Please, Not Him

Love Square

Luhan got to his third period before anyone else got there. He just sat in his desk and put his head down. He wasn't having the best day so far.

First of all, he was already exhausted from staying up all night. Just a short hour of sleep really knew how to take it's toll on the body.

Secondly, Sehun had him more confused than a mouse in a maze without an exit. Luhan felt like that. He felt like he was running around, searching for some escape from these feelings when there wasn't any. 

Third, he was probably gonna fail his math exam. Which he really couldn't afford this semester.

And fourth, Sehun.

He doesn't even remember when he started liking him. Or when he started finding him attractive, for that matter. One day, Sehun's smile just started to make his heart race. Another day, he found himself wanting Sehun's hugs to last a little longer. Another time, he found himself staring at his lips, almost leaning in and kissing him and-

Luhan lifted up his head and crashed his forehead against the desk. Can I just stop looking at him like that? Can he stop making me feel this way? Things were so much simpler when I didn't like him.

Luhan had admitted to himself a long time ago that he liked his best friend. As much as he wanted to deny it, he wasn't gonna lie to himself. He knew it and he hated it.

Ugh, I don't even want to be here right now. I just want to go home and bury myself into a tub of ice cream while I watch TV and-

Suddenly, he heard a familiar voice.

Sehun strolled into third period, with a few minutes to spare. When he got inside the classroom, there were already some students there but his attention was brought to a certain deer-like boy in the corner. He immediately knew something was wrong by the way he looked with his head down on the desk. Sehun half ran half walked to the boy.

"Hey are you okay? He asked, even though he knew the answer. But Luhan didn't lift his head off the desk to turn to him. He just replied with a muffled, unconvincing "Yeah I'm fine."

Sehun, now with a worried look on his usually emotionless face, sat next to the sad elder. He was getting more anxious because his friend had just lied to him. Wanting to get a better response, he shook Luhan's shoulder.

"Yah. Tell me what's wrong. Are you sick? Is it the test?"

No. It's you. Go away.

Luhan wished he could say that. But if he did, it would make Sehun feel like he had done something wrong, which he hadn't.

Wait no, Sehun. Actually, you have done something wrong. You decided to get that new haircut and dye it that irresistible shade of brown. You decided to to wear those well-fitting clothes that make me just want to die.

Luhan's eyes popped open, even though all he saw was darkness because his head was still down. When did thoughts like that come across my mind so easily? I must be going crazy.

He sat up, not looking at the brown haired boy to his left, but staring at the wood beneath his hands. "Yeah, it's the test. I don't know. I feel like I'm gonna fail it." It was true. Even if just partially true.

"Oh good. You had me worried!" Luhan could hear the smile in his voice and turned to look at Sehun, who was now smiling. Any trace of anxiousness that had previously clouded his expression, gone.

Luhan couldn't help but smile because he was smiling. His eyebrows disappeared beneath his bangs. "Oh, so it's good that I'm gonna fail?"

Sehun started to laugh, "Not really. But at least I have a chance to do better than you now!"

At that, they both broke out into laughter but were cut short because the bell that signaled the beginning of class had rung.

They both quieted and turned their bodies so they were facing the front of the class. The teacher had begun her lecture, but they weren't really listening.

"Yah." Sehun whispered and poked Luhan's arm.

Luhan turned to Sehun just as he was beginning to interpret the teacher's words. "What?"

"Seriously. Don't scare me like that again," the brown haired boy whispered. "I thought something really bad happened to you." His expression was all seriousness.

Luhan poked Sehun's cheek, in attempt to lighten the mood and the other's face immediately broke into a smile. "Don't worry. I'm fine." Luhan said with a smile on his face, and he actually was beginning to feel better in the presence of his friend.

But merely half an hour later, he wanted to take back his words.

For a moment, he felt content. He didn't feel the anxiety that his feelings for Sehun brought him. He didn't feel the pressure to raise his barely passing grades. He had his best friend at his side, smiling and laughing. Everything was fine.

But then he just had to bring him into it and ruin his slowly brightening mood.

