down and reached out to the device. He got a text message from Dongwoo. Curiously, he read the message. 

Hey, look out the window. Now.

Still with a confused face, Hoya stood up and walked towards his window. He opened it and then saw that Dongwoo was standing outside his house. He waved his hand at Hoya and made a gesture so that Hoya would come down to him. Hoya nodded and then went out from his bedroom. Passing the living room, his father called out to him.

“Where are you going, Hoya?”
“Eh...convenience store Abeoji. I need to buy my banana milk i got thirsty all of a sudden.”

Hoya knew that if he told his father about Dongwoo, he wouldn’t give him permission to go out. Yes, Hoya’s father was strict when it came to his son’s friends. Amongst all of Hoya’s friends, it was only Sungjong whom he would welcome nicely in their house. Hoya didn’t know what his father would say if he saw Dongwoo with him. Therefore, he decided to lie to his father, instead of telling him the truth. 

“Okay. Just don’t take too long.”
“Yes, Abeoji.”

Then Hoya walk faster in the front door.

“Weird i knew we still got lots of banana milk on the fridge“ Hoya father said to himself.

Hoya then opened the front door. He closed the door again and made sure that his father didn’t peek on him. Dongwoo was going to greet Hoya when suddenly, Hoya pulled the smaller boy’s hand.

“Hoya? Where are we going?”
“We can’t talk here. Let’s go to the park.”

Dongwoo followed Hoya who was still holding his hand to the park. They arrived there five minutes later and sat down on the bench under the tree.

“Well, what’s up?”

Hoya’s question reminded him of his original intention. Then without any obvious reason, Dongwoo’s face turned red. Hoya furrowed his eyebrows.

“Are you sick, Dongwoo?”
“Eh? No, I mean...No, I’m fine. Hahaha...”

Dongwoo scratched his head and grinned stupidly. 

“uhmm, I can’t stay with you for long this time. My father didn’t allow me to. So I think it’d be better if you told me what you wanted to say immediately.”

Hoya waited for Dongwoo to say something. For the next minutes, Dongwoo still didn’t say anything. But when Hoya was about to speak again, Dongwoo had interrupted him first.

“Hoya, I...”

Somehow, Dongwoo spoke with a wavered voice. It just made Hoya chuckle.

“What, Dongwoo? It’s so unlike you.”
“IthinkIfeeldeeplyinlovewithyouhoya.” Dongwoo said in one breath 

Hoya choked by his own laughter after he heard Dongwoo blurt out those words. Yes, although Dongwoo had spoken them in one breath, Hoya could still get what the other meant. Dongwoo’s face was really, really red by now. Hoya’s wasn’t much different. After what seemed like an eternity, finally Hoya broke the silence.

“Mm...Well, thanks?”
“Thanks? ...Oh, yes. I understand.”

Dongwoo looked a bit disappointed. That was when Hoya realised that he made a mistake by thanking him. 

“No. I mean thanks because you feel

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dianaaalojong #1
Chapter 1: your story is wonderful I love it
Chapter 8: Oh my god...that last sentence!!! Arghhh so sweettt
Chapter 9: I'm glad they together again yay. I love it so much. /whisper cannot wait for your new story/ hehee
Chapter 6: awww exactly like my mom
though i never had with anyone
its just about crush

thats not important tho u can now scroll down
Chapter 9: Omg so cuute thank u thank u, for completing this lovely fic <3
I luv u <3 <3
Chapter 8: yeayyy!!! happy ending!!! it's cliché but this happens often.. it's only when you're at the tip of losing someone you will realise how much you love them.. myungsoo is lucky he found sungjong alive and able to be with him again..
Chapter 7: What why ??
I hope a Myungjong nice happy ending
ArmytaLKim #8
Chapter 6: wkwkwkwk, sungjong's mother is so funny..
Chapter 5: Asddsfsfs that bed scene was too much for me >3<
Update soon friend!!
Chapter 4: Omg that was sweet
Wookyu are so cute
I will wait your next update <3 <3