Chapter 4

Do I Fall In Love With Him???

Jaejoong POV

I'm going to the university...Along the way,I'm listening to 'SNSD-How Great Is Your Love' bu suddenly I see a girl is walking on the walking path and I know the girl..The beautiful girl..Yess,I admit that I fall in love with her since the first time I met her..If I not wrong,her name is Jessica..I stop my car and invite her to go to the university together..]

"Jessica"I said to her..

She a bit shocked and that's make her jumping a bit but then she speak..

"Yes,what do you want??"She said to me coldly..Huh,she's very cold and maybe I can call her 'Ice Princess'..I think maybe it's will be difficult to win her heart but I can't give up because I'm certain that I can win her heart..

"Want to go to the university with me??"I ask her..

"No and never.."She said and then she walk again

I follow her with my car while shouting her name and telling her to stop but she not stop..And then she slipped over her high heels and then fell to the ground...I go out from my car and walking towards her..I ask her worriedly

"Hey,are you okay?"I ask her and I see her palm and her knee is bleeding..I look at her worriedly..

"I'm okay"She answered me..How can she said she okay while she's bleeding too much..

"Your palm and you knee is bleeding..I'll take you to go see the doctor.."I said..

"No,it's fin.."Before she could finish her sentences,I carry her in bridal style and put her at the passenger seat..I drive the car to Parang Hospital and the hospital is near to our university..We see the doctor and she said

"Your lucky because her injured not too serious..The injury at her palm isn't too deep.."said the doctor..And then,she gave some medicine for Jessica or should I say 'The Ice Princess"

Then,we excuse ourselves and go to my car..After we get in,I drive my car to go to the university..We lucky because we isn't late..We've the same class and the class start at 9 on the dot..We still have 20 minutes before the class start..After 10 minutes,we arrived at the university..When she about to go out from my car,she said

"Thank you,Jaejoong"she said..I 'm shocked and when I look at the passenger seat,she's already left..Smile appears at my face..And then I park my car at the parking lot..I go to my class and I'm still have 5 minutes before the class start..

When I go into the class,I saw her with her friends,chatting,joking and gosipping..Well,girls,the always gosipping and I see her looks at me and I smile at her but I just get a cold glare from her..Then,I go towars my friends..

"Hey guys,how things doing,is it doing good??"I ask them

"Yes,very good..Guess what..Our friend,Junsu is getting along with one of Jessica's friend,Kim Taeyeon..You know Jessica,right??"That's Yoochun

"Really,Junsu??"I ask

"Yess"Junsu said

"Where is she,I want to see the girl that took my friend heart away?"I ask

 Then,Junsu point at a girl group and that's Jessica's group

"Do you see the girl who sit beside Jessica and wearing violet dream headscarf?"Junsu said

"Oh,that's the girl who stole my friend heart..Wow,she's pretty.."I said and Junsu's blushing..

Huh,Junsu is lucky because he can win the girl heart but me??Will I be able towin Jessica's heart..I can't give up..I must try..

End of Jaejoong POV

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singsongsungjong #1
Very interesting!