Freedom × Pirate AU × Adventure Starting
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   Without realizing, time had gone by and night has fallen once again. Adelia recalled the events of the day with a frown. They were finally docked in a town that she once ruled over yet she was on constant watch and wasn’t allowed off the ship. She cursed under her breath, she could have ran away from the crew, she could have gone home but the circumstances just wouldn’t allow it.  

   Everyone had finished stocking up all the goods but Freedom is still docked in the cavern. The whole crew was spending their last night on land. They started a bon fire, allowing music to resonance on the surrounding walls. Males and females alike danced clumsily, steps heavy and traces of alcohol was obvious in their breaths. Adelia noticed that Yongguk was in the centre of all the hype as the while Historia was nowhere to be seen.

   Adelia made sure to stay by the ship so that no one would come close to her and created even more unwanted turn of events. She cringed at the thought.  

   She made note at how Polaris threw herself in, going back for more and more. Next to her, Siofra drank moderately and kept an eye on the younger. Satine kept cursing as the alcohol touched her system all the while Aleydis was being her usual self.

   It scared the misplaced noble how used she is to these rowdy creatures.

   Adelia tried her best to steer away from the unfamiliar face. Word on the deck is, he is the one who triggered Historia’s temper and that’s more than enough reason to keep her distance. Thus how she spent the whole night, under the shade of Freedom. She placed a hand at the dark wood of the ship, feeling its smooth edges. Though she would hate to admit it, it had become her second home.

   Adelia was so keen into admiring Freedom’s sturdiness, she failed to notice light footsteps that echoed in their little cavern. When the owner of those careful steps emerged, a slender male stood by her side.

   “Ah! The princess and Han!” Yongguk greeted wholeheartedly though his words were slurred and when he tried to walk over to them, he fell back down. “It has certainly been a while Captain.” A soft-spoken voice and a thick German accent, the recognition was uncanny. Adelia swore to have recognized the girl, her whole poster was erect and she held an air of authority to her that even Adelia couldn’t rival. But there was not a shred of doubt in her mind; there was no denying that latest company is none other than Elisabeth Mandelbaum.

   Being nobles, they both have met quite often during balls and the like. Never would she have thought to see Elisabeth so acquainted to Yongguk. Han stood between Elisabeth and the intoxicated pirates but she still spoke in a friendly tone to them, they seemed quite close actually. Elisabeth addressed the Captain kindly and it did not seem like his unclear words bothered her. From afar, anyone would have guessed that they were indeed a pair of friends.

   Adelia took a deep breath and gathered up her courage, “Elisabeth?” Even the way Elisabeth spun on her heels and widened her eyes seemed elegant. In an instant, Elisabeth sprinted to the others side, holding both her hands tightly in hers. “Adelia, what are you doing here?” Elisabeth sounded so genuinely worried that it was hard to believe that she was actually an accomplice of these criminals.

   "What are you doing here Elisabeth? Shouldn't you be at home? Aren't your parents going to get worried about you?" Not only was Adelia genuinely curious but she too was making an effort to change the subject but Elisabeth wasn't stupid. She saw through the ruse quickly.

   "I asked you first.” Elisabeth deadpanned, not wanting to fall into the other’s trap. They were used to playing with words. “Besides, don't you have your fiancé to get back to? Why are you mingling with pirates." Placing her hands upon her hips, she stood strong as she wasn’t about to let Adelia off without answering.

   "I... I don't want to be forced to stay in an unwanted marriage so I left." It was a singular lie but it was that exact lie that got Adelia her princess pride back. She could have sworn she had lost the attitude the minute she was brought aboard Freedom. It seems that speaking with another noble revived the little spark that Adelia thought was long gone. "Ah I see, poor girl. He must be worried about you. I remember seeing you two at my father’s birthday." Elisabeth’s features softened as she recalled the stunning couple that appeared on the well-polished floor.

   "He'll be fine without me. Besides, it doesn't mean a thing since I had no say in the marriage anyway." Adelia said as she glared at the back of Yongguk’s head, he was talking to what Adelia guessed to be Elisabeth's . "Now what are you doing here. It seems you and that damned captain are close."

   "The Captain? You mean Yongguk? Oh, the brat just owed me some things that he stole from me. You see, nobody escapes from Han's grasp, not even a lowly pirate." Elisabeth lied flawlessly, using the way Adelia nodded her head to confirm that the girl believed her fake story.

   "Your sure is cute. Han, was it? y. Introduce me will you?" Adelia said with a mischievous grin on her face as she nudged Elisabeth. "Oh stop staring. You have a husband." Elisabeth said smacking the flirty girl’s arm.

   "Oh but he's so cute!” Adelia gushed, not even sparring the time to care. “Joongki can wait. Besides, it's not like he would ever find out. Joongki's still with my parents, I'm guessing. They probably haven't even noticed that I'm gone." Adelia said waving her hand a bit as she continued to stare at the 'adorable handsome man,' as she herself would say.

   "Oh that's not true. Joongki and your parents are extremely worried about hour disappearance. I heard that Joongki is even going into the slums looking for you. Luck has made sure that he hasn't been robbed or killed yet." Elisabeth informed, causing Adelia to feel sympathetic. Even though they only married for power, Adelia has always been grateful over how Joongki treated her. She was a princess in his eyes whether he loved her or not.

   "Are you two princesses done gossiping over there?" Yongguk yelled from where he was standing with Han.

