Let's Pretend

Love Square

Luhan didn’t know know why but the silent house he came home to felt more empty than usual. He took off his shoes before entering and set his bag down on the floor while settling himself on the couch with a plop.

The house was much bigger than it needed to be to shelter the small family of three. But actually it was more like one, because Luhan’s parents were always away on business trips. At first, he felt abandoned and that his parents didn’t care about him. But as he grew older, he realized that they were doing their best and he learned to appreciate being home alone. Plus, Sehun would usually come over and keep him company, so eventually the negative feelings would go away.

But he still had moments, like these, that he would feel terribly lonely. Luhan lied down on the black leather couch and tucked his hands under his head after loosening his tie a bit, staring up at the shiny glass chandelier. What good is it, he thought, to have this great big house filled with fancy furniture but no people?

Luhan usually liked the silence in the house. It was peaceful and it gave him a clear mind to focus and think. But now, he hated it. The silence was deafening and it only reminded him of how lonely he was.

Usually Sehun came home with him after school, and he would leave a few hours later, returning to his own home. And after Sehun would walk out the door, Luhan would walk through the house, remembering all the things they had done. He would remember attempting to bake brownies in the kitchen and filling the entire house with the smell of burnt chocolate. He would remember the time when Sehun tried to scare him but accidentally tripped and fell down the stairs. He would remember the time they had stayed up late together in his bedroom talking about what they wanted to do in the future just because they didn't want to sleep yet. He would remember those things and not feel lonely anymore.

But today, he told Sehun that he wasn’t feeling well and he just wanted to relax. He needed to give himself time to clear his mind before seeing him again. The realization that Sehun might like someone else, hitting him and jumbling up his thoughts even more. His friend offered to stay and take care of him, of course, but he denied.

Luhan groaned when he remembered the disappointed look on Sehun’s face when he said he didn’t have to come over his house anymore. He didn’t want to be the reason of the expression on the younger boy’s face and told him that he’d be over if he was feeling better. The brown haired boy immediately brightened up and said bye before he turned around, walking to his own house. Luhan’s heart fluttered when he saw Sehun’s expression change, seeing that Sehun wanted him to come over. Of course, they always went over to each others’ houses but to Luhan, it had a different meaning now. He felt like somehow, he was making some sort of progress with Sehun. Luhan laughed at himself and shook his head. Ugh, this is so stupid.

While walking up the grand staircase, Luhan reminded himself again of why he couldn’t like him.

He’s my best friend.

He entered his bedroom and plopped down on his bed, not bothering to change out of his uniform.

He probably likes stupid Byun Baekhyun.

Luhan covered himself with the blanket and curled up into it.

He’ll never see me that way.

Luhan closed his eyes and tried to chase off the thoughts that just made him feel worse, with sleep. After several attempts of clearing his mind, he finally stopped thinking about Sehun enough to fall into shallow nap.

Luhan awoke several hours later even though he felt like he had been asleep for just a few minutes. The doorknob of his bedroom door was wiggling and he rubbed the sleepiness out of his eyes. When he removed his hands from his face, he saw a certain brown haired boy standing at the foot of his bed.

“Good morning, Luhannie!” Sehun cheered with a smile on his face. His school uniform was replaced with a simple t-shirt and shorts.

Luhan told Sehun where the spare key was, just in case, so he wasn’t that surprised to see him there. Sehun came by on certain occasions and surprised him from time to time.

He stared at Sehun with droopy, half-lidded eyes. The room was dark, he could barely see him with the faint light that was coming in through the window.

“Morning,” Luhan replied groggily before plopping back down on the bed and curling himself into his blanket, not quite ready to get out of bed yet. So lazy…

“Yah, Lazy-han.” Sehun rolled his eyes and tugged on the edge of his blanket impatiently. “Get out of bed already, or else you won’t be able to sleep tonight.”

Luhan immediately pulled the blanket up, covering his face while whining out a no. Sehun stopped pulling on the blanket and walked up to Luhan’s bedside. He pulled the blanket off Luhan’s face and felt his forehead, just to find out he wasn’t warm.

“You're not sick anymore?” Sehun asked. Luhan replied with a quiet yeah. Even though he had never actually felt sick.

“Great!” He chirped and jumped up to sit on the edge of his bed. “We can have our sleepover now,” he chuckled. Luhan just groaned in response, obviously not as excited about it than the other. Sehun smirked, knowing how to get him out of bed.

“Guess what I brought.” He sing-songed while pulling the blue package out of his bag.

Luhan heard the familiar crinkling of the plastic and sat up in bed.

“Oreos!” He immediately lit up, sleep being the last thing on his mind now. It was his and Sehun's favorite cookies.

Before Sehun could finish bringing out the package, Luhan was already pulling on his arm to get him downstairs, whining about how slow he was.

