Chapter 8

A Chance of Fate

★Chapter 8★

As Guigui and Jiro walked towards the sea, they saw a group of reporters and many people gathered around their far end.

"Oh, damn it! I forgot that they are filming a drama scene here today!" Jiro cried out when he finally realised why there are so many people. "Gui, lets go back, can we?' Jiro asked Guigui.

Gui nodded and folllowed Jiro.

Unfortunately, they were spotted and one of the reporters quickly went up to them and asked, "Hey, you are Jiro from Fahrenhiet right? Who's the girl beside you?"

Jiro smiled and turned to Gui, "You want to introduce yourself?"

Gui nodded before answering the reporter, "Don't Taiwan reporters know me? I am GHOST GuiGui~!"

"But, isn't Guigui still in France?" the reporter asked again with a puzzled look.

"Nope, I already come back already for around 2 weeks~!" Gui replied again, laughing"

"Then, are you and Jiro a couple?" the nosy reporter asked for the third time.

"Of course not, we're just friends~!" Gui replied. The reporter looked at both of them again before saying, "Then..why are the two of you together?"

By this time, Guigui is getting frustrated and shot back, "Why can't friends go out together? Why are reporters so nosy? Why do you want to know so much about us?"

Jiro sensed that Guigui still doesn't get Taiwan's reporters and quickly cut in by saying, "Actually I've always been a big fan of clothes that Guigui designed. Recently we met when she was in the shop that was GHOST's headquaters. Morever, she's Aaron's classmate and sitting beside Aaron so thats how we got to know each other. Anyway, she's here with her friend but her friend is feeling upset and my three other group members are missing, so that's why we are together."

The reporter nodded and asked again, "So, any new plans lately for Fahrenhiet?"

Jiro thought for a while before saying "Nope, not yet. You can stay tune to the news if you want to know more anyway~!"

"So, how about you, Guigui? Are you planning to stay in Taiwan for good or returning to France soon?" the reporter asked question after question.

"Hmm, I'm not too sure about this, but I will be staying in Taiwan for a while and continue to produce new designs. Isn't it Autumn season now? I think I would be designing Autumn's clothes. Anyway, it isn't everyday that we get to enjoy ourself, soo... can you leave us for today?" Guigui replied.

Though the reporter still wanted to ask more questions, she decided to end their conversation and leave them alone. After the reporter had left, Jiro turned to Gui and quickly ask, "Why did you tell the media about your designs?"

Gui giggled and replied, "I was just trying to them off my back~! But...I'm still not sure what they are going to write for tomorrow's headlines for the newspaper. If they still write Rumours about us. They. Are. So. Dead~!"


Soon, it was lunch time. Jiro dragged Gui along and pouted, "Gui, its just a meal, can't you accompany me? Besides I am not asking you for a treat!" Guigui pouted and replied, "Alrightttt~ but let me give Wangzi a call first."

Gui went to the side and called Wangzi. She tried calling his handphone, but it was switched off. She tried their hotel room's but nobody picked up as well. Guigui gave up after a few more tries and returned to where Fahrenhiet are sitting. "Wangzi isn't picking up his phone or the room's one," Gui said to Jiro worriedly as she sat down.

"Its okay, its not like he will get lost of something," Jiro tried to comfort Gui before passing the menu to her. While they are eating, Gui asked Aaron, "Have you seen Wangzi today?"

Aaron shook his head and continued eating. Throughout the meal, Wu Chun was eating like a pig, Calvin and Jiro occasionally chatted , and Aaron and Guigui was very quiet. After the meal, Gui left quickly and rushed to the hotel room.


Coming up next Chapter: Why is Wangzi acting so strangely? Will Guigui find out about this secret? Who is the person that 's going to watch the sunrise with her?? Gui and Aaron, shopping...TOGETHER?! Stay tuned!"


Author's Notes: Hey, finished two papers, decided to post a chapter~! PLEASE, FOR GUILUN FANS, DON"T KILL ME OVER THIS CHAPTER! I know that there's a lot of Jiro's moments with Guigui, but thats needed for this story! I hope I won't lose readers, I promise GuiLun's moments will happened starting from next chapter onwards!!!

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wow i like this!! (Y)
ShOrtiee #2
Is it only up to episode 14?
No more?
If there still have can you please update soon?
Thanks ^^
update please! :)
SakuraMikan12 #4
Hey!<br />
I read your fanfic, u owe me an update!<br />
I subscribe ur fanfic, u owe me an update!<br />
I comment at ur ufanfic, u owe me an update!<br />
If u like my comment u owe me an update!<br />
@nd most of all, I AM A HUGE GUILUN FAN SO U SO OWE ME AN UPDATE!<br />
VictoriaCookie #5
Awww you got to update sooon, I love what is happening, GuiLun stay strong forever, haha but anyways! love the GuiLun interactions, aww so cute they are totally falling for each other, I am glad you updated but you're taking forever to update again, do you want me die from curiosity? haha well anyways I wonder what will happen later on! [:<br />
Support GuiLun always and ForeveR<33<br />
GuiLun #1 die-hard fan!♥
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....Gui is starting to take the fortune teller's words to her heart. Aaaaaaayyyieeeeeeee...YUP, that's because she's starting to feel something for Aaron. She even thinks about him an blush. cute of my dear Guigui...being in her role rapidly, indeed, she's such a good actress. I hope Aaron is slowly falling for her too. I don't want Guigui to be hurt, if ever. Plus, I think that Wangzi has fallen inlove with another girl, Xiaoxun maybe, so T___T Poor me Ghost. Anyway GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...Geez! Who are those stupid girls to bully Gui! How dare they touch and even wound my dear Gui! >.< At least, Aaron was there. Thanks for the updates. YAY, I'm excited about Guilun filming the drama. Sparks might appear..awww. Super nice poster. By the way, I read from the start and I don't know if It's my computer, but I couldn't read chap 7 till the end. At the start seems okay but then is says 0%...glad I read it before. Till next time, hope you updates soon.
OMGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
HAHAHA............... well, Gui Gui got hurt I feel a bit sad but at the same time I am so happy for her also, lol <br />
Because our Aaron is acting sweet and all toward my Gui Gui ^____^<br />
Gosh!! did she really fall for Aaron?? hehe <br />
Update soon yo!! Buddy<33 <br />
Been so so so so longgggggggggggggggggggggg -.- you didn't update this story T__T <br />
Anyways thank you so much dear for updating again ^_________________^<br />
Look forward to your next update XD <br />
PS: You are very welcome TingTingx<33 .... I am so happy that you like the poster :D although I am not good at design =.=
TingTingx #9
Thanks bubble for the poster!!
grace_leeu #10
Hello!<br />
Your fanfiction sounds so intriguing just by the forewords!!!<br />
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