Lady and the Tramp (xxkakaoxx)

Once Upon A Time
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Dear unnie, 

we've been talking about your birthday a few weeks before. I know you don't see it as such a secial day, but for me birthdays has always been something important. A birthday is your day, once in a year you have a day only for you. That's why i wanted to give you a surprise I would have liked too! I truly hope you have had a beautiful birthday this year :)

For you (and maybe a little bit for everyone who is reading here) I gave my all and wrote this story. I promised you a oneshot for a long long time and I hope this one here will make up for the long waiting time. I don't know if you realize it, but this is the longest oneshot I ever wrote. 

It's not always easy and harmonious between us but still you should know that you mean a lot to me

I'll stop here and let you enjoy what I wrote for you.  


Lady and the Tramp


True love find its way to you; you don't have to look for it, just let it come to you. True love comes in the moment you would less imagine it. True love will hit you like a stone but instead of feeling hurt, you will feel high as if you were flying above everything. True love exists. That's what it is said.

Every story has their own moral. When I look back at my own lovestory I think the moral is that once you find true love you should never let it go, for true love can dissapear as fast as it finds you.


The school bell rang and everybody took their backpacks to get out of school as fast as possible. I knew that my driver would be waiting for me at the front gate as he did every day. After all I was Lee Seungri, heir of one of the largest tech companys with extentions all over the world. Everybody knew me, everybody wanted to be my friend, but in the end I only could count on a few real friends. I took my backpack and slowly went to the front gate.


There I met him for the first time. I still do not know why I even allowed him to get close to me that day but I just did.


“Hey!” he said and looked a bit nervous. I looked at him and gave him a short nod as only response. He was wearing some strange clothes which I couldn not figure out it's brand. He was chewing his lower lip and I caught myself staring at him hipnotized. After a few seconds – that felt like ages – I came back to my senses.

“Is there anything you want?” I asked him. I was used to people who talk to me as casually as he did. They always wanted something from me, or more exactly, from my father's company. Some of my female classmates had been told to flirt with me. Though it was useless. What they did not know was that I was not swinging that way. Nobody knew as it was the only secret I could say I had.

“A date,” the boy in front of me choked out. This got me off-guard. At first I thought I was not hearing right but the slight blush appearing on the boys cheeks showed me that he had really said it. How on earth could he think that I would go on a date with a person like him? I did not know anything about him expect for the fact that he looked poor in his non-branded clothes.

“I'm sorry,” was all I could say before I left him standing at the gate looking at me with determined eyes and got into my car.

That monday night I dreamt about him for the first time.


The next day was as boring as the day before expect for the fact that I had one class with my best buddy Daesung. He was actually one year older than me as he had studied abroad for a year and had not taken all the classes requiered for graduating. That's why his parents decided he had to redo one class.

“Hey Seungri, I heard you have a secret lover or something like that?” he was moving his eyebrows up and down to tease me even more. I sighed and shook my head slightly.

“I don't have any lover.” I said, emphasizing the last word. “He stood there and asked for a date. End of the story. Hyung you would be the first I'd tell about any kind of lover.” And with that argument the topic was closed for me, but only for me as it seemed later. 

The day ended and, as always, I left the school building and started walking in the direction to the front gate. It did not take long until I saw Daesung again. He was running and smiling like an idiot towards me?.

“Hyung, Do you know when school is over you're supposed to go out of school not in?” I joked as he stopped in front of me, breathing a bit too fast due to his sprint.

“Lover...” he presed out “... your lover is back.”


When I arrived at the gate I saw him walking up and down nervously. That day he was wearing a simply black pants and a white shirt revealing a bit too much of his chest. Once again I did not know why my body reacted as it did, but I went over to him without thinking about it even for a second.

“You're here again?” I started the conversation this time. He stopped pacing around immediately the moment he heard my voice and looked at me widening his eyes. Strangely I remembered every inch of his face, every litte detail: the little mole on one of his cheek, the blonde pony that seemed a bit too long and needed to be cut, the way his lower lip looked when it was being by his teeth, the way his brown orbs shifted a little bit barely noticeable but showing that he was indeed nervous.

“Yes I'm here again...” came his reply which destroyed the little trance I had fallen into. I shook my head a bit forcing myself to get my senses back.

“I'm here to ask you for a date again,” he did not blush this time while stating his reasons and seemed a lot more confident than the day before. Somehow I liked that side of him and maybe I even envied him for being able to show his true self so oppenly contrary to how I tried to hide myself so strongly.

In that precise moment my driver came over and asked me if the guy was causing me any trouble. I told him that everything was alright and then turned again to the boy who was still waiting for my answer.

“I'm sorry but I have to go,” I bowed in his direction and left him alone once again. As I sat in the car I realized that I had not replied to his date invitation and my lips formed a small smile, quite amused.


