A Call for Revenge.

Soo Jin casually walked to the kitchen to help Jongin's mum to set up the food. Her oversized shirt fell a little higher than her knees, pairing it up with the legging Jongin lent. She had her hair up in a messy bun. Jongin liked the view he was seeing. 

He liked it when girls wear men clothes that are oversized and big. It makes girls looks cute and small. Especially this time, it was his clothes. "I thought I've told you before that your hair looks better down." 

Soo Jin ignored his comment and rolled her eyes. 

The three of them sat and started eating. "So, Soo Jin, what does your dad work as?" Mrs Kim started a conversation. Soo Jin swallowed her saliva and cleared . Jongin stared at her worriedly. 

"My father died when I was young," Soo Jin gloomily replied. She didn't blame the old lady though. She knew nothing. She just wanted to start a conversation. Soo Jin saw Jongin putting his spoon down. Mrs Kim blinked. "I..I'm sorry. I didn't know." 

Soo Jin gave her a small smile. "It's okay." 

"What about your mother? I wish I can meet her someday," Mrs Kim excitedly said. 

"She. She's in the hospital. I can... Bring you to see her if you want," Soo Jin coolly stated. Mrs Kim went speechless. She turned to Jongin as he shook his head, signaling for no more questions to be asked. 

Mrs Kim softened at the sight of Soo Jin eating her home made food. She pitied Soo Jin. She lacked of parental love which is a very important factor in growing up as a child. "Eat more, Soo Jin," Mrs Kim scooped more of the food on her bowl. Soo Jin smiled and thanked her. 



"You're going home already?" Mrs Kim was shocked when she saw Soo Jin coming down the stairs, with her bag with her. 

"It's a burden for you when I'm here," Soo Jin uncomfortably stated. "I.." 

"Stay here for the time being," Soo Jin turned and saw Jongin. "Stay here for another few days. You'll be safe." 

"I'm actually planning to go see my mum."

Jongin sleepily blinked. "I can go with you." Soo Jin rolled her eyes. "Do you think I would let you?"

"Aw. Honey. Don't be so harsh on him. Let him accompany you. If he does anything to you, just inform me. I'll make sure to rip off his neck with my own hands," Mrs Kim raised her brows at Jongin. "Mum. I'm innocent." 

Soo Jin tried to hide her smile behind her poker face but she failed. Jongin could totally see her smile even if she's covering it. 



"How long has your mum been in the hospital?"

"10 years," she curtly replied. Jongin's eyes widened. 10 years? That's insane. How can someone be in the hospital for 10 years? 

"Um. She needs daily medication eh?" Jongin was confused. And he became more confused when finally entered the ward. It was a small ward, with just a stand fan, a chair and an old tv. 

"She's in a coma. For 10 ing years." 

Jongin felt his heart drop. It shattered into millions of pieces. No matter how harsh he was to her before, he was still human and he has feelings. The scene of her mum was very heartbreaking. Her lips were pale, she looks skinnier than ever although they inserted some wires to feed her, she looks weak. Weaker than any other person you can imagine. 

"Mum. I brought someone today. He's my classmate," Soo Jin stood beside the bed. Jongin flinched at the word classmate. He was not even a friend? 

He ignored that small matter and greeted back. 

A few hours were gone with Soo Jin updating her mum about what was happening around her. Jongin listened to every word she says. Soo Jin glanced at her wrist watch and knew it was already late. "Jongin. Can you please.. Give me a private time with my mum? I have something to tell her." Jongin obediently nodded and went outside. "I'll wait for you outside." 

Soo Jin sighed once she heard the door close. "Mum. I miss you so much. Please come back. I'm actually..I'm very very scared right now. That man has found me and he knows that I'm looking for him. I know it sounds dangerous but, mum, please don't worry about me. I have my friends with me," Soo Jin swallowed and cleared . She was lying. She had no friends, "You'll be shocked when you wake up, mum. I'm a big girl now. How I wished I could celebrate my birthdays with you and dad." A tear dropped on her left cheek, and soon, more tears fell, streaming down her cheeks.

She tried to calm herself down but failed. She couldn't help to get emotional whenever she talks with her mum. She remembered the day her dad was murdered, and her mum who almost lost her life. Their screams when the cold sharp knife sliced against their skins. They risked their lives in order to get her to be safe. She was hidden where the murderer wasn't able to see her. 

"I should have just died together. The three of us should have died together and live in Heaven. See what I'm doing now? I'm hunting to go kill him. I'll probably end up in Hell because of this stupid revenge. I...I love you, mum. I miss you."

Jongin saw Soo Jin sobbing from outside. He bit his lower lip to contain his sadness. How could a little girl grow up to be so mature without a parent's guidance? He wondered where her dad was but he decided to keep it for some other day. 

Soo Jin stood up and gave her mum a last, tight, long hug. It looked like she didn't want to leave. After a few seconds, she let go and exited the ward. Her eyes were not swollen but her nose was red. "Do you wanna get some coffee?" Jongin enquired. 




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update soon^-^
Safi_xoxo #2
Chapter 7: nice story!
Selenadao #3
Chapter 5: Perfect couple ❤
Chapter 5: AWWW. Jongins reactions are adorable.
Chapter 5: That's cute, normally I dislike cute things but this makes it better
nubivxgant #6
Chapter 4: woah this is a lovely fic haha I like it C:
I freaking love it already
Chapter 4: Still being* damn autocorrect LOL and it's supposed to be persona not resonance. Jeez. Dumb apple
Chapter 4: She's sill bing cautious! And Kai's bad boy resonance is quite hot, LOK update soon
Chapter 2: Damn, you are one y bastard Kim Jongin.