Problem 4? (First Day)

Innocent Love

I awoke to somone yelling. I quickly shot up from my bed and out the door. I was still half asleep and I bumped into quite a few walls before I made it to the person yelling. I was baffled by the scene in front of me.  Himchan stood on one side of the room being blocked by Daehyun, while JongUp stood on the other side, hiding behind YoungJae.

"You! I'm going to beat your !" Himchan growled from behind Daehyun.

"I'm sorry." JongUp grasped YoungJae tighter.

"Sorry my !" My eyes widened as I watched Himchan push Daehyun out of the way and stalk toward JongUp.  YoungJae stood his ground but JongUp quickly ran out from behind him and dodged Himchan.  He quickly ran to where I was and hid behind me.

"JunHong don't let him get me!" I stared wide eyed as Himchan turned his glare to me. I looked back and saw JongUp was on the verge of tears.

"Ah, I... I don't know what's even going on." I heard him sniffle.

"I may or may not have drank Himchans's Americano." He fiddled with his index fingers.

"JunHong move out of the way or you'll be involved in this too." He motioned his hands in a big circle. "And you don't want to feel my wrath." Although I was a little frightened by Himchan right at this moment, I had to contain my laughter as I honestly couldn't see his wrath. I watched as Himchan raised an eyebrow. "Are you about to laugh at me? Do you think this is funny?" I bit my bottom lip trying to keep a serious expression as I looked up at him.

"N..No... I ... I'm not." I faultered on the last little bit and I found my self laughing. I tried to stop but each time I looked up and found him glaring I laughed even harder.  I didn't notice everyone watching me or that YoungJae was smiling as he watched me.

"Aish... Stop laughing." Himchan barked. This only made me laugh harder.  Before I knew Himchan had gotten me to the floor. "I'll give you something to laugh about." He began to tickle me. I barely had time to process that he had even gotten me to the floor, before I was once again laughing.

"Ahhhh! Stop, No... Stop!" My stomach hurt from laughing so hard.  Suddenly the tickling had stopped and I opened my eyes to see what looked like a worried YongGuk. Himchan was sitting on the floor rubbing his arm.  I tilted my head and rubbed my sides. 

"What's going on? Are you alright?" I looked up at YongGuk with a confused expression. 'Why would he ask that?'  I looked over at everyone else and found them all staring at us, mostly YongGuk.  They each seemed to look at YongGuk with a curious expression. I looked over at Himchan who was still rubbing his arm but was glaring at YongGuk.

"What?" I looked back up at YongGuk and got up. I walked over to Himchan and helped him up. I completly ignored YongGuk's question because I had no idea what he was asking. "Himchan, why were you mad at JongUp?" I was still curious about the issue from earlier and wanted to be on a different question then to be confused by YongGuk's.  Himchan stopped glaring at YongGuk and instead turned his gaze to me.

"He drank my Americano. KNOWING it's mine." He glared over at JongUp who now retook his position behind Daehyun and YoungJae. 

"You don't buy me my own drinks." I looked over at JongUp who yelled this behind his two bodyshields.

"Well can't you go get more?" I tilted my head.

"No! I have to go to the shop. I have no time to get my own. And You're a grown man BUY your own!" He glared at the hidden JongUp.  I paused for a couple of minutes.

"I... I'll go get it for you." I watched as Himchan's gaze softened as he stared at me.  I smiled at him and said, "Give me directions and I can do it." I felt a little more confident as I said this.  I watched as he smiled. 

"More confident aren't we?" I smiled as he ruffled my hair. He heaved a sigh. "Alright, but can you get that..." He pointed towards JongUp. "what he wants to drink, so he'll stop drinking mine."

"Yes." I watched as he disappeared into the kitchen.

"Ah, JunHong are you alright.  I've never seen someone laugh at Himchan." I turned to find YoungJae coming towards me.

"I'm fine. I didn't mean to laugh it was just too funny." I felt my face redden. "And it didn't help when he tickled me." I scrunched up my nose. I hated getting tickled.

"Tickled?" I looked to find YongGuk staring at me with a confused expression.

"Yes, tickled. Should really look before you intervine." Daehyun smirked at him.  I watched as YongGuk hit himself in the forehead. I was confused by their conversation.

"Ah, JongUp what would you like to drink?"  I wondered if he would just like for me to get him the same as Himchan.

"Hmmm.... I would like coca-cola" I smiled as I shook my head okay.  Himchan soon came back with a folded piece of paper.

"Thanks JunHong." I smiled and bowed my head. I went back to my room to brush my teeth and wash up before I left.

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Chapter 1: More pwease
Chapter 2: cute cute cute jeje