Chapter 5

Romeo + Juliet: Untold MBLAQ Story

Chapter 5


Once G.O and Joon had gotten over the gates as well, Seungho handed them their equipment bags and spoke into his headset. "Alright, so far so good. We made it over the gates. How are you doing on looping the cameras Thunder?"

He heard some typing before he got a reply. "I've just checked and made sure all the cameras are looped. You and the guys are now invisible men."

Seungho thanked him before turning to G.O and Joon and giving them a curt nod. "Thunder just gave us the green light. Let's go."


Mir was pacing behind Thunder, who was keeping an eye on things on his laptop. "KYAAAAA!!!!! Why is this so suspenseful?! I can't stand it!"

Thunder turned around in his seat to look at him and was about to say something when one of their guards walked through the door. "The special guests have arrived." 

As the guard moved away from the doorway, they were greeted by a familiar face. "ELI!!!!!!!!!!!" Mir and Thunder had both exclaimed at the same time.

Standing in the open doorway was none other than Eli from the U-Kiss group. Mir ran forward and gave the man a huge bear hug. "Yah! What took you guys so long?!"

Eli laughed as he struggled to get out of the vice grip that Mir had on him. "We're sorry about the long wait. It's all Dongho's fault."

Thunder greeted him from where he was sitting since he had to keep an eye on the security cameras. Mir cocked his head to the side in confusion. "Why was it his fault?"

"It always is." Eli replied with an amused smirk on his face.

Mir smiled brightly at his joke. "So where is the rest of U-Kiss? Downstairs?"

Eli nodded before turning his attention to Thunder. "How's the mission going so far?" He walked over behind Thunder and leaned over his shoulder to take a look at the laptop.

Mir joined him as well. "Why aren't the other guys coming up here?"

"Kibum wanted to go ahead and start helping with the security around here so he got everyone to their positions already. My job just happens to take place up here with you guys. I'm gonna be helping out with the guarding of the hostage. Oh and I'm acting as a messenger for the rest of the guys whenever something important happens."

Mir's mouth made an "o" shape as he nodded his head in understanding. Thunder had been looking at the camera loops when a thought came to mind. "Hey Mir, where are our 2 hitmen now? I still don't see any sign of them."

Eli's facial expression turned to one of astonishment. "Whoa! You guys called for help from our other family group as well? You guys sure do know how to handle your business. There is no way we can fail our missions when all of us are banded together like this."

Mir pulled his cell phone out of his pocket and began to dial some numbers. Please you guys, make it there in time. You just have to.


The 3 men managed to make it inside the mansion through one of the balcony windows, with Thunder's guidance of course. Once they were inside, they followed Thunder's directions to the room with the documents inside.

They had to go up a floor before the finally reached their target. They quickly but quietly walked down a corridor before turning off to the left and stopping in front of a door. It was no ordinary door either, it was metal and had a keypad next to it. 

Seungho reached into his bag and pulled out what looked like a credit card and a small electronic device. Using a screwdriver, he undid the screws on the side of the keypad and took off the cover. 

He then handed the electronic device over to G.O. "Joon, write down whatever numbers show up on that device."

Joon nodded as he pulled a pen out of his pocket and held his hand out in front of him to get ready to write. Seungho placed the card inside the keypad and waited a few seconds before taking it out. He then scanned the card on the device that G.O was holding.

As Seungho turned around to put the keypad back together, Joon looked carefully at the numbers showing up on the small screen and wrote them down on his hand. Once he was done, he nodded at G.O who handed the device back to their leader.

"Read the numbers out to me." Seungho ordered as he stood in front of the keypad.

"483028327." Joon stated slowly as Seungho punched the numbers in. 

The red light on the keypad turned green and the metal door slid open. The 3 of them walked into a very spacious room with many file cabinets. In the middle of the room, there was a desk with a computer on top. G.O walked towards it and the computer.

They were met with a log in screen. G.O sat down in the chair with a huff before turning to Joon. "Alright, looks like we're gonna be needing that special new antenna we bought not too long ago."

Joon nodded in understanding before reaching into his bag and pulling out what looked like a computer router. It was a small rectangular box with two antennas on the end. G.O took it from him and placed it on top of the computer tower. Joon reached into his bag again and pulled out a portable gel-like keyboard that connected to the device.

G.O placed the small keyboard in front of him and typed rapidly on it, hacking into the computer's mainframe to decrypt the encoded password. Seungho and Joon both leaned over his shoulder as they waited for him to crack the code. As soon as he hacked into the computer, he logged on and looked for the desktop folder that contained the information they needed to find the documents.

Joon noticed a folder labeled "Cabinet #'s" and pointed to it. G.O clicked on it and looked at the file names. Seungho spotted one saying "City Documents" and pointed to it. G.O clicked on it and a new screen popped up with a number written on it. 

Seungho read it aloud. "Cabinet number 194 J."

