Pain in the neck

Please Notice Me

E*school *

As usual , the class won't cooperate during lesson , especially the 5 people at the back who always break the rule of " not supposed to have table at the back !" . everytime when the teacher scolds the 5 people at the back , they will either talk back or get out of class. 

" Tao , can you for once listen ?!" Mr lee shouted across the classroom , and each time mr lee scolds Tao , that one girl name , sumin will always protect him

" Mr lee ! he didn't talk ~! " sumin shouted back with her high pitch irritating tone .

" Sumin , where's your respect?"

" respect what respect? tao didn't talk why must you be so nosy?!" The ' fight ' between sumin and mr lee continued. Hye jin simply put her heads down and cover both of her ears. That very day , she didn't know what she is feeling , she's not jealous nor she is angry, her heart hurts like its being stabbed alot of times. she brushed away her tears , leaving a streak of smeared eyeliner and mascara. Hye jin admits , she felt a little ' jealous' when sumin protected tao when he's being scolded . its not like it happened only once , but it happened alot of times . Hye jin walk to the back of the class where mr lee is ,standing infront of tao 's table " mr lee , can i go to the washroom?...please~" mr lee nodded and hye jin ran out the class to the washroom. Tao on the other hand saw the tears that hye jin kept wiping , he didn't know why she cried . Tao looked so worried , he ran out the class without mr lee's permisson " HUANG ZI TAO YOU BETTER COME BACK!" mr lee shouted, tao simply made hand gestures and left the class. He waited outside the washroom which is 2 levels up . Hye jin walked out the washroom 

" ya , are you okay?"

" move, i said move !"  hye jin tried to escape but tao held her hands really really tight.( not to forget that Tao does wushu .)

" im not letting go until you tell me what happened!"

" IT HUrts... let me go "

" no you tell me why !"

" you wanna know why?huh ? this is why,sumin protected you from getting scolded. know whats wrong and whats right pls , huang zitao pls ! "

" that's why? such a cry baby !"

" yea , why should i cry right? im no one to you , you are not even mine ." 

Hye Jin forced her hand out of tao's fingers and went back to the classroom , " are you okay? " steff asked , hye jin nodded and she placed her head on the table hiding her face under her arms. Tao came in soon after " sorry " he whispered to hye jin . " im sorry mr lee , i won't do it again " hye jin is surprised to see tao apologizing to mr lee. in her whole 2 years of knowing him , she hasn't see him apologizing to anyone except dokyu oppa. As soon as the bell rang , hye jin packed her bag really fast and walk out of the classroom , not forgetting to greet mr lee of course. Its her last lesson so she's allowed to go home. Hye jin took the stairs instead of the lift to avoid crashing into Tao . she took the back lane instead of the main road. she did everything to avoid Tao . During dinner , she wouldn't come out cause she knows tao's there having dinner. 


im sorry for holding your wrist so tight and im sorry for not caring and disturbing the class.

you don't have to say sorry tho , you are just a ' friend '


nah its okay , so what's up?

ohh. ya hye jin ah , you know Eun Mi right? im now with her... 

Ohh , Eun Mi .. :') uhm , tao ah , i need to sleep . last long , see you tomorrow :'')

Eun mi .... is now dating Tao . Hye jin's head lowered as she switch her phone off . She toss around in bed , she can't sleep she switch on her phone and click on kakao talk . Tao's online...... so as Eun Mi . Hye jin sighed and throws her phone at the other side of her bed and force herself to sleep.

- next morning -

Hye jin opened the front door . Much to her surprise , she saw Tao standing at the door . " lets go to school together!" tao asked in his cheerful voice. he tried doing Aegyo but its not working." haa wait , i'll get my shoes" of course , it has to be her dr martens shoes that she wore for the past 3 years . its the only pair of dr martens she had and it was a gift from her bestfriend back at their village. Hye jin tied her boots and close the door , not forgetting to shout " OMMA APPA OPPA I'lL GET GOING!"  and she shuts the door .

" so how long have you been with Eun mi?" 

" 1 week or so , she's so bossy sometimes"

"oh, do you know she's my cousin?" 

" really?~ " tao jumps up and down like a small kid while clapping both of his hands. Hye jin punched him in the stomach and walk with a smile on her face.. what do you know , Eun mi is at the bus stop . Immediately when hye jin saw her , the smile on her face is wiped off. " oh eun mi annyeong "

" oppaaa ! can i go to school with you ? please" eun mi clings on her hands at tao's while pouting. The scene that is happening beside her makes her want to puke blood, even though its her cousin . well far-cousin it is . The bus came but hye jin decides to walk to school so she skips the bus . suddenly 

kakao ~

ya ! why didn't you take the bus?

i didn't want to be a lamp post . -.- 

but i wanted to go to school with you 

entertain eun mi . she's probably hugging you or something. the end bye bye bye .

