Chapter 4

Romeo + Juliet: Untold MBLAQ Story

Chapter 4


"What in the world?" Yoseob exclaimed with his hand over his mouth.

Doojoon had called everyone to a meeting in the room that had their secret stash of money. Only thing was, the safe was open and empty.

Kikwang looked just as shocked as Yoseob. "How did this happen?"

Doojoon looked over at Junhyung standing next to him. They both gave each other knowing looks before turning to the rest of the group.

Yoseob looked around and noticed someone was missing. "Hey guys, where's my cousin Alexa?"

That's when Doojoon's facial expression turned grim. He shook his head in sorrow as Junhyung stepped up and spoke for him. "We're really sorry Yoseob. From the reports we got back from the guards....well...apparently she's been...kidnapped."

Yoseob looked at Junhyung as if he had grown 3 heads. Kikwang's mouth dropped open as he looked between Doojoon and Junhyung. Dongwoon walked up to Yoseob and laid his hand on his shoulder. "Are you going to be okay hyung?"

Hyunseung walked up to him as well and gave him a slight sideways hug. "You know everything is going to be fine right?"

Yoseob could only shake his head in bewilderment. "But why? I don't understand."

Doojoon spoke up then. "We're not quite sure yet but I promise you this, we will get to the bottom of this and we will make sure to bring Alexa back to us unharmed."

The leader held his head up high in defiance as he reassured everyone in the room that all was not lost.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

As I walked out of the bathroom, I couldn't help but feel completely self conscious. Those PADS that the guys had bought for me weren't exactly subtle if you know what I mean.

I was about to pick a wedgie when I looked up and saw all 5 of the MBLAQ guys standing around me. "Uh......hi?" 

I know "hi" isn't exactly something you say to your kidnappers but I mean come on! What else was I supposed to say in that situation, huh?

Joon spoke up first. "Are you....uh, okay now?" 

As he asked the question, the rest of the guys slowly inched away from him, as if he had just asked me if I was a man or something. Oh right. They ALL know I'm on my period. SUPER! Just what I needed. More embarrassment.

I scratched the back of my head in nervousness. "Uh yeah. I guess I am. As long as I don't get any bad symptoms, I'm good. You guys wouldn't happen to have any menstrual medicine would you?"

I mentally kicked myself as I asked that last question. . This is a mansion full of GUYS. Not to mention good looking ones at that.

I shook my head at that last thought. My PMS hormones are definitely the cause of my dirty mind. Yeah, that's it. I can't be thinking naughty about my KIDNAPPERS for crying out loud!

All 5 of them looked at each other before Seungho muttered a few curses under his breath. "We, uh....kinda forgot to buy that stuff at the store."

That's when Mir and Thunder quickly hid behind him. I let out a small giggle at their child like antics. Their brotherly love reminds me of Yoseob and the guys. I let out a nostalgic sigh.

Seungho ignored the 2 guys behind him and turned to look at G.O and Joon with a very devious grin. "Since YOU TWO got out of buying the...feminine products, I think you both need to go to the nearby drugstore and pick up some medicine for our hostage."

At this their expressions dropped. They didn't look very happy to say the least. Joon began to stutter. "But...but, but hyung! Why? I mean....what? Aigooooooooooooooooooooooo."

G.O of course, took it like a man once he got a hold of himself. "Fine, we'll do it. Just tell us what you need Alexa and we'll buy it."


As I waited for my medicine in the room, I decided to take a look around. I know what you're thinking, "take a look around a room? Are you for serious?" Well remember, my kidnappers are a group from the House of Montague and they own a freaking GINORMOUS mansion. 

The room they were "imprisoning" me in was actually really nice. It just screams "expensive!" The walls were a light creme color that just gave it a mellow like feeling and it had pretty designs on it too. The furniture was exquisite of course, some of it looked imported. The decor was lots of crystal and rosewood.

I felt like I was back at BEAST's mansion actually. Which reminds me, I wonder if they have figured out about MBLAQ being behind the robbery and the kidnapping?


