Chapter Eight

Disability Love


Baekhyun's POV

It doesn't take long for us to be walking at a comfortable pace down the hallway. 

Its almost feels like we're going for a stroll together; something that i can't say i've done with a girl before. Hyojin doesn't seem to be thinking the same thing. Even though we're walking at the same pace, she never comes within arm's reach of me. I guess i need to lessen bit around her? given how cold and distant i am, there doesn't seem to be much helping, at least for now.

By the time we arrive at the cafeteria, there is not much of a crowd there, but Suho is nowhere to be seen. Hyojin seems to be scanning the whole cafeteria.

"Have you looked somewhere else already?" she asked, her eyes still scanning the area.

"Yeah, at the library. I was reading" 

Yes, i admit that i ditch class to go to the library.

"Ah, so not exactly through search then. Well, if i had to guess, maybe he'll be in his class like Luhan said?"

"Maybe" i said simply and agree with her to check in class 3-B.

Damn, i should stop being awkward.

She started to make a little talk to me. "So you and Suho hang out together after class, right?"


I know its obvious she already know the answer even if she didn't ask me. She maybe thought im an anti-social and the only friend i have is Suho. Well, that may be true -

"Must be a pain being in different class, huh?" i gave a sharp nod. Compared to Suho's careful thought about his actions and speech, I tends to make my answer as short as possible.

"Suho.. comes by the classroom, sometimes. Even when he's busy" she smiled hearing my words. It's pretty cute, really. Theres isn't any need to say more, both of us content that the discussion's reached an end.

As we ascend the stairs back to the hall we are met by a group of student heading downstairs like a school of fish. Mostly are them are boys. I noticed that Hyojin has moved around behind me.

"Hey... are you alright?" i asked with my cold voice not wanting to sound that im worried.

"Y-yeah.. just keep going"

The student pass us and Hyojin takes up position to my side again as we enter the building. Even as we climbed the stairs, she doesn't seem to relax. The rest of the walk up to Suho's class continues in strained silence. I wanted to ask whats wrong, but i hold back.



After we make our way up the stairs, the noise coming from Suho's classroom is getting louder. Eventually, the two of us reach the door to class 3-B. I trailed behind Baekhyun as he opened the door. Baekhyun raise a hand and calling for Suho as we finally reached him.

"Hey, Suho" i greeted. He perks his head up as he breaks off talking to a smaller boy who must be his classmate.

"Sorry, who?" he furrowed his eyebrows in confused.

"Ah.. its me, Hyojin. I've got Baekhyun too here" i turned to Baekhyun. "Hi Hyung" he said.

Suho takes a moment pause to process the situation before turning to the other students again. "Can you just ask Jino for his advice. Sera's busy with painting one of the banners already" a quick nod and the male student bounces off.

Wait... Sera? That Sera?

I quickly turn around, leaning the side to see past Baekhyun. Yep, in the corner of the room, Sera's hunched over a sheet of cloth as he paints it.

After Suho settled with them, he turned to us. "Sorry about that. Our class doesn't have many students with good eyesight, so they need to work even harder"

Thats right, class 3-B was specially for student with poor vision. Preparing for the festival must be tough for them.

"Need a hand? i could give you help if you need some. Maybe Baekhyun can help too?" i offered. He quickly nods in agreement. Suho gives a sigh of relief

"Really? Thats good! this might actually get finished before everyone goes off to dinner now" i grinned widely. "Uh.. can you help the person painting the main banner? its a big task for him to do, but nobody else can help" he plead.

"Oh, with Sera? Sure" he seems shock that i know her.

"You two have met?"

"Our rooms in the dorm are right next to each other so we bumped each other often"

He ruffled my hair and chuckled. "Its good to see you getting friends so fast"

Friend... I wonder if thats the right word to use for her.

Baekhyun's silence during the proceedings reminds me of the reason i put him up to help in the first place.

"I guess.. We'll go help her then. She knows what to do right?"

He smile and nodded. "Thats right. Just ask if you have any problems" with that, Baekhyun and i begin to walk towards her across the room.

Sera sits crounched on the floor, her gaze fixed on the white calico infront of her.

"Hey Sera" . . . . No answer. She continues dragging her paint-soaked brush along the large half-painted hangul words that sketched on the sheet in pencil. "Sera..?"

"Huh? What? Who is it?" she frowned.

If this the way she treat her classmate no wonder she's working alone.

"Its me, Hyojin from the-" she stopped my words. "Yeah yeah, why are you here?"

She must be the type to get really focused on her work, hating to be disturbed by anyone, i guess. While we talked, the sound of Baekhyun's footsteps as he walks out behind me reminds me thats he's here.

"I was just going to help with the banner.. with Baekhyun"

She gave a slight frown. Does she not want us to help? "Sure.. I guess thats okay" her face change to an uncomfortable expression.