"Have you ever noticed Baekhyun before?"

Luhan looked up from his worksheet to see his best friend intently gazing upon the said boy across the room. "What do you mean?"

Sehun’s gaze didn't falter. "I don't know man. I just feel like...I'm seeing him for the first time today or something. Like, he looks..different."

Luhan glanced over at his friend before joining him on his gaze upon Baekhyun. He had to admit, he was pretty attractive, by physical means. He had soft blonde hair that framed a delicately shaped face. His skin was blemish-free and milky white. He was thin and short, and it suited him well. But that's where the compliments ended. Luhan hated Baekhyun's personality.

The blonde was always disrupting class and making rude remarks to his classmates, even the teacher. He was loud and annoying and always picking fights. But he was also sassy and knew how to make a comeback. Baekhyun was always cracking immature jokes or laughing obnoxiously at one, like he was now.

Surrounded by his circle of friends, Baekhyun was laughing his head off while sitting on his desk. The worksheet their teacher had assigned them, long forgotten. Luhan just rolled his eyes at the scene before turning back to his friend.

"I don't know. He seems the same to me. Still as annoying and short as he was yesterday." Luhan couldn't help but voice his opinion, hoping it would knock some sense into his friend.

"I don't think he's annoying. I think he's hot." Sehun continued to watch him from across the room. Luhan scoffed. "Really?"

But he couldn't help but feel hurt by his best friend's words. Why would you be attracted to someone like that, Sehun?

Then Sehun abruptly turned back towards the front of the room. "Oh my god, I think he saw me staring." Luhan saw his lightly tinted cheeks before Sehun covered his face with his hands.

Luhan pretended to be doing his worksheet, even though his mind was preoccupied with different matters. Hesitantly, he asked, "Do him?" Luhan shut his eyes, afraid of the answer.

"I don't know." He sighed and turned to Luhan. "Hyung, are you okay?"

Luhan popped his eyes open to see that the brown haired boy was now facing him. "Huh? Yeah I'm fine. Come on, we gotta finish this worksheet. Class is gonna be over soon."

Sehun silently agreed and they both continued answering the questions on the paper. Even though Luhan couldn't barely concentrate over the sound of his heart breaking. Luhan wasn't fine.

He was far from it.

It was the beginning of fourth period and Baekhyun was mentally groaning from the information his teacher was giving them. Apparently, someone had the great idea of giving them a huge science project that would take weeks to complete. Oh! It’s also worth like 100 percent of their final grade! Okay, it worth more like 30 percent but that’s still plenty.

Baekhyun wanted to get up leave the room when he heard the next piece of information.

“This is a partner project and your partners have already been chosen for you.”

Everyone in the classroom groaned at that. Really? Who’s idea was this?!

“And you can all thank your classmate Byun Baekhyun for giving me the idea of the project.”

All eyes turned and glared at the blonde boy. His eyebrows raised at that. What the hell?!

“What?! I didn’t give you the idea!” Baekhyun retorted. Why would I even do that?!

“Yes you did. Remember yesterday?” The teacher said with a raised eyebrow.

“Yes I do remember yesterday. But what I don’t remember is-” Baekhyun started but then stopped mid-sentence because he actually did remember what he said yesterday.

He was complaining to Ms. Lee that she gave them too much homework when school had  ended the day before. Baekhyun kept saying that she needed to lighten the load because he had other things to do besides school.

“Your school work should come first before anything else. Besides what other things do you have to do? You’re not in any school clubs or sports.”

Baekhyun scoffed. “Oh, I’m plenty busy. I just have…stuff to do.”

“So do I. So get out of my classroom and go do your homework. I have work to do.”

“Wait! Just hear me out! Wouldn’t it be easier to grade if you just have us one big assignment  for the rest of the year?”

Ms. Lee raised an eyebrow at that.

“Oh! And you should make it a partner assignment so I can pair up with Xiumin! He’s a loser, but he’s smart and he can do all the work for me!” Baekhyun said jokingly. Ms. Lee just looked back to all the papers on her desk. “Enough. Go home Baekhyun.”