Joon began looking on one side of the room while Seungho looked on the opposite side. They scanned the labels on all of the filing cabinets before Joon called out, "Yah! I found it!"

He opened it as Seungho showed up by his side. They both looked in and saw the stack of papers wrapped in a red cover of some sort. Written in black and bold on the front was HIGH PRIORITY CITY RIGHTS DOCUMENTS.

They both looked at each other with huge grins. "We got it."

G.O cleared his throat loudly. "Yah! What about me over here, huh?"

Before anyone could react, Thunder's frantic voice filled all of their ears at once. "HYUNGS!! Some guards are moving your way! They haven't noticed you yet but if you don't get out of there quickly, things could get ugly and fast!"


"KYAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where are those 2 guys?! If our hyungs get caught by those guards, they're gonna need some back up! AISH!!!" Mir was panicking at this point.

He was holding onto this head with both hands and felt like pulling out his hair. He had tried calling their 2 hitmen from the other family group but for some reason he was getting no dial tone. To top things off, Thunder spotted some guards heading in the direction of their hyungs.

Eli pulled out a small headset from his pocket and placed it on his ear. "Kibum! Can you hear me? Yeah, it's me Eli! Who else could it be? Listen, something has come up and I need to let you and the others know just in case."

As he relayed his information, Mir and Thunder both gave each other knowing looks. They both had faith in their hyungs but they couldn't help but worry about them either.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

What in the world is going on? Earlier today I eavesdropped on their meeting about some mission they were taking on tonight but from what I was hearing now, things were getting bad or close enough anyway.

I let out a deep sigh. If only I wasn't locked up in this room.

Wait a minute. Why should I care what goes on with them? They are my kidnappers. Get it through your thick head.

Maybe it's just my period talking again. I can't be empathizing with my "enemy" so to speak. Although I don't see them as my enemy but BEAST does. I hung my head in my hands. Why do I have to be caught in the middle of some stupid family feud? These internal conflicts are gonna be the death of me.

God, if this is all just some test....well then I obviously fail. My heart was pounding in my chest and my anxiety was rising. It was all because of that stupid mission. I'm probably getting worried over nothing though.

My curiosity got the better of me in the end, so I leaned up against the door and started to eavesdrop all over again.


Seungho, Joon, and G.O were currently sprinting down the corridors of the 2PM mansion, trying to quickly get out before things got nasty. Their thoughts turned to wishful thinking as they ran into a huge number of guards as soon as they reached the center of the mansion.

"IT'S THEM!!!!!!!!!!!" The guards had all reacted at once at the sight of the intruders.

Thankfully, the 3 men all had lightning fast reflexes and managed to pull their weapons out in time to defend themselves. Seungho aimed his 2 handguns forward and began shooting. He moved his arms around quickly as he shot down several guards one by one.

Joon ran up to a guard and elbowed him in the face before stealing his semi-automatic gun and using the end of it to knock the guard out. He then pointed the weapon at several guards that were coming down the stairs and pulled the trigger. The weapon's rapid fire of bullets killed about 5 guards in one sweep of his arm.

G.O saw a guard with a shot gun and sprang forward. He caught the double barrel of the shot gun with his hands and pulled it forward, causing the guard to get right in his face. He then used a head on the guard and made him disoriented before kneeing him in the groin and flipping him over on his back. 

He stole the shot gun and cocked it, getting it ready to do some shooting. He spotted a guard running towards him and expertly aimed the barrel at the man. He fired off a powerful shot, blowing a good size hole in the guard's chest and knocking him on his back in a pool of blood.

As Seungho ran out of bullets he unloaded the empty magazines and pulled out 2 new ones. As fast as humanly possible, he reloaded his 2 handguns with ease and began to shoot in every direction. He killed many guards with one shot each.

One guard got a little close so he used the end of one of his handguns to hit the man in the back of the neck and knocked him out. A few other guards had semi-automatic guns so he quickly dived and took cover behind a huge pillar. He waited a few seconds before sliding out on his side and shooting the guards from his ground-level position.

Joon pulled out a large cable that he had packed and twirled it over his head before throwing it at one of the guards. The cable wrapped around the man's neck and choked him as Joon pulled on it, dragging the man away. He used the same technique on another guard and ended up snapping his neck from the force of the pull.

Seungho looked around frantically for the exit. They needed to at least get outside in order to have more of a chance.

He spotted the door that led to the front and looked over at G.O and Joon. They were both taking cover behind some large plant vases next to the pillar he was using as a shield. 

"GUYS!!! We need to get out that door over there! I'll cover the guards on the stairs. You 2 take the ones on the ground level!" Seungho ordered over the loud noise of bullets whizzing around everywhere.

G.O and Joon both nodded and waited for their leader to give the signal. Seungho mouthed "1,2,3" before all 3 of them leaped out from behind their cover and began shooting in all different directions. 

