Chapter 5

Behind the Mask

"She'll be fine. Give her time to rest, she exhausted herself too much. She has reached her limits earlier, and that's why she fainted." The doctor handed me some piece of paper, "Just make sure she'll take this medicines 3x a day. I need to go Mr. Im." I just nodded as my answer and he gathered his things up then leave.


"Uhmm, Oppa?" I turn around finding Krystal with her things also, "I guess I need to go too." She looks at her wristwatch before returning her look on me, I just smile at her then she waves off.


I stay in my spot for about 5 minutes, before finally going to her room, in front of it. Should I? I wondered, already lightly touching the door knob with my knuckles. I took a long deep breath before pushing it open. 


As I opened the door, a book was exactly thrown at my face but I dodge it first. 


"You," An eerily cold voice voiced hissed, "I told you not to come again in my room. Are you deaf?" Jessica grated coldly, setting her jaw. Putting down the book she had been reading, I ignore her question and walks closer to her. I was about to touch her forehead, to know if her fever had been down, but she just slapped my hand. 


"Touch me again and you'll die." She said coldly at me. She lifted her chin up, the hair from her messy bun straying from its lose hold as she scowled at me. She was giving me her death glare, and I just sigh in defeat. 


I leaned myself on the wall of another corner of her room. I crossed my arms and directly look at her. Damn, she's really gorgeous. But then, she lifted her face caughing me staring at her. I mentally cursed at my stupid action. 'Fck!'


"Get. Out. Of. My. Room." She grated cussily, every word she'd left on her lips makes me shiver. But no, I don't want to. I want to make things up. To say sorry to her. 


A childishly grin plastered all over my face, "Make me," Her expression turned into amused one. Jessica merely raised an eyebrow before answering.


"I'm not in the mood to play in this nonsense game Yoong," Shutting the book that she's reading, she removes the comforter and was about to get up from the bed when she groaned in pain and touches her head. Goddamn hard headed! Ish. I immediately come to her and help her to stand up. But again, she just gave me 'that' look.


"If you touch me again, I'm going to throw you again the wall," She hissed darkly breaking the eye contact.


"Stop acting like a child for once Sooyeon,"  I said seriously. 


She hissed after a moment of surprise, "What? Acting like a child? Look, who's talking." 


I close my eyes and sighed impatiently. My patience is running thin. "Sorry." I murmured. 


Jessica slowly turns her head and meet my gaze, who was looking on with amusement. But I just look away and let her go. Three minutes of silence passed before I'd have the courage to speak again, "I-I'm sorry," I guess she's really surprised of what sudden words left in my mouth. I barely said those word. I'm not that type of guy who'd always been a 'gentleman' and always says to anything. Anyone. Sorry is just a simple words for others but yet for me it's a fckin' hard one. I step aside from her and make my way out of her room. 



'Booggssh!' (Guys, blame the author for the lame effects. Kidding haha) 



My eyes opened in alarm and barely put my hands to protect my hair in time to stop Jessica pulling my hair, "Sooye--" 


"Serves you right bastard!" Jessica huffed, grinding her teeth. I groaned in pain when I receive another punch in my face. Sent fresh ripples of pain through my nose. I bit my bottom lip and shook my head. Dammit, I should have known this would happen. 


"I still wonder when will be the time you would act like a grown up woman," I whisper as I wipe off the blood coming from my nose. 


"What? Sayin' something?" I thought she didn't hear it, but here she it. In front of me, crossing her arms over her chest. She was glaring at me so hard. Damn, I'm dead. 


I immediately cover my mouth and shook my head before again she could hit me. But instead of getting punched again, I receive a pair of hands hugging me tight. 


In almost a whisper, the words were so low I could barely hear, "I'm sorry too." And she'd totally fell into my arms, fallen asleep. I immediately carried her to her bed.


"I like you.. no. I-I.. don't know" Words couldn't describe what I feel toward her, but there's only one thing I'm sure of, "But I know you already like someone right?" I murmured. I look at her face again, eyes amused. Damn, I'm falling hard.




Jessica was literally looking at the tablet in her hand, staring like it was a weird object landed in her hand. She tilts her head a bit, still wondering how bad it tastes like. 


"Aigoo," Yoong spoken, "Nothing will happen to that if you keep staring at it." He chuckles then handed her a glass of water.


"This ! I hate this." She whines. Because the moment when she takes it, she knew seconds later she'll just go to vomit it and she doesn't want to make Yoong disappointed by it. So Jessica thinks it's better not to take it than forcing yourself and you'll going to vomit it afterwards. Well, it's not a bad idea right? 


"It will help you, Sooyeon." He answers. Yoong knew, making Jessica take her medicines will be a tough situation, even her sister, Krystal got a black eye before she could even make her drink a spoon of antibiotic. He's just praying that he would not end up being like that too. 


"No it will not, just make me suffer tasting a bitter one!" Jessica sneered, putting her hands on her hips. 


"What do you expect? It's their normal taste." He crosses his arms, laying his head on the headboard, and again his patience running thin. 


"You can't change my mind." She answered back. Yoong looked up at her with a bored expression and watched blandly as she crosses her arms on the top of her chest, intimidating Yoong's action. "And you're not leaving me alone with these right?" she accuses. Knowing Yoong attitude, he's really tight at like these situations. Especially when it involves her. Jessica.


Yoong sighed, rubbing his temples with his index and middle fingers, "Stop acting like a child Sooyeon," he scoffed, "It's just a simple tablet." Here we go again with this child topic, Jessica mentally rolled her eyes after hearing it again.


