Half A Heart

Half A Heart

Minho’s P.O.V

 It’s hard to sleep when it’s cold and it’s even harder to sleep when you can hear Key crying in the next room. I pulled the sheets off of myself and crawled out of bed. The air was colder than usual; to be honest I think the heating is broken. I walked down the hall way and knocked on Key’s door.

“Key are you okay,” I called from the other side of the door. No reply.

“Im coming in,” I opened the door and the first thing I saw was the glimmer of a knife, a knife that Key was about to plunge into his chest. I ran over to the bed and pulled the knife away, I threw the knife on the floor and it hit with a loud clatter as it hit the floor boards.

“Key, don’t do this! I know your upset but please don’t,” I sobbed as I embraced the younger boy, he trembled under my touch.

“Minho…it’s painful, it’s always been painful. Me and Jjong, you and Jjong. It hurts even still,” Key cried into my chest, covering my shirt in tears.

“Key, listen too me. He is in a better place; I know it hurts but Jonghyun wouldn’t-“I was cut off when Key grabbed my wrists.

“Minho, your wrists? You still self harm them?” Key asked; his eyes wide.

“Yeh, What can I do? Its pain release,” I sighed as I hugged Key tighter.

“Minho, I want to get rid of this pain too,” Key whimpered as he wrapped his slim, pasty arms around my waist.

“We will go out somewhere tomorrow; we haven’t been out in months. Okay?” I asked Key.

“I’d like that,” Key smiled.

“Smile more in future Key, it makes you look prettier,” I laughed as I ruffled his hair.

“You can pick the place. Where would u like to go?”

“The Café,” Key smiled again then snuggled closer to me.

“Okay we will go in the afternoon, I promise,” I grinned at the frail boy then went to stand up off the bed. Suddenly, a warm presence grabbed a hold of my wrist.

“Please, don’t go,” Key slightly whispered, batting his eyelashes lightly.

“I need to sleep-“I was cut off again.

“You can sleep here. Please, Minho,” Key smiled again because he knew I liked the way he smiled.

“Okay,” I dropped back on the bed and pulled Key close to me. He nestled his head into my chest once again when I wrapped one arm around his waist and put the other under his neck with my hand on top of his head.

“Thank you Minho,” Key yawned then fell into slumber. This must have been the first time he had slept in a long time, every night he would cry for Jonghyun’s absence and every night I would cut myself to release the pain in my chest. Sometimes the nights were unbearable but we were going to get through this together.


The air was breezy outside and it planted goose bumps on my skin. The snow fell from the sky delicately as it landed on the tips of Key’s eyelashes. I smiled at him and he smiled back, I had missed that smile. We arrived at the café and I opened the door to let Key inside. We both rubbed our feet on the door mat to remove the snow from our shoes. I could smell ground coffee beans, freshly cooked bagels, hot chocolate and the light scent of cinnamon fragrance. We sat at the table in the corner and flicked through the menu before choosing what we wanted to drink. The waitress walked over and took our order then left without saying another word.


Key’s P.O.V

I held the hot chocolate in my hands, the heat of the mug warming my skin. Minho took a sip of his coffee then whimpered slightly, pulling the cup away from his lips in a fast motion.

“Ahh, it’s hot,” Minho gasped.

“Of course it will be hot Minho-shi, its coffee,” I laughed, showing my pearly white teeth. Wait…I laughed, such a long time since it had happened I had almost forgotten the sound of my own laughter. I reached over to Minho and wiped some coffee off his lips with a tissue, he took the tissue from me; his hand grazed mine for a second and my cheeks turned a light pink.

“Thank you Key,” He smiled at me then placed the tissue into the bin next to the table. Minho placed his cup down and pouted his lips slightly. So cute I thought to myself; I never knew how much Minho could brighten up my day.


The waitress bought us over a complimentary cheese cake because we had ordered several drinks; Minho thanked the waitress and picked up a fork from the table.

