Being Shy

Love Square

When Sehun woke up, he was confused because the room was almost pitch black, way too dark for it to be morning. Unless it was really early. And the shuffling he felt on the bed was Luhan getting up to go get ready for school.

But Luhan didn't get up, he just turned around. Sehun's bangs were covering his eyes, so he was pretty sure Luhan couldn't see that they were open. Their faces were so close together. It just reminded him of what he had done to Luhan earlier that day. But they hadn't stayed that way for long, unlike now.

Luhan was staring at him and he had a...look in his eyes.

A look that Sehun couldn't quite put his finger on.

Wait. What did Luhan say? Can you what? Did you say pretend?

But he didn't have time to think because next thing he knew, Luhan's hand was reaching to touch his face and he got freaked out. Sehun pulled back a bit, cursing himself because he probably gave away that he was awake.

Why am I pretending to be sleeping anyway?

And what was Luhan gonna do?

And why do I feel so..weird?

But Sehun was forced out of his thoughts when he saw Luhan pull back and start to turn away. He didn't know why but Sehun shot out his arm to stop him from turning away. And it worked. Luhan stayed facing him.

Why did I do that? I can't move my arm back now. He'll know I'm awake.

If Sehun wasn't pretending to be sleeping he would've ran his hand through his hair in frustration.

Ugh, I don't know. I just wanted to..again. Like this morning when I freaked him out. I'm probably freaking him out right now. What kind of person hugs people in their sleep?

Sehun felt Luhan tense up under his arm, but he didn't do anything because he was "asleep." But after a few moments, he felt him relax again.

Why did he get so tens-

But Sehun's thoughts were cut off once again when he felt Luhan scooting closer to him. He couldn't see because he had closed his eyes while ago, to continue his facade of sleep. He felt Luhan's legs touching his and started to panic because he thought Luhan was going to get even closer but he stopped.

I'm getting that weird feeling again. Sehun thought.

He instinctively tightened his hold around Luhan's slim waist.

Okay, he definitely knows I'm awake now. Why did I do that?!

Actually I do know why. Sehun's mind retaliated.

I want to keep him here. I don't know why but I do. At least I know that.

I don't understand myself. Sehun thought.

But isn't this kind of weird? I mean, he's my best friend. Ugh, I don't know. I need to stop thinking so much.

Sehun sneaked a peek at Luhan for a quick second and was grateful that Luhan's eyes were closed. He looked at Luhan's face and could tell that he was blushing. Even if he couldn't see it in the dim light the moon offered, he could feel the heat practically emitting off of Luhan's cheeks. Or maybe that was the heat on his cheeks.

He saw Luhan relax and thought that he looked cute again. Then Luhan yawned adorably.

You're making me feel weird again. Stop it.

Soon he could hear Luhan's soft snores and remembered that he had to sleep too. Of course, his actions were ahead of his mind once again and he subconsciously scooted closer Luhan before closing his eyes again, trying to fall asleep. The weird feeling just got stronger.

This is weird but it some how feels..nice too. Sehun thought before falling asleep for the second time that night

Even though Sehun told himself that he had to stop thinking so much, that was all he did the next day at school. He kept thinking about last night, what Luhan said and what he did, trying to make sense of it all. But his thoughts of last night died down when he finally entered third period because he was there.

Byun Baekhyun.

He was wearing his wearing his school uniform, like always, but he just looked better. Better than when he first saw him. Sehun couldn’t explain it.

He sat down next to Luhan, who always gets to class before he does. And when he saw Luhan again, he remembered what happened last night and how he put his arm around him and how Luhan almost touched his face. He didn’t know what to make of it all but decided to push his thoughts away and pay attention to what was going on in class.

Halfway through class, the teacher finished the lesson and let them have free time for the rest of class and the students cheered.

Sehun had been trying to pay attention to the teacher but he kept glancing over at Baekhyun, who was sitting a few seats ahead of him to the right. He could only see the back of his blonde head but it was better than nothing. He watched all throughout class and noticed a few things about him that he hasn’t before.

He noticed that he ran his hands through his hair a lot, much like himself.

He noticed that he would tilt his head to side when he was confused.

