Problem 5? (Dessert)

Innocent Love

I had finally finished my dinner and was moving to the sink, when someone yelling,

"CHEESECAKE TIME!!!!" made me jump.  I barely had time to move out of the way before Daehyun came running into the kitchen, towards the fridge, everyone else following behind.  I watched as everyone quickly got down small plates and silverware.  YoungJae literally had to shove Daehyun out of the way so that he could cut the dessert.

"Hurry JunHong! Remember what I said." YoungJae motioned for me to get a plate and a fork and come over. I quickly did what I was told and got a piece. My wrist was grabbed before I could go back to the place that I had eaten at.  I looked up to see it was YongGuk.  He began pulling me towards the living room.  There was only one spot left when we got there.  He sat down and pulled me down in front of him.  I sat down on the floor.  I took a small bite of my cheesecake and was about to tke another when Daehyun crawled towards me.  Everyone else was enveloped in watching the movie that they didn't even pay attention to him.  YoungJae had been in charge of dishes and was working on them.  He motioned for me to lean closer.

"Y...yes Hyung?" I whispered.

"Can I have a bite of your cheesecake?"

"But where's yours?"

"I already ate it and I want another one but meanie Youngie won't allow me to have another one." He puffed out his cheeks.

"Oh, um sure." I handed my plate towards him, but suddenly I heard YoungJae yell,

"JunHong, No!" I looked over at YoungJae confusion plastered on my face. I felt my face redden as I found everyone looking at me. 'Did I do something wrong?' I looked over at Daehyun and found that he had eaten all of my cheesecake and quickly handed me the empty plate. "I told you to protect it." YoungJae walked over to Daehyun and smacked him upside the head, "You took the new kid's dessert."  Daehyun looked up at YoungJae and puffed out his bottom lip.

"But he let me have it."

"Ah, uh you asked for a bite." I couldn't help but say this.  I didn't want to be brought into a lie.  Daehyun looked at me and rubbed the back of his neck.

"Really? I thought you said I could have the rest." I watched as YoungJae grabbed Daehyun by his right ear, forcing him to stand,

"Now apologize and come with me."

"Ouch! Okay, I'm sorry JunHong." I was baffled as I watched YoungJae pull Daehyun by his ear behind him, walking out of the living room.

"Oooo He's going to get it now." I looked over at JongUp.

"Nah, He'll flash his puppy dog eyes at YoungJae and YoungJae will turn to butter."  Himchan said this as he bega eating his slice.  I couldn't help but feel a little disappointed about not being able to eat my cheesecake.  I jumped when I felt a tap on my shoulder.  I turned to find YongGuk holding out his half eaten cake.  I tilted my head slightly.  He rolled his eyes and grabbed one of my hands bringing it to the plate.  I was about to get up to go put up his plate but he suddenly grabbed my arm pulling me back down. I looked back up at him, frustrated that he wouldn't just tell me what the hell he wanted.

"Eat it." He finally said. I felt embarrassed at the fact that I hadn't thought of that.

"Oh." I turned back around and began eating the rest of the cake. When I finished I took his and my plate back to the kitchen. I froze in the doorway when I spotted YoungJae and Daehyun. YoungJae was sitting on top of the counter with Daehyun doing something to his neck. I could hear them whispering.

"Please forgive me Youngie. I promise I won't do it again."

"Ya.... Right."

"I won't because I will have you."

"Have me?" YoungJae pushed Daehyun back and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes because your as sweet as my cheesecakes and I can have you when..." I walked back before he finished his sentence. Just as I was halfway down the dark hallway I bumped into something, dropping the plates.

"Aish..." I quickly bent down to pick the fallen dishes but they were suddenly snatched up. I looked up to see that it was YongGuk.

"You're going the wrong way." YongGuk looked at me but began walking towards the kitchen.

"Wa... Wait." I whispered as I tiptoed after him.

"Geez." I had grasped his hand just before he walking into the kitchen but he lightly shrugged off my hand. I peeked around the corner and was shocked to find it empty.

"What but..."

"But what?" YongGuk raised a questioning eyebrow. I felt my face redden as I said,

"I... I did come in here but I stopped cause YoungJae and D... Daehyun were... Umm."

"Geez they couldn't do that in the privacy of one of their rooms."  YongGuk rolled his eyes and shoved the plates in the sink. He turned to me raising an eyebrow. "You should have just told them to get a room." I felt my face redden even more.

"I...I couldn't do that." I looked down at my socks as I felt my nervousness begin to build.

"Aish.. You need to stop being so nervous.  Take charge." I looked up when YongGuk grasped my shoulder. I felt my heart race as I looked at the bright smile plastered on his face.  "I promise in a couple of weeks you'll get over nervousness and shyness." His smile widened as he looked up at me. I felt a small smile tug at the edge of my mouth.  YongGuk patted my shoulder before he turned towards the door. He stopped and turned towards me "Next time just tell them to get a room." He winked at me before he left.  I couldnt hide the smile that formed on my mouth as I walked back to my room.

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Chapter 1: More pwease
Chapter 2: cute cute cute jeje