Chapter 5

Shattered Heart
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Sungjong entered the bookstore and walked towards the section he wanted to see. Without any reason, he turned his head side to side, making sure that nobody saw him in this section. Then, Sungjong picked up a magazine in front of him. Quickly, Sungjong opened the page that had an article about ‘What will happen after you had with your lover?’

“Wow, this may help.”

About ten minutes he read the article, Sungjong could only find many opinions involving ‘hurt’, ‘break up’, ‘just once in a lifetime’, ‘never again’, or ‘you had better not do it’. 

“Oh, no...This just makes me feel worse. Is having really that bad?”

Unsure of what to do, Sungjong then bought the magazine and walked out from the bookstore. His mind was filled by the thoughts of what would happen if he had with Myungsoo until he didn’t realise that said boy had stood across the road. Myungsoo called out his name, and Sungjong lifted his head up and saw Myungsoo wave his hand at him.

“Hyung? What is he doing here?”

Sungjong put the magazine inside his bag, and then walked to Myungsoo. He quickly made his way to the zebra cross as he realised that the traffic light was red now. Myungsoo across the road saw that there were a few numbers of pedestrian who wanted to cross the way as well. Sungjong was at the very the back of the line. He crossed the way when the traffic light turned yellow. Sungjong fastened his pace when suddenly, he halted in the middle of the road. There was no more pedestrian who crossed the way, and Myungsoo could see that Sungjong just stood still there. The traffic light now turned green and many cars were blaring their klaxons because Sungjong was still there blocking the way. Myungsoo suddenly knew what was happening and he made his way towards Sungjong. He pulled the blonde to the side of the road after receiving some curses from the drivers. 

“Sungjong, is it happening again?”

Sungjong remained silent, and then Myungsoo talked to him again.

“I’ll bring you to the hospital now.”

Sungjong didn’t protest when Myungsoo held his hand. Sungjong could hear Myungsoo decided to get a taxi for them. Then, he heard a sound of the taxi stop in front of them. Myungsoo helped Sungjong get on the taxi first. He felt the other boy sit next to him and heard the taxi door being closed. 

“Where do you want to go, Sir?”
“To the nearest Hospital, please.”

For around 15 minutes, neither of them spoke. Then, Sungjong broke the silence.


Myungsoo didn’t answer. Sungjong tried again.

“Myungie, are you angry with me?”
“No. Why should I be, anyway?”
“But you didn’t say anything to me.”

Myungsoo sighed and then turned his head to Sungjong.

“...Yes, Sungjong. I’m angry with you. I’m angry because you didn’t tell me that you wanted to go somewhere alone. For God’s sake, Jongie. The car could’ve hit you if I weren’t there for you! That’s why I forbid you to go anywhere just by yourself! Anything could happen, Lee Sungjong! And I don’t want anything bad happen to you.”

Sungjong didn’t expect that Myungsoo would burst out. He didn’t expect that the dark-haired boy would be so furious at him. That made him become unable to hold his tears back. He was so scared when Myungsoo was angry with him. He bowed his head and his shoulders were shaking because of his sobbing. Somehow, Myungsoo could hear that the blonde mutter something between his sobs.

“...I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to. I’m sorry, Hyung.”

Myungsoo couldn’t win to the sight in front of him, and then he pulled the blonde into his embrace. He brushed his fingers through the younger boy’s hair, whilst Sungjong was soaking his tears up into Myungsoo’s uniform. 

“I’m sorry, Sungjong. Don’t cry anymore. You know, I’m just worried about your safety. Now, don’t cry.”

Myungsoo released the boy from his embrace and wiped the tears away from Sungjong’s eyes. Sungjong was still sobbing quietly.

“Now, can you see me?”

Sungjong shook his head.

“No. I can only see darkness, Myungie.”

That would be the last thing Myungsoo wanted to hear in the world. The temporary blind was lasting longer than ever this time. Subconsciously, Myungsoo tightened his grip on Sungjong’s hand. He wasn’t ready if Sungjong really got blind this time. As his mind drifted around, suddenly they had arrived in hospital. Myungsoo paid for the taxi and then brought Sungjong inside the white building in front of them. After filling the registration paper, they waited for their turn. 10 minutes later, the nurse called Sungjong’s name. Myungsoo helped Sungjong walk into the doctor’s room. As they entered the room, the same doctor who had taken care of Sungjong back then was sitting on his chair, waiting for the blond boy. 

“Ah,  Lee Sungjong-ssi, It's been a while now. How are your eyes?”

Myungsoo pulled the chair out for Sungjong as he sat down next to the blonde. 

“Seonsaeng-nim, actually...There’s a problem with Sungjong’s eyes. He often gets temporary blind.”
“Oh. Well, may I see your eyes?”

The doctor moved from his chair as he approached Sungjong with a small flashlight in his hand. Carefully, he opened Sungjong’s eyes one by one, as he directed the light into them. He returned to his chair and looked at Myungsoo.

“How many times has it happened to him?”

The doctor nodded as he scribbled something on his clipboard.

“The accident has affected his eyes more than I’d expected before. Especially his right eye. There was a possibility that Lee Sungjong-ssi could get blind, if you didn’t bring him here right after the accident happened. Furthermore, the effect could be minimised if he used the eyedrop I’ve given him. However, are you sure he uses it routinely?”

Myungsoo glanced at Sungjong who just stayed quiet. Then, he looked back at the doctor.

“I...think so. Why?”

When the doctor wanted to speak again, Sungjong interrupted him, “No, Seonsaeng-nim. For the last two weeks, I didn’t use it anymore.”

Myungsoo’s eyes widened hearing Sungjong’s confession. The doctor shook his head when suddenly, Myungsoo grabbed the blonde’s shoulders.

“You’re joking, right, Sungjong?”

Myungsoo’s face fell as he saw the blonde in front of him slowly shaking his head. Then he remembered, the first time Sungjong got the temporary blind was two weeks ago. After that, he sometimes got it again. However, Myungsoo had never thou

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dianaaalojong #1
Chapter 1: your story is wonderful I love it
Chapter 8: Oh my god...that last sentence!!! Arghhh so sweettt
Chapter 9: I'm glad they together again yay. I love it so much. /whisper cannot wait for your new story/ hehee
Chapter 6: awww exactly like my mom
though i never had with anyone
its just about crush

thats not important tho u can now scroll down
Chapter 9: Omg so cuute thank u thank u, for completing this lovely fic <3
I luv u <3 <3
Chapter 8: yeayyy!!! happy ending!!! it's cliché but this happens often.. it's only when you're at the tip of losing someone you will realise how much you love them.. myungsoo is lucky he found sungjong alive and able to be with him again..
Chapter 7: What why ??
I hope a Myungjong nice happy ending
ArmytaLKim #8
Chapter 6: wkwkwkwk, sungjong's mother is so funny..
Chapter 5: Asddsfsfs that bed scene was too much for me >3<
Update soon friend!!
Chapter 4: Omg that was sweet
Wookyu are so cute
I will wait your next update <3 <3