Seungho aimed with complete steadiness at all of the guards on the upper level. He shot each one with accurate precision as he moved on from one guard to the next. He killed one guard and that man fired off his weapon and killed the guard next to him. Some guards even fell down to the lower level when he killed them.

G.O and Joon did a back-to-back position in order to get the guards from all angles. Joon managed to steal another semi-automatic weapon and G.O was now using his handguns. Joon was killing the guards like flies, using the rapid fire of his weapon to his advantage. G.O used the best of his ability to aim and fire at each of the guards and killed them off one by one.

The 3 men finally made it to the door and ran out but once outside, they were greeted by a few familiar and unwanted faces.

Seungho scowled at the 3 figures standing in their way. Nichkhun, Taecyeon, and Chansung. Sh*t. I was hoping to avoid these guys.

Taecyeon gave off an evil smirk before lunging himself forward and using a roundhouse kick to send Seungho flying back several feet. He landed on his back in surprise and coughed due to the wind being knocked out of him. G.O and Joon quickly came to his aid.

They both stood in front of their leader and got into fighter's stances. Joon launched a straightforward heel kick at Taecyeon which he blocked but it managed to knock him off balance. G.O saw this and ran forward. Him and Joon both used spinning kicks to knock Taecyeon back. He went flying and crashed into both Nichkhun and Chansung.

Seungho ran up to G.O and Joon before they launched another attack. "Leave them! Now's our chance to try to get away!"

The 2 nodded and followed their leader as he ran towards the gates. Before they could reach safety however, more bullets started being fired at them. They had no choice but to take cover. 

They all looked over and saw more guards had shown up and they all had weapons. This is NOT good.

Seungho yelled into his headset. "THUNDER, MIR!!! Where is our cover?!"

"HYUNG!! You're alright!" Thunder's overly concerned voice filled his ears.

Mir's frantic and screechy voice came on next. "I'm REALLY sorry hyung! Aigoo! I don't know where they could be! They should have made it there by now, AISH!!!!!!!" 

"SH*T!!!!!!!!!!" G.O exclaimed while reloading his weapons. 

Joon pulled out a long-range rifle and loaded the chamber full of bullets in hurried frenzy. Seungho looked around in a somewhat panicked state. Mir's right, they should have been here by now. Where could they be?

Joon and G.O both tried their hardest to shoot off some rounds but because of all the bullets being fired at them, it was extremely difficult for them to find a good opening.

"AISH!!! At this rate, we're screwed!" Joon exclaimed with a frustrated expression.

Just then, a rocket flew over their heads and went straight for the 2PM mansion. A loud "BOOM!" was heard and they felt a huge shock wave from the blast seconds afterwards. They all peeked their heads over and saw that the front part of the mansion had been demolished and was now in flames.

Most of the guards were now dead or close to it. The 2PM members however, were completely unharmed but a bit disoriented from the blast.

"What the hell?!" Joon exclaimed with utter shock written all over his face. "Where did that come from?"

As soon as those words came out of his mouth, they heard a very familiar and wanted voice. "A yo 2PM! You know when you mess with MBLAQ you mess with ALL of the House of Montague groups! And that includes Big Bang!"

At this, the 3 men turned their heads around slowly. Off in the distance on a nearby rooftop were two figures. The one who had the balls to threaten 2PM on their own turf was G-Dragon. The one holding the rocket launcher responsible for the carnage was T.O.P.

They both had very confident smirks on their faces. 

T.O.P spoke up then. "Like the redecorating I did with your place? It needed it! GD, why don't you show them your renovating ideas?"

With that being said, G-Dragon pulled out a highly dangerous looking sniper rifle. He winked at the MBLAQ members before taking aim at the enemy.

End of Chapter 5

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I've read this story a few times now && I love it!
Hope to see more from you. :]
clasombillo #2
LovE the way the story goes;) make more of these;)
Seoblove #3
Wow. Fantastic. I swear this is one of the best stories I've ever read. And I luv MBLEAST toooo!!! Mir is just tooo cute in this story and from the way you describe SeungHo, woah. iness please. Heh. It was like as if SeungHo was in front of me the whole time with his y thick lips. Heh. Do write more :)
that was one of the best fanfics i've ever read~<br />
mir was especially funny~<br />
keep on writing!!! ^^
omo alexa is too funny >.< poor seungho!! but lol<br />
really good writing~
aksdjhqieufgaskdjfh -seungho fanatic-<br />
it sounds interesting~
catherinee #7
whoaaaa that was a really good ff xD<br />
i really liked the characters personalities! they were the best (Y)^^
i've read the first fic and it was really good :))<br />
i wish G.O's guna be with me. HAHAHA :)
wtfelicia #9
aww ended alrdy?! awesome story thou! hahaha! how nice to be able to meet your lover and friends of your past. never ending love eh! hahhaa!
Lol'.' Awesome story^^*!!! G.O Ahjussi~~!!