Chapter 8

Romeo + Juliet: Untold MBLAQ Story

Chapter 8

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

It was going to be a few days before the Grand Ball that was being held at the SHINee mansion so I had plenty of time on my hands to do some of my own digging around at the MBLAQ mansion.

I was finally allowed to go in other places besides the meeting room and the suite I was being "imprisoned" in. It took some persuading but Seungho eventually caved in. Mir's help did some good as well. I used a sappy routine act to make him feel sorry for me and in turn he used his puppy pout to help me persuade the others. With Thunder, Joon, and G.O on my side, it was easy to get permission.

Forgive me Lord. I'm not planning on using people like this all the time...just this once.

I went up to Thunder and tapped him on the shoulder from behind. He turned around and once he noticed it was me, he broke out into a brightly lit smile. "Hey Alexa. What can I do for you?"

I couldn't help but smile back. This boy's happiness was contagious. "I was wondering if you could maybe show me where your library is at? I love to read you know."

Just as he was about to answer me, we heard a bunch of commotion in the adjacent room.

"KYAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thunder! Joonie screwed up one of your computers!"
"AISH!!! Did not! Yah, you wanna die?!"
"You did to! This computer was working fine until you touched it!"
"Muscle babo."

Thunder's eyes widened. "YAH!! What did you guys do to my computer?!"

He turned to look at me. "Hold that thought." Then he ran off in the direction of the voices.

After Thunder disappeared, G.O showed up not even 5 seconds later. I guess Thunder sent him? He looked at me with a kind smile. "I apologize for what you just heard. So I hear you need to know where the library is?"


After G.O lead me to the library, he left and went back to the others. I'm all alone. Good, now I can concentrate on finding out about this family feud.

I looked at the GINORMOUS room. It reminded me of one of those "old times" kinda libraries, the ones that had the towers of book shelves with ladders that slid around on wheels. I kinda felt like Sherlock Holmes or maybe even Lara Croft...some famous English person with lots of books is basically what I felt like.

Now if I was a family history book where would I be? I looked around at the numerous rows of books, making sure I read the titles on the spines. Eventually I gave up that method and decided to look at the shelves as a whole. If I find one section that's full of history books then I'm on the right track.

In one section, there seemed to be a misplaced book. The book I was looking at had the title "Secrets Unveiled" while the others around it were talking about World Geography. It was weird so I decided to pick the book up and take a look at it. Once I placed my hand on it I tried to pull it out but instead it just stayed there.

Odd, maybe it's gotten stuck over the years. I pulled on it harder and it moved forward halfway. That's when I felt the floor beneath my feet move. The entire section of bookshelves moved along with the floor, making me rotate with the wall. As it stopped rotating, I found myself in a secret room.

WOW!!! This is SO cool! I feel like Indiana Jones! I stepped off the platform and walked forward. The room was small and really dusty, as if no one had been in it for YEARS. It was also kinda dark but there was some light from a hole in the ceiling.

I pushed past the cobwebs until I found a small wooden table in the middle of the room. There were several stacks of old parchment papers on it as well as some hard cover books. I picked up the biggest one and blew on it, making the dust fly off and allowing me to read the title.

"Montague Family History." Now THAT'S what I'm talking about! I opened the book up and looked at the table of contents. I quickly skimmed over the list until I found some words that stood out to me on the page. "Family Betrayal."

I looked at the page number next to it and then flipped through the pages to find the chapter. "Ah, here it is. Chapter 19. Family Betrayal." I read aloud. The events on the page were dated back to 24 years ago, before any of us were even born.


Whoa. That was the only coherent thought I had in my head. I can now understand why this family feud is so strong. I just can't believe what caused it.

The names had been scratched and torn out of the pages but I still had a good idea of what went down the day the Montagues and the Capulets became sworn enemies.

One unnamed man from the the Capulet family and another from the Montague family were both really good childhood friends. They were like blood brothers and were always together. One day, the Capulet man and the Montague man were having a discussion at a park. Witnesses from that day stated that they looked uneasy and were always looking over their shoulders.

That's when things got weird. Apparently there was a 3rd man there as well but no one knew who he was because he was covered from head to toe in a black rain coat. No one knew why he was there. Next thing they know, the Montague man is stumbling back on his feet. He had a huge broken piece of glass impaled in his lower abdomen. 

Eye witnesses say the Capulet man just stood there and watched as the Montague man fell to his knees bleeding to death. The 3rd unknown man pointed at the Capulet man in accusation, yelling out that he was a killer. Because everyone was in a frenzy afterwards, no one was quite sure what happened next.

Later on that very same day, the news had spread far and wide that the Capulet man betrayed his very own childhood friend and killed him in cold blood. The Montagues were outraged and saddened at the same time. They couldn't believe it. The Capulet man tried to deny the accusations but apparently there was evidence of his betrayal. 

Many accused him of being jealous of his own friend because of the money. Others said it was fame. 

