A Call for Revenge.

"I have received the information slip. Thank you for your effort in helping me. I really appreciate it," Soo Jin ended the call with a sincere thanking. It was an uncle who she had been working with these past few months. He had helped her in finding information about him. The guy who killed her parents. 

She was in the hospital, visiting her mother although she knew her mother won't be able to wake up any sooner. She sighed and held her lifeless arm. 

"Mum. I know you won't be happy for your daughter to be like this. But I just have to do it. Look what happened to dad. And you. You've been lying on the hospital bed for 10 years now. Do you know how much I miss you?  Please wake up. I'll still be waiting no matter what." She let a tear run down her soft, pale cheek as she kissed her mother's hand, "I'll be leaving now. I have school to attend. You would want to see me successful, right?" She smiled to herself. "I won't disappoint you, mum. I love you." 

Soo Jin has always been quiet. It was the opposite of what she was back when she was younger. She used to be cheerful, friendly, bubbly, just like a normal girl. Her parents were both good people. Mr and Mrs Moon. They earned so much respect and love from neighbours and people around them. Why did they have to be killed? It was so unfair. 

Since that incident, Soo Jin started to think that life was just trying to test her and piss her off. It was trying to see how much she could handle. She matured earlier than any girl in her neighbourhood did. She did her own finances and even moved out to live independantly. 

Soo Jin rarely talks to anyone. She keeps her feelings bottled up. She shuts other people out even if they act nice towards her. 

It was another sunny, school day and Soo Jin was on her way to school. She was turning eighteen this year, which means she'll be graduating soon. 

In the hallway, where students' lockers were located, Soo Jin bumped into someone. "Aish. Can't you see where you're going? Your parents gave you eyes for nothing!" She snapped. Soo Jin stared at her and bowed your head down. Without saying anything. It was not her fault, why does she need to apologise? She was wrong too, but she did not apologise. 

Not concentrating, she bumped into another person. "Ugh damn it," she muttered under her breath. She looked up to see a face of a guy. He was breathtaking. His tanned, bronzed skin, his plumped lips, his lazy, sleepy eyes. His height was a bit taller than her. His shirt was not tucked, some buttons were ed. The way he dressed his uniform was messy. But it looked good on him. 

She snapped back in reality when she realised he was gazing down at her. His eyes were hard and cold. "Watch where you're walking next time, miss," she swore she saw the corners of his lips twitching. He smirked. The good looking bastard smirked. 

"Same goes to you," Soo Jin curtly replied. Abruptly, he pushed a paper towards Soo Jin. "I can't find the office. Help me?" 

Soo Jin thought for a while. "Sorry for not being sorry, but no. Go look for it by yourself."

She continued her way to her classroom when a hand gripped onto her arm. "Geez. Are you really going to be like this? I'm just asking for directions to the office," he glared. 

She sighed and led him to the office without saying a word. 

"Kim Jongin," the teacher took out a time table for him. "Have a nice school day." The guy who she assumes named Jongin, bowed to the teacher and came out from the office. 

Soo Jin saw that he was already done and turned her heels to get to her own classroom. "Hey," Jongin blocked her way. She stared at him for a few seconds. "Move. I'm late for class."

Jongin smirked. "I believe we are in the same grade. You're a senior, aren't you?" His voice was deep and cold, sending shivers down her spine. "Are you a senior too?" Jongin nodded. 

"Then act like one," she pushed him away and headed to class. Jongin bumped his back to a wall and smirked. "You'll see." 

Soo Jin was already 20 minutes late to class. Once she stepped in, the whole class' attention was averted to her. "Sorry for being late," she bowed a little to her teacher.

"Why were you late?" 

She sighed. "I helped a new student to the office." The teacher raised her brow. "Well, that's not a good excuse. You should have came up with a better one."

Her days went by like this. Everyday, people doubt her, no one trusts her. She didn't know why, what she did wrong. Did she kill someone in her past life? She did not know at all. It was unfair. Life is unfair. 

Soo Jin proceeded to her seat and sat up straight. The classroom door opened once again. This time, it was not someone late, it's someone new. Within a few seconds, there were squeals from girls in her class. What luck does she have. It was Jongin. The one she helped. She thought he was joking about being in the same grade, but it was worse. He's in the same class. 

The teacher welcomed him in and asked for an introduction. "My name is Kim Jongin. You can call me Kai." 

The teacher gave him a seat at the row behind Soo Jin. Jongin walked passed Soo Jin, knocking her things down on purpose. "Oops. Sorry. Didn't see that," the corner of his lips twitched up.

Childish. She thought. 

Soo Jin still had her poker face on. Without replying, she bend down to pick down her pens which were scattered on the ground. Unexpectedly, Jongin bend down and helped as well. While squatting, he poked her arm. "Nice to see you again, Ms short-tempered." 

Soo Jin didn't understand what was his purpose. What did he want actually? He was like Jekyll and Hyde. But he changed so fast. Bipolar jerk. 


School soon came to an end. Soo Jin works part time in a cafe just opposite of the building she lives in. After school, she would always go to work straight. It is a relief that the cafe pays quite a big amount of money.

She changed into her work uniform and tied her hair up into a high ponytail. "One iced mocha and three iced americanos." She received an order. 

"Is that all?" The customer nodded, "Thank you, sir. Please come again."

The bell rang, signalling there were more customers coming. Soo Jin turned and greeted. "Welcome." 

There were six guys. Five were regular customers but the remaining one? It was Jongin. She had no choice but to take order from the table. 

Jongin watched her moves and smirked when she came up to his table. He was with his friends from the city.

"Kai. What about you?" His friend asked. "I'll have Caramel Frappe. You have that don't you?" Soo Jin pressed her lips together and slightly nodded. 

"You look prettier with your hair down," Jongin stood up and took off your hair tie.

"Kai! Stop that!" 

Soo Jin stared at Jongin who was already smiling. It was her first time seeing him smile, instead of smirking. "Sorry about that," his friend took her hair tie and gave it back to her. "He's new here." 

"I know."

"Kai. You're crazy. How can you pull a girl's hair like that?"

Jongin shrugged and lazily leaned back on his seat. 

"Hyung. I'm in the same class as her. It's your choice to believe or not," Jongin smirked at her. "Is that all?"

The boys nodded. She headed towards the counter to submit the orders. She did not like how people act like they know her. She had just met him today, why does he keep on bothering her? 


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update soon^-^
Safi_xoxo #2
Chapter 7: nice story!
Selenadao #3
Chapter 5: Perfect couple ❤
Chapter 5: AWWW. Jongins reactions are adorable.
Chapter 5: That's cute, normally I dislike cute things but this makes it better
nubivxgant #6
Chapter 4: woah this is a lovely fic haha I like it C:
I freaking love it already
Chapter 4: Still being* damn autocorrect LOL and it's supposed to be persona not resonance. Jeez. Dumb apple
Chapter 4: She's sill bing cautious! And Kai's bad boy resonance is quite hot, LOK update soon
Chapter 2: Damn, you are one y bastard Kim Jongin.