“There is only one fork?” I wondered.

“Oh, Yeah there is. It’s okay you can use mine,” Minho smiled then passed me the fork; slightly leaning over the table his shirt hung loosely from his neck, exposing skin that had few cuts. Self harming really did take over Minho’s mind. I bit into the cheesecake, sweet strawberry and creamy taste enticed my taste buds. Minho just stared at the cheese cake, looking very hungry.

“Do you want some?” I asked politely. Minho nodded in reply. I scooped some cheese cake onto the fork and fed it to Minho. He nibbled on the cheese cake for a few seconds before speaking.

“Its good, I should have eaten it all,” Minho laughed.

“No. My cheese cake,” I pouted.

“You’re cute when you pout,” Minho laughed again. My face turned a light shade of pink once again so I ate some cheese cake hoping it would disappear. Wait, Minho just used this fork. It’s like and indirect kiss…..peculiar…


Minho’s P.O.V

I paid the bill then went outside to meet up with Key. It was pitch black outside; I didn’t know we had been inside the café that long. I looked at my watch, only 7pm…that’s odd? Oh of course it’s winter, the sun sets earlier. Silly Minho. Key was standing underneath the lamp post, leaning on the metal pole.

“Okay Key, lets go,” I walked on then realised Key wasn’t walking with me. He was still standing by the lamp post.

“Key what’s wrong?”

“I don’t like the dark, especially since we have to walk down ally ways,” Key bowed his head slightly because I think he felt like a wimp. No, Key just didn’t like the idea of being attacked in the dark. I walked back over to Key and took his hand, I interlocked our fingers so he felt safer.

“Feel better?” I asked.

“Uh…yeah…thank you,” Key giggled, his face turning pink like it did several times in the café.

“Your cute when you blush,” I laughed. Key tried to hide his face from me but I pulled his other hand away.

“No you don’t. Don’t hide your face, it’s too pretty to be hidden,” I ran my hand on his cheek for a second, such flawless skin.

“You know what would make you look better Minho?” Key smirked.

“I don’t know. What?” I smiled to Key.

“Distance and if u stood behind a brick wall in the dark,” Key joked.

“Right that’s it,” I rolled up the magazine I was carrying and hit him on the with it. Key jerked forward and laughed.

“That’s what you get,” I laughed along with him.

“It’s nice to see your smile again.”


I have never seen a smiling face that wasn’t beautiful. Key's was so much more than that.



Holy Hopping Jesus Christ On Crutches, 2 updates in one day! U guys are lucky bunnies :3

So i hope u like this. Writers block almost took over while writing this but then i was all like "RIGHT! TIME TO KILL A " and i did now poof writers block is gawn :D

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Saranghae <3

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Chapter 7: I don't know what to say... This is simply nice.
Chapter 7: wow this stroy is just tooo beautiful i love it
wheresmylamb #3
Chapter 7: AWWW! That was so adorable and the necklaces and the last line ;____; Right in the feels ♥
mzjonghyun #4
Chapter 7: love it so much I wanted to cry you are so awesome
Chapter 7: Hope they will never forget him and will always love him, but what will happen when they meet in the afterlife again?
Chapter 7: "My heart longs for you, my soul dies for you, my eyes cry for you, my wrists bleed for you and my empty arms reach out for you. "

"Jonghyun couldn’t choose between Minho or Key so he gave them each other."

Seriously, stop bring such s good writer, I'm just going to be crying all the time!!! I love/hate you <3
Nice story and love minkey ending...
Glad that they move on from jong's dead...
usually i wouldn't even click on stories that have any other tags of SHINee other than jongkey or 2min.<br />
but i read this entire<br />
thing because of the story line;D<br />
Its really awesome. ;D
SHINee_SASHAwol #10
This is so heartbreakingly sweet! I loved it!! I swear I came so close to crying! I love the concept of the necklaces.<br />
Amazing writing!!! <3