Problem 1?

Innocent Love

"What! How can that be?" I placed my face in between the bars, leading to the dorms. "How the hell can they be locked?"

"Um, Did you not get the schedule?" I turned and puffed out my bottom lip.

"No! I havent even went to the person in charge to get my key. I was supposed to do that right after school but..." I felt like I was about to cry.

"Hey don't... don't be upset. If you want I have a spare bedroom. You can move in with me."

"What?" I looked at him confused. He was saying to move in with him? He chuckled.

"Okay, I have a vacant room. If you want you can move into it. I bet it would be better than sharing a room with someone.  You'll even have your own bathroom."

"What's the catch?"

"Hehe, I can't get something past you. My friend owns the shop underneath the apartment. You can pay your rent by working a couple of hours in the shop after school."

"A...All i have to do is work at a shop and I can have my own room with a bathroom?"


"I knew it was too good to be true." I threw my hands up in the air.

"You only have to share chores."  He chuckled. I rasied an eyebrow and tilted my head slightly.

"Split chores?" He shook his head 'Yes' and smiled at me. "Are you sure?" I wtched as YongGuk rolled his eyes and grasped my arm. we stopped a few feet away.

"Umm, are your clothes at the dorm?" I felt myself blush.

"M... my mom is supposed to be bringing the by tomorrow, since it's the weekend."

"You were going to wear your school uniform until then?" He raised a questioning eyebrow. I felt embarrassment fill me as I looked at my feet but then I looked up at him. I was surprised when I answered with a sarcasstic answer,

"No, I was magically going to pull out a spare set of clothes." His eyes widened but he immediately began to laugh.

"Wow, you definitly are something. You can borrow a pair of mine, until tomorrow." I felt my blush spread throughout my body. "And dont try to argue with me." He winked at me as he pulled me along behind him.



I Hope this is interesting to you all. Please do bare with me. I am trying to make a good Banglo fic. Comment thoughts ^.^

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Chapter 1: More pwease
Chapter 2: cute cute cute jeje