Chapter 14

Romeo + Juliet: Untold MBLAQ Story

Chapter 14

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

I hid behind Joon. "What was that?! I heard something over there!" I pointed over off to the left while peaking my eyes over his shoulder.

G.O and Joon both looked at each other before turning their attention over to where I was pointing. We haven't even made it to the main building yet, we were still outside. The surrounding forest like area was creepy to say the least. Some say it's just shadows that make you imagine things but I know I heard a noise like a twig snapping.

Joon stayed in front of me in a protective stance while G.O moved forward to check things out. Before he could get to the tree-line area, two figures in hoodies came out of nowhere and attacked him from either side.

The one wearing an olive green hoodie was fairly tall and used his long legs to an advantage. He did a back flip and tried to land a downward kick on G.O's head. However, G.O saw this coming and blocked it. The other guy was in a bright blue hoodie and he used his fists.

He came at G.O with several swift hand swipes, using mostly sweeping motions rather than straightforward punches. Joon looked worried and was about to take a step forward when he was stopped.

"NO!! Stay where you're at! Look after Alexa!" G.O yelled over his shoulder as he expertly evaded the incoming blows.

That's when the guy in the olive green hoodie came running in our direction. My eyes widened. "Joon! He's coming for us!" I exclaimed.

Joon ran forward and met the guy halfway. He's got guts. I looked on in amazement. The green hoodie guy was all about using kicks and flips, he was definitely a lower body guy. He came at Joon with a low sweeping kick. Joon jumped over the kick with ease.

The guy quickly recovered from his miss and tried a high heel kick which Joon dodged by tilting his head to the side. He then grabbed the guy's leg by his ankle. While Joon had him in his grip, he used a shin kick to the guy's chest and successfully sent him to the ground.

G.O grabbed the blue hoodie's guy arms and flung them downwards, leaving the guy open for an attack. He took advantage of this and used the heel of his palm to knock the guy in his chin, sending him stumbling back in pain. G.O didn't stop there as he used a round house kick to the side of the guy's head, successfully knocking him off to the side.

That's when I heard an unfamiliar voice yell out. "STOP!!!!!!!"

I snapped my head in the direction of the voice. As I looked over I saw a tall man in black with Seungho, Mir, and Thunder running behind him. Who is that guy?

As they came closer, G.O and Joon gave each other knowing looks. "JIHOON!!!!!!!" They both called out at the same time.

I did a double-take, no...more like a freaking quadruple-take on the man. THAT'S Jihoon? He was not that old looking at all, I would say maybe around the late 20's and he was handsome. My jaw dropped a little bit.

The guys in the hoodies both got up from the ground and looked over at Jihoon. Then they took off their hoods and I let out a slight gasp. They had similar looks to 2 people I know.

Before I could register these thoughts or ask who these guys were, I was beat to it when Seungho and the others reached us.

The man known as Jihoon spoke first. "G.O and Joon, I didn't think you guys were here. Sorry about the misunderstanding." He then turned to face the 2 familiar looking guys.

"You two should know better than this. It's not attack first and ask questions later you know."

The 2 guys were about to finally speak when they were interrupted by Seungho. "What in the hell are you guys doing here anyway?"

He had his infamous glare on his face and it was being aimed at both G.O and Joon. Oh boy, if looks could kill.... Jihoon looked at Seungho before turning to face me.

"Is this the girl you guys briefly explained to me about?" He asked. I wonder what they've said about me so far?

Mir and Thunder both answered at the same time. "Yes hyung!"

Jihoon gave me a heart warming smile before walking up to me and shaking my hand. "It's nice to meet you. I've only heard a few things so far but in a nutshell, you're a Capulet who was in the wrong place at the wrong time."

I slightly chuckled at his statement. "Yeah, that's about right." I glanced around him to give Mir a dirty look.

Jihoon noticed and laughed. "Since you're a Capulet, I bet you recognize one of my trainees." He pointed over at the guy who had been wearing the bright blue hoodie.

I nodded my head. "I also recognize the other guy too."