“Okay fine.” Baekhyun walked out the door but turned back and stuck his head in the doorway. “Oh, and I was just kidding. Don’t do that, please?” He asked with a pretty convincing pair of puppy eyes but his teacher didn’t look up. “Go home Baekhyun.” And at that, he left.

Baekhyun turned back to the present time. “I said I was kidding! And I said please!”

“Thank you for the idea, Baekhyun.” Ms. Lee said with a victorious smile. “Now, let me tell you who you’re paired with!”

Baekhyun slumped in his chair. He had a strong feeling he wasn’t gonna get Xiumin.

“Xiumin, you’re with Jongdae.” They smiled and high fived each other.

One by one, Ms. Lee read out the names. 

Finally, she read out Baekhyun’s name, saving it for last. “Last but not least, Baekhyun you are paired up with Chanyeol.” She had a satisfied grin on her face.

OF COURSE! Why would I expect anyone else? I knew she would put us together!

Ugh. I hate him.

For starters, Chanyeol was an idiot. He was always asking questions that had obvious answers. He would always cause the class to stay back longer because he couldn’t answer the question our teacher asked. His hair was always gross and messy and he was freakishly tall. He also twitched randomly but the worst of all was that Chanyeol was the only one that didn’t back down whenever he picked a fight with him. Everybody else would retreat and let him win the argument. Except for Chanyeol.

Both parties groaned loudly and started to complain. Chanyeol stood up. “Miss, I can’t work with him! I just can’t. I’d rather do this project alone.”

Baekhyun stood out of his seat and turned to look at Chanyeol. “Really? You can’t work with me? I’m the one that’s getting the lower end here! Have you seen yourself? You’re kind of an idiot.”

Baekhyun saw a hurt expression quickly flash upon the taller boy’s face but it disappeared as quickly as it came. He knew he had just hit it a little close to home with the insult. His lips curved into a teasing smirk when the dark haired boy looked as if he wanted to rip his throat out.

“What?” Chanyeol said with a threatening bite to the syllable. He stepped closer to the blonde boy. The tension in the air started to get heavier.

“You heard me.” Baekhyun took a few steps closer until he was in front of the giant.

“Boys,” Ms. Lee called urgently but neither was listening.

 “You’re. An. Idiot,” he poked Chanyeol hard in the chest with every word.

Then Chanyeol just snapped and pushed the shorter boy halfway across the room. Baekhyun flew into a few desks but retaliated immediately, ready to fight back. But Tao grabbed his arms from behind and pinned them down so he couldn’t proceed.

“Boys!” Ms. Lee yelled, but again she was ignored. Chanyeol started to advance towards the blonde one but was stopped when Kris held him down as well. Both struggled to get free but gave up after a while and they were released a few seconds later. The tension was still heavy in the air but then the bell rang, signaling the end of the day.

Chanyeol and Baekhyun started to sprint for the doors with the other students when their teacher stopped them.

“Baekhyun! Chanyeol! Detention! Both of you! Tomorrow after school!”

Chanyeol just huffed and rolled his eyes. He mumbled a “whatever,”  and was out the door. Baekhyun followed suit and they exchanged deathly glares before parting ways.

I can’t stand him.


A/N: Woah, what was that? I swear, I was not planning on BaekYeol fighting. It just happened lol. Oh but poor Lulu. It's okay, I'LL LOVE YOU

Sorry for this y chapter and for updating super slowly. Hehe, I'll try to update faster. Thanks for reading and don't forget to comment! (^ω^)

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Chapter 6: How long has it been since you updated also did you drop the story ?
Chapter 6: oh nice chapter authornim!!! waiting for an update!!!
Chapter 2: XD chanbaek fighting!!!
Chapter 1: aww luhan
Chapter 5: Continue.or.I.will.die.

Lool jk Im living this story so far!!! So I would love if you dont abandon it!!!!
baekkieboom #6
Chapter 5: Pls updateee soon:)
ELF154ever #7
xYeolXing #8