Luhan nibbled on his Oreo cookie while begging his heart to slow down. He and Sehun were sitting on his leather couch together and even though there was more than enough space on it for two people, they were pressed next to each other. The TV in front of them was playing some comedy movie that he was not interested in, but Sehun seemed to be. He nervously glanced down at his right leg, which was flush against Sehun’s left.

Luhan was out of his uniform, now in a t-shirt and sweat pants. He silently thanked himself for choosing to wear sweats, because if he had put on shorts, there would’ve been the likely chance that his skin would be touching Sehun’s right now. The thought of feeling Sehun’s skin against his own made his heart beat even harder. He leaned further to the left, afraid that Sehun might be able to hear his racing heart.

Sehun started to laugh loudly at something that happened on the screen and slapped his right knee, thankfully. If it had been his left, Luhan might’ve felt Sehun’s fingers on his leg, and he would’ve died on the spot.

Luhan silently laughed at how ridiculous he was being. Calm down, he thought, he’s just your best friend.

He turned to Sehun, who was still laughing, and smiled at the way his eyes curved up and his mouth was wide open, letting out cheery laugh.

He’s so cute. Luhan’s heart fluttered at the sound of Sehun’s laugh.

No! Stop Luhan! He shook out of his thoughts. You are not supposed to think your best friend is cute! He scolded mentally.

Sehun turned to him, holding out a creamless Oreo cookie half while he the side that did have cream. They ate Oreos that way. Sehun would twist the cookie apart, successfully leaving one side without cream, then he would give that side to Luhan. He always thought that Luhan was weird for not liking the cream but he didn’t mind because he loved it.

Luhan accepted the cookie half and started chewing on it.

Sehun touched this and now I’m eating it…

He mentally facepalmed for thinking that way but his heart was still beating hard.

Luhan, calm down. You guys always do this. This is nothing new. He took a deep breath and continued to eat while trying to understand what was going on in the movie because he had not been paying attention. But his heart started to beat rapidly again because Sehun was now leaning onto his side, knees tucked into his chest.

Dammit. This is going to be a long night.

The credits of the movie were rolling and they left it on for the background music. Sehun grabbed the last cookie in the package and twisted it apart. But this time a tiny spot of cream broke onto the suppose-to-creamless side.

“Why does this always happen on the last one?” Sehun chuckled, annoyed a bit.

“I don’t know. Maybe you’re cursed.” Luhan laughed before taking a sip of his milk.

When he set his glass back down, Sehun away the tiny spot of cream and held it out to him.

Luhan tilted his head to the side a bit, in confusion. His eyebrows furrowed. “What are you doing?”

“Eat it. There’s no cream on it now.” Sehun said with his famous no-emotion expression.

“Sehun! No! You it!”

Luhan felt heat creep up into his cheeks. Whenever both sides had cream, Sehun would usually just eat both. He’s never it off before.

Sehun’s expression turned into a happy one and he started to giggle at Luhan. “Aw, you’re blushing. You’re so cute!”

At that, Luhan’s neck was red too.

He just said I was cute! He said I was so cute!

Luhan started to laugh nervously and covered his blushing face. “S-shut up.” Dammit, I stuttered.

Sehun continued to laugh at the embarrassed Luhan. He tried to pull his hands away from his face but failed. He gave up and sat back, still holding onto the disassembled Oreo.

He pouted. “If I’m your best friend, you’ll move your hands.”

Luhan’s hands pressed into his face even harder, showing no intention of removing them.

Sehun gasped overdramatically. “You’re so mean! Fine, you’re not cute anymore.”

Slowly, Luhan moved his hands away from his face, pouting because Sehun said he wasn’t cute anymore.

“Fine. Ok-”

He didn’t get to finish because Sehun pounced on him and shoved the creamless Oreo into Luhan’s parted lips and covered his mouth with his hand so he couldn’t spit it out.

Sehun start to chuckle evilly. “Eat it!”

Luhan squirmed, trying to get out from under him because Sehun was straddling him on the couch and his heart had started to race again. And there was still the cookie in his mouth that he was trying not to choke on.

He started mumbling some incoherent noises and slapping at Sehun’s hands.

Sehun finally got the idea that he couldn’t breath and released him, sitting back onto the couch again. “Oh sorry.” He laughed.

Luhan chewed and swallowed the cookie. “Yeah, .” He pretended to scowl at him, but wasn’t doing a very good job of it because he could still feel how Sehun’s legs felt around him. So he punched him lightly on the shoulder, hoping that it would make him feel normal again. But his heart continued to race and his face was probably still red.

“So, how does it feel to have my DNA in you?” Sehun laughed. Luhan’s cheeks warmed up at the thought and he punched him again. “You’re so annoying.” He scoffed and stared at his lap, hiding his red face.

Then, Sehun cuddled into Luhan's side and held onto his arm and Luhan stiffened. For the first time that night, Luhan's heartbeat didn't increase but it stopped. For a second. “But you love me.” He cooed.

