Chapter 3

Shattered Heart
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“Please, quit it already.”


Sungjong pushed Myungsoo away that made the older boy furrow his eyebrows. 


“Jongie? I’m sorry.”
“Enough, I don’t want to hear it anymore.”
“But, Sungjong. Please give me one more chance. Sungjongie.”
“I said enough, Kim Myungsoo!”


Sungjong now stood up but then Myungsoo followed his action. 


“I have known about this for so long, Myungsoo. Before I read your diary. Since that day. When you all gathered in my room whilst the doctor checked me up. When you all had a debate about me. I have known, Myungsoo.”


Myungsoo couldn’t say anything as he saw the tears gather in Sungjong’s eyes.


“However, I pretended that it never happened. That you are not the cause of my accident. That you told me the truth when you confessed your feelings for me. I...I love you, Myungsoo. I really do, always.”


Myungsoo felt heavy inside his stomach. He couldn’t look into the younger boy’s eyes.


“ could you do this to me, Myungsoo?”


The heavy feeling within his stomach felt heavier as Myungsoo realised that he was crying now. He bowed his head whilst the tears fell down to the floor. His shoulders shook hard and he was sure that Sungjong could hear him sob very clearly. Sungjong stepped forward to Myungsoo, taking the other boy’s chin so that Myungsoo could face him. Sungjong smiled at him but Myungsoo knew that the blonde forced his smile to appear on his lips.


“...Goodbye, Myungsoo. I love you.”


After that, Sungjong left him alone in his apartment. Myungsoo did nothing until he realised that he must chase Sungjong. Myungsoo quickly ran towards his front door and found that the younger boy didn’t even bother to put his shoes on. Sungjong’s shoes were still on his shoes rack. Myungsoo opened his apartment door but Sungjong was nowhere to be seen. 



3 months ago...

“Now, open your eyes slowly. Yes, like that.”


Sungjong did what the doctor said to him. Slowly, he could feel the light hit his eyes.


“Well, how are you feeling, Sungjong?”
“Can you see your mother beside you?”


Sungjong turned his head and could see the blurry figure of his mother. Nevertheless, slowly the figure became clearer. Sungjong could see the smile on his mother’s lips.



Sungjong’s mother smiled happily and she pulled her son into her embrace. The blonde smiled too and then he wrapped his hands around his mother. He felt his mother’s tears soak up into his shirt. Then, Sungjong saw Myungsoo stand behind his mother.



Last Night...


“I love you, Lee Sungjong.”


Sungjong was stunned upon hearing Myungsoo’s confession for him. Subconsciously, he gripped the bed sheet tightly until his knuckle became white. Myungsoo couldn’t see Sungjong’s expression because of the bandage that covered Sungjong’s eyes.


“Sungjong? Are you okay?”


Slowly, Sungjong nodded that made Myungsoo feel relieved. The dark-haired boy wasn’t sure what he should do now. Then, Sungjong talked to him, “...I ...I love you too, Myungsoo.”


Myungsoo could see the smile on Sungjong’s lips slowly appear. He could even see Sungjong’s face turn red. Hesitantly, Myungsoo pulled the smaller boy into his embrace, which made the blonde respond to his embrace.


“I’ll always be by your side, Sungjong. Don’t worry.”
“Thank you.”


Sungjong placed his head on Myungsoo’s chest and inhaled his lover’s scent.

“Lee Sungjong can leave the hospital now. Are you happy, Sungjong?”


Sungjong released his mother’s embrace and faced the doctor again. He nodded and smiled widely. After that, they left the doctor’s room and went to Sungjong’s room. Sungjong’s mother led the way whilst Sungjong and Myungsoo followed behind her, hand-in-hand. When they reached the room, Sunggyu, Woohyun and Hoya had been waiting for them.




Woohyun practically jumped out to Sungjong’s body and laughed happily.


“Woohyun hyung, I missed you so much.”
“I missed you too, Sungjongie!”
“Hey, hey. You two are acting like you’ve never seen each other for years.”


Woohyun and Sungjong laughed together hearing Sunggyu’s sentence. Sungjong approached the older boy and smiled at him.


“How are you, Sunggyu hyung? Oh, more likely: how am I, hyung? Were you longing for my beautiful eyes? Well, now you can see them again.”