Jihoon nodded. "Ah, that's right. Since you're MBLAQ's hostage, you've been staying at the Montague mansion. Well you're probably just as confused as the MBLAQ guys. They don't know these 2 trainees of mine either."

He beckoned the 2 guys over and they walked up to stand next to him on either side. They both bowed towards me and introduced themselves, which only made my expression turn from confusion to shock.

The one in the olive green hoodie spoke first. "I'm Sungyeol. I'm related to Dongho from the U-Kiss group. I'm his half-brother."

I knew it!!! I knew he looked like somebody I met!! The guy in the bright blue hoodie introduced himself next. "I'm Sunggyu. I remember you from one of the reunions 2PM held. You might not remember me but I'm Jay's cousin."

Oh my God!!!! I knew it!!! Holy-wait.....these guys are from both the Montague and Capulet families, yet....they're working TOGETHER?

I did another one of my quadruple-takes and I wasn't the only one this time. The MBLAQ guys had similar shocked looks on their faces as well.

Jihoon scratched the back of his head. "I guess I better explain things."


So while we made our way back to the mansion, Jihoon explained everything and this is basically what's going on. Sungyeol and Sunggyu both ran away from the family Houses because they were like me, they didn't believe in the whole family feud.

They ran into Jihoon one day and after introducing themselves, he took a strong interest and made them his new trainees. He explained his story to the 2 guys and they automatically agreed to train under him. They've been traveling around to avoid getting killed but they always come back to the same training ground.

Jihoon's main reason for being gone for so long was because he was searching for the man responsible for his father's death. I knew I was right, the Capulet man didn't kill his best friend after all. Jihoon was there the day the murder happened. He stated that the Capulet man wasn't responsible for his father's death. It was the mysterious 3rd party member.

He was only 4 or 5 at the time but he remembered it pretty clearly. The mysterious man was covered from head to toe in a black rain coat but he got a good look at his neck. He said that the man had a distinct tattoo on that area and that if he ever saw it again, he would know that that's the man responsible for murdering his father and causing the family feud.

A neck tattoo sounds kinda familiar but I can't think of anyone in the Capulet family who has one....

I was broken from my thoughts as Seungho, who had been walking by my side, nudged me and pointed out that we had arrived at the mansion.


As soon as we made ourselves comfortable in the meeting room, Dongho and Eli came bursting through the doors. Dongho must have heard about his half-brother.

"Sungyeol!" He exclaimed as he ran over to give him a huge bear hug.

Eli looked over and noticed Sunggyu. "Whoa! What's a 2PM member doing here?!"

Jihoon cracked a smile. "He's related to one of them but he isn't a 2PM member."

Dongho and Eli both looked at each other with confused expressions. "But he's still a Capulet!" They both exclaimed at the same time.

Sungyeol spoke up in defense of his hyung. "Yah! He's not like the others! He's like Alexa here." He pointed over in my direction. "He's not our enemy, he's a good person so just chill. Aigoo!"

Dongho threw his hands in the air in frustration. "AISH!! I'm so confused! Does anyone mind explaining what we missed?"

Everyone else let out a deep sigh. This was going to be a long day.


After retelling the story, Jihoon left to greet G-Dragon, T.O.P and the rest of U-Kiss with Dongho and Eli. That left me, Sungyeol, and Sunggyu alone with the MBLAQ guys. 

Sunggyu was able to carry a conversation with G.O and Seungho. Due to Sungyeol's dorkiness and Mir's hyper-active personality, those 2 hit it off pretty well. Thunder and Joon came up with the idea to play some music and lighten up the mood. I let out a huge sigh of relief. I'm so glad everyone is getting along.

Funnily enough, the first song that came on the radio was a somewhat older song by a couple of years. It was "Whatever You Like" by T.I.

I laughed as soon as it played because it reminded me of when Dongwoon and I would always try to jam out to this song and try to be cool about it at the same time. We failed miserably, we weren't exactly gangsta material. Especially since one time, Yoseob joined us and tried to make us wear boxers on our heads.