But something just isn't adding up. I kept thinking about the 3rd mysterious man and how he came into play. Plus it was REALLY hard to believe that good friends like that would betray each other over something as trivial as money or fame. I mean from the way the book described them, they sounded really close. They had been good friends for YEARS.

I took a look back at the scratched out names. If only I knew the specific names. Maybe then I would have somewhere to start. I thought about maybe asking their relatives about that day but because I had no idea who these men were, I couldn't look them up even if I wanted to.

A dead end...for now.


After Alexa had come back from the library, she seemed very distant and thoughtful. Mir and Thunder took notice and automatically jumped to conclusions.

"Aigoo! Do you think her 'girl problems' are acting up again?" Thunder asked aloud with a worried expression on his face.

Mir shook his head. "No, it can't be! Can it? She doesn't look like she's in pain." He looked confused as he cocked his head to the side.

Thunder turned to look at him. "Should we get her the medicine and some white chocolate just in case?" 

G.O came up behind them both and slapped them across the back of their heads. "Aigoo!" They both exclaimed at the same time before turning to look at their hyung with shocked faces.

"YAH!!! Hyung! What was that for?!" The maknae exclaimed while rubbing the back of his head.

G.O scoffed at his reaction. "Don't you babos have any manners? You guys really need to stop jumping to conclusions."

Thunder and Mir both had cute pouts on their faces. "We're sorry."

G.O grinned at their expressions before putting his poker face back on. "That's better." He his heel and began to walk away. 

"Wait!" Thunder called after him but he didn't stop walking. So then he took it to the next level. "APPA!!!!" 

Mir automatically covered his mouth as he began to burst into a fit of giggles. G.O snapped his head around to look at Thunder who was smiling innocently as if nothing had happened.

*Seungho's POV*

As the rest of the members had gone downstairs to the lower levels to help Big Bang and U-Kiss out with stuff, Seungho stayed up on the higher floor to look after Alexa. 

He walked towards her room and noticed the door was open so he looked in to see if she was there. No, it's empty. Where else could she be? He knew that she was done with library but he didn't know where she went off to after that.

He went back into the meeting room and looked around before walking out into the corridor. That's when he heard her voice. "Stupid remote! Why is this so freaking complicated?!"

She sounded frustrated. He tilted his head to the side in confusion. Remote? That's when he remembered the media room across the hall. She must be trying to watch tv.

He walked up to the door and opened it slowly and quietly. He peeked in and sure enough, sitting there on the sofa was Alexa. The HD tv in front of her was off and she was clearly trying to turn it on. She was fiddling around with the remote in a very frantic manner. Seungho couldn't help but smile at her antics. 

He walked in all the way and she still hadn't noticed him due to the fact that she was so concentrated on the remote. "Not good with electronics are you?"

Her reaction was the funniest thing he had ever seen. She let out a small yell as she jumped up off the sofa, whirled around to face him and lost her handling on the remote. She tried her hardest not to drop the remote but it looked like she was playing "hot potato" with it. 

Seungho laughed as the remote finally landed safely in her hands. She gave him a look as she placed her hand over her chest. "What the hell do you think you're doing scaring the CRAP out of me?!"

He laughed even harder then. "AISH!! STOP LAUGHING AT ME!!!" She exclaimed as she stomped her foot.

He gained control of himself after a little bit but as soon as he took a look at her irritated expression, he burst into another fit of laughter. She's really cute when she's mad. As soon as that thought crossed his mind, his laughter halted automatically but he stopped so suddenly that he ended up choking on his own spit. 

"That's exactly what you get." She stated with a huff as she plopped herself back down on the sofa.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

I don't see what's so funny. I took a look at the remote again and tried to find the right button to turn on the tv. A few seconds later, Seungho's coughing had stopped and I felt his presence next to me as he took a seat on the sofa.

Sh*t. There go the butterflies in my stomach. I don't understand why I always got so nervous around this man but I did. 

"Hand me the remote." He stated while holding out his hand.

I turned to look at him to say "no" but as soon as my attention was diverted, he swiped the remote from my hand. "YAH!!!!" I exclaimed in surprise.

He held his hand out for me to be quiet as he pushed a button on the remote and the tv came to life. Stupid tv. He then turned to look at me with a smirk. "Now that wasn't so hard now was it?"

"Over confident, inconsiderate, arrogant jack-." I mumbled quietly as I pouted and crossed my arms over my chest.

"What was that?" He asked.

"Oh nothing!" I said with a sing-song voice and a smile to throw him off. 

When we both turned our full attention to the tv, we both got the same embarrassed expression. On the tv there was a documentary about animal reproduction and it was showing 2 bunny rabbits.....learning their multiplication tables so to speak.

I felt my cheeks grow red already with embarrassment. Seungho fumbled with the remote to quickly try to change the channel which I was thankful for. It was short lived however, as the next channel was showing the middle of a scene in a movie. My temperature rose several degrees and my heart started pounding from the anxiety.

That's when Seungho turned off the tv completely. God, is THIS your idea of a sign?! What kinda MESSAGE are you trying to get across to me?!


