i love you like xo

Please Notice Me

hye jin sat in class and is extremely bored.Everyone is working on a project with their own group on 5 . hye jin is thinking on an idea to contribute to the team and had no idea on anything. instead of speaking , she decided to day dream instead. hye jin likes to day dream ,be it in school or at home watching tv. she feels like its like escaping the real life and imagine stuff. in her head , all she had was tao .But that day dream was cut off when a crumpled paper ball flew and it hit her head landing on her desk . hye jin looked to the back looking pissed but she saw tao . Tao smiled like a small kid with his hand supporting his chin , pout and blink both of his eyes together cutely. hye jin wanted to stay mad but she can't resist the fact that tao is so cute. she took the piece of paper and opened it , it says " concentrate you little lazy bum ^_^ " hye jin smiled but she turned aroung and gave a death stare to tao . the bell rang and class ended . hye jin packed her bag and gets ready to leave the classroom when tao catches up with her and walk next to her . Tao swings her body and head side to side and hit hye jin playfully with his shoulder. 

" lets join jungkook and jongin for lunch today should we?"

" should we?" hye jin's eye brightens when she heard jungkook's name

" nope . "

" ah whyyyyy"

" because there's jungkook"

" oh you little jealous guy " hye jin stick her tongue out and walk ahead of him , hye jin turned behind to look for tao when she accidentally bump into Eun mi . hye jin got shocked and she apologized instantly. " don't you have eyes?" 

" heol. i said sorry , don't you have ears?" eun mi got owned by hye jin . Tao came shortly and pulled hye jin away from eun mi and ignoring eun mi when she calls for him . 

" you know she's not worth of your time to fight right?" hye jin nods.

" i love you like xo,you love me like xo " tao wanted to lift up the mood and start singing to beyonce and does all the hand gestures " dancing " he calls it . hye jin laughed at his ridiculousness along the coridor. " i love you like xo ." tao continued singing while laughing , it totally lifts up the mood.Hye jin laughed so hard that she lost balance in herself and fell......down together with tao . hye jin is on top of tao with his hand supporting her hand . it was a great scene right there . they stared each other's eye deeply and she knows tao wants her to kiss him , but instead , tao lift his head up and kissed her on the lips leaving her speechless. Hye jin quickly got up and ran towards the canteen avoiding her blushing face. 

odg odg odg why did he do that? *^.^*

Tao walked casually putting his hands in his pocket and walk to the canteen , he opens the door and saw hye jin hiding in her hoodie. she had her hood on her head and she pulled the sleeves so it cover's her face and leaned towards jungkook ." ya tao's here" jungjook shrug his shoulder. hye jin's head plopped as she burries it under jungkook's armpit instead making him uncomfortable to eat nor look at tao . usually , whenever hye jin and jungkook interacts , tao would get jealous but on that day , tao looked at hye jin who is shy and smiled to her .Tao explained what happened with hand and body gestures and the boys shouted in excitement

" owwwwww , someone got a kiss huh " jungkook said in a normal yet loud tone . hye jin heard it and pinch his stomach so hard that he jumped. hye jin finally revealed herself from under his armpit and covers her face with her palm . she then messes with her hair and took jungkook's fruits and ate them. Tao found it cute that hye jin does that .

" you shouldn't mess with your hair, but you still look pretty " tao stood up and leaned over the table to put her hair back into place...

" oww , a couple . should we leave?" jongin pulled jungkook but hye jin pulled jungkook making him glued on his seat.Excited jongin wants to know what happened and how did it happpened , but tao stood up and went to art class pulling jongin with him while jungkook and hye jin went into Design class together. 

" did you kiss him?"

" you heard it ." hye jin swayed her body left to right avoiding more questions from jungkook.

" you like him?" suddenly jungkook starts to ask questions . he doesn't always do it.

" why do you ask , you already know " hye jin looked at jungkook who has a face of ' disappointment' on it .

" last long hye jin . don't break his heart " jungkook simply walk away with his head down . hye jin could sense some kind of jealousy in jungkook but she ignored him . During Design class, jungkook who usually sit beside her , sat at the front instead and during presentation , jungkook explained that the dress he had drawn was supposed to be given to someone he liked but that ' girl ' is now no longer single.Hye jin knew something was off . That dress that he designed , she saw it somewhere. Thats right ! it was in her room and it was given by jungkook but its been a few years since she saw the design . Hye jin sighed. The bell rang and she ran off back to her house . Tao shouted for her but she simply ran back home with all her might. " i'll call you " hye jin shouts back to tao . She opened the door and rummages through her drawers and found the piece of paper . it says " i like you " and dated ' 2010 ' , hye jin took that piece of paper and went to jungkook's apartment to find him . Of course , theres tao and jongin there too. she opened the door and held the piece of paper to show it to jungkook.

" hye jin ah , where did you find that?"

" you forget ? you gave to me in 2010 and you presented it just now . why didnt you tell me?"

Tao and jongin looked confused . Tao wanted to stay longer to know what happened but jongin pulled him out of jungkook's apartment before anything bad happens.

" why didn't you tell me?"

" you have tao anyways.."


" because i don't want our friendship to end , choi hye jin ! are you stupid? stop and be aware of your surrounding!!" 

" what are you going to do now?"

" i don't know kill myself or jump off the building "


" im still your bestfriend anyways..." hye jin took steps towards jungkook and hug him tightly " you will and always be my bestfriend" she whispered and gave jungkook a peck on his cheeks. hye jin texted tao to inform she's alright and that she will sleep over at jungkook's. hye jin and jungkook sat facing each other and express their feelings on the stop , with only truth . 

there it is , chapter 5 ! :) :) thanks for reading !! i really really appreciate it ! <3 

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sazuka #1
Chapter 6: I love it so much^^ it makes me smile :)
Please update soon^^