Problem 4? (Dinner)

Innocent Love

I awoke to the sound of my door opening.  I sat up when someone whispered my name. "Yes?"  It ws hard trying to see who it was.

"Ah, Dinner is done." I found that it ws YoungJae whom was talking to me.

"Oh, Thank you." I got up and wlaked behind YoungJae, out to the kitchen.  My mouth began to water as I smelled different spices. "Mmm."

"Smells amazing right?"  I looked over at YoungJae and found him smiling at me.  I shook my head 'Yes' "Hehe, Daehunnie cooked tonight. But umm, I hope you're not allergic to cheese cake, because every time he cooks we have cheese cake for dessert.  Protect it."  He said the last part with a serious face as he walked intot he living room. 'Protect my dessert?'  I thought this as I as I walked into the kitchen.  Everone (excluding YoungJae and I) already had ther food and were begining to wlak out to the living room.  Just as YongGuk was exiting I saw him glare at YoungJae. 'What was that about?' I shook my head and followed YoungJae and got my food.  I stoppnd int he doorway when  saw there were no more seats.  I watched as YoungJae casually walked over to Daehyun and sat on his lap, his legs falling over the side of the chair.  Daehyun just placed his bowl over YoungJae's lap, continuing to eat like it happened everyday.  I didnt want to bther anyone by asking where to sit, so I decided I would just eat at the island in the kitchen.  There weren;t any chairs so I had to stand not that i minded.  I went over the events that happened today. 'Honestly, why did I block him?'  I pondered on this question until I heard a loud clang.  I looked over to the source and found YoungGuk placing his bowl in the sink.  He was reaching to rinse off the bowl when suddenly he turned and looked at me, leaning his elbows on the counter.

"Honestly, You must be in a really good thought if you didn't even hear me ask you a question." 'What? A question?' I raised an eyebrow and slightly tilted my head.  He puffed out his cheeks before smiling and saying. "Why aren't you eating with the rest of us?"

"Oh... I didn't want to bother anyone to ask where to sit, so I just decided to eat here."  I motioned to the bowl in front of me.

"For a highschooler, you sure do act like a child."  I crossed my arms.

"Am not."  I frowned at him as I watched him try to contain his laughter.

"Sure, you're not."  He smiled at me and ruffled my hair as he walked back into the living room.

"I'm not." I whispered under my breath as I looked back down at my food.

"Not what?" I jumped as I heard an unfamiliar voice. I turned to find the short guy named JongUp walking towards the sink.

"Oh, nothing." He raised an eyebrow to me but replaced it with a smile.  Just as JongUp left I realized, I had forgotten to ask YongGuk where this place was and if he could give me clear instructions, because I knew my mom wasn't good with directions.  Just as I began to eat again someone else walked in.  I looked up and saw that it was Himchan. 'He'll know since he owns the store.'  "Umm, Himchan-Hyung, I wanted to ask you soething."  I waited for him to finih rinsing off his dishes before saying this.  He turned around and looked at me.


"Ummm, well I needed to know easy directions for my mom from **** to here, so she would know where to bring my stuff."  I looked back down at mysocks, nervousness overwhelming me.

"Sure, let me go get a pen and paper."  I looked up at him surprised that he seemed so nice.  He smiled at me. "You don't have to act so nervous around me."  He patted my shoulder as he walked out of the kitchen.  I was confused, why is he being so nice but earlier he seemed so scary.  I didn't have much time to ponder this because Himchan returned a few moments later.  "Here you go."

"T... thank you."  He was about to turn and leave but I grabbed his shirt.  He had a surprised expression as he turned.  I quickly let go of his shirt.  "Ah, sorry.  I was just wondering if it was alright that i work down at your cafe?  I dont want to intrude on you all."  Himchan tilted his head.  He quickly smiled and ruffled my hair. 'What is with everyone and ruffling my hair?'

"Stop being so nervous, seriously.  I don't mind it would actually help because the dunce JongUp is a terrible employee and I can return him to cleaning up after the customers."  He patted me on the shoulder before adding. "We'll go over everything with you tomorrow about the house chores and your work stuff. Alright?"

"Yes, Thank you again." He only chuckled and waved back to me.




^.^ Note:  The reason it wasn't YongGuk who went and woke up Zelo was because YoungJae found out and wanted to wake him up too. They both argued about who would wake him up.  So JongUp came up with a game-needless to say YongGuk lost.  The glare was because of that. ^.^  The next chapter will be about Dessert and why YoungJae said 'Protect it'  I hope it's been good so far.

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Chapter 1: More pwease
Chapter 2: cute cute cute jeje