It's Not A Date

Love Square

Luhan stared at himself nervously in the mirror. He straightened down his shirt in attempt of lessening the wrinkles and patted down his hair. He was still unsatisfied with how he looked, but this was the third outfit he’s tried on already and didn’t have time for another change. He wore a simple t-shirt with dark jeans and sneakers but he felt like it wasn’t enough. At the same time, though, he didn’t want to over dress so he stayed in that outfit.

It was the weekend and Sehun said that they should meet up for lunch today because he’s been craving bubble tea so they might at as well get lunch while they’re at it. Luhan didn’t know why he felt the need to look so nice, I mean it’s just lunch with your best friend, right?

But never the less, Luhan was nervous for reasons he didn't want to admit to himself. He wanted to enjoy the day he would spend with Sehun. He just wanted to have a nice and happy day, and forget everything that was stressing him out. Luhan wanted to forget about school for a second. He wanted to forget about his parents for a minute. He wanted to forget about Baekhyun and how Sehun planned on getting closer to said boy. He wanted to forget how Sehun liked that blonde idiot and not him and-

Dangnt! He was thinking about it again!

Luhan shook his head out of his thoughts and took one last look in the mirror. He puffed out his cheeks and blew out air between his lips. He was messing with his hair again when he heard his phone ringing. He ran to it, hoping it was Sehun and not hoping it was him at the same time. Hoping it was him because he would hear the younger's voice and not hoping because if Sehun was calling him he was probably waiting at the cafe already.

His fears were proven correct when he answered the phone.

"Hello." Luhan answered.

"I'm here already. Are you coming soon?" Sehun asked through the phone line.

"Oh yeah. I'm almost there." Luhan lied as he quickly grabbed his keys and ran outside to his car. "I'll be there in about 5 minutes." He held the phone in between his cheek and shoulder as he pulled out of his driveway.

"Okay. See you when you get here!" Sehun chirped. "Bye!"

"Bye!" They hung up the phone and Luhan placed his in his lap. The cafe was about 10 minutes away so he drove a little faster than usual.

Dangnt, I probably messed up my hair when I was running.

Luhan arrived in exactly 5 minutes. He scanned the tables outside the cafe, looking for the brown haired boy. When he spotted him, he took a deep breath before walking over.

"Hey!" Sehun looked up from his phone and smiled brightly at him.

"Hey." Luhan replied back, taking the seat across from him. They've only exchanged greetings and his palms are already starting to sweat from nervousness.

Sehun goes back to playing a game on his phone. "Do you wanna eat here or bring our food somewhere else?"

Luhan rests his elbows on the table and places his chin in his hands. "We can stay here."

"Okay, wait hold on. I'm almost done with this level." Sehun replies quickly as his thumbs tap across his screen. Luhan gazes at the boy across from him and laughs mentally at how concentrated he looks. His eyebrows are furrowed and his mouth is pressed into a straight. His eyes dart to different places on his screen and it seems that he's holding in his breathe. Then suddenly his arms shoot up and he's cheering.

"Yes!!! I passed it!" He starts fist pumping and his eyes turn into half circles. The heads of people around them turn to look at Sehun and he abruptly places his hands in his lap.

"We should go order our food now."

"Yeah." Luhan chuckles.

They get their food and sit back down at their table. Thankfully, no one took it while they were gone. When they started eating, Sehun began to talk about random things. Like absolutely random. He jumped from topic to topic. One second he was talking about what happened to him after school the other day and the next he was talking about why the ocean is blue.

Luhan didn't know why he was talking so much but he let him go on anyway, not being able to think of anything to say himself. He was happy the younger decided to be a chatter box today because if he hadn't, Luhan would've felt even more nervous and pressured to say something.

I shouldn't be feeling nervous around my best friend. Luhan thought sadly.

I miss being comfortable around him. Stupid feelings.

Sehun took noticed of his sudden change in mood. "Hey. Are you okay?" He asked with genuine concern in his eyes.

I took Luhan a moment to realize Sehun asked him a question because he was deep in his thoughts. He looked up at Sehun and flashed him a quick smile. "Huh? Yeah I'm fine."

"No you're not." Sehun replied matter-of-factly. "Come on, tell me what's wrong."

Dangnt, why am I so bad at lying? Luhan cursed. He used his chopsticks to poke around at his leftover food, avoiding eye contact with Sehun.