After the tv fiasco, Seungho came up with idea of doing something else to get rid of our boredom. I wasn't going to argue with that. So he left the room saying he would be back with some cards and that he would show me something pretty cool with them.

Wonder what it could be? 

He walked back in a few minutes later with a deck of cards in his hand. As he sat back down next to me on the sofa, he handed me the deck to look at but due to my clumsiness I accidentally dropped it. I really need to learn how to stop oogling over his handsome features.

I got off the sofa and kneeled down to pick up the deck but as my head tilted downward to look for it, my gaze accidentally met eye-level with Seungho's.....erm, groin area. I quickly turned my gaze downward. Sweet baby J! My mind is lost in the gutter now!

As fast as I could I picked up the deck and sat back down on the sofa. I tried to hide my embarrassment as best as I could before handing the cards back to him. "I'm sorry for dropping your d*ck-I MEAN DECK!!!!"

God, if I commit suicide now, you'll forgive me wont you? Because you're my home dog, you know that? That's why I call you baby J. Because we're tight....right?


It was finally the day they were supposed to be getting ready for the Grand Ball at SHINee's mansion. Seungho went over the plan details with Alexa again that morning to make sure she remembered everything. Thankfully it seemed like she was off her menstrual cycle so the guys were all at ease. She mentioned something about being able to look good in a dress now that she's not bloated.

The ball wasn't being held until later on the evening so everyone was busy running around getting ready. It was a bit chaotic with a place full of guys from 3 different groups and one girl in midst of it all but somehow they were managing to get things done.

Thunder came up to Seungho and reviewed their parts in the mission. "Okay so me and G.O hyung will be in the disguised van outside the building, monitoring everything while Mir and Alexa attend the ball. You and Joon hyung will be finding a way in from the underground system and the other Montague groups will stay behind here to look after things."

Seungho nodded his head once he finished the explanation. Although he didn't completely agree with the idea of having Mir go with Alexa to the ball, he really had no choice in the matter. They needed his skill with electronics and the maknae already volunteered to go with her in the first place.

You still shouldn't be feeling so jealous. At this, the leader shook his head frantically in denial. Who's jealous?

He was broken from his thoughts when Joon came up to him with a slightly panicked expression on his face. "Hyung! What are we going to do about Mir's look? We can't have him be recognized by the SHINee group members!"

G.O showed up next to him and spoke to Seungho as well, although his face was a blank slate in comparison to Joon. "Alexa isn't famous so she's not a problem but Mir's look has to drastically change."

Joon, Thunder, and G.O all exchanged looks before letting out deep sighs. "Aigoo!"

Before Seungho could say anything, Alexa showed up and pushed through the circle of guys. "Yah! Are you babos forgetting I'm a GIRL? If there is one thing girls know, it's a thing or two about fashion. Just leave Mir to me."

With that, she crossed her arms over her chest in a very satisfied manner as a confident smirk played across her lips.

The 4 men all looked at each other with mixed expressions. What in the world did she have in mind?

End of Chapter 8




excerpt of Chapter 9...


Joon, Thunder, Seungho, and G.O waited patiently in the meeting room as Alexa and Mir got ready for the ball. G-Dragon and T.O.P walked in not long afterwards. 

The 4 MBLAQ members were all standing up so GD and T.O.P took their seats on the nearby couch. "I wonder what those two are going to look like?" G-Dragon wondered aloud as he tilted his head to the side thoughtfully.

T.O.P leaned back into the couch in a very relaxed manner. "Who knows what Alexa is doing to Mir right now. Hopefully it's something-"

Right then he was cut off as they started hearing some commotion from the quiet room next to theirs. 

"KYAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! What is that?!"
"AISH!! Sit still you babo!"
"Where are you planning on sticking that?!"
"Up your if you don't SHUT UP!!!"

...end of excerpt

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I've read this story a few times now && I love it!
Hope to see more from you. :]
clasombillo #2
LovE the way the story goes;) make more of these;)
Seoblove #3
Wow. Fantastic. I swear this is one of the best stories I've ever read. And I luv MBLEAST toooo!!! Mir is just tooo cute in this story and from the way you describe SeungHo, woah. iness please. Heh. It was like as if SeungHo was in front of me the whole time with his y thick lips. Heh. Do write more :)
that was one of the best fanfics i've ever read~<br />
mir was especially funny~<br />
keep on writing!!! ^^
omo alexa is too funny >.< poor seungho!! but lol<br />
really good writing~
aksdjhqieufgaskdjfh -seungho fanatic-<br />
it sounds interesting~
catherinee #7
whoaaaa that was a really good ff xD<br />
i really liked the characters personalities! they were the best (Y)^^
i've read the first fic and it was really good :))<br />
i wish G.O's guna be with me. HAHAHA :)
wtfelicia #9
aww ended alrdy?! awesome story thou! hahaha! how nice to be able to meet your lover and friends of your past. never ending love eh! hahhaa!
Lol'.' Awesome story^^*!!! G.O Ahjussi~~!!