A Call for Revenge.

"He lives in Gangnam, near a hotel. The building is white," the uncle told Soo Jin though the phone. Soo Jin peeked through an alley and saw the building the uncle was talking about. 

"Alright. Thanks." 

"Hold on, Soo Jin." 


A sigh was heard from the other side of the call. "You know that he was paid right? To murder? It's not that he was the one who wanted to murder them. Someone else did." The uncle reminded her again. 

This reminder has always been a sensitive topic, yet, uncle still brings it up. "Thanks. I'm hanging up." 

Soo Jin leaned on the wall of the dark alley and sighed. She knew there was someone behind all these. It wa not the murderer's fault but how can he be so inhuman? Just the thought of killing someone innocent is inhuman.

Soo Jin knew she does not have any rights to say that, because look at her now. Tracking the murderer, planning to kill him. She tried forgiving herself because it was different. She was doing it for revenge. 

He left her alone with no parents, she grew up all alone, without her parents' love. It was hard for her. She had to feed herself. Look for jobs. Even during Parents Teachers Conferences in school, her aunt would come. Her friends had their parents along with them. Celebrating if they receive good results, reassure them if they fail. 

Soo Jin didn't have all that. It was all because of him. That murderer. She took a quick photo of the building so she won't forget.

Soo Jin waited in the dark alley for a few hours to see if the man would come out. But as hours passed, no one came and she decided to call it a day.  

She exited the alley and turned to the left to return. It was already 11.30pm. She was lucky to catch the last bus for that night and panted heavily as she stepped onto the bus. 

It was weird how the bus is packed. It was late. Why do people go around at night? 

There was a light nudge on her left arm. She decided to ignore it, maybe the person beside her could not balance in the bus. Soon, a few more nudges came. 

Annoyed, she turned to the person standing beside her. "Excuse me, you-" 

He smirked. It was a smirk she knew so well. "Jongin," a soft gasp escaped her lips. 

She stared at him for a few seconds before turning away. His eyes were very alluring, it sent shivers down her spine. "Hold the pole if you can't balance yourself in the bus," she adviced despite being awkward. 

Jongin took a deep, loud breath. "Just wanted your attention."

He looked away from her. "What are you doing in the middle of the night like this? You do know.." He leans closer to her ears, "that it's dangerous, right? Pedos, erts, drunks are everywhere." 

She stepped a few steps back so the both of them had a distance again. "Don't act like you know me." 

"I'll walk you home," he sniffed, it was cold. 

She had her brows raised. "What makes you think I will let you? I can't trust you yet."

Jongin's eyes were lazy as he turned to face her. "You can trust me. I won't harm you."

"There's no way I'm letting you come with me," she rejected. 

Her phone vibrated a few times, signalling a call. 


Jongin leaned in and peeked the caller. "Ahjussi?" Soo Jin immediately turned away and answered. 

"Who was that?" He asked after she ended the call. "None of your business."

Jongin smirked and shook his head lightly. "You're always picking on me." 

"Look who's talking." Soo Jin looked at Jongin through the corners of her eyes. 

She has always find him attractive. The way he blinks his eyes like he's sleepy, the way he smirks, the way he wears his earphones. They were so attractive. 

But Soo Jin was scared. She has trust issues. It was hard to trust anyone in this world. The only people she trusts, are her aunt, and the uncle(ahjussi) who helps her with her plans. When she was younger, she used to trust people easily. It was a mistake of hers. But she learns better from the mistakes. 

A lollipop appeared in fron of her eyes. She turned to Jongin, confused. "You seem to be in a daze. Maybe this candy can help your brain process things better." 

She stared at the lollipop for a couple of seconds. "No thank you." 

Jongin didn't move an inch and still offered the lollipop. "How can you reject something from me?" 

"Why? Is it a sin to do so?" Soo Jin replied. Jongin smiled and still proffering the lollipop. 

Bipolar jerk. 

Slowly, she received the lollipop. Lollipop was rarely her snack, but it was given, by the handsome jerk. "Why are you suddenly kind to me?" 

"I'm always kind. Just, depends." He lazily shrugged. 

Yeah right. Says the one who knocked over my things on purpose. 

Soo Jin didn't reply and noticed it was already her stop. She glared at Jongin when he tried to alight the bus as well. "What are you looking at? I live around here as well," he rolled his eyes. What is wrong with this woman? It's not like she owns the city. 

"Whatever," she sped off to her own house before Jongin could catch up. She turned into an alley which leads a shorter way to her house. Her house was a place where she is the most comfortable. She didn't want anyone to know, and interupt her resting time. It was so not socialable of her, but so what? People do what people like. Why can't Soo Jin? Right? 

Jongin sighed and let out a small laugh. It was adorable of her. He keeps on reaching for her. He keeps on wanting to playfully . 



A few days later, Soo Jin bumped into a girl in school who was squealing with her face all red. Is she okay? 

She was followed by a couple more students, crowding in front of a room. Soo Jin squinted her eyes to get a better look and realised it was the Dance Room for the CCAs. But, why are they crowding there? It's not like they have CCA on that day. Or maybe did she forget? 

Soo Jin approached closer to get a better look of what the girls were looking at. She held her breath. 


He was wearing a black T-shirt with a cap lowered on the front part. His eyes could not be seen unless he tilt back his head a little. He was sweating, he was dancing to the beat. His dance was filled with burning passion, it seems like he was showing anger in his dance. 

As much as Soo Jin hates to admit, she thought Jongin dances very well. It was a talent not everybody has. She noticed that some girls have already gone back to their respective classes, which left her with two more girls. Soo Jin continued staring. 

It was amusing, how Jongin easily moves his body to the rhythm. He was like a different person. But Soo Jin was confused. Is he the good Jongin or the bad Jongin right now? 

The music ended and Jongin panted heavily. His breaths could be heard throughout the room. The two girls that were left with her went back to class. And it was left with her. Alone. 

Soo Jin decided to go back to class. Taking one last look at Jongin, she accidentally made an eye contact with him. He noticed Soo Jin was actually watching him. 

Soo Jin stared at him for a few seconds and blinked, without showing any expressions of amusement. Jongin was still panting. He took off his cap and messed his hair up because it feels stuffy. 

He stared back at Soo Jin. 

Soo Jin didn't miss how the corner of his lips twitched upwards. He was smirking again. The bipolar, good looking bastard was smirking again. 


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update soon^-^
Safi_xoxo #2
Chapter 7: nice story!
Selenadao #3
Chapter 5: Perfect couple ❤
Chapter 5: AWWW. Jongins reactions are adorable.
Chapter 5: That's cute, normally I dislike cute things but this makes it better
nubivxgant #6
Chapter 4: woah this is a lovely fic haha I like it C:
I freaking love it already
Chapter 4: Still being* damn autocorrect LOL and it's supposed to be persona not resonance. Jeez. Dumb apple
Chapter 4: She's sill bing cautious! And Kai's bad boy resonance is quite hot, LOK update soon
Chapter 2: Damn, you are one y bastard Kim Jongin.