Peter Pan (Gracejees)

Once Upon A Time
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P e t e r  P a n




This is a story about Kwon Jiyong, a young man who is used to being lonely and someone who had never experience his first love because of his hectic life as G-Dragon, the well-known musician. This is a story of how he met his first love- the boy who never grows old. The boy who came from a different world that Jiyong never knew existed. Seungri . . . that was the name of the boy who melted the dragon’s heart, the one who made Jiyong experience life and the so called first love that he had  always craved for since he was a teenage boy but never got a chance to possess it. It was because Jiyong had been too busy on chasing his own dreams. This is the story where Kwon Jiyong realized that ‘first love’ is indeed beautiful. He is happy that his first love is Seungri, the never grow old boy.






It was one of the nights where Jiyong had finished his schedule, his “work” as G-Dragon at 12am in the midnight. Once he sat on the driver seat, he drove off away from the YG building. He detached his real self from his G-Dragon personality. G-Dragon and Kwon Jiyong are indeed two different personas for Jiyong. G-Dragon is the famous musician who’s admired by the whole world. Someone who is acknowledged by other genius musicians for the magic he possess in making a hit song that would last long enough in the music charts, worldwide. He’s also acknowledged by those famous designers for his fashion sense. He maintains friendship with tons of famous people in everyplace you could think of. In contrast, Kwon Jiyong is just a normal guy who barely has friends other than Youngbae- his friend since his trainee days.



Jiyong knows that walking into the entertainment world is like a challenge that he needs to go through for his dream to be a singer. People around him- his relatives especially, have warned him about the harsh truth about entertainment world- that there’s a possibility of him changing someday. But Jiyong is too stubborn to listen to them and decides to just focus on his goals to be a singer. He keep emphasizing he won’t change and that he’ll always be the Kwon Jiyong that they know, the always happy and cheerful Kwon Jiyong.



Then reality hits him 2 years ago, after his debut as a singer. He now understands what his relatives always warned him about. He tried to maintain his ‘Kwon Jiyong’ self in front of his fans and netizens but he gave up. Every day since his plagiarism case was out in the public, he had been given a death threat by his antis. He needed to go through all the harsh comments that was threw by the netizens. He reached the point that he didn’t dare to check on media site and his SNS account anymore due the cruelness of their words. Since that day Jiyong started being cold. Because of  that day, he created this so called ‘G-dragon’ personality when he was out in the public. He maintains his being Kwon Jiyong when he was with his family and his best friend, Youngbae. Only his family and best friend are aware of the two personas he has- not his fans who keep claiming that they know him and everything about him. They are not even one of them aware of this. They only know him as G-dragon, the cold and mysterious guy.



When he was on his way home, he drove pass a small park. He didn’t know why but the park or something seems to attract him. So he decided to pull over and have a walk to the park. When he arrived at the park, he noticed that it looks similar to the other park that he went before but there is something different. This park holds this peaceful atmosphere which made him feel calmer.


It’s been a while he thought. His mind is usually filled with a work and all kind of expectation from his company and fans.  That night at the park, it’s like his mind was set free from those problems.



Jiyong walked to the bench that was situated at the middle of the park. He wondered- why would someone put on a bench in the middle of the park instead of the other side of the park? He sat at the bench and he notice that he was alone. No one was there. Not a single human being, even the sounds of birds weren’t heard anywhere around the park. He didn’t felt weird despite it. Instead, he was happy that he got the park for himself that night. This means nobody will disturb him. He tilted his head backwards then to look up to the sky. Instantly, he knew why they put the bench in the middle of the park. The scene that he saw that time was the most beautiful scene that he ever saw. He never realized that the stars and the moon light up so bright until that night. He thought maybe it was because all this time he never had the chance to appreciate those kind of things. He was always wrapped up with work in the studio or at home without giving a care with that anything surrounds him.



He continued watching the scene which he can define as breath-taking. His mind was free and he his thoughts lead him to something. He felt that this kind of atmosphere will be better if it was spend with a girlfriend. It will be romantic, he thought. Then he lets out small chuckles. Yes he was a cold person but he have this fancy on romantic things like a date at a drive thru movie theater or a candle light dinner in the middle of the beach or even better, a drive around the city with his love of his life. That drive will be more perfect if the radio or the music player plays the song that he wrote himself for that someone special. He sighed then. Why on earth his thoughts did suddenly was filled about love?




The thing is Jiyong never had experience his first love like any other teenager in his days. He was too focus on his life goal, only to realize that he already lost the moment that most teenagers cherish-  like ‘the first love during high school’ or ‘the falling in love from the moment their eyes meet each other’. It’s not that he had never fall in love. He did, but all of those relationships seems so wrong and they did not last more than a week. That is how he got the title of a Casanova or playboy by his fans and the public.