That night I lied on my bed thinking about him for several hours before sleep embraced me. And even then, in my dreams, I saw him. At first I was standing in front of a house. It was not small but it was not huge either, it was just the perfect size for a newlywed couple. I felt keys in my hand and that made me realize that the house was mine, so I walked up the stairs more confidently. It had a cute little garden right before the entrance filled with flowers. You could find there every flower you could imagine, to roses, tulips, narcissus to many more. Next to the house, on it's right side, was a old cherry tree with blossoms all over it, adorning its foliage. It was the perfect house, the future I was dreaming of, the hidden desire inside me which I had never been able to share with anyone else. I entered into the house slowly and even though I did not know if someone was waiting for me inside, I wispered to myself “I'm home.”

“Welcome home babe!” I heard a familiar voice greeting me back. I walked through the living room. It was beautiful, there was a small little couch standing against one of the walls with many pillows over it; it seemed really comfortable and if I had not been that eager to see if he really was there, I would have layed down there. The whole house felt warm, maybe because it was colorful, but colorful enough, with the right amount of colors and shades. I saw red and brown, my favorite ones. On my way to the kitchen I went through a small corridor with many pictures hanging on the walls. I could not see what or who were on the pictures because they were all blurried. Finally I arrived at the destination I longed for. Once I entered into the kitchen I saw him, his back was facing me and he seemed so fragile, so delicate and I felt the urge to hold him and never let him go. When he turned round I lost the ability to breath, I stood there frozen and could not avert my gaze away. His beautiful eyes who looked so pure, so confident looked at me once he noticed my presence. It seemed as he could look straight into me as if I was an open book for him. And when he smiled my world suddenly seemed perfect.

As I woke up I felt strange, I wanted to go back into the dreamland I had just experienced and remain with him a bit longer or maybe even forever if possible.


The week went by as normal as always and each day that passed the last class seemed to get longer. Each day I could not wait to get out of the school building just to see him standing right there, right next to the front gate. The question comming out from his lips was the same every day but his clothes changed. First he wore some kind of reviling shirts, with a large v-neck, later he choose ripped jeans. I could not choose which one I prefered, everything about him looked y. He also got more confident each day and I really liked it. On wednesday I saw him from the window of one of my classrooms, standing there and looking at each person that left the building in silence but quite sternly. I wondered why was he doing that, but once I arrived he looked at me the same way and said with a confident voice “I watched everyone leaving here and I am still sure I only want a date with you. Go out with me?” I was taken aback for a short second but my lips curled into a shy smile.

“Thanks boy, but I gotta go.” I winked at him and left him dumbfounded without a reply once again.


As expected he was standing there on thursday too. I was apalled as of when had I started feeling it as the most common thing. Once the school ended I was be able to see the person I dreamt of every night. That day he was holding a rose, a red rose which he gave to me while asking me out for a date again. I took it and left him, again, without any real reply. I could not say no but I could not say yes either. One part of me wanted to meet him but the other part was too afraid to be caught. When I was sitting in the car I leaned my head against the window and closed my eyes. I smelled the rose and imagined he would smell like that too. The truth was it felt good to be liked; and not in the way others liked me – liking my name, liking my family. No, he seemed to like me, Lee Seungri.


Soon came Friday and I felt a little sad when I realized weekend was coming which meant two long days without seeing him. I had started to feel the need to see him daily but it was not as if he was part of my life anyway. And however I wished he was a part of my life...


When I was walking to the gate I had a huge argument inside my head. 

"Today I'll say yes. It won't hurt to go out with him. Oh my god... going out with a guy! I can't do that, my dad would kill me! But I could tell him that I'm just meeting a friend. What if he asks which friend? I can't say “oh it's someone who is waiting for me at the front gate every day.” That sounds like he is a stalker! Wait... is he a stalker? No... he doesn't look like a stalker. But how do stalker look like to begin with? But his eyes... those eyes can't belong to a st

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Chapter 3: Oh no just dream!!!!!! stupd leader why you wake up our Maknae..
Chapter 2: I like Lee twins fight. Why you beating your brother , Chae ??? He is right. Don't believe and don't meet Strangers!!!!!!
My male Cinderella how cute!!
Chapter 1: Thank you Jiyong. You save our baby Panda . Thank you for being the biggest reason for him to return home alive
I miss nyongtory so so much! Thank you for this collection
Chapter 2: I really have a thing with Nyongtory for being a husbad to each other. Aww
knarihime #6
Chapter 1: this story is amazing.
mcir66 #7
Chapter 8: Just wanted to say that I truly enjoyed the 'fairy tales'. All of them. Thank you.
Rosred #8
Ahh, I really loved these one shots! I like how all the authors did their own spin on the fairy tales, each one was a very enjoyable read kkkkk. ^^
ozwalkr #9
Chapter 5: ok, I LOVED THIS! I've noticed Ji's penchant for outrageous hatsand suits him. Bae has been sporting a low crown top hat lately too. Wonder if it was a present from Ji?