A Call for Revenge.

Soo Jin trailed along behind Jongin who was leading the way back to his house. It has been a few days since Soo Jin stayed at his house. She thought it would be better if she leaves by now. "Jongin, " Soo Jin called softly while tugging onto his shirt. "Yeah? What's wrong? "


Jongin seemed confused and worried at the same time. "Why'd you stop? "


Soo Jin cleared . "I. left something at home. I'll go get it now, so. You can go home first." Jongin blinked innocently. Like a kid. "I can accompany you." Scratch that. Not a kid, but a man indeed.


"No. It's okay. I Just thought I should live in my own apartment now. It's a burden for you and your mum if I stay. I'll find a way out of this mess and till then, I'll take care of myself." Soo Jin blurted out while looking at the ground. Jongin sighed.


"You know you're not a burden, right? Me and mum have never complained. Now stop being so stubborn and let's go home, " He took Soo Jin's wrist and dragged her along with him.


Soo Jin's attempt to pry his hands off failed. "Alright alright. I'll follow you but, let me pack some clothes from my apartment."


Soo Jin arrived in front of her apartment door. She tried to unlock the door but to her surprise, it was already unlocked. Something felt weird and it was not a good feeling. Jongin sensed something wrong and went closer to Soo Jin. "Let me open the door."


Soo Jin gripped on the door knob tighter. "It's okay. I Bet it's nothing." She faked a laugh.


Slowly, Soo Jin pushed the door. Much to her surprise, her furnitures were all destroyed, things were thrown everywhere, shelves were fallen and the kitchen had food spilled everywhere. It was a mess. A Total mess. Soo Jin knew it must have been that sick old man's job, or maybe he paid someone to do it.


"Holy sh Did an earthquake happen in here? " Jongin enquired as he stared at Soo Jin. Her expression didn't change at all. "Jongin. Get out of here." She demanded.


"Hm? "


"I think you should get out of here. Don't be near me anymore. I Don't think it's safe for you." She stated as she started picking up the books on the floor. She felt hurt. It felt like someone just pierced a needles through her heart. She wanted to cry, but she couldn't. Especially in front on Jongin. He's seen her cry once and that's enough.


Jongin smirked and gave a little sarcastic laugh, "And leave you alone here? You think I would do that? Come on. Pack your clothes." He found a big duffel bag and passed it to her.


"Jongin. Go home."


"I won't. Not going unless you're coming with me."


"Go. It's dangerous."




Soo Jin took a deep, loud breath and glared at Jongin. "Jongin. Listen. I Don't want you to get hurt. Your mum will be worried and mad at me if you're hurt. Don't get yourself involved in other people's problems, especially a stranger's, like me."


Jongin didn't like the way Soo Jin thinks. She thinks she's a burden. She thinks she can protect herself. "What if you got hurt? " Jongin asked softly.


"No one cares anyway. My mum is in a coma and I don't know any of my relatives."


Jongin softened. She must have felt lonely all these time. "I do. I Care."


Soo Jin stopped tidying and stared at Jongin. "What? "


"I care for you. As a friend. We're friends now, right? "


Soo Jin gave a small nod. "Sure. Friends."


"Pack up. I'll wait for you."


Soo Jin sighed and her shoulders deflated. She did appreciate his effort in keeping her safe, but she worried about his own safety. "Thank you."




I'm really sorry for not updating. School was hectic and I had no time to write new chapters. I Hope you guys like this short and sweet chapter. I Love you subbies! ♡

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update soon^-^
Safi_xoxo #2
Chapter 7: nice story!
Selenadao #3
Chapter 5: Perfect couple ❤
Chapter 5: AWWW. Jongins reactions are adorable.
Chapter 5: That's cute, normally I dislike cute things but this makes it better
nubivxgant #6
Chapter 4: woah this is a lovely fic haha I like it C:
I freaking love it already
Chapter 4: Still being* damn autocorrect LOL and it's supposed to be persona not resonance. Jeez. Dumb apple
Chapter 4: She's sill bing cautious! And Kai's bad boy resonance is quite hot, LOK update soon
Chapter 2: Damn, you are one y bastard Kim Jongin.