shocked to see him

Please Notice Me

The sky darkens as hye jin sat on her bed , scrolling the list of classmates she will get next year. she rest her left hand on her thighs and scroll with her right hand. while scrolling , she saw a familiar name " huang zi tao " she got shocked. 

didn't he repeated last year? he repeats this yr too? gosh that guy.

Hye jin jumped out of her bed and went across her room to her brother's room ,dokyu ." oppa , Tao's your friend from that club thingy right? " dokyu nodded in confusion . he must have thought , ' why the hell did my sis asked about tao' . 

Hye jin went back in her room and continue scrolling , apparently there are 3 people who retained their year 3 and had to repeat the same year 

*first day of school *

The alarm rang and its the most annoying thing ever for hye jin , having to wake up at 6 in the morning and take the bus to school is a hazard to her. she opened the eye and stare at the ceiling . 6am , 6.15 , 6.30 . oh crap . its 6.30 . hye jin finally force herself to roll out of bed and take a shower. she opened her cupboard and took out a pair of jeans , a tank top and a carigan as its s cold morning, she puts on everything and did not forget to take her bag and dr martens shoes that she absolutely love and head to the kitchen .

" oppa , omma , i'll get going" 

" ya hye jin , wait up , oppa will sent you ." 

" ahhh ! faster ! " 

dokyu changed quickly took his car keys and went down to the carpark with hye jin . 

reaching school at 7.15 , hye jin is exactly on time. she sat down on the parade square , getting ready to take her book and read when her friend , steff called her name . Steff is a girl from america who came to korea to study " hye jin !" hye jin turned to her right before she was distracted from the guy at the elevating stairs metres away from her . he was as though , angel came down . Light shines on him like an angel before she noticed , its Tao . at first , she hated tao for insulting her friend etc etc but on that day , the first day of school , she sees him as angel. The perfect guy that caught her attention . 


After the first period english lesson ends , hye jin went out of the class with her hair all over the place as she's stress during class. she can't concentrate on anything , the people at the back , mainly the retainees the most rowdy kids . Comparing her previous year , hye jin prefers her last year's class than this year's. here come math lesson , hye jin sighs as she walks in the class, as usual , she would not concentrate on math class as there's steff in it. they would sit together and chat throughout the 2 period lesson , laughing and giggling all the way . 

" ya , what do you think of tao?" steff nudge hye jin's elbow

" tao? him ? ew? he's like my bro's friend" opps , she accidently splurge the secret.

" what? siwon's oppa friend?"

" more like dongsaeng , but don't tell anyone , its awkward"

Math class ended . Tao went up to hye jin an talk with her which hye jin ignored completely. she gave cold remarks and left . 

After school , tao continued to disturb hye jin , doing small things like pulling her cardigan , pulling her hair band letting that beaiful locks of brown curly hair drop " your hair smells nice"

" is that a compliment huang zi tao?"

" waa you know my full name!" tao starts clapping like a mad freak .

" YA! BOTH OF YOU! GET IN THE CAR !"  tao and hye jin turned back to see dokyu sitting in the car and walk towards it

" if oppa asked anything , say no!" 

" why should i " tao stick his tongue out and run towards the car . being 19 is such a year to deal with . urghhh.

tao sat at the front seat while hye jin sat at the back . 

" how's school?"

" no ."

" huh? what no?"

" hye jin told me , if you asked anything , just say no . so im doing her the favor" 

facepalm// . hye jin facepalm her face that instantly drop. 

" ya zitao , how can you be so stupid?!"

" YA HYE JIN! he's 2 years older than you , call him oppa at least !" 

" ah forget it , oppa , drop me off at the book store! " 

" Tsk , come back fast!" 

after the first day of school ,  day by day its getting exasperating . The whole class isn't cooperating with the teachers and the class would always get disipline case , of course Tao is one of them . One day , after recess , steff went home because she's sick , so Hye jin had to sit alone in class. She scribbles her paper with drawings of people and words . she wrote  T A O ! yes freaking tao . Suddenly , the chair beside her is being pulled. precisely , its tao .  " OH !" hye jin accidentally shouted for being shocked, she tried to crumple the paper but " Choi Hye jin ! stand on the chair with your hands on your head and repeat, i won't swear 20 times !" hye jin starts - i won't swear - - i wont swear- she looks down , and saw tao touching the paper that she had slightly crumpled. Scared that he would see the letter T A O , she puts her leg on the table attempting to kick the paper away from him and let the paper fall , but nope the teacher saw "Ya choi hye jin ! want me to call your parents?!" hye jin shook her head profusely and was told to get out the class for the rest of the lesson . hye jin pout as she walks outside the classroom , not forgetting to take the piece of paper she crumpled so that tao would not see. hye jin turned around and stick her tongue out to tao . 

" Ah jinja , why is he being so prying?" 

As soon as hye jin step her leg outside the class , the bell rang indicating the end of the lesson . " AHHH ! SERIOSULY ! I JUST get out !" hye jin stomps her feet and messes her hair , she drops on the floor mind blowned at how her teacher is so smart . Hye jin sat on the floor with her legs out and sighed . she gets up and bumped into tao . that dude TT TT , and fell again . Tao held out his hand , for once , hye jin cooperates with him . she held his hand for the first time in their time of 2 years knowing each other. 

did i mentioned that both of them lived next to each other? no? okay .

living next to each other is the worst nightmare hye jin could ever encounter, not only that her family would always invite him over to dinner , as his parents are in china , dokyu would always ask hye jin to help tao whenever he needs something or help him clean the house.

That night , tao wanted to move his furniture around , he went over to hye jin's house and called for dokyu but dokyu's out working so he asked hye jin instead.

" hye jin ah , please can you help me ?" *pout*

" no . i got school work "

" its friday , you can do it tomorrow"

" N O no ."

" mrs choi !! hye jin won't help me !" 

" i know i know i will ! such a brat"

" what did you say? mr and mrs choi , we'll be at my house !"

hye jin slip on her slippers and drag her self out the door , soon she ran in and took her phone with her. Busy texting steff , tao released the door handle and it hit hye jin's forehead . Rubbing her head , she shouted at tao " YA !" and opened the door and went in .

" you do my room and i'll do the living room and then we will do the other bed rooms together"

" urg why can't i do the living room?!"

" nope . bedroom means bedroom!"

" im so gonna get you next time , tao !"

" ya hye jin , can you-" tao walked into his room holding a basket full of laundry in his hands and saw hye jin sleeping soundly on the desk table. The room is fully cleaned , hye jin moved the desk from beside the door under the window so sunlight can pass through the room . Tao let out a small sigh seeing how tired hye jin is . he smiled and went into the kitchen to finish up the laundry. Tao went back in his room , took the stack of books that hye jin is holding and the cloth that is infront of her and move it aside. Tao carried hye jin over onto his bed and tuck her in . he then took his phone and message dokyu

" hyung , hye jin kinda fell asleep , don't worry she's sleeping in the room and im sleeping on the sofa outside. , take care "

" oh don't do anything!" dokyu replied him , it made tao chukled.



so there's this guy in my school , he's literally my bro's friend i mean , i hate him yet like him? oh gosh . gosh . haha  thanks for reading <3

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sazuka #1
Chapter 6: I love it so much^^ it makes me smile :)
Please update soon^^