A Call for Revenge.

Jongin came out of the Dance Room.

"You were watching me," Jongin stated. Soo Jin blinked a few times before turning her heels to walk away. Jongin caught up with her and randomly placed his cap on Soo Jin. 

Soo Jin scrunched her nose at the action. It was the cap he wore when he was dancing. It was reeking with his sweat. But for some reason, it does not stink. It has this familiar Jongin scent. It smells like Jongin. 

However, Soo Jin still took it off and threw it to Jongin. "Gross." 

Before she can even proceed to her class, Jongin had grabbed her wrist and pulled her to close the big gap between them. "What do you think?" 

Soo Jin held her breath. "Of what?" 

"My dance," he his lips and released her. "What do you think of my dance?"

Soo Jin steadied herself. "Why do I have to answer that?" 

"Because you were staring," he pushed his hair to the back and put his cap on. Soo Jin felt herself getting red and started stuttering. "N-no I wasn't s..staring. There were a few girls watching you too," she took a deep breath,"..go ask for their opinions because they totally liked it. Judging from their squeals earlier."  

"I'm asking yours though." 

Soo Jin grabbed onto her books tighter. "Look, I have to go to class. You too." 

"Helping the new student again?" The teacher raised her brow, being ever so sarcastic towards Soo Jin. 

"Yeah. I got lost in the hallway and she helped. Not a big deal right?" Jongin lazily sat in his seat and placed his head on the table. 

"Mr Kim. I would appreciate it better if you pay attention in class." 

Jongin ignored the teacher's remark and didn't move an inch. Soo Jin bowed and took her seat. In class, Soo Jin did not focus one bit. One thing was bothering her. 

She keeps on thinking whether she should make a visit to the building again. She needs to confirm that it's the man who murdered her parents. 

She wasn't sure how she was going to kill him, but she's been planning it for years. She'll make sure she gets him with her own hands and kills him on her own. It is dangerous, no doubt, she rather dies along with the murderer than living years of hell. 



Tha night, she came to the dark alley again. Where she waits for the man to come out. It was unlucky of her because it was freezing cold but she only had a thin piece of clothing on. 

"Does he even come out from his house?" She sighed. Suddenly she heard some noise coming from the alley. There were fast foot steps coming and it was plunging towards her.

"Yah!" A man called. Suddenly she was grabbed by the wrist and found herself running. 

"," she heard him say,"..run faster!" 

She recognised the voice well. It belongs to Jongin. "Jongin?" 

"Damn it! Come on there's a bus!" He flew, like literally flew on the bus along with Soo Jin, leaving the guys chasing him panting and not having the chance to catch up. 

Soo Jin realised whe was panting as well. Why did she ran? She looked to her side and found a worn-out Jongin. He was leaning on the bus and panting heavily. 

"Why did we run? Wait, is that a scar on your face?" She leaned in closer to get a better look. "It is!" She hated having people hurt or injured. 

"Did you get into a fight?" She asked while rummaging her bag. Jongin was shocked to see her worried like that. Her eyebrows furrowed and she bit her lips when she couldn't find what she wanted. 

"It was nothing."

"Ah! Found it!" 

Jongin peeked on what she has been searching since just now and it turned out to be a plaster. A pink one with little Rilakkuma cartoons on it. She moved in and pasted it on the scar on his cheek. 

"I hope you don't mind. It looks girly but it will do for now," Soo Jin cleared . 

She had lost her cool. She had this instict to immediately treat people when they are injured. "Make sure you put some ointment when you get home. Dab some water first before that, to clean the scar." 

Jongin smiled to himself and touched the plaster. To keep his pride, "I know. Besides, this plaster is so girly. The only reason I'm having it on my face is because I don't have any other choices."

Pft. Bipolar bastard. She thought. 

"Thanks though." 

She felt a shiver running down her spine as she stood up to get going when it was her stop. "No more fights, okay?" She reminded. 

Jongin leaned back and closed his eyes. It has been a long time since he was taken care of like this. 



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update soon^-^
Safi_xoxo #2
Chapter 7: nice story!
Selenadao #3
Chapter 5: Perfect couple ❤
Chapter 5: AWWW. Jongins reactions are adorable.
Chapter 5: That's cute, normally I dislike cute things but this makes it better
nubivxgant #6
Chapter 4: woah this is a lovely fic haha I like it C:
I freaking love it already
Chapter 4: Still being* damn autocorrect LOL and it's supposed to be persona not resonance. Jeez. Dumb apple
Chapter 4: She's sill bing cautious! And Kai's bad boy resonance is quite hot, LOK update soon
Chapter 2: Damn, you are one y bastard Kim Jongin.