Chapter 1

Romeo + Juliet: Untold MBLAQ Story

Chapter 1


The MBLAQ group was currently living at a well guarded mansion on the East side of Verona. (A/N: This is the actual setting/place of "Romeo and Juliet") Their mansion could rival the White House, that's how exquisite it was. Then again, MBLAQ was one of 3 groups that belonged to the House of Montague so it wasn't anything out of the ordinary. 

Inside the mansion, G.O walked into the meeting room. Seungho, Joon, Mir, and Thunder were all sitting at the rosewood round table in the middle of the spacious room. They had been looking over some paperwork when he entered. They all looked up at him and he had a somewhat grim expression.

"Have you guys seen the news?" He asked as he picked up the remote from nearby and the tv.

The guys shook their heads as they turned their attention to the current news being shown. On the HD screen there were the 6 familiar faces of their rivals, BEAST. Everyone let out a groan. When one of the groups from the House of Capulet was on the news, it was never good news for them. 

Seungho looked over at G.O. "What's going on? What did we miss?"

"BEAST has just bought HALF of Crenshaw Boulevard. Aigoo, at this rate, they are going to own more streets than we do! We can't let them buy any more places." G.O stated as he pulled out a chair and took a seat next to Seungho.

Joon's eyes widened. "HALF?!?! Aish! These guys are acting so fast!" He shook his head in frustration and Mir patted him on the back in a reassuring manner.

Thunder looked over at Seungho. "Hyung, we can't let this go any further. Should I start working on hacking into their bank accounts?"

"No, that's too risky. We need a better plan." He replied back while clasping his hands together in thought.

The maknae looked up as he had a sudden thought. "We could always recruit the help of the rest of the Montague family!"

G.O and Seungho both gave each other knowing looks before turning to Mir. G.O spoke first, "We could but I don't think we should use their help until it's ABSOLUTELY necessary."

Seungho nodded. "They probably already know of the situation and are trying to find solutions like we are right now." He then snapped his fingers as he finally came up with a brilliant idea.

"I got it!"

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

"This mansion is so freaking huge! And so expensive looking, I feel like I shouldn't touch anything!" I exclaimed as my cousin Yoseob lead me through the maze like place, giving me a tour.

He looked over at me with that bright smile of his. "This is the life of a Capulet! Get used to it, you're staying with me and the guys until your house gets better security systems." As he said the last part, he wagged his finger at me as if I were a dog about to be scolded.

I tried to bite his finger and he quickly pulled his hand back with a look of shock written all over his face. I gave him a look that basically said "you shouldn't have done that in the 1st place!"

We both busted out into fits of laughter at our own mischief before going through another door. As soon as we entered the room I was greeted by sudden loud noise as 5 men were currently in a state of chaos. The 5 men being Yoseob's fellow BEAST members. 

Doojoon was chasing Dongwoon around the room, screaming something about privacy. Kikwang was trying to calm them down while Junhyung was laying down on the floor laughing. Hyunseung was the only one to notice my cousin and I walk in and he actually looked quite relieved to see us both.

Are men always this CRAZY?

"Hyunseung, what's going on?" Yoseob asked while looking at the spectacle before him.

"It's a loooooooooooooooooooooooong, painful story." He stated with a look of weariness.

Yoseob and I looked at each other before bursting into a fit of giggles. The situation was just too comical. Once I got a hold of myself, I grabbed my cousin's arm and lead him out of that noisy war-zone of a room. 

As soon as we were out I turned to him and asked, "So what room will I be staying in? And I'm telling you right now, it better not be ANYWHERE NEAR those guys!" I said the last part while pointing at the room that was currently emitting noises of commotion.


Thunder and Mir were currently in a frenzy getting weapons and equipment ready for their "robbery" mission. Joon, Seungho, and G.O were in another room discussing the plan.

G.O let out a sigh. "Seungho, are you sure we should just send those 2? Not that I don't have faith in their abilites but sending just 2 of us in the middle of broad makes me uneasy." 

Seungho looked up at his question. "I'm just as worried about Thunder and Mir as you are but they are honestly the perfect men for the job. Thunder has superior hacking skills on the computer and he's an expert at Taekwondo defense. Mir is good at cracking safes and he's excellent with weapons. This mission is taking place in the middle of the day so sending all 5 of us is too risky."

The reason for a mission in the middle of the day? Because one at night is expected. It's a bit more dangerous to try to steal money from the BEAST mansion during the day time but it was worth it because of the lesser security.

Joon nodded in agreement. "It's a good plan hyung but maybe, for extra precaution, I should tag along on the mission?"

G.O looked over at him before turning to Seungho. "Yeah, send Muscle Babo with them!"

