Half A Heart

Half A Heart

Minho's P.O.V

Every little snowflake that fell from the sky is unique, that’s how I would describe Jonghyun. Like a snowflake, beautiful, smooth, soft but cold. Is it odd that our last kiss still lingered on my lips? Is it strange that I can still feel his heat inside my veins? Is it weird that I can still feel his fingers trailing down my chest? Of course it is. Or maybe I’m just not quite strong enough to let go of those feelings yet but the thing is, I don’t want to let go. He gave me every reason to believe I had found the one, the one I would be with forever but things don’t always turn out the same way as they appear in your head.


“Come on Jonghyun, Hurry up!” I shouted as I ran up the rose filled hill.

“I’m coming, why do you have to be such a fast runner?” Jonghyun asked while laughing and trying to keep up with me at the same time.

“Don’t run behind me…run with me,” I slowed down my pace and grabbed Jonghyun’s hand. He ran beside me, my forever love.


It’s strange to think to memories we keep can just disappear like sand blowing in a desert breeze but these memories are like rocks, they hurt. Jonghyun, my hopeless dream. I’m trying not to think about you, so long my luckless romance. I can’t wake up in the morning without you on my mind, you were everything I could have asked for but then again so was Key. You couldn’t choose…so exactly how much did I really mean to you?


“Jonghyun, how much do you love me?” I asked as I hugged Jonghyun from behind a little bit tighter than before.

“More than you could know,” Jonghyun replied then tilted his head back to kiss my cheek with a feather soft kiss.

“Then why won’t you choose me?” I whispered slightly in his ear.

“Because you’re everything he isn’t and he’s everything your not. It’s difficult,” Jonghyun replied then leant his head to rest on my shoulder. The room fell silent and I felt a slight state of disappointment in my heart because he hadn’t chosen me.


My heart longs for you, my soul dies for you, my eyes cry for you, my wrists bleed for you and my empty arms reach out for you. Empty, that’s what everything is. Empty. Both Key and I knew this. We both longed for something we both knew was gone and we loathed that fact, we loathed that you were put in the ground. Your body maybe six feet under but I know your soul still remains. Yielding skin, eyes like glass, lips of cherry red, sharp jaw; a perfect face. It was strange to think that maybe, just maybe he was still with us somehow even if it was a ghost, a spirit.


I pushed him up against the bathroom sink and crashed my lips down on his. Everything was so intoxicating, his lips, the taste, the kiss. He bit at my lower lip tenderly while running my hands up my torso and around my waist. I trailed butterfly kisses down his neck and tangled my hands within his brown and blonde hair. Jonghyun pulled away gasping for air; he placed his forehead against mine as we breathed in each others scent. Such a sweet scent.

“Jonghyun, your breath taking,” I whispered as I grazed my lips on his ear slightly.

“I could say the same about you…and so much more,” Jonghyun hummed lightly.

So many memories, everything was so blissful when he was in my arms; it was content. Knowing he is gone I can honestly feel myself dying a little more inside each time I cry and I know Key is too, I can here his constant sobs through the thin plaster walls at night. But I will tell you the worst thing about having to share the one you love…having to hear the one you love moan through the walls in the next room and pretend its not ripping your heart apart inside.


“Ahh…Ennn…Jonghyun, Faster,” Key gasped through the thin walls.

“K-Key….Your ahh so…tight,” Jonghyun moaned, a lot more audible to my ears compared to Key’s moans. I pull my knees up to my chest and bury my head in my hands.

“Help me god, help me god, help me god, help me god. Please let this end,” I plead while wiping the tears from my cheeks.


Looks like I got what I wanted, it ended. Jonghyun’s life ended and I cannot help but believe that it’s my entire fault. The only thing I ever really kept of him was my memories and a necklace. Half a heart shaped necklace that engraved the word ‘Always’ on the front, forever I shall wear it around my neck and forever he shall hold my heart. 



Ohh My Gawd AN UPDATE :3 like i promised.

I don't know whats more depressing XD this series or 'Love Song Series' XD

I will try updating next week or tomorrow or next month or next year or whenever i feel like it :3

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Chapter 7: I don't know what to say... This is simply nice.
Chapter 7: wow this stroy is just tooo beautiful i love it
wheresmylamb #3
Chapter 7: AWWW! That was so adorable and the necklaces and the last line ;____; Right in the feels ♥
mzjonghyun #4
Chapter 7: love it so much I wanted to cry you are so awesome
Chapter 7: Hope they will never forget him and will always love him, but what will happen when they meet in the afterlife again?
Chapter 7: "My heart longs for you, my soul dies for you, my eyes cry for you, my wrists bleed for you and my empty arms reach out for you. "

"Jonghyun couldn’t choose between Minho or Key so he gave them each other."

Seriously, stop bring such s good writer, I'm just going to be crying all the time!!! I love/hate you <3
Nice story and love minkey ending...
Glad that they move on from jong's dead...
usually i wouldn't even click on stories that have any other tags of SHINee other than jongkey or 2min.<br />
but i read this entire<br />
thing because of the story line;D<br />
Its really awesome. ;D
SHINee_SASHAwol #10
This is so heartbreakingly sweet! I loved it!! I swear I came so close to crying! I love the concept of the necklaces.<br />
Amazing writing!!! <3