Thunder was busily typing away on his laptop while Mir was frantically trying to get a hold of some important contacts on his phone.

Seungho was sitting at the round table in the middle of the room, looking over many files and documents. He was trying to figure out the financial status of BEAST after they had stolen the secret stash of money. If they stole as much as they think they did then they were in good shape.

He typed in the amount of money into the calculator before crunching in the other numbers he saw on the stacks of papers. He looked at the final outcome and gave off a satisfied smirk. The House of Capulet wont be buying anymore streets for awhile.

So far so good, MBLAQ was back in business and no longer behind. He looked up from his work and saw Mir pacing back and forth with the phone held up to his ear.

"Yah! Calm down! You're going to cut the floor in half with all that pacing of yours. They will pick up when they pick up. It's as simple as that so just keep trying until somebody answers." Seungho said with reassurance evident in his voice.

The maknae looked at his leader and nodded. He had stopped pacing and decided to sit down at the round table instead, along with his hyungs. 

Thunder looked up from his frantic typing and spoke towards his leader. "Seungho hyung, I've tapped into their phone lines. Would you like me to listen in now or wait?"

He looked up at Thunder and gave a curt nod, letting him know to listen in on BEAST's conversations. Thunder quickly got up and went over to a desk. He went behind it and opened one of the drawers before pulling out an expensive looking pair of headphones.

He got back to his seat and plugged the headphone jack into the laptop before placing the actual headphones onto his ears. Mir decided to stop dialing for now and watched intently as Thunder listened to the tapped phone lines. Seungho's attention was on him as well.

Thunder's facial expressions changed every now and then but most of the time he was stoic as he listened carefully to the enemy's phone conversations. You could practically cut the tension in the air with a knife.

Because everything was so tense, when G.O and Joon walked in, Mir jumped a little. Thunder didn't hear them come in and Seungho's attention was too focused at the moment to care.

As soon as those 2 saw Thunder with his headphones, they quickly but quietly made their way over to the table and sat down. After a few more minutes of listening, Thunder finally took off the headphones and let out a puff of air.

G.O spoke up first. "What happened while Joon and I were away?"

"Mir's been trying to get a hold of some of our friends in the House of Montague when Thunder managed to tap into the BEAST's mansion phone lines." Seungho explained calmly and steadily.

Joon's eyes grew wide. "Wow! So what's the news?"

Thunder looked at everyone at the table before speaking. "They've found out about the money and Alexa already. At first I thought they had no clue it was us but then it turns out that some of the guards had reports saying that they spotted us when we were being chased out of West Verona on the speed boat."

At this, Mir's expression turned a bit panicky. "KYAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!! Already?! I should get back to calling our friends!" And with that, he left the room while dialing like mad on his phone.

G.O looked over at Seungho with his eyebrow lifted. "Who exactly is he calling and why?"

Joon and Thunder both turned to their leader as well. Seungho looked at each of them in the eyes before replying, "He's calling the best hitmen we know. We need these 2 guys to help cover us when we steal some legal documents from another House of Capulet group."

At this, everyone's expressions went from tense to confusion. Seungho continued on in order to explain. "If we want to make sure that the House of Montague is in control, then we have to hit every House of Capulet group right where it hurts. We already have BEAST taken care of with their safe money and a hostage as leverage. We need to start getting ready to steal from the other 2 groups as well. I already have the next one in mind since I was just looking through their files and documents earlier."

Joon, Thunder, and G.O all looked at each other with mixed expressions before turning back to Seungho as he finished off his explanation. "Mir will also be calling several others to help us beef up the security around here. Now that BEAST knows we have Yoseob's cousin, they will definitely try to make a move sooner or later."

G.O spoke up as a slow realization started coming to him. "Wait a minute, do you mean Mir is calling who I think he's calling?"

Joon and Thunder exchanged confused glances before turning to look between G.O and Seungho. Their leader nodded with a veryconfident smirk on his lips. "Oh yeah. He's calling for members from both of our family groups from the House of Montague. With some of our 2 family groups helping us out, we'll pretty much have the upper hand."