He noticed that he liked to talk to his friends a lot, especially when the teacher was talking, and he found it funny when they got caught.

You’re so cute. I wish I could just talk to you. Why am I so damn shy?

I’m usually never shy. But why am I when it comes to you?

Sehun ran his hand through his hair again, out of frustration. Luhan knew that Sehun did that when he was frustrated and noticed that he did that now.

“What’s wrong?” Luhan asked, concerned for the brown haired boy.

“It’s nothing.” Sehun replied, embarrassed that someone he’s barely talked to was making him feel this way.

He insisted. “No, tell me.”

Sehun took a deep breath and turned to the elder. “It’s…”

Luhan looked at him expectantly. “It’s what?”

“Baekhyun.” Sehun whispered, hoping no one around them heard.

“Oh.” Luhan dropped his gaze. “What about him?”

Sehun was surprised by Luhan’s reaction. He looked and sounded kind of….sad? Disappointed?

Then he remembered that Luhan asked him something. “I really want to talk to him.”

Luhan looked up again upon hearing this, his sad expression gone. He tilted his head in confusion.

Just like Baekhyun, Sehun thought then shook out of his thoughts.

“Then why don’t you just talk to him?”

It was Sehun’s turn to drop his gaze. “Because I’m too shy.” He felt his cheeks heat up upon admitting this to his friend.

Luhan laughed and Sehun looked up again, forgetting that he was blushing. “You? You’re too shy?!” Luhan chuckled and Sehun felt even more embarrassed that his best friend was teasing him.

“Shhhh. You’re being too loud. People are looking!” Sehun scolded while putting his hand over the elder’s mouth.

Luhan stopped laughing and pushed Sehun’s hand away from his face. He looked a bit dazed but his expression returned to normal again.

Luhan smirked. “Why? Afraid he’ll hear?”

Sehun blushed even harder and hit Luhan’s shoulder. “Shut up!” And Luhan was laughing at the younger boy again.

He eventually quieted down because he realized he actually was being loud when the teacher gave them a look. “Okay. Okay, fine.”

Sehun put his elbows on his desk and rested his face in his hands. “Ugh, I don’t know what to do.” He spoke into his hands, making his voice sound all muffled.

Luhan noticed that his friend looked really distressed and decided to stop teasing him. He put his hand on the younger boy’s shoulder and advised him.

“Y-you should try to talk to him.”

Sehun removed his hands from his face and turned to look at the boy to his left.

“Really? But you hate him.”

“I didn’t say I hated him.” Luhan moved hand from Sehun’s shoulder to make useless movements in the air while he talked. “I just think he’s annoying sometimes.”

Sehun turned to look at the boy that they were talking about. He was sitting on his desk again, surrounded by his circle of friends, like he was yesterday.

“But I’ll try to like him if you do.”

Sehun turned to him again, with a surprised look on his face.

“Oh! I don’t mean I’ll try to like like him! I mean like a friend!” Luhan stammered quickly to get his point across.

Sehun laughed at him. “Yeah, I know what you meant. I was just surprised that you would do that.”

Luhan laughed lightly and smiled. “Of course I would.” Then he looked down to his lap. “I mean, if you guys ever started..d-dating then,” he looked up with a smile on his face again. “I can’t hate my best friend’s boyfriend, can I?”

Sehun was shocked that Luhan approved of Baekhyun so quickly. “Well slow down.” Sehun laughed. “I haven’t even talked to him yet. Let alone ask him out.” Then he smirked. “I thought you said you didn’t hate him.”

Luhan hit Sehun on the shoulder playfully. “You know what I meant!”

“Yeah. Yeah, I know.” Then he looked over at Baekhyun again and smiled. “Okay, I’ll try to talk to him.”

And he continued to gaze at Baekhyun, missing the look on Luhan’s face. Like he wanted to cry, but he shook off quickly. He covered it with a smile and turned to watch Sehun gaze at Baekhyun, while his heart broke just a little more.

"This is all your fault, you know?"

Baekhyun sat in a quiet classroom with only one other person in the room, Chanyeol. The teacher that was supposed to be supervising them for detention left for the bathroom about 15 minutes ago, obviously going to the teacher's lounge to do something else.