As soon as the song came on, Sungyeol got in the middle of the room and pretended to sing along to it which cracked me up. Mir joined him as a back up dancer and Thunder soon followed suit.

I laughed until I cried as I watched those 3 goof balls trying to rock out to a T.I. song. Sunggyu and G.O stood off to the side clapping. Joon tried to sit next to me on the couch to watch but he was soon shoved over by Seungho.

"Move over." He stated as he sat down next to me. 

I tried my hardest to suppress my grin. Joon looked a bit put off but then he broke out into a huge smile. "Ah hyung! You could have just said you wanted to sit next to your lover, I would understand."

Seungho snapped his head to look at him. Joon let out a slight yelp before jumping off the couch and running away. 


It was starting to get late into the night and everyone was getting sleepy. One thing I found out about Mir and Thunder was that they liked to be clingy when they were tired.

I was standing by the round table getting ready to tell everyone goodnight so I could go to sleep. Mir wrapped his arms around my waist from the back in a sort of backwards hug, only he didn't let go afterwards. Thunder laid his head on my shoulder and left it there. So I basically had two boys clinging onto me.

I was too delirious at the moment to really care and besides that, their body heat felt nice since it was kinda cold. I can't say the same for Seungho though, he looked kinda mad.

"Yah! Why is everyone always clinging onto Alexa, huh? Just because she's the only girl doesn't mean you guys can get all touchy feely!" He exclaimed.

Without really thinking, I answered him. "I guess I'm a chick magnet. Oh wait, that's not right. I'm a girl so that wouldn't work." 

Sungyeol laughed at my answer. "She's too tired to really understand what's going on."

"Maybe we should put her to bed first and then we could all go to sleep after." Sunggyu added.

G.O had a devious smirk play across his lips and it didn't go unnoticed by Joon. "What is it hyung?" He asked with evident curiousity creeping into his voice.

"Well I know another word for 'chick' that Alexa could replace it with so that the phrase would make sense for a girl." G.O answered him.

Seungho whipped his head over in his direction. "YAH!!! If it's something erted, don't even think about it!"

I scoffed at his reaction. "Aigoo! Seungho, what word that rhymes with 'chick' could possibly be erted?"

Everyone turned their heads slowly to look at me. They all had incredulous looks on their faces but I had no idea what I was missing.Man I must be tired.

"What?" I asked with my head cocked to the side like a puppy.

G.O spoke up then. "I'll give you a hint, it starts with a D and ends in -ick."

I tilted my head up in thought. "Doesn't that spell-"

"NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Everyone shouted all at once.

I flinched back in surprise. Oh wait....I get it now. That's when my eyes practically bulged out of my head.

"YAH!!!!!!!!!!!!! G.O YOU'RE JUST AS BAD AS A ERTED OLD MAN YOU-YOU-AISH!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I screeched.

End of Chapter 14

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I've read this story a few times now && I love it!
Hope to see more from you. :]
clasombillo #2
LovE the way the story goes;) make more of these;)
Seoblove #3
Wow. Fantastic. I swear this is one of the best stories I've ever read. And I luv MBLEAST toooo!!! Mir is just tooo cute in this story and from the way you describe SeungHo, woah. iness please. Heh. It was like as if SeungHo was in front of me the whole time with his y thick lips. Heh. Do write more :)
that was one of the best fanfics i've ever read~<br />
mir was especially funny~<br />
keep on writing!!! ^^
omo alexa is too funny >.< poor seungho!! but lol<br />
really good writing~
aksdjhqieufgaskdjfh -seungho fanatic-<br />
it sounds interesting~
catherinee #7
whoaaaa that was a really good ff xD<br />
i really liked the characters personalities! they were the best (Y)^^
i've read the first fic and it was really good :))<br />
i wish G.O's guna be with me. HAHAHA :)
wtfelicia #9
aww ended alrdy?! awesome story thou! hahaha! how nice to be able to meet your lover and friends of your past. never ending love eh! hahhaa!
Lol'.' Awesome story^^*!!! G.O Ahjussi~~!!