Yeah. Maybe a little too much.

Luhan finished brushing his hair before he got into bed. Then he stopped and realized that Sehun was standing at the side of his bed. Oh yeah, where is he gonna sleep?

“See, this is why we always have sleepovers at your house.” Luhan argued. “There’s no room on my floor for you to sleep.”

“It’s okay. There’s enough room on your bed.” Sehun simply stated.

His eyes widened. Luhan didn’t know why his heart started beating so fast at that. They’ve slept in the same bed before. His heart was just pounding like crazy because they barely sleep in the same bed together...right?

Dangnt. Stupid heart. Calm down.

Luhan took a deep breath in attempt to slow down his heart.

But what if I accidentally touch him?

And he began to panic again.

Sehun started lifting up the covers and getting into bed. Luhan stiffened and tried to push himself to the left as much as possible.

He could hear his heart pounding in his ears. It was so loud that he could barely hear Sehun say goodnight.

“Goodnight,” Luhan mumbled back quietly.

This is not a good night! How am I supposed to sleep when you're lying next to me!?

Luhan was lying on his left, him and Sehun facing the same way. He stayed in his stiff and frozen state for who knows how long. His beating heart finally slowed down enough for him to hear Sehun’s soft snoring.

Oh, he’s asleep. Good.

He let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding in.

I wonder what he looks like..

Luhan didn’t know why, but his body started to slowly turn onto his right side, his curiosity getting the better of him. 

Before he knew it, he was face to face with Sehun for the second time that day.

Luhan stared at Sehun’s face, his permanent no-emotion expression, softened by sleep. His long eyelashes were lying gently on his cheeks. His arms were tucked into his chest that was rising and falling steadily.

Can I just pretend that we’re together for a second? Luhan thought.

Can I just pretend that he’s sleeping next to me because he wants to?

Can I just pretend that he loves me back?

Can I just pretend he’s mine?

He continued gazing at Sehun with sad eyes.

“Can I just pretend?” Luhan breathed out, not caring about his volume too much because he knew Sehun was a heavy sleeper anyway.

Some of Sehun’s bangs were covering up his eyes and Luhan had the sudden urge to brush his hair out of his face, but he held it back, or so he thought.

His hand froze in mid-air. He had subconsciously reached out his hand to touch Sehun’s face, but stopped just before he made contact.

For a second, Luhan contemplated if he should continue or not but the choice was made for him when Sehun stirred in his sleep.

Luhan immediately pulled his hand back and started to turn back around when he felt a weight fall onto his waist. His heart quickened as he looked down and saw that Sehun’s arm was around him.

God, how am I supposed to sleep now?! We still have school tomorrow too!

Luhan felt like crying, from happiness and sadness. Happiness because feeling Sehun’s arm around his waist felt like a dream come true and he just wanted to stay like that forever. But also sadness because he knew that Sehun wasn’t awake and he would never do this if he were conscious.

But Luhan decided that he wanted to end this night on a positive note and thought of this moment as a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. He could kind of “cuddle” into Sehun and blame the fact that he moves around a lot in his sleep for ending up so close to him.

Luhan scooted slightly closer to Sehun, not wanting to move around too much or else he would wake up. And if he got too close, it would be obvious that it wasn’t an accident. But he got close enough that their legs were touching and he could feel Sehun’s steady breathing. Luhan's heart beated even harder than before.

And then Sehun’s arm tighten even more around his waist and Luhan was sent even further into heaven.

This feels too good. Luhan closed his eyes, sinking into the feeling. Too good to be true.

Well, it’s not. Luhan's mind retaliated.

He’s still sleeping. He’s just holding onto me because he’s sleeping. Luhan sadly thought.

No, Luhan. Stop it. Let’s not think like that for the rest of the night. He shook out of his thoughts and took a deep breath.

Let’s pretend, Luhan thought as slumber started to dawn upon him.

He yawned and his eyes fluttered shut.

Let’s pretend that he wants this too.

And at that, Luhan fell asleep with a smile on his face, actually believing in his thoughts for a second.

But little did he know that Sehun was actually awake, witnessing it all.



A/N: Sorry I took so long to update and I just came out with this piece of crap. I was busy trying to figure out what I was going to do with my other fanfic, Stay. (I'm discontinuing that story for now btw so I can focus on this one.) And I was busy with dance because we had a our first performance ever and it was so fun!


Did you guys like all the HunHan fluff in this chapter? Lol(≧∇≦)

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Chapter 6: How long has it been since you updated also did you drop the story ?
Chapter 6: oh nice chapter authornim!!! waiting for an update!!!
Chapter 2: XD chanbaek fighting!!!
Chapter 1: aww luhan
Chapter 5: Continue.or.I.will.die.

Lool jk Im living this story so far!!! So I would love if you dont abandon it!!!!
baekkieboom #6
Chapter 5: Pls updateee soon:)
ELF154ever #7
xYeolXing #8