"My fault?!" Chanyeol snarled. "How the hell is this my fault?"

Baekhyun turned to Chanyeol, annoyed with just being stuck in the same room as him. "You pushed me first!"

"Well you called me an idiot!" Chanyeol retorted.

"Because you are one!" Baekhyun yelled back.

"I'm not the one that gave Ms. Lee the idea for that stupid project!"

And at that, Baekhyun hesitated for a moment before replying because it was true. "You're still an idiot," he said, quieting down his voice.

Chanyeol smirked. "Whatever. You just don't know what to say."

And Baekhyun mentally slapped himself because he didn't know what to say and he always had the best comebacks. It's what he was known for. He always won arguments. Period.

Except, when he was up against Chanyeol. He always seemed to run out of words to say when it came to him and he didn't know why but he hated it.

"Just shut up for the rest of the hour." Baekhyun said and slumped in his chair.

"As long as you shut up too." Chanyeol replied while smiling sarcastically.

They both went on their phones, browsing the web and playing games but there was still tension between the two since they were sitting right next to each other.

Just a few minutes left, Chanyeol thought. He began to shake his foot, an impatient tick that he unfortunately had. He had gotten bored of his phone and had nothing else to do but look around the room.

He stared at the white board in front of them and tried to make out the words that were written in the past that stained the board. But when he got bored of that, realizing that they were numbers and not letters because this was a math classroom, his eyes ended up on the blonde boy to his left somehow.

He was playing a car racing game and was really into it. So into it that his eyebrows were furrowed in concentration and he gripped the phone closely to his face. His pink tongue poked out of the corner of his mouth and he started to tilt his body side to side, as if it would help him turn his virtual car.

That's kind of cute. Chanyeol thought subconsciously.

Wait. What?

Did I just call him cute?

Chanyeol faced forward again and rubbed his face harsely. But his eyes flicked back to Baekhyun.

Well, he kind of is..

When he's not talking.

Then Chanyeol was forced out of his thoughts when he heard footsteps nearing the door.

"Put your phone away!" Chanyeol whispered fiercely, while putting his own away and facing forward again. The teacher walked into the door just as Baekhyun hid his phone.

"Sorry that took me so long." The teacher said. "I got caught up in an important situation. You're free to go now. Lock up when you leave."

The teacher left and Baekhyun and Chanyeol stood up. They grabbed their bags and Baekhyun was out the door first. But before he fully walked out, he stopped.

"Um..thanks." He murmured then walked into the hallway.

And Chanyeol was left, still standing by his desk. "No problem," he replied to the empty room. Chanyeol gathered his things, walked out the door and locked it. Then started to walk down the hallway.

He recalled the way Baekhyun looked when he thanked him. He didn't make eye contact with the taller boy and stared at feet. He blinked a lot though and his voice sounded quiet. Which differed greatly from the way Baekhyun had spoken to him earlier when they were arguing. Or any time for that matter. It was the first time Chanyeol and seen Baekhyun act that way and he seemed so shy, in contrast to his usual loud, annoying self. He looked so small and shy and adorable and-

No, Chanyeol. Stop. He thought to himself as he exited the school doors.

Don't think of him that way. He's so annoying.

Chanyeol opened his car door then sat inside and sighed.

But he's pretty darn cute when he's not being annoying.



A/N: Sorry. I know this chapter was kind of boring but I wrote the detention part at like 6 in the morning and I didn't know what I was writing and sorry..again. I'll try to have the next chapter be more interesting and I'll try to get it up faster.

Don't forget to subscribe and comment! (*^^*)

(P.S. It's like 7 am over here. I need to go to sleep.)

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Chapter 6: How long has it been since you updated also did you drop the story ?
Chapter 6: oh nice chapter authornim!!! waiting for an update!!!
Chapter 2: XD chanbaek fighting!!!
Chapter 1: aww luhan
Chapter 5: Continue.or.I.will.die.

Lool jk Im living this story so far!!! So I would love if you dont abandon it!!!!
baekkieboom #6
Chapter 5: Pls updateee soon:)
ELF154ever #7
xYeolXing #8