Oh right.

Theres a rumour in this school saying that she's hate mens and they will take over the world or something? i don't get it but this may not have been a great idea after all.

Baekhyun and I set ourselves down on the opposite side of the cloth banner to Sera, noting the several small paint tins on the ground around it.

Class 3-B....... ramen stall?

"You guys selling ramen at the festival this Sunday?" i looked at her.

"Yep! We think its much easier to sell ramens.. since everybody loves it" she beams. I simply nodded "So do you want to do the text while we're doing the border? or the other way around?"

"I'll do text. You do borders" 

Honestly, i don't understand her. Sometimes she's a happy go lucky and the next minute she's as cold as ice. 

I debating between the colours to use. Baekhyun noticed me as he reach over to grab a brush. By the time i've put brush to cloth, he's already started on a delicate pattern. Looks like my idea of taking his mind off everyone around his worked. I silently smiled to myself.

With a dark blue , the 3 of us continue to work.

Suddenly, as Baekhyun were busy painting, Sera leans towards me to whisper. "Hyojin! why are you here with him?"

"Baekhyun just wanted some help to find Suho, thats all" she disapprove my answer. She sighed. "Remember Hyojin, mens are scary! be careful with them"

"Yeah, very scary" i said sarcastically.



"Finished" Baekhyun spoke.

"Me too, good job!" with a grunt, Baekhyun lever himself up from the floor and look around.

Aside from Baekhyun and myself, theres only Sera left finishing off a sign as well as Suho and a couple of students talking to themselves in the class.

Looking at my watch, its almost 6pm. Its getting pretty late.

"Need a hand?" Baekhyun offered a hand to me which i uses to get myself up. As i getting up, I can't help but glance at his wrist; if his scars extend even to there, just how much of the body was burned? I feel a pang of guilt about it however as he quickly covers his wrist with his other hand while his eyes were looking at the corner of the room.

"Looks good isn't it?" he looks suprised for a moment before noticing that i meant the banner.

"It does... I guess" 

His smile shows that he feel a slight sense of satisfied in the result, just i do.

With the floor significantly neater for the decorations being placed on desks and shelves, its much easier to get to Suho as we across the room.

"We finished the banner. Its that all?" Suho gives a nod. 

"Thank you Hyojin, Baek. If you guys insist, i can treat you ice creams!"

I laughed, then shook my head. "Its fine. Beats sitting in room studying"

"Yeah, me too" Suho nods before suddenly remembering one last person.

"Oh, is Sera still there?" just as i open the mouth, Sera gives an answer from the other side of the room.

"Just finished too" she carefully slides her sign onto an empty section of shelf to dry, before wuickly walk past us and out the door.

"See ya, Hyojin" i awkwardly waved at her.

The remaining 2 students say goodbye to Suho before taking their cue to leave as well, leaving only 3 of us.

"Well, i guess thats everyone"

"I hope we don't have to do anything like that again" Suho rubbed his temples.

"Working past schooltime?" i asked. 

"Yeah. The class's plans this year were so determined. Maybe too determined"

"The stalls look cool though" Baekhyun commented. I nodded, agreed. "He's right, it shows that a lot of work's gone into them"

He chuckled. I smiled and looked around the room. It was filled of paints, banners and posters. They definitely worked hard.

"Uh.. its getting pretty late, should we go?" I snapped out from my thoughts after hearing Baekhyun's voice. "Yeah, we should. Are you going back to the dorm too, Hyojin?"

"Yea, i guess i'll tag along then"


The nighttime lightning really makes the garden quite different. Compared to the usual look of lush greenery, things are much more calm. All that can be heard is our footsteps, in addition to Suho's cane regularly the ground infront of her.

Without even noticing it, i let a small yawn.

"Tired?" Suho inquired.

"Yeah, such a long day today. The.. uh.. thing with Kyungsoo took me kind off guard, though" i grit my teeth a little.

"Ah.. about that.. Sorry. I'll think of some ways to fix things out" his voice seems slightly irritated and doesn't to discuss further. I glance to Baekhyun to see his expression. But he just too hard to read.

Either way i guess his apologizing for it is something, even if my curiosity goes unaswered.

"I'll be glad once the festival is over"



[A/N] Finished with all my oral test and next month is my trial weep. Im so tired!!

So hi. im an exo-L :x well.. prefer exotics more but this is better than 'squids'

cRYYYY can someone teleports me to smtownseoul 







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bellyrabbit #1
thank you for sharing
Chapter 8: Baekhyun should open up more…
Too bad Suho and Kyungsoo doesn't get along well. Wonder what kind of past that they shared which caused them to dislike each other.
Chapter 7: I just hope that Luhan and Kyungsoo doesn't avoiding HyoJin because she defend Suