Chapter 16

Romeo + Juliet: Untold MBLAQ Story

Chapter 16


Seungho, Alexa, and Jihoon all walked into the meeting room to find the others but instead they were only met by G.O. He turned to look at them, he had a headset on and a somewhat grim look on his face. He had been sitting in front of Thunder's laptop.

"Guys, we have a problem." G.O stated.

Seungho responded first. "What do you mean? And where is Joon, Mir, and Thunder?"

"That's the problem." He answered.

Jihoon cut in. "What exactly did we miss?"

G.O took the laptop and placed it in front of them. "Joon, Mir, and Thunder all went to go do some research on the guy with the neck tattoo. The area of the city they're in has a generator that's jamming my signal so I can't communicate with them at the moment."

Alexa looked confused. "Don't generators usually turn off for a bit anyway? You will be able to get your signal back then right?"

G.O nodded his head. "True but the thing is, I need to communicate with them NOW." He pointed out several black vehicles with tinted windows on the live video feed on the computer screen.

"Those cars are definitely the enemy. The guys have no idea that they're there." G.O said while typing on the laptop.

Seungho and Jihoon both exchanged looks. Alexa pulled up a seat next to G.O. "How much time do we have until the generator turns off?"

He took a look at a timer at the bottom of the screen. "Not for another 5 and a half minutes."


Joon looked over at Thunder in the driver's seat. He had been driving them around the city in a white luxury sports car. "Mir and I will get off here and do some recon work on foot. Just drive around the block to give us some time and then make a turn back to here."

Thunder nodded his head. "You got it hyung."

As soon as Mir and Joon exited the car, Thunder put it back into drive and drove off. 

"Hyung, do you think anyone around here will know about a man with a neck tattoo?" The maknae asked as he looked around the somewhat empty street.

Joon let out a deep sigh. "We need to at least try right?"


"How much longer now?" Seungho asked as he leaned over G.O's shoulder.

Jihoon and Alexa had both left to go dig up information on the man with the neck tattoo. Alexa had been hesitant at first, saying she wanted to stay to make sure everyone was alright. Jihoon had to do some convincing but eventually she caved. She was the one who knew the murderer's identity after all.

G.O took another look at the timer. "Still got about 2 minutes left. The enemy is getting closer to their position."

"They did go armed didn't they?" Seungho asked with tension seeping into his voice.

"Aigoo! Of course! I made sure they went equipped with weapons." He answered back.

Seungho smacked him across the back of his head. "Yah! So this was all YOUR idea? You should have waited for us before sending them out!"

G.O rubbed the back of his head. "Aigoo!"

Seungho rolled his eyes. "Didn't you ever learn that patience is a virtue?" 

"Not right now it isn't!"


Mir and Joon suddenly had to duck as bullets whizzed past their heads, barely missing them. 

"OH MY GOD SUN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

They both pulled out their holstered hand guns and hid behind some metal trash bins. "Sending Thunder away was a BAD IDEA HYUNG!!!" Mir screamed over the loud noise of shots being fired.

Joon turned to look at him incredulously. "YAH!!! How was I supposed to know this would happen?! G.O didn't mention anything!"

"It was still YOUR IDEA to send our ONLY getaway option away!" The maknae retorted.

"AISH!!! Now is NOT the time Mir!!! We're being shot at for crying out loud!!" Joon replied in irritation.

Mir gave his hyung a look. "NOW IS THE PERFECT TIME!!!! We can't even do anything!!! We're screwed!! KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!"

As Joon was getting ready to strangle the maknae, G.O's voice busted through their eardrums. "GUYS!!!! There are enemies nearby!! Be careful!! Take cover!!"

Joon and Mir both looked at each other with the same expression, "IT'S TOO LATE FOR THAT NOW!!!!!!!!!!!"

Just then, they heard a noise that was like music to their ears at the moment. It was the sound of tires screeching against pavement. 

The 2 looked over off to the side and saw the familiar white sports car speeding towards them. They both grinned widely as the car broke through the flanks of enemy shooters.

Joon turned to face Mir to give him orders. "You go out first, I'll cover you from behind. Go as fast as you can."

"You sure hyung?" The maknae's face was full of worry.

Joon just smiled. "I've got this."

The white sports car came to a sudden screeching halt nearby and that's when Mir went running out from behind their cover. The shooters didn't even have a chance to try to shoot at him as Joon came out right behind him and began firing off as many rounds as he could.

Thunder leaned over and opened the passenger side door and yelled over at them. "GET IN!!!!!!!"

Mir literally leaped into the passenger seat and turned around to make sure Joon was alright. His hyung was doing a good job of keeping the shooters as bay. He finally made it over and opened the back door and jumped in.

"I'm out of ammo!" Joon exclaimed as Thunder stomped on the gas pedal.

Mir reached into the car dashboard compartment and pulled out 2 handgun magazines and handed them over to his hyung. 

"Are you guys okay? No one is injured right?" Thunder asked, his voice full of concern. 

"We're good, you made it just in time hyung!" Mir stated before sticking half of his body out the open passenger window.

The car was super fast since it was a sports car and yet the maknae was keeping his upper body steady as he aimed at the pursuing cars.

Joon rolled his eyes as he reloaded his guns. "Show off." He mumbled.