"Nothing's wrong. It's just the..." Hurry up! Think of something!

He could basically hear Sehun raising his eyebrows.

"It's the math exam!" Yeah, good thinking! Luhan praised. "I'm still worried about it."

He finally looked up at Sehun and was surprised when he saw Sehun's unsatisfied expression.

He hadn't bought his lie.

Sehun suddenly leaned forward, across the table, and stopped centimeters from Luhan's face. He stared into Luhan's eyes and Luhan began to sweat from the close proximity. He held in his breath as Sehun continued to stare him down.

"That's not a I'm-worried-I'll-get-a-bad-grade look." Luhan could feel Sehun's warm breath puffing slightly onto his face as he spoke. "That's a someone-made-me-sad look."

Sehun finally sat back down into his chair, ending Luhan's torture and causing a few customers' to turn their eyes away from the scene and back to their lunches. Luhan took in a deep breath, not even trying to hide that he'd been holding it in the first place.

"Is it your parents again?"

Luhan looked at his lap and nodded. It was half true anyway. He had been feeling down because of his parents recently too.

"How long 'til they get back?" Sehun took a bite of his food.

"They're not sure yet. But they said probably a few weeks."

Sehun shook his head in disappointed. "They usually never leave for more than two."

"I know."

"Hey." Sehun placed his hand comfortingly on Luhan's, which rested on the table. "Do you want me to stay over again tonight?"

Luhan couldn't form coherent thoughts for a second. Electricity ran from the touch and into his heart, causing it to pump faster. He's holding my hand.

Then Luhan finally realized what Sehun had asked him. "No, it's okay!"

If Sehun slept over again, they would be forced to sleep in the same bed again and Luhan didn't think he'd be able to go through another night like that.

Sehun pulled his hand away. "Okay, but remember you're always welcome at my house." He said with a reassuring smile. Luhan could only nod, not trusting himself to speak because his heart was still beating out of its chest. He started to pick up his plate, not wanting to eat anymore.

"I'm gonna go throw away my food. I don't want it anymore."

He started to stand up but Sehun stopped him. "No, I'll do it. I need to throw away mine anyway."

"Okay." Sehun gathered all the trash and walked over to the garbage bin.

Luhan watched him walk back to their table as Sehun's expression suddenly brightened up.

"I know what will cheer you up."

Luhan raised his eyebrows in response. "What?"

Sehun's eyes curved into little half moons and he flashed one of his rare smiles.

"Let's go get bubble tea!"

Luhan rolled his eyes. Of course.

They walked side by side passing by shops with bubble teas in their hands. Luhan with a honeydew one and Sehun with strawberry. Luhan noticed that there was a little skip in Sehun's step that he only got when he was drinking the tapioca filled beverage.

It's so adorable, he thought. Bubble tea puts him in such a good mood.

"See? Don't you feel better now, hyung?" Sehun said, breaking Luhan out of his thoughts.

Luhan chuckled. "Actually I think you're in the better mood now."

"I am," Sehun laughed and took another sip of his bubble tea.

And Luhan couldn't but smile at his smile. He gazed at the brown haired boy.

"Then I am too," Luhan said then took a sip as they continued walking past the shops and people on the street.

We should do stuff like this more often, Luhan thought.

As they continued down the street, Sehun's inner little kid came out as he got excited over interesting and fun items in the shop windows and dragged Luhan into random stores he wanted to check out. Luhan didn't mind, of course. He completely allowed Sehun to do as pleased. As long as he got to see that smile on his face, Luhan was content. He watched Sehun be amazed by cool gadgets and gizmos and was so immersed as he watched him, he almost didn't hear Sehun calling him.

"Hyung!" Sehun called for the third time, frustrated by Luhan's lack of answer.

Luhan shook out of his thoughts and answered back to Sehun with "Oh sorry. I was spacing out."

Sehun groaned overdramatically then laughed lightly. "You spend too much time in your head, Luhan. Did you even hear what I said?"

Shaking his head, Luhan said "No, sorry." And scratched at the back of his head feeling guilty for not paying attention.

"Well," Sehun continued, "I was saying we should get one of these." He held up the object he was looking at and Luhan just stared at it until he ended up tilting his head to the side in confusion.

"What is it?" He asked.

"It's a banana holder!" Sehun answered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world. He held out the yellow container so Luhan could have a closer look.