She shot him a mildly amused look before muttering, "Woah, look who's talking. 'It's just a simple tablet' Well, lemme remind you something."She said in a monotone voice. Walking towards him, and leaning her face to him. Yoong's reaction were still the same, but deep inside he could feel his heart might burst out any time by now. Just by thinking that their faces were inches apart, they could kiss! Damn, what's she doing? He gulped at the thought of that. 


"Who was the one who'd easily freaks out by just seeing injections?" Her eyes seemed to clear before she smirked, full on. "Who was the one who'd passed out suddenly by just seeing drops of blood?" She continued, Yoong was just eyeing her. More like staring her face, "And who was the guy who always act like a child by just leaving him alone at night?" But this time, Jessica pointed out his chest, Yoong could feel sparks running throughout his body. His mind stops working, his heart keeps beating--but not the normal one, his mouth left speechless and his breath stops for that moment.


They stayed in that position for about 10 seconds when Yoong mind finally works out and he'd push her softly away. Before he could do anything that he would regret for. Jessica, who was also out of her mind, wakes up from the reality. She could feel her face were burning, as she immediately looks away. As much as she thought she could win at him, by teasing him, but it turns out she was the one who's left speechless. Awkwardness. 


The door-bell rings, to break the ice, Yoong spoke, "Just stay here," He didn't receive a response from her, so he stood up from her bed and make his way to do the door, but before he could even close it, he turned his head back and look at her. Jessica was still steady on her position, Yoong thought that maybe she's got angry because of it. He sighed, closing the door of her room and goes to the entrance of their dorm. 


I guess this will be a long night again. Nice one Yoong, he said sarcastically on his mind. As on cue, when he opens the door he meet a guy who's inch taller than him. Wearing in a gray shirt and walking shorts, brown eyes and that gums. Really familiar. 


"Oh, annyeong Yoong-shi," It was then that he lifted his head, the edge of a smirk on his lips and his eyes dark. 


"What are you doing here?" Yoong tried to ask nicely, but you could feel coldness in his voice. He hadn't been so pleased to see him.


"I'm visiting Sicachu." The other guy answered, he again flashes his smile. More like teasing. Yoong hissed after a moment of surprise. What a in corny nickname. They were staring intensely at each other eyes, no one wants to lose. 


"She's doing well," He sent him a dark look of irritation before snapping, "You might go now. " Seeing his reaction, the guy could only laugh at his mind. How pathetic. Love really makes people crazy huh? 


"I want to see her first," He insisted, raising his left hand with a plastic cupcake. Yoong griped impatiently.This guy, he really wanted to mess with me. 


"May I now get in? It's pretty cold in here." The guy said. Yoong's eyes darkened and he balled his hands into tight fists before glaring and was about to punch him, when all of the sudden he felt a hand on his shoulder.


"Oh, Hi Kris!" Jessica greeted happily. Kris attention's diverted to Jessica. He smiled charmingly, ignoring the murderous look on Yoong's face, he looks at her, waving his hands off. "Hello Sicachu!" 


"I want to check, if you're okay now. Yoong-shi said you're doing fine. But I want to give something to you. " Kris hummed thoughtfully, ignoring the dark glare Yoong sent his way. He straightened up, promptly plastering a wide smile on his face. Yoong step aside from the entrance of the door and goes to the kitchen, grabbing a bottle of water and drink it on in one shot. He doesn't want to disturb them and look jealous in front of their sight. Yeah, he was jealous but sadly he needs to keep it all alone. 


He looks at the sight of them, they look perfectly at each other. And Yoong just find out his self crampling the bottle of water in his hand. 


For a moment, he couldn't help but to wish he was still the one who's making her smile. And it's driving him insane at the fact he can't have her. "I'm sorry, I'm not what you wanted." He whispers to himself, smiling bitterly at the view of them. 


I shouldn't be jealous, you aren't even mine. He hissed at that though and make his way out of our dorm. I need to subtle my feelings.



Sorry if it took long. /sobs/ So while I was having my preparations for our exams, I've seen some Yoona's recent photos... and I was like 'WTF--' WHAT HAPPENED TO OUR YOONG?! WHY IS SHE SO THIN?! HUHUHUUHUH 3 IS THIS BECAUSE OF HER DISEASE? OH YOONG, I THOUGH YOU'RE A SHIKSHIN?! PLEASE TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. =(( juseeyoooo

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Chapter 6: please update soon
Chapter 6: wuaahhh.....
can't wait for the next.....
what will happen?
deersic #3
Chapter 6: The spoiler... Oww,what will happen next? Update soon please:D

PS) you replied to me author-nim ! Thanks:)) That's good idea. Can't wait for seeing that:D
Chapter 6: im excited to see yoong win jessica's heart.
Chapter 5: That part when Jessica points Yoong chest. That sparks thought! <3
I feel the tension between Yoong and Kris. DX
Thanks for the update author-nim~!
deersic #6
Chapter 5: oww, poor yoong:(
It's time to make Sica jelous again, isn't it? haha
Anyway thank u for updating author-nim!
Chapter 4: please update soon
deersic #8
Chapter 4: I hope sica is okay...
waiting for the next chapter:))
Chapter 3: Lmao. So it's just a prank? xD Poor Sica. </3
Can't wait for the next update. Jelly sica, Mad yoong. Aww :((
LovesickFool #10
Chapter 3: Updateeeeed! <3 =))