That night, all of the sudden Jiyong wished to experience the so called first love. He wants to truly fall in love, the one that he won’t forget and will always be there in his heart forever. Jiyong wished it insistenty and suddenly something was flying right in front of him. It crushed onto him. Jiyong groan in pain and cursed on whatever ‘thing’ that made him fell to the ground. He dusted off the dirt from his pants and lifted his head to look on the ‘thing’ that was responsible on what happened.



To his surprised, he saw a young boy around 15 or 16 years old squatted on the bench, looking at him while wearing a smile, idiotically. He studied the boy and he thought the boy resembles a panda with the bag under his eyes. He look cute though with his fluffy black hair and a fedora?


Who the hell wearing fedora late at night at the park? Jiyong thought. The boy was not so thin. He sports a white dress shirt, a black short and a sandal to be exactly.


 He has bad fashion sense Jiyong thought. Then he averted his eyes to the surroundings, searching for the thing that crushed to him earlier but he didn’t find one.


It couldn’t be the boy Jiyong thought. Suddenly the silence between both of them broke when the boy decided to talk.


“Hey mister, I’m sorry for crushing onto you earlier. I’m flying away from my brothers and I didn’t saw you. This park is always empty and this is the place where I usually hide from my brothers. I thought there will be no one like usual but seems like there is someone right now and it’s you mister. What are you doing here? What is your name? Why are you look so grumpy right now mister? My brothers told me not to be grumpy because it will make us look old even though I know I’ll never grow old. They always think they can lie to me but I’m a clever boy. I know everything related to . . .” Jiyong was surprised when the boy kept talking non-stop to him.


 Did he even breathe? Jiyong thought. And what’s with he crushed me and the flying away? Who is this boy? So Jiyong cuts the boy’s words because he knew the boy won’t stop talking.



“Wait… Wait. What are you saying? You are the one who crushed onto me and that you’re flying? Are you crazy, boy? Humans don’t fly and why are you talking too much to a stranger like me? And do you even breathe because really, you talk way too fast. Whoever you are, just stay away from me okay?” Jiyong replied. He was about to walk away from the scene when the boy grabbed his hands just to bring Jiyong with him. . . flying. Jiyong was so shocked that he felt like his heart almost drop.



“Heyyyy..heyyy! Bring me down, you brat! Do you want to kill me? Who are you? Are you a ghost? If you’re a ghost just go away from me. I didn’t do anything wrong to you so just let me go!” yelled Jiyong. He struggled to free his hand from the boy


 What if I fall?  He thought. He didn’t want to die. He’s only 26 for god sake. He hasn’t found his first love yet. He didn’t want to die.


The boy brought Jiyong to the garden above the hill which was not far from the park. He settled both of themselves down. When Jiyong was sure that his feet were on the ground, he felt relieve. He then sends a death glare to the boy who is laughing hard right now. What’s so funny?



“Yahhhh! Why are you laughing right now? Do you think this is funny? I almost died because of you. You idiot! That’s it, stay away from me. Don’t follow me!” yelled Jiyong again. That boy really did piss him off and he didn’t want to handle anything like this. He asked himself why this kind of things happens to him. He got too many problems and plus a work load and suddenly this boy came out from nowhere and ruin the only day he can finally free his mind. He walked faster so that the boy can’t follow him but he was wrong. The boy flied and stopped in front of him.  He was still smiling showing his white teeth to Jiyong.



“Mister, let me introduce myself to you. I’m Peter Pan Ri but my brothers and friends called me Seungri because I always win in the game when we play together. I came from Neverland. So, I’m not a ghost mister. Don’t worry, I won’t do anything like killing you. Why would I kill someone? I’m not a bad boy, I’m just a naughty boy but even though I’m naughty, my brother still love me because they say I’m cute even though I always annoy them and I’m so bored right now so would you like to play with me mister? You will be happy if you play with me. You look so grumpy and angry. You might get old. I think humans can grow old unlike us.” Seungri uttered non-stop. Jiyong was irritated and annoyed at that panda eyes boy.


 Yes, he is cute but he needs to stop talking. Jiyong thought. H

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Chapter 3: Oh no just dream!!!!!! stupd leader why you wake up our Maknae..
Chapter 2: I like Lee twins fight. Why you beating your brother , Chae ??? He is right. Don't believe and don't meet Strangers!!!!!!
My male Cinderella how cute!!
Chapter 1: Thank you Jiyong. You save our baby Panda . Thank you for being the biggest reason for him to return home alive
I miss nyongtory so so much! Thank you for this collection
Chapter 2: I really have a thing with Nyongtory for being a husbad to each other. Aww
knarihime #6
Chapter 1: this story is amazing.
mcir66 #7
Chapter 8: Just wanted to say that I truly enjoyed the 'fairy tales'. All of them. Thank you.
Rosred #8
Ahh, I really loved these one shots! I like how all the authors did their own spin on the fairy tales, each one was a very enjoyable read kkkkk. ^^
ozwalkr #9
Chapter 5: ok, I LOVED THIS! I've noticed Ji's penchant for outrageous hatsand suits him. Bae has been sporting a low crown top hat lately too. Wonder if it was a present from Ji?