Hye jin reaches the school , and she bumped into Steff. " YA ! " she shouted running towards steff hugging her . that day , Steff looked different . she (steff) don't usually wear skirt , infact , she is not a skirt person but on that day , she wore a dress and heels. hye jin's jaw instantly dropped . steff didn't have her specs on either . " ya , you changed huh ?"

" well , i want to impress this kid , the guy who retained year 3 !" 

" TAO?!"

" nope that other guy . im not stupid , you like tao why would i ?!"

" ya ya ! stay moderate with the tone !" hye jin covered steff's mouth and walk inside the school . Steff changed , she did . she now hangs out with ' popular kids ' and not hye jin . Hye jin is now alone , well in class she has steff but outside class , steff treats hye jin like no one . she hangs out with Eun mi and gang, and everyone knows that eun mi is the ' biggest bully ' in school . now , steff is in that gang . For hye jin's safety, she distant herself from Eun mi and steff. 

one day , while walking , hye jin looked over to her left and saw Eun mi and steff scolding more like ' bully ' she could hear shoutings coming from the alley . Hye jin ran towards the alley but being stopped by .. T A O

" YA ! why did you stop me ? they are bullying someone !"

" ignore , eun mi and steff are big !"

" so what if they are big?! bullying someone infront of my eye ! im not letting it happen!"

" hye jin pls . i don't want you to get hurt !"


Hye jin ran towards the alley and pulled the kid away . The kid looks more like 12-13, with bruises on his neck. " ya choi hye jin , you want me to kick you ? huh ... cousin?!" 

" kick me , i don't care . you think just because your in year 4 , your 20 you can bully people? come on , grow the hell up ! " Of course , hye jin got kicked in the stomach with Eun mi's high heels. steff on the other side , didn't know who to protect , her bestfriend hye jin or eun mi . hye jin got another kick on the leg this time its steff. hye jin cried at how steff betrayed her for eun mi , a bully. Tao shouted and ran towards hye jin . On that moment, that second , that hour , that minute at 2:15 pm , tao shouted " im breaking up with you eun mi ! steff you betrayed a friend , don't come crawling back when she (pointing to eun mi ) betrayed you !" Eun mi exploded and let out every curse word she could think of , and drag steff away . hye jin sat up and asked the kid if he's okay . 

" ya , i told you not to go right ?!"

" oh , not to go and see this innocent 13 year old getting punched and bullied? you're a ing wushu player huang zi tao !"

" want to go to the clinic?"

" forget it , carry my bag for me pls "

" kiddo , where do you stay?"

the kid pointed at the end of the road. hye jin and tao sent the kid back home and went straight home. 

 Hye jin refused to go home as her arms and legs is covered with bruises. Tao pulled her towards the door but hye jin continue to pull herself back. Suddenly , the door to hye jin's apartment creak as though someone opened it . Hyejin pulled tao's hand and hide behind the wall near the staircase and closed the door behind them . Their breathe become intense as they could feel each other's breathe . Their body touches against each other . Tao is infront of hye jin supporting his left hand on the wall behind hye jin.Hye jin could see the sweat that is dripping down from his ear down to his chest.


the door closes (hye jin's apartment door) but both of them seemed to stay at the same position." owwww ahh " hye jin mumbled.Tao's right hand is resting on hyejin's waist that is hurting from the kick she got from eun mi and steff earlier on . 

" oh sorry " tao replied letting fo of his hand , then he place his left hand on the wall as well " can we stay at this position longer?" he continued.

" you're such an idiot!" hye jin hit tao in the stomach  and walk out wanting to approach the other side lift . What a surprise, dokyu is there... a perfect timing ha ha (that sarcasm tho) 

" ya choi hye jin , what is the time now? why aren't you home? why is your hand so bruised up ? who are you with ?!"

" ahh oppa , why are you asking me questions?"

Of course , Tao had to appear out of nowhere ( the stairs actually ) , " she was with me " 

\\major facepalm// " ya ! why must you appear?" hye jin tip toed and whisper to tao . hearing that , tao make faces. 

" tao's there too? did you go on a physical fight or something?!i want both of you to be at the dining table at 9 sharp! mom and dad is not home !" 

Tao and hye jin put their heads down and head to their own apartment

Kakao ~

Ya ! why must you walk out?!

should i stay there and rot instead choi hye jin?

now im in trouble you freak !

why must you help him you  

ahh faster its already 8.50 ! >:l !! 

ah forget it. oppa said he'll talk tomorrow ! go to sleep 

are you taking care of me . aww choi hye jin ! ^_^ 

urggg logging off . ~~~~~

yay to chapter 2 . now get ready . its gonna end at chapter 10 i think . yeap 10 chapters . :) 


Thanks for reading . and im telling you ! that kid in school is so annoying urg. i kinda like him but at the same time , i don't want to confess. don't worry , the hitting and punching is not real XD 50% of this story is real , and 50 % is fiction <3 and not to mention whenever i write the kakao talk conversation , i didn;t fail to say " kakao ~" like the notication XD 

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sazuka #1
Chapter 6: I love it so much^^ it makes me smile :)
Please update soon^^