Chapter 1

Shattered Heart
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I want to see him smile. I don’t want to see him cry anymore. Neither do I want to hurt him. I want to convince my make sure that my love is always just for him. But I can’t…Is it love? Or is it just sympathy?

Sungjong placed the diary on the bedside table in front of him. He couldn’t hold back his tears anymore. As if on cue, they rolled down his cheeks freely. His body was trembling hard as he knelt down on the floor and cried uncontrollably.

3 months ago…


“Myungsoo, hurry up!”
“Wait a minute!”


Myungsoo was tidying up the chemistry laboratory as he heard Hoya call out his name. The chemistry class was over; and now, Myungsoo had a mischievous idea involving the chemical stuff that was going to be used by the next class.


“Hahaha…Whoever uses this stuff later will get an unforgettable surprise. I wonder how he or she will look like. Ah! Hoya hyung, wait for me!”


Myungsoo exited the laboratory without knowing that the stuff he had prepared earlier would hurt someone…for the rest of his life.

“What were you doing in the chemistry laboratory earlier?” Hoya asked Myungsoo.
“Mm? Oh! I just made a surprise.”


Myungsoo answered Hoya’s question as he chewed the food he was eating during lunch break. Hoya sat across from him and was eating his lunch too.


“Oh, I feel pity for whoever uses the stuff you’ve prepared, Myungsoo.”
“Hahaha…It’s okay. It won’t hurt anyone after all. I only mixed the liquids that actually aren’t allowed to be mixed. It’ll just look like a rainbow if they pour another liquid into them,” explained the dark-haired student nonchalantly.
“I know you’re pretty smart at this subject, Myungsoo. But it doesn’t give a reason for you to do that kind of thing,” Hoya said wisely.
“What kind of thing?”
“I mean, you will never know what exactly will happen to whoever uses the stuff. What if he or she doesn’t as smart as you are at chemistry? They would just endanger their life! For God’s sake, Myungsoo,” the older boy rolled his eyes in disbelief.
“Hyung, trust me. They’re going to be okay.”


Hoya seemed unsatisfied with Myungsoo’s reply just now. Nevertheless, he talked to him again,


“Anyway, which class would use the chemistry laboratory after this? Do you know?”

“Nope. Are you curious?”

“…Not really,” replied Hoya, shrugging.

The bell rang. Then, Myungsoo and Hoya returned to their class. They had English class now. 

“Oh~ I never like this subject.”


Hoya merely chuckled as he heard Myungsoo’s statement. He was about to open the class door when Myungsoo suddenly grabbed his hand.


“Myungsoo, what the—?!”
“Hyung, tell me that you’re curious too.”
“About what?”
“Oh, come on. I want to see the victim. Now.”
“No. Seonsaeng-nim will come in no time. And I don’t want to skip his class. I love this subject.”


Myungsoo couldn’t force Hoya to come with him as the teacher had already come. Therefore, they entered the class. 15 minutes later, Myungsoo couldn’t hold back his curiosity anymore. Then, he stood up and made a sick face.


“Seonsaeng-nim, I think my stomach hurts. Can I go to the infirmary now?”


The teacher stared at Myungsoo from head to toe as if he was trying to scan the sickness within the dark-haired student’s body. Then, he nodded and gave Myungsoo permission to skip his class. Before exiting the class, Myungsoo glanced over at Hoya and he could see that Hoya merely shook his head at him.

Myungsoo arrived in front of chemistry laboratory. He peeked into the class through the small window on the sliding door. 


“Mm…Where are you~? My victim…come on…show yourself…”


At that time, Myungsoo saw the familiar blonde boy inside the room. His eyes widened in excitement as he realised that the boy was actually his best friend, Sungjong.


“Is that Sungjong? Hahaha…I wonder whether he or another student who will use my stuff.”


When Myungsoo saw Sungjong take the small tube with purple liquid inside it, he knew that Sungjong was the one who used his stuff. 


“Come on, Sungjongie. Get the blue one, mix them and you’ll see the rainbow I created myself,” Myungsoo whispered to himself.


Nevertheless, Sungjong didn’t do what Myungsoo wanted him to. He took another glass and poured the purple liquid into the glass. Then, he placed the glass above the gas tripod. Myungsoo’s eyes widened as he saw the blonde doing so.


“No! Sungjong! Don’t do that!” Myungsoo Sunggyuted out.


Then, it just happened. The liquid made a strange noise and started foaming. Sungjong looked confused. He knelt down beside his table and tried to find the cause of his action earlier.


“What’s wrong? I’m sure I did the same as in the instruction,” muttered the blonde student.


When Sungjong tried to extinguish the fire, Myungsoo entered the laboratory and Sunggyuted out to him, “Sungjong! Stop! You’re going to hurt yourself!”


It was too late. The glass broke and its content spread on the table, whilst the remaining things exploded. Sungjong was startled as the explosion hit him. After that, all Myungsoo could hear was only screams from all students and Sungjong himself. He ran to Sungjong who was kneeling down on the floor with his hands covering his eyes. Myungsoo could see blood trickling down from Sungjong’s right eye.


“Sungjong! Oh my God, Sungjong!”
“W-what’s happening to me?! It hurts! P-please help me. It really hurts!” The blonde wailed in pain.


Sungjong was nearly crying now. Sweats began to form on Myungsoo’s forehead as he tried to calm the smaller boy down. The other students were still shocked.


“Sungjong, it’s okay. I’ll save you.”
“Myungsoo? Myungsoo hyung, is that you? Hyung, I can’t see anything! Please, Myungsoo hyung. It hurts so much!”
“Sungjong…! Anyone, help me please!!”


Panicking, the teacher ran to Myungsoo and Sungjong’s side. The other two students near them also helped. They brought Sungjong to the infirmary. When they arrived, the medical teacher helped them right away. Myungsoo lay Sungjong down on the stretcher whilst the boy himself was still crying in pain. He held Sungjong’s left hand tightly whilst his other hand was still covering his eyes.


“Sungjong, it’s okay. You’re going to be fine. Trust me,” said Myungsoo, calming the smaller boy down.


The medical teacher returned with a roll of bandage in her hand. She

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dianaaalojong #1
Chapter 1: your story is wonderful I love it
Chapter 8: Oh my god...that last sentence!!! Arghhh so sweettt
Chapter 9: I'm glad they together again yay. I love it so much. /whisper cannot wait for your new story/ hehee
Chapter 6: awww exactly like my mom
though i never had with anyone
its just about crush

thats not important tho u can now scroll down
Chapter 9: Omg so cuute thank u thank u, for completing this lovely fic <3
I luv u <3 <3
Chapter 8: yeayyy!!! happy ending!!! it's cliché but this happens often.. it's only when you're at the tip of losing someone you will realise how much you love them.. myungsoo is lucky he found sungjong alive and able to be with him again..
Chapter 7: What why ??
I hope a Myungjong nice happy ending
ArmytaLKim #8
Chapter 6: wkwkwkwk, sungjong's mother is so funny..
Chapter 5: Asddsfsfs that bed scene was too much for me >3<
Update soon friend!!
Chapter 4: Omg that was sweet
Wookyu are so cute
I will wait your next update <3 <3