   "Ugh that ." Adelia muttered. "God Elisabeth, you do not understand how long I have been waiting to curse at that damned pirate without getting in trouble." Adelia whined throwing both arms in the air dramatically. "I thought you chose to come?" Elisabeth asked puzzled causing a wave of surprise to wash over Adelia. She had almost forgotten her story. "Of course. Well he seemed nice at the time but now he's just rude, merciless killer." Adelia said pouting causing Elisabeth to giggle as she pat the girl on the shoulder. "Hang in there. It'll be alright. Now I better go over before the man throws a fit. Just look at him. You can practically see smoke coming out of his ears." Elisabeth said pointing at the irritated captain. "Yeah. Quickly or else he might get his all up in a twist." Adelia joked as she winked at Han who had met eyes with the girl.

   "Oh Adelia. Remember about Joongki. He's a nice guy you should give him a chance." Elisabeth said smiling as she walked towards the captain and her .

   "Nice guy or not I don't love him." Adelia muttered scrunching her nose in dissatisfaction.

   “Great, you two know each other.” He sounded a tad rougher than his usual tone as his words were slurred. “Where’s Tori? Tori!” He yelled, trying to get the attention of his younger twin. Wherever she is.

   Historia appeared from the ship, her torso leaning forward against the railing to get a good view of the chaos below. “Make sure the princess gets home safe.” Yongguk ordered, not that anyone could fully comprehend what he just said. “She has Han!” Historia reasoned, not wanting to leave the ship in those drunkards’ hands. “No! You’re sober so you go!” Historia grunted, clearly annoyed but did as she was told to do anyway.

   “Don’t lag behind.” She didn’t even bother to look back at the two nobles and walked out the cavern alone. “I’ll see you again,” Elisabeth told her fellow noble before she caught up with Historia, Han by her side once again.

THE FINAL CHOSEN ONE HAS BEEN REVEAAALLEDD!! CONGRATULATIONS TO soupbunny AND HER ELISABETH! A lot of people actually applied for Charming Liar so PLEASE DON'T HURT ME but now that everyone has been revealed, let's get this show on the road! I don't know what else to put in here man. Oh, but if you are bumbed out that you did't make it in Freedom, fret not for I have released a new applyfic! That's right ladies and gentlemen, you can apply for my latest work, Daehwan High School Host Club and we will see each other again! Who knows? You might get chosen next! And this has been shameless self advertising with Dika.

HELLO LOVELY BEAUTIFUL CHOSEN ONES (And non-chosen ones if you have happened to stay with us :3).
I honestly had a lot of fun with this teaser cuz well the Charming Liar was fun to write about. Hur hur hur not that the other plotlines weren't fun to write about because they were a lot of fun too but urm... yeah I'm just being stupid.
Anyway congrats soupbunny on Elisabeth :3
Hur hur hur shamless advertisement from Dika but seriously do check out her other apply fic cuz the plot lines are so funny and I just love it (I'm so applying for it >;3 Moohaha)
Anyway. See you in Chapter 1 >;3


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by reading the last author's note i just realized i sound so serious compared to lynnie buT I'M NOT —- I WAS IN A HURRY


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Chapter 20: Life is crazy. Good luck with your exams and remember to also take care of your health to the best of your abilities.
I'm sure most of us will still be here when you're finished.
good luck on ur exams!!
I'll def still be here B)
Chapter 20: aww it's all good and no worries.
that is life and come back whenever you are ready!! =]
i will still be around!! =]
good luck with your national exams and also with life and such!!
take much care!! ^^V
Chapter 20: aww to hear. life can seriously be a
i'll def be around when u decide to pick this back up tho
and best of luck with all your exams and everything!!! ^^
it's been over a yr LOL
i miss y'all
hope everything's cool and that there'll be an update soon ^^
I miss this story yo!!!
I hope you two are doing alright. I'll be looking forward to an update in the future :)
Take care!
Chapter 19: It's so funny to me because the last chapter opened with “Siofra’s in charge!”
But rly I don't think there isn't a better candidate to take charge when the twins are gone.

Oh my goodness there is so much cussing in this chapter xDD
I think I can understand that despite being a noble, Jongin is so hostile towards Adelia. But c'mon
once a noble always a noble??? I'm just glad Adelia kept her composure because things would have gotten messy.

woo \o/
glad you two are back ^^
omg Siofra being left in charge. literally why. xD
anyway, i'm so glad to see y'all back! I know life can be a difficult and time consuming thing (i'm no good at Biology either - glad that's out of my life for like ever)
The twins~~
and just everyone~! ^__^
I loved it~!
Chapter 19: WHAAAAT?!
i didn't know O.O
but yeesss kai just ugh
why you sucha douche tho..
poor adelia omg
and wow kai that lil hypocrite

awwww the twins :(
i found yongguk so adorable in this update tho like?
wrong timing i know xD
since theyre visitng their dad im assuming

omg poor siofra tho like...
glad satine was there to help her out a bit

even though i was too tired to read it and pushed it back a lil LOL
don't worry bout the slow updates! as long as you guys still have plans to continue the story haha
Chapter 19: Nice name adrika!! I changed mines too!! Lol
Was.... hetababyx3... glaceskies. Lol
Anyways the update was worth it!! So some more shiet to rile up the pirates and hopefully siofra will be able to calm them all and thanks to satine too.
Hopefulky the twins will be okay. Seem they hold a lot of stuff back.
And wow... adelia is not tge only noble. Interesting. Hehehe curious as to more things appearing later on!!!
Lynn hope all of biology studying is good now!!!