Half A Heart

Half A Heart

Minho’s P.O.V

I pushed Key onto the bed and his back hit with a light thump. His skin was still wet but slightly cold from the air.  I the water drops off his neck and ran my hands down his chest, soft, milky white skin under my finger tips. He shuddered under my touch and bucked his hips up slightly for more friction. I captured his plump pink lips with my own in heated passion and pushed my tongue inside, exploring the hot, wet cavern. He moaned into my mouth and ran his hands through my hair, the moisture getting caught between his fingers. Key pulled away from me and there was a slight sense of fright in his eyes.

“Key, what’s wrong? Did I hurt you?” I whispered in order not to scare him more.

“I’m frightened,” Key wrapped his arms around my neck and sighed.

“Of me?” I asked as I traced my finger round his jaw line.

“No. Of Jonghyun,” He whispered back.

“He might hurt you if anything happens to me or he might hurt me if anything bad happens to you and I don’t want that.” I lay myself next to Key and held him close, his face against my chest and my chin on top of his head. I pulled the covers over us and entwined our legs together.

“Look, Key. I’m not going to hurt you and won’t let Jonghyun hurt you either. I wouldn’t even know why he would want to hurt someone he loved. I promise you, okay. Everything will be fine. There is nothing to be scared of,” I smiled as Key laid there and breathed in my scent.

“Minho…I have a confession to make,” Key murmured.


Keys P.O.V

“It’s regarding Jonghyun’s death. As far as I know, all you know so far is that he died in a car accident but that’s not even half the story. I wanted to give Jonghyun up so he could be with you because I knew how much he loved you and how much you loved him. He would always talk about you and I would never be mentioned. When I said I wanted to give him up, he wouldn’t accept it. So he…he…he pushed me onto the bed and….” I was in tears by now because the thought hurt.

“What did he do Key?” Minho asked softly.

“He violated me, touched me roughly…he tried to me,” I finally sobbed. Pulling myself closer to Minho for safety.

“So I pushed him away and ran because I didn’t want it. I ran across the road and so did Jonghyun…then it happened. He didn’t look and the car…it…it…it” I stuttered trying to catch my breath underneath my cries.

“Key…it’s not your fault. He was the one who ran. He was the one who hurt you,” Minho reassured me.

“I think that’s why he told me not to hurt you because he hurt you and he feels bad for it. He would never blame you Key, ever.” Minho hugged me tighter and placed a kiss to my temple. I still believed it was my fault because who else’s fault was it? I had to run. I wasn’t going to hurt Minho and he wasn’t going to hurt me. That’s what I understood.


Minho’s P.O.V

I laid Key’s head back onto the pillow and climbed over him to get off the bed. I brushed a strand off his fore head then kissed the tip of his nose. Key had a rough night; I’m letting him sleep for a while longer. I put on some grey sweat pants and an oversized t-shirt that came to the middle of my thighs. I then opened the bedroom door quietly in order not to awake Key. I walked into the kitchen and the other members were gathered around the table eating breakfast, except Jinki.

“Taemin, where’s Jinki?” I asked the small boy.

“ YOU!” Taemin screamed.

“Minho! I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it.”

“It’s okay Taemin; it’s just your torrets. I understand,” I ruffled Taemin’s hair then looked around the apartment for Jinki. I walked into his bedroom and he was chugging down a bottle of beer at 10am. I strode over to Jinki and slapped the bottle away from his hand.

“JINKI, STOP!” I shouted in his face as I pushed him against the wall.

“ARE YOU CRAZY? YOU’RE GOING TO GET YOURSELF KILLED AND I AM NOT GOING TO LOSE ANOTHER ONE OF YOU! I almost lost Key the other night because he tried to kill himself and I stopped him. I’m stopping you now Jinki, I want the old Jinki back. We all want the old Jinki back. I need advice and you are the only person I could go to. The old Jinki, not the Jinki that drinks everyday and comes home at 3am every night absolutely pissed out of their head with a cigarette in his hand.”

“Sorry, Minho. I…I will try. What do you need advice with?” Jinki asked me when he sat on the bed; I placed myself next to him and sighed.

“Well, I and Key sort of have this thing. I can’t really explain it. I don’t think im in love with him well I’m not even sure myself. I cuddle him to sleep every night, I have baths with him, kiss him and it feels amazing. On top of all that we almost…well you know. Im not sure what’s going on,” I told Jinki because I knew he would understand.