Sunggyu chuckled as he hugged the younger boy. Hoya approached Sungjong when the two boys released their hug. 


“Sungjong, I’m glad to see your eyes again.”
“Hoya hyung.”


Now was Hoya’s turn to get a hug from Sungjong. They released each other when Mrs. Lee told her son that his belongings now had been full packed and they were ready to leave the hospital. She walked out first, waiting for her son in the car park whilst the kids followed her one by one. Hoya first, followed by Sunggyu and Woohyun. When Sunggyu held the doorknob, waiting for the rest of them to leave the room, Myungsoo glanced at him and tried to give a sign that he could leave first. Sunggyu nodded a bit and then left the room. Now, Sungjong and Myungsoo were alone. Myungsoo held Sungjong’s hand and made the younger boy face him.


“Sungjong, are you happy now?”


Sungjong furrowed his eyebrows but then he smiled confusedly.


“Of course, I am. Why’d you ask?”
“Never mind. I’m glad to see you happy.”
“Myungsoo hyung...”


Sungjong reached his hand out to touch Myungsoo’s cheek. Then, Myungsoo held Sungjong’s hand on his cheek, slowly leaning forward. Sungjong could feel Myungsoo’s breath on his face as their faces drew closer. The dark-haired teen leant down to kiss Sungjong’s right eye, and then he did the same to the left one. He touched the blonde’s cheek too and gently brushed their lips together.


Sungjong had never felt this sensation before. Shyly, he moved his lips against Myungsoo’s. Myungsoo’s hand now was placed on the back of his neck to deepen their kiss. The blonde could feel Myungsoo’s stud against his lower lip; he could feel the taller boy’s tongue his lips, begging for entrance. Sungjong slipped his tongue out to play with Myungsoo’s stud for a brief moment before he opened his mouth, giving the older boy’s tongue permission to explore his mouth.


Myungsoo could taste the sweetness of Sungjong’s warm mouth. On the other hand, Sungjong could feel Myungsoo’s tongue roam inside his mouth skilfully. The blonde made a soft noise at the back of his throat and that just made Myungsoo deepen their kiss even more. Finally, they broke the kiss, gasping for air. They were panting heavily whilst still looking into each other’s eyes. Myungsoo could see Sungjong’s lips swell red thanked to their passionate kiss earlier. Still an inch away from Sungjong’s lips, Myungsoo whispered to him, “I love you, Sungjong. Now, let’s go home.”


Myungsoo gave Sungjong a chaste kiss before finally, they made a move towards the door and walked out of the room, hand-in-hand again.


“...Thank you so much, Myungie.”


Sungjong smiled widely as he tightened his grip on Myungsoo’s.

The sweet taste of Myungsoo’s soft lips still lingered on Sungjong’s. As the blonde lay down on his bed, he smiled widely whilst reminiscing about the sweet moment back in the hospital. His reverie was interrupted as he heard a knock on his door. Then, he heard his mother’s voice.


“Jongie, honey. There’s a phone call for you, darling.”


His mother opened the door and entered the room. The phone was in her hand. 


“From who?”


Sungjong saw the smile on his mother’s lips as he received the phone. Then, Sungjong placed the phone on his ear.





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dianaaalojong #1
Chapter 1: your story is wonderful I love it
Chapter 8: Oh my god...that last sentence!!! Arghhh so sweettt
Chapter 9: I'm glad they together again yay. I love it so much. /whisper cannot wait for your new story/ hehee
Chapter 6: awww exactly like my mom
though i never had with anyone
its just about crush

thats not important tho u can now scroll down
Chapter 9: Omg so cuute thank u thank u, for completing this lovely fic <3
I luv u <3 <3
Chapter 8: yeayyy!!! happy ending!!! it's cliché but this happens often.. it's only when you're at the tip of losing someone you will realise how much you love them.. myungsoo is lucky he found sungjong alive and able to be with him again..
Chapter 7: What why ??
I hope a Myungjong nice happy ending
ArmytaLKim #8
Chapter 6: wkwkwkwk, sungjong's mother is so funny..
Chapter 5: Asddsfsfs that bed scene was too much for me >3<
Update soon friend!!
Chapter 4: Omg that was sweet
Wookyu are so cute
I will wait your next update <3 <3