G.O crossed his arms over his chest before leaning back in his chair with a satisfied smirk of his own. "Seungho, this is why you're the leader."

Seungho grinned from ear to ear. "I know."

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

Aigoo! The pain is starting to kick in! WHERE THE HELL IS G.O AND JOON?!?!?! I know it's just my period talking but I really wanted some meds like NOW.

I went up to the door and banged on it pretty loudly. "YAH!!!! Did you babos forget about me or what?!"

Afterwards I heard several noises and lots of commotion through the door.

"AH SH*T!!!"
"Aish! You two almost forgot!"
"We're really sorry!"
"Hold on please!"

The door suddenly swung open and I was greeted with Joon who was down on his knees while holding a glass of water above his head and G.O who was giving Joon an incredulous look while holding a bottle of menstrual pills.

G.O handed me the bottle with a caring smile before kicking Joon in the and making him get up. When he got up he handed me the glass of water with a nervous smile before turning to G.O and giving him a betrayed look.

Seungho walked in afterwards and gave the two dirty looks. They both their heels and left the room which means me and Seungho are alone now. Awkward.

As soon as the door closed behind him, he looked over at me with a slightly worried expression. "I'm sorry about those two. I know you're just a hostage and all but you're still a woman."

Why do I have to be menstruating now? My emotions are all out of whack! I tried my best to not look embarrassed at his comment and sat down on the bed to take the pills.

He looked slightly awkward just standing there by the doorway but I honestly had no clue what to say now so I just took a really long time on swallowing my medicine. 

"Uh, so I'll be sleeping in the meeting room. If you need anything then, yell, knock....whatever works." He scratched the back of his head in nervousness and as he turned around to walk out, he almost ran into the door.

I had to try so hard to not burst into a fit of giggles at that point so I turned my head and pretended to be interested in something on the pillow. As soon as I heard the familiar click of the door closing I let out a small chuckle. Soon afterwards I got really embarrassed at my own behavior.

He's the leader of MBLAQ. Not to mention he's also one of your kidnappers. I shook my head and placed my hands on my face to feel if I had a fever or something.

You can't deny the fact that's he SOOOOOOOOOO good looking though....

"AISH!!! SHUT UP!!!!" I slapped my hand over my mouth as soon as those words came out.

The door flew open once more and I was greeted by both Thunder and Seungho this time. "Whats wrong?!" They both had yelled at the same time so I found the situation to be quite funny.

I suppressed a grin before shaking my head. "I just had a really painful cramp. Aigoo!" I quickly grabbed my stomach and hunched over so they wouldn't see my amused face.


That very next morning, the 5 guys of MBLAQ were up early and planning ahead for tonight's mission. Mir had managed to get a hold of the members from the other groups as planned. They would have extra security around the mansion and 2 professional hitmen covering for them on their little raid tonight.

The ones chosen for tonight's mission were Joon, Seungho, and G.O. They would be the ones to steal some highly classified legal documents that contained important information about the buying rights to some of the streets in Verona. Thunder and Mir would be staying behind to look after the hostage as well as to do some hacking on the computer.

The day went by quickly as they got things prepared and ready for the mission. Seungho, Joon, and G.O got dressed in black since they would be raiding the mansion at night. They all packed whatever equipment they needed into small bags and slung them over their shoulders.

G.O grabbed some weapons out of their artillery vault and laid them out on the table. "Alright, pick whatever you guys wanna use. Make sure the weapon isn't too loud though and yes, I'm talking to you Muscle Babo."

Joon gave G.O an accusing look. "YAH!!!"

He could only laugh at Joon's angry expression. Seungho let out a small chuckle as he smiled at them and shook his head in amusement. They all mostly picked handguns with silencers on the end. G.O decided he wanted to bring along a small automatic crossbow as well so he packed that too.

Seungho walked over to Mir with a tense look on his face. "Now are you sure those 2 guys will be there?"