Mir shot off some rounds and managed to get a tire on one of the vehicles, causing it to careen off to the side. He fired many bullets at the next car and managed to injure the driver. 

He stuck his body back inside the car. "I'm out of ammo now!" He exclaimed. Before Joon could do anything, the car suddenly came to stop. Mir ended up hitting his head pretty hard on the dashboard. 


"That's what you get for not wearing your seat belt." Thunder stated as he quickly put the car into reverse. He didn't do anything to move yet though.

"Yah, what's going on? Why are putting it in reverse?" Joon asked in confusion.

That's when he and the maknae both looked forward and noticed 2 other black luxury cars in front of them, blocking their path forward. 

"AISH!! How many of them are there?!" Joon exclaimed.

Mir looked over at Thunder with a questioning expression. "Just what are you thinking hyung?" His voice squeaked at the end.

Joon's eyes widened. "Now Thunder, take it easy. Remember our boat incident last ti-"

He was cut off as Thunder suddenly pressed his foot down on the accelerator, making the car lurch backwards and sending Mir and Joon flying back in their seats.

"KYAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA WE'RE GOING TOO FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Thunder wasn't even paying attention to them, he was too busy concentrating on driving in reverse and avoiding getting killed at the same time.

"Somebody do some shooting!" He exclaimed as the cars in front began their pursuit.

Joon finally came back to his senses and opened his side window. He stuck his upper body out and began to aim at the cars in front. It was weird to be aiming this way, especially since they were going in reverse.

He shot off many bullets and managed to get a head shot on one of the drivers, causing that car to crash into the one next to it and taking care of their pursuers. 

Thunder slammed on the brake and jerked the wheel over to the side hard. The car made a fast 180 degree turn, making some smoke on the pavement. Joon was screaming for dear life since he was still sticking out of the car window.


Mir was screaming as well but he was inside the car, clutching onto whatever he could.

Once the car was back facing the right direction, Thunder put it into drive and sped off forward. Joon was finally able to pull himself back into the vehicle and he was breathing heavily as he did so, clutching his chest.

Thunder took a sharp turn off to the right to avoid the other pursuing cars. He pressed his foot down on the gas pedal some more to get away as quickly as possible.

"Since when did Thunder hyung become cooler than me?" Mir asked in complete bewilderment.

*OC (Alexa's) POV*

It was Jihoon, Sungyeol, Sunggyu, and I right now. I wanted to stay behind at the MBLAQ mansion to make sure the other guys got back safely but then Jihoon reminded me of what needed to be done.

We were traveling to the murderer's place. Since I knew who he was, I was able to find out where he lived pretty easily by using the Capulet House directory that I had access to.

I didn't know his real name, I just knew that he went by "Jet Li." But apparently that name was enough to find out his whereabouts. 

(A/N: Sorry no kpop idol guy as the bad guy, I couldn't find anyone with the right "specifications" for this story)

It was kinda scary since really there were only 3 capable people present. I felt like a fourth wheel or something. It's THIRD wheel . My thoughts are so annoying sometimes.

It was just an infiltration mission but still, I felt like I would be holding these guys back and that I wouldn't be helping at all. My nervousness must have been showing on my face because Jihoon placed his hand on my shoulder in a reassuring manner.

"Don't worry yourself so much. You have me and these 2 here with you. Nothing bad will happen to you." He stated with a warm-hearted smile.

I smiled back but it was weak. "Not exactly worried about myself..." I whispered to myself.

The gloomy storm clouds looming overhead didn't make me feel any better either. As much as I love you storms, you're kinda ominous to me right now. God, please tell me these dark clouds aren't a bad sign?

I took a deep breath as we got closer to Jet Li's mansion. I wasn't sure what kind of information we would find but hopefully something good and concrete. Something that can be used against him and show the rest of the Capulet family that he's really a traitor.

But why do it in the first place? Why? I don't understand his motive yet.

I felt another presence come near me and as I looked up I noticed Sungyeol was giving me a brightly lit smile. "Yah, don't look so down! We need to do this remember? Everything will be fine."

A loud crack of lightning suddenly came from the sky as if contradicting his words. God, seriously this isn't funny.

End of Chapter 16

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I've read this story a few times now && I love it!
Hope to see more from you. :]
clasombillo #2
LovE the way the story goes;) make more of these;)
Seoblove #3
Wow. Fantastic. I swear this is one of the best stories I've ever read. And I luv MBLEAST toooo!!! Mir is just tooo cute in this story and from the way you describe SeungHo, woah. iness please. Heh. It was like as if SeungHo was in front of me the whole time with his y thick lips. Heh. Do write more :)
that was one of the best fanfics i've ever read~<br />
mir was especially funny~<br />
keep on writing!!! ^^
omo alexa is too funny >.< poor seungho!! but lol<br />
really good writing~
aksdjhqieufgaskdjfh -seungho fanatic-<br />
it sounds interesting~
catherinee #7
whoaaaa that was a really good ff xD<br />
i really liked the characters personalities! they were the best (Y)^^
i've read the first fic and it was really good :))<br />
i wish G.O's guna be with me. HAHAHA :)
wtfelicia #9
aww ended alrdy?! awesome story thou! hahaha! how nice to be able to meet your lover and friends of your past. never ending love eh! hahhaa!
Lol'.' Awesome story^^*!!! G.O Ahjussi~~!!