"YAH! Hyung! That's not funny!" Joon exclaimed.

"Who told you it was meant to be funny?" G.O stated with a completely serious expression on his face.


Thunder, Mir, and Joon were now heading on their way towards the BEAST mansion on a speed boat. On the West side of Verona where they lived, there were several river channels that interconnected the city. They would be using those river channels to sneak their way in.

Once the boat reached a small tunnel, they went in and stopped the motor once they got near the sewer area underneath the city. Joon shook his head in disgust. "Aish! Do we really have to use the sewer? I would rather get shot!"

Mir looked over at him in amusement. "Funny hyung, this smell actually reminds me of you."

Thunder almost died laughing at that comment but Joon looked like he was about to throw himself at the maknae. Mir let out a small squeal before hiding behind Thunder.

"Ha ha ha. Very funny." He replied in complete sarcasm. "Now hurry up and start getting ready!" He threw a bag of supplies in the maknae's direction, causing Thunder to duck and the bag to hit Mir straight in the face. He fell over backwards in the boat with his legs sticking up in the air, causing Joon and Thunder to burst into huge fits of laughter.


Thunder handed a headset over to Mir. "Put this on. It's going to help us stay in communication while I guide you through the mansion and towards the safe with all the money in it."

He then pulled out his laptop and opened it up. He did some rapid typing before pulling up the master blueprints to the mansion. "I've got a good layout map of the place so make sure you take my coordinates to the exact measurement."

Mir nodded as he placed the headset to his ear. He turned it on and spoke into it, testing it. Thunder gave him a thumbs up, letting him know it was working. Joon handed over some highly modified handguns with silencers on the end.

"Make sure to only use these when necessary. If you have a chance to take out a guard without the weapons then don't use them. You have fairly good martial arts skills right?" He asked the last part with uncertainty in his voice.

Mir nodded his head while holstering the guns at his sides. "Aigoo, of course hyung! I've been learning from Seungho hyung and G.O hyung."

The maknae then slung the bag of supplies over his shoulder before walking up to a small ladder that led up to the underground pipe lines underneath the mansion.


With Thunder's help, Mir was able to find his way out of the underground sewer line. He reached another small ladder that lead up to a pot hole covering. He climbed up and lifted the lid slowly. He peeked his eyes out over the opening and made sure the coast was clear before removing the lid completely.

He boosted himself up and got out before replacing the lid back over the sewer entrance. "Alright I made it inside the grounds! Which side of the building should I enter from?" He asked into the headset while making sure he stayed as low as possible behind some bushes.

"From where you are at, go around to the North East corner and there should be several windows you can enter from. The doors are the only things with the alarm system activated." Thunder's voice replied back.

Mir quickly leaped over the hedge of bushes and, while staying low, he ran over to the other side of the mansion. Before he could reach the North East corner, he spotted 2 guards outside. Should I take them out or find a way around?

He placed his back up against the outer wall of the building and hid behind a pillar. He peeked his head around the corner and took a good look at the 2 guards. There was a balcony with a window a few feet above their heads. Mir quickly calculated in his head his chances of making it or not.

He shook his head. I need to take them out quietly. He ran up behind them. He took one guard out by using a karate chop on the back of his neck, knocking him out. He then turned his attention to the 2nd guard and using a back handed punch, busted the man across the face.

He dragged the bodies over to secluded area and hid them before making his way back to where the balcony was. He looked up at the window and began to warm up his legs to get ready to make his way up. He spotted some pillars to the side and decided to use those as a boost.

He ran at the wall with full speed and leaped up into the air. Once his feet touched one of the pillars, he pushed off of it using the muscle power in his thighs and sprang forward onto the balcony. The window was already open so he just walked in.

"Alright Thunder, I made it in. I'm at the 2nd floor window in the North East corner." The maknae stated as he looked around the room and made sure no one was nearby.

He heard some typing over the headset. "Walk out of that room and turn left. Go forward about 14 feet and then turn down a corridor on the right. Once you reach that corridor, go through the door at the very end. The safe is located in that room. I'll loop the security camera inside so no one will spot you."

Mir gave Thunder his thanks as he followed his directions and reached the room. 


Mir was in front of the safe with his bag of supplies open. He reached in and pulled out a drilling device. He turned it on and began drilling a hole next to the combination knob. Once he pulled the drill out, he reached into the bag and pulled out a wire camera along with a small screen.

He placed the wire through the hole and looked at the screen. He could see the inside of the safe lock perfectly on the screen. He smirked to himself as he began to work on the cracking it open. He moved the knob around and tried out several numbers until he could see some progress on the screen. Whenever he got a number right, one of the locks would click into place.