The maknae smiled as he gave his leader a reassuring nod. "Yeah hyung, of course. I called them just a few minutes ago to make sure they would be ready and in position by the time you guys make it there."

Thunder smiled brightly at Seungho as well. "And I've got access to their security cameras so don't worry about being caught on those. I'll make sure to loop them hyung. Plus you can always count on me for guidance!"

Seungho had an admiring look on his face as he nodded at the maknae line. "Thank you both."


Seungho, Joon, and G.O quietly made their way forward in the car. Seungho was driving a black SUV with the headlights off so no one would notice a suspicious looking vehicle near the mansion. Joon and G.O were both in the back acting as lookouts in case they had followers or were spotted.

Once the mansion came into view, Seungho slowed the vehicle to a stop and parked on the street next to it. They needed to keep some distance. As soon as he was satisfied he spoke into his headset. "Thunder, Mir. What's the position on our friends?"

Mir's somewhat restless voice filled his ears first. "They haven't gotten into position yet hyung but I swear they will get there in time."

Thunder's voice came on next. "I've got control of all the security cameras so I will let you know when the coast is clear and when something comes up. Also, I've already got the blueprints to 2PM's mansion pulled up on my laptop. If you need to know ANYTHING just ask hyung."

Seungho was a little worried about them not having any cover at the moment but they needed to get started now. 2PM was one of the tougher groups in the House of Capulet. They all knew mixed martial arts and were extremely good at it. This was the reason why Seungho, Joon, and G.O were chosen for this mission. They had the best hand-to-hand combat skills and Seungho has actually fought some of the 2PM members before.

He turned to Joon and G.O and let them know the information he just recieved. They looked a bit uneasy but they nodded their heads in understanding anyway. They trusted their leader and they were more than willing to follow him.

The got out of the SUV and quietly made their way towards the side of the mansion. G.O of course, had to lighten the mood and decided to lift their spirits by humming the "Mission Impossible" theme as they got closer to the gates surrounding the place.

Joon couldn't help but break out into a huge grin and Seungho found himself smiling a little bit as well. As soon as they reached the gates, all 3 of them threw their small bags of equipment over it. Once the bags landed on the other side, Joon and G.O both held their hands out in order to boost their leader up and over the gates. 

Seungho took a few steps back before running forward and stepping on their hands as they used their arm strength to launch him up. He flew to the top of the gate and using his arms he boosted himself up and over. He then jumped down and landed on his feet in perfect grace.

Joon looked at his leader in awe. G.O noticed and slapped him across the face. "Yah! Stop being such a fanboy and get your to work! Give me a boost!"

He took a few steps back and waited for Joon to get into position. His face was expressionless but Joon on the other hand, was holding onto his now stinging cheek as he looked at him in utter shock. "Did you really just slap me?!"

End of Chapter 4

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I've read this story a few times now && I love it!
Hope to see more from you. :]
clasombillo #2
LovE the way the story goes;) make more of these;)
Seoblove #3
Wow. Fantastic. I swear this is one of the best stories I've ever read. And I luv MBLEAST toooo!!! Mir is just tooo cute in this story and from the way you describe SeungHo, woah. iness please. Heh. It was like as if SeungHo was in front of me the whole time with his y thick lips. Heh. Do write more :)
that was one of the best fanfics i've ever read~<br />
mir was especially funny~<br />
keep on writing!!! ^^
omo alexa is too funny >.< poor seungho!! but lol<br />
really good writing~
aksdjhqieufgaskdjfh -seungho fanatic-<br />
it sounds interesting~
catherinee #7
whoaaaa that was a really good ff xD<br />
i really liked the characters personalities! they were the best (Y)^^
i've read the first fic and it was really good :))<br />
i wish G.O's guna be with me. HAHAHA :)
wtfelicia #9
aww ended alrdy?! awesome story thou! hahaha! how nice to be able to meet your lover and friends of your past. never ending love eh! hahhaa!
Lol'.' Awesome story^^*!!! G.O Ahjussi~~!!