He looked at Sehun, then to the banana holder, then back to Sehun again. "And why do you need that?" He was still confused.

"Because it's cute, hyung! Look it even looks like a banana!"

"But Sehun," Luhan continued, "You don't even like bananas."

Sehun was quiet for a moment then respond with a quiet "oh...right.."

Luhan ended up laughing at Sehun's forgetfulness until he was wiping tears escaping from his eyes.

Sehun stayed quiet and pouted while he waited for Luhan to finish his laughing fit. When Luhan calmed down, he reached over and patted Sehun on the head.

"Sorry, Sehun." Luhan chuckled. "You're just so forgetful sometimes."

Sehun pretended to ignore him and began to put back the merchandise he was looking at back on the shelf. Luhan waited for him to finish as Sehun took his time with the task.

I'm glad I could treat him like a friend this time and not someone I like. I miss feeling normal around him. It feeling so anxious around your best friend all the time, that one person you're supposed to feel completely comfortable around.

Luhan was broken out of this thoughts when he heard Sehun murmur something.

"What was that, Sehun?"

He looked towards Luhan and said "Let's go home," and smiled slightly.

They walk back Luhan's car, side by side. Their shoulders bump against each other every so often. It's silent but it's not awkward. They both listen to the sounds of the night, now that the sun has almost completely set and their path is only lit by street lights and glowing signs. When they reach his car, Luhan realizes Sehun looks a little conflicted.

"Sehun, what's wrong?"

Sehun looks toward his shuffling feet and plays with the hem of his shirt. "Um..I just realized I walked here."

Luhan burst out into a short laugh then calmed down again when he saw Sehun's expression.

"Why are you laughing?" Sehun pouted.

"Because," Luhan said. "You walked here and I drove but I was the one that showed up late."

"Oh," Sehun realized. He chuckled too. "That is pretty funny."

While Luhan walked to the driver's side of the car and got inside he said, "Well get in. You can't walk by yourself at night. It's dangerous."

Sehun looked surprised and his lips formed an O. "Oh thanks hyung. You really don't have to give me a ride."

Luhan looked at him through the window of the passenger seat. "It's no problem. Now get in already.

Sehun hurriedly sat himself into the passenger seat of the car and buckled in. Luhan started the car, after buckling his seatbelt, and pulled out of the parking lot. He drove for a few minutes then hit a stop light. Luhan turned to the boy on his right, wanting to ask why he was being so quiet when he saw that said boy was fast asleep as his tilted towards his left shoulder.

Luhan gazed at the boy. The red beams of the stoplight turned Sehun's skin into a light pink shade and his hair into a red brown. He found himself staring at his lips again, like the last time he was met with a sleeping Sehun.

Yup, it's way too dangerous for someone this beautiful to be walking alone at night. Someone would kidnap him. Luhan thought.

He was broken out of his thoughts when a sudden green light replaced the red one and everything around him started to move again. Luhan pressed on the gas and the car jolted forward, making the brown haired boy groan in his sleep but not wake him up.

Luhan continued to drive, stealing glances at Sehun every now and then. That fluttering sensation in his stomach that he's grown to despise, stronger than ever.



...hehehe...hey guys *dodges tomato* it's been a while.. *dodges chair* OKAY OKAY IM SORRY ALRIGHT. I'VE BEEN AWAY FOR LIKE 8 MONTHS. Truth is I just kinda lost interest in this story because I don't even know where I'm going with it and school has me really busy lately. And I wrote about half of this chapter a few months ago and decided to finish it yesterday so I could just post it. I'm debating whether or not to continue this story.  I'll only continue it if you guys REALLY want me to, but just warning you now that updates will be really slow and the chapters will probably be pretty poorly written. If not, I'll just abandon this story and maybe come back to it later in the future. Idk. So let me know ASAP. Sorry..again orz

(Oh and i got the banana holder idea from my very first Eat Your Kimchi video. It was their WTF on the Korean Banana Holder lmao)

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Chapter 6: How long has it been since you updated also did you drop the story ?
Chapter 6: oh nice chapter authornim!!! waiting for an update!!!
Chapter 2: XD chanbaek fighting!!!
Chapter 1: aww luhan
Chapter 5: Continue.or.I.will.die.

Lool jk Im living this story so far!!! So I would love if you dont abandon it!!!!
baekkieboom #6
Chapter 5: Pls updateee soon:)
ELF154ever #7
xYeolXing #8