His heart was pounding at this point. Everything was perfectly silent, you could probably hear a pin drop. The room was dark due to no windows and the lights being off. It was a bit eerie but he had to push these thoughts aside as he saw the final click of the lock and the safe door popped open.

He let out a huge puff of air. "Hey Mir, are you alright? How's the progress coming along?" Thunder's worried voice filled his ears.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Just had a suspenseful moment of tension. I got the safe open though and I'm about to take the money-" He cut himself off abruptly as he heard some footsteps outside in the corridor. Uh oh. Not good.

"Mir? Mir what's wrong? You cut off." Thunder asked in a slight state of panic.

"I just heard some footsteps nearby. The person might just pass by though. I'm gonna not talk or move for a bit just in case so don't worry if you don't hear my voice for awhile." The maknae whispered into his headset as he leaped over a desk and laid down behind it.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

Now where is that room? I was looking for the room that had the small library in it. I was a book worm and liked to read a lot, plus I was bored. The guys were currently out and about, doing "business" as they call it. This place is so huge though so I was probably lost at the moment.

I looked down a corridor and saw a wooden oak door at the end. It looked familiar enough so I walked up to it and opened it. As soon as I looked in, I couldn't see a thing. The lights were off and there were no windows. Aish! I can't tell what room this is!

I walked in blindly with my hands waving in front of me to make sure I didn't run into anything. I felt up the wall until I finally found the light switch. "Ahhhhhh! Much better!" I said to myself.

I looked over and almost screamed in total surprise as I saw a man laying down behind the desk. I held the scream in though because I realized that the man wasn't moving. Oh my God, is he alright?!

I quickly ran over to the unmoving man and shook him. "Mister! Mister are you awake?! Aigoo! What do I do?" I couldn't see half of his face due to his reddish-brown hair covering it up. Either way, he didn't look very familiar.

I turned around and tried to look for something, anything, that would help in a situation like this. That's when I noticed the open and empty safe, along with a bag of supplies nearby and another bag filled with money. Wait a minute....

Before I could finish my thought however, I felt the barrel of a gun being pushed against the back of my head along with the familiarclick of the safety being taken off.

"Please don't move or make a sound Miss. I really don't want to hurt a woman."

Sh*t! You have got to be KIDDING me! THIS is what I get for being a caring person?!


Crap! What am I doing?! Mir was currently freaking out at his own actions but he honestly didn't know what else to do. He just acted.

Thunder's voice filled his ears once again. "What's going on now?"

"Uh, we have a bit of a situation on our hands." He replied back slowly. 

He took a look at the woman in front of him. She had her hands held up. He could only see the back of her head due to the fact that he was pointing a gun right at it. 

"What kind of situation Mir?" Thunder asked. He could hear Joon's voice in the background, muttering something about how the maknae always screws things up.

Before Mir could control himself he blurted out, "YAH!!" He quickly slapped his other hand over his mouth. 

"Aigoo! Mir! You shouldn't be yelling!" Thunder scolded him.

He ignored his two hyungs and turned his attention to the woman in front of him. "Uh, what's your name?" He mentally kicked himself afterwards. Really Mir REALLY?

The woman let out an exasperated breath. "You have a gun pointed at the back of my head and THAT'S what you have to say for yourself?!"

Mir pouted to himself. This has gotten REALLY complicated.

"Guys, the situation is getting WAY out of hand. Aish! I don't have time to explain everything now but to put it bluntly, our robbery has just turned into a kidnapping as well." 

Before the maknae could protect his poor eardrums, he heard two loud exclamations on the other end. 


End of Chapter 1

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I've read this story a few times now && I love it!
Hope to see more from you. :]
clasombillo #2
LovE the way the story goes;) make more of these;)
Seoblove #3
Wow. Fantastic. I swear this is one of the best stories I've ever read. And I luv MBLEAST toooo!!! Mir is just tooo cute in this story and from the way you describe SeungHo, woah. iness please. Heh. It was like as if SeungHo was in front of me the whole time with his y thick lips. Heh. Do write more :)
that was one of the best fanfics i've ever read~<br />
mir was especially funny~<br />
keep on writing!!! ^^
omo alexa is too funny >.< poor seungho!! but lol<br />
really good writing~
aksdjhqieufgaskdjfh -seungho fanatic-<br />
it sounds interesting~
catherinee #7
whoaaaa that was a really good ff xD<br />
i really liked the characters personalities! they were the best (Y)^^
i've read the first fic and it was really good :))<br />
i wish G.O's guna be with me. HAHAHA :)
wtfelicia #9
aww ended alrdy?! awesome story thou! hahaha! how nice to be able to meet your lover and friends of your past. never ending love eh! hahhaa!
Lol'.' Awesome story^^*!!! G.O Ahjussi~~!!