Chapter 1: First Day - Lee Donghae

It has to be you

Stupid Senior.

Stupid Senior and his annoying friends.

If I hadn't better control of myself I'd have beaten the pulp out of him.

The morning hasn't been good to me at all. The first step I took in the school grounds and I was already invited to the principal's office. Do I get into trouble for walking and breathing now, too?

Turns out I didn't get in trouble for living; I was just about to be presented with hell.

"Mr. Lee you will be held back for a year"

Ms. Song's words still rang through my ears. I could still imagine her 50-something year old face bearing that creepy smile.

Held back? this. everything. I didn't even have any will left to react anymore. I remember walking out of the door as if it was just another day for Lee Donghae. 

And it was.

After that, I decided to proceed to class 2-D since there was nothing left to do. But then I stopped midway because there was no point to it anyway.

I made a beeline for the lockers, instead.

I get there just in time to catch Tiffany Hwang bullying a girl, a freshman obviously. I take my eyes away from them for a moment to look at what's inside my locker. Hmmm....let's see, unopened books from last year, empty notebooks and expired 'candies'. "Protection is a gift" Like my friend Sungmin said. They all came from him anyway.

From the useless pile of , I turn towards Tiffany and the freshman again. All the girl’s things were strewn on the floor with Tiffany's hand at fault. I stiffen a laugh. I used to do that. Scratch that, I would've done that now too if I was in the mood.

I watch them for lack of entertainment.

Not much progression; terrorized face of the girl, Tiffany Hwang's scornful gaze. This scornful gaze though, suddenly turns into a smile when the girl with long hair approaches.

Oh, it's Amy Choi. I’ve seen how guy ogle over her and how girls follow her with envious stares.

I don’t really see what the big deal is. She’s just some rich girl with a pretty face.

Amy Choi pauses briefly in front of the two. Tiffany acts as if nothing happened and her quick change of attitude is evident.

Obvious control over her friend, I gotta say that's pretty hot.

Tiffany walks away with her. I notice her glare at the freshman one last time before walking alongside her friend.

I chuckle. What a lowlife.

I smirk. I’ve been called that a million times.

I contemplate over helping the poor girl or going to the other direction. I decide on the first one.

There's no harm in changing her thoughts about this school right? Not everyone's a .

I might as well give her a good first impression of me, too.

It won't last anyway.

I walk over and she seems surprised. I kneel next to her and with fast hands, I gather her books in a neat pile.

"Here you go," I hand it to her and she gives me a shy thank you. "Just forget about her. She's not worth it"

I stand up because I see Joo and Tori approaching.

"We've got this" Tori tells me, smugly. I roll my eyes at her but, I smile goodbye at the freshman.

How come they always catch people like me but, never people like Tiffany?

I've only taken a couple of steps away from the scene and I hear footsteps catching up.

"Hey! Lee Donghae!"

I didn’t have to turn around to know who it was.

Kibum and Sungmin match my pace. Sungmin has his phone on one hand. probably saving girls’ numbers; freshmen aren't warned fast enough.

I look at Kibum and he's hiding a cigarette.

"Throw that away" I tell him as soon as I see it.

"It's about to run out anyway" He looks around for prying eyes and finds a trash can. Kibum comes back free from the roll of tobacco but, the smell is undeniable.

I hate cigarettes.

"Got the news from the ‘old maid’? Sungmin asks.

"You got called in, too?"


"Of course not," I quickly reply, grinning. "Kibum, you too?"

"You know the answer to that" Kibum snickers.

"So, 2-D all over again?" Sungmin asks

"I heard they hired a new teacher"

"The old teacher got fired?"

"The old one got therapy"

They both chuckle. I laugh.

Trouble is more fun when you have friends to share it with.

I am not alone.

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LOL, no worries :) I think it's better to put them as 4 people into 1 chapter...but that's just my preference ^.^ Thank you for updating! I really can't wait for the next chapters :)
Yay! updated!! finaly :) you really need to write longer chapters T-T but I understand...writer's block can be such a pain...
finally an update!! omg please update more~~~~ T-T waiting so long for this fanfic~
so...when are you guys going to update this story...i really REALLY love the plot so far based off the poem but i'm kinda waiting for more updates!
Okay, so.. hee jin likes dongahe. donghae likes han byul. han byul likes eunhyuk. aaand. eunhyuk likes hee jin. Am i right? :D wow. i say yes to han byul and eunhyuk. lol. Good job. update soon. :)
First 3 chapters were great. Be waiting for the rest. :) keep up the good work. :))