It is You, I Have Loved (annaloveriri)

Once Upon A Time
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Purely based on the Shrek series.




Jiyong woke up from the same dream wherein he was about to be eaten by a red, big, fire-breathing dragon. He is a human, well from one point in his life, he became a human, who lives in the dark swamp. Alone, with no one by his side. He preferred to be alone anyway, he liked it that way because everyone was still afraid of him.


He was previously an ogre. Ogre that is supposed to be large, hideous, man-like monster that is known to be eating human beings. His skin color was not of the norm. He eats other foods but not human beings, he wasn’t that of a carnivore and besides he considers himself a herbivore. Despite being a plant eater, the humans that saw him did not know that so they ended up running away. Jiyong wanted a friend, he tried talking to humans but it did not work, he sighed and ended up going to back to his lonely swamp.




Before, when Jiyong was still an ogre, he searched for food in the forest. And while looking he found a small bottle. He was greatly suspicious of the bottle. Looking at the blue liquid inside the petite bottle, he thought what is it for. But he immediately removed that thought and just decided to bring it home.


The night after bringing the bottle at home, he had a lucid dream. In his dream, he saw himself drinking the liquid in the bottle, he tried to stop himself but it’s too late. Jiyong’s dream was so vivid, so realistic. After seeing that he drank the last drop, he saw his body being lifted up to the sky, light beams was present around him. He also saw one blinding light beam passed through his portal into seeing the dream and it made him close his eyes for a few seconds. Jiyong opened his eyes and saw his own body transformed. He was bewildered, astonished, and stunned. His body transformed into a human. A human, a complete human being, with a head, torso, limbs and other body parts that Jiyong himself doesn’t know what it is called.


He woke up from his dream and immediately seeked the small bottle. He drank it without hesitation nor doubts. He felt himself being lifted to the air. Jiyong can feel his fast paced heart beat, he was nervous after he drank it. He just followed what he did in his dream, and maybe, maybe it will turn him into a human. Just like everyone else. Exactly like everyone else. Jiyong felt the light beams came out and instantly transformed him, changed him.


Jiyong fell asleep after the transformation. And after waking again, he wiped his eyes and saw his light brown colored palms. He was shocked, he did not know what to do. But he keep on inspecting his whole body. He looked at his feet, limbs, arms and his tummy. His tummy is not that big anymore, instead he found a flat tummy. Jiyong looked for a mirror, wanting to know if he really looks like the one in his dream, and saw somebody else. He did not saw the ogre that everybody is afraid of. He saw a boy, who has brown hair, beautiful black eyes, not that pointy nose, and pretty small lips. His facial features made him smile and flash his white-pearly teeth. But even though Jiyong liked his transformation, the only thing that came into his mind is. Why am I ? I wasn’t in the dream after I transformed. So he tried finding his now overly sized clothes and did everything just to make it be fit to him.


Jiyong did not know that all good things that have given to him always have a price to pay. So after being a totally transformed human being, he will sleep for the first time as a person. He laid down on his comfortable bed, settled properly and he closed his eyes. The moment he fell into a more deeper sleep, he started dreaming. He was in a scary, creepy and horrible castle. He doesn’t know what is he doing there. It’s somehow pitch black and all he can do was run anywhere. Until after some time he felt that he keep on running in circles, he unwillingly saw a fire-breathing dragon. The dragon saw him too and started pursuing him. Until Jiyong went into a dead end and the dragon is now in front of him and ready to savor it’s meal…


Jiyong woke up. Just like on cue, on the exact timing where he was about to be eaten. He was afraid, he can feel his new body trembling, crumbling to pieces when he kept on replaying the whole dream in his head. He was frightened, anxious and shocked on what he just saw in his sleep. He doesn’t know that this is his price to pay, that the dream will always repeat in his sleep unless…




Seungri on the other hand is a prince. A very handsome, he can be y and hot too, prince. His features are perfect, his life is perfect, and everyone wanted to be like him. All the girls that sees him, even just a glimpse, easily falls in love with him. Having the looks, money, title, and fame; Seungri can easily get any girl in his grasp, and maybe the girls are the ones who are coming to him. Given that opportunity, he became a playboy and he flirts with women anytime he wants, and there are even times where he suddenly breaks their hearts. Thus the title heartbreaker prince suits him more.


Daesung, a fairy godfather, noticed about Seungri’s seducing actions towards any girl that goes near him. Knowing about the countless time wherein he broke those girls hearts, Daesung cannot just sit there and wait for him to break some more. He casted a spell on Seungri.


By night one way, by day another

Thus shall be the norm

Till you receive true love's kiss

then, take love's true form.


Daesung recited the spell and set it upon the heartbreaker prince. The fairy godfather was pleased with his enchantment and looks at Seungri in the tallest tower in a scary, creepy and horrible castle. Not only locking him in that tower but his appearance was changed too. It was changed in a look that he can never imagined him to be.


Seungri, woke up in another room, still experiencing a massive headache after suddenly stumbling down in his room. He carefully rubs his eyes and looked at his environment.


Where am I? Why am I here? Who did this to me?


He felt strange, his whole body felt strange. He looked at his hands. Why are my hands like this? He was shocked on his hands, he wonders why is it so feminine, and small. These aren’t my hands… He looked at his chest, and he immediately saw two lumps on it. Wha—what are these? A-are these s? Why do I have s? Am I a? He stood up and walked on the dresser, finding a mirror. He was devastated when he saw himself, herself, being a full grown woman.


No, this can’t be happening. This is just a dream, a sweet dream. I will wake up when I pinch myself.




Seungri pinched himself (herself) yet nothing happened.


Why? Why am I not waking up?


Suddenly a letter flew out of nowhere. In the letter, his name was embossed in black ink. Seungri immediately opened the letter, finding for some answers on the questions in his head.


Dear Seungri,


You might probably be wondering why are you like that and why are you in this place. This is your punishment for being too flirty with all the girls that comes to you. I have turned you into a girl and locked you in the highest tower of a castle that is guarded by a red, big, fire-breathing dragon. Some knights are now in a quest to save you. I do not know how long are you going to stay there and how long are you staying as a girl. All I know is that some prince charming knight will come and save you soon.


By night one way, by day another

Thus shall be the norm

Till you receive true love's kiss

then, take love's true form.


Get it? By the way you have to change your name, so I decided to call you Ri. That’s all Ri. Have a happily ever after!


Hugs and Kisses,

Daesung, your fairy godfather


The letter burned up itself after Ri finished reading it.


Wait, what? Your letter did not help, Da-Daesung! What should I do now?




The now human Jiyong, set himself again on a journey in the forest. While searching for some supplies, he saw an animal on a top of a tree but he ignored it and turned around.


“Hey! Hey! Help me!”


Jiyong was shocked at the cry, he looked in front and on his back. But he didn’t find anyone.


“Hey, you! Help me! You can hear me, right?”


Jiyong looked at the ground, obviously searching the voice that he heard.


Am I hearing things? Is this another side effect?


He felt a thud on his back. He saw the twig that hit him fell into the ground.


“Hey! You! Help me please, sir.”


Jiyong looked into the animal again. Having doubts in his mind that it talked and immediately faced upfront. But looked back again the moment he heard the voice indeed came from the animal.


“Yes you, you looked at me awhile ago.”


“You, you ta-talked?”


“Yes. I would like to have a chit-chat with you but my place right now is not comfortable at all. Will you help me go down?”


Jiyong helped the donkey go down from the tree.


“Thank you, you’re my savior. What’s your name? I’m Youngbae by the way. Nice meeting you.”


“You can talk?”


“Oh yes, I can. Where do you live? Can I come with you?”


“Uhm. N---no.”


“Oh why no? I can be a helpful steed for you. And you haven’t answered my question yet. What is your name?”


“I’m Ji-Jiyong.”


“Oh! Nice meeting you Jiyong. As I have said, I am Youngbae.”


“For a donkey, you’re too loud and noisy you know.”


“I get that a lot. How did you know?”


Jiyong just rolled his eyes, knowing that Youngbae’s question is obviously easy to answer. And he just continue walking, going back to his swamp. Ignoring the others’ presence at all. Wishing that he would go away. He wanted to be friends with humans, not donkeys and their blabbering mouths.


“Where are we going, Jiyong?”


Jiyong held in and did not respond.


“Jiyoooonggg, where are we goingggg? Can you hearrr meeeee?”


Jiyong keep on holding his anger inside. Not wanting to show off his ogre side.


“Jiyong, whe-“


Youngbae did not finish his sentence because Jiyong looked back at him, with an angry look.


“That won’t scare me away, you know.”


“Aish. Fine, you can follow but I won’t be responsible for any of your needs, okay.”


“That’s okay Jiyong! At least I can follow you.”


Youngbae danced happily. Jiyong cannot imagine a dancing donkey, but now he sees one and he was in awe.




After 30 minutes of walking, they reached home, or as what Jiyong calls his own swamp. He immediately noticed the object on his front door.


“What’s that? As far as I can remember, I didn’t left something in front of the door.”


Jiyong rushed to the door, rushing to the object that is in front of his front door. When he reached it, he noticed the letter in the huge object that is obstructing his entrance.




I do not know if ogres have names so I’ll just call you ogre.

I have a proposition for you. Since you wanted this swamp for your own. I wanted you to do a favor for me, since I am still your almighty King because you live in my territory.

I left the magic mirror with you, talk to him and choose Princess Riona, he will lead you to the castle. Bring the princess to me, no matter what it takes.

When you bring the princess to me, then you will get your swamp’s land deed, all for you. And you can also be the kingdom’s hero, even though how ridiculous does that sound.

So, deal? I’ll be expecting the princess in the next two days.


Your ever loving King,

King Seunghyun


Jiyong left his mouth hanging for awhile after he read the kings’ letter to him. He was surprised that an ogre like him is needed by the king. Even though he is a human right now, everyone still thinks that he is an ogre so they all ran away when they heard murmurs coming from his swamp, labeling that he is indeed scary. But his greed for the land is huge and he wanted it for quite awhile. So Jiyong brought the magic mirror inside his house and placed it gently in an unbreakable place.


“Magic mirror, show me thy princess whom is deem worthy to be rescued upon.”


Youngbae almost laughed at the absurdity of Jiyong’s usage of deep, book-like words.


“You talk like book, you know.”


“Shut up Youngbae, I’m talking to a mirror here.”


“Can you hear your own words? It’s a mirror, Jiyong. Mirrors do not talk.”


“Yeah, says the donkey who can talk.”


“Oh! Right! Somehow. What if it doesn’t talk back?”


“Shh~ Youngbae, you’re so noisy!”


The human and the donkey’s bickering we’re halted as the magic mirror awakened from it’s deep slumber.


“Who is the responsible for waking me up?”


“I—I Did.”


“How dare you wake me up. I am having a nice dream.”


“I am sorry to bother your nice dream magic mirror but I wanted to know where Princess Riona is, whom shall be saved.”


Jiyong was afraid, he never talked to a magic mirror before and it gets weirder by the moment when he knew that mirrors do  dream too.


“Hmmm~ And why should I tell you where she is?”


“Just give him the answer you piece of glass.”




“Oh! He talks. It’s amusing, he’s a fairytale creature too.”


“Can you just tell me the location, magic mirror.”


“Oh yes, sorry I had a lapse. Seems like this donkey has been there. He can help you with the directions.”



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Chapter 3: Oh no just dream!!!!!! stupd leader why you wake up our Maknae..
Chapter 2: I like Lee twins fight. Why you beating your brother , Chae ??? He is right. Don't believe and don't meet Strangers!!!!!!
My male Cinderella how cute!!
Chapter 1: Thank you Jiyong. You save our baby Panda . Thank you for being the biggest reason for him to return home alive
I miss nyongtory so so much! Thank you for this collection
Chapter 2: I really have a thing with Nyongtory for being a husbad to each other. Aww
knarihime #6
Chapter 1: this story is amazing.
mcir66 #7
Chapter 8: Just wanted to say that I truly enjoyed the 'fairy tales'. All of them. Thank you.
Rosred #8
Ahh, I really loved these one shots! I like how all the authors did their own spin on the fairy tales, each one was a very enjoyable read kkkkk. ^^
ozwalkr #9
Chapter 5: ok, I LOVED THIS! I've noticed Ji's penchant for outrageous hatsand suits him. Bae has been sporting a low crown top hat lately too. Wonder if it was a present from Ji?