“Honestly…I think you do love him but your to afraid to let Jonghyun go. Both of you are too afraid to let Jonghyun go and you have to eventually because it will stand in the way. Jonghyun needs to know you will both be okay,” Jinki smiled.

“Wait. How do you know what Jonghyun wants? Have you seen him too?” I asked with a slight sound of shock in my voice.

“Yeh I did, he came to me yesterday night,” Jinki smiled again.


Jinki’s P.O.V

“Jinki…” Something was whispering my name, im not sure what.

“Minho? Taemin? Key?” I shouted out, hoping for a reply. There was none.

Then I saw something white gleaming on the wall…it revealed itself. Jonghyun.

“J-Jonghyun…is...it’s you.”

“Onew, I need you to do something for me,” He said in a firm voice.

“Tomorrow morning, Minho will come to you for advice. You have to tell him that I need to know both of them will be okay and tell them to let me go.”

“Jinki, do you understand what im telling you to do for me?”

I just nodded because my voice box was frozen. It was really Jonghyun.

“Thank you Jinki.”



He wants us to let him go? I don’t think either of us are prepared to do that but I don’t want to let Jonghyun down. I need to let him go.


Keys P.O.V

I woke up to find Minho out of bed already, no wonder it had gotten so cold. I wrapped the blanket around myself and walked out of the bedroom to find Minho. I scuttled into the living room to find Minho sitting on the sofa with his head in his hands.

“Minho, what’s wrong?” I asked, sitting myself next to him and swinging my legs onto his lap.

“Its just I spoke to Jinki and he said he saw Jonghyun,” Minho murmured, the taller boy obviously still had his bed head still on because his voice was still raspy.

“Jinki said Jonghyun wants to know if both of us are okay.”

“I’m fine Minho…I have you now and I honestly couldn’t ask for more,” I smiled and wrapped the blanket tighter around myself.

“Jonghyun wants us to let him go,” Minho said softly.

“You know what Minho…” I placed my hand in his.

“I think im ready.”

“Key? Are you sure?” Minho asked me. I nodded back.

“Minho, I have you and you have me. I know im ready,” I smiled again and pecked his cheek lightly.

“If you’re ready, so am I,” Minho’s smile brightened up instantly knowing that I was ready to move on and finally accept that the world hasn’t ended.

“Key…are you wearing clothes?” Minho laughed slightly.

“No, I couldn’t find my trousers,” I laughed with him.

“Here, take this,” Minho pulled off his oversized t-shirt and placed it over my head, the t-shirt came to my knees it was so long.

“Thank you Minho,” I stood up and kissed his lips, they tasted like strawberries.


Minho’s P.O.V

After Key kissed me, I noticed something glistening hanging loosely round his neck.

“Key, what’s that round your neck?” I asked him.

Why hadn't i noticed it before?



I was like MUST UPDATE MUST UPDATE! last night but my internet failed on me -_-

So i found out this Christmas im going to a mental facility in Germany..... My Life.

And i also found lots of the drawings i did when i was in a facility over summer and they are really deep *_*

Anyway, i will be fine guys :) they are letting me take my laptop so i can update :D I will be fine :)

Thank you for all being amazing supporters and helping me through everything, i love all of you ^_^

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Chapter 7: I don't know what to say... This is simply nice.
Chapter 7: wow this stroy is just tooo beautiful i love it
wheresmylamb #3
Chapter 7: AWWW! That was so adorable and the necklaces and the last line ;____; Right in the feels ♥
mzjonghyun #4
Chapter 7: love it so much I wanted to cry you are so awesome
Chapter 7: Hope they will never forget him and will always love him, but what will happen when they meet in the afterlife again?
Chapter 7: "My heart longs for you, my soul dies for you, my eyes cry for you, my wrists bleed for you and my empty arms reach out for you. "

"Jonghyun couldn’t choose between Minho or Key so he gave them each other."

Seriously, stop bring such s good writer, I'm just going to be crying all the time!!! I love/hate you <3
Nice story and love minkey ending...
Glad that they move on from jong's dead...
usually i wouldn't even click on stories that have any other tags of SHINee other than jongkey or 2min.<br />
but i read this entire<br />
thing because of the story line;D<br />
Its really awesome. ;D
SHINee_SASHAwol #10
This is so heartbreakingly sweet! I loved it!! I swear I came so close to crying! I love the concept of the necklaces.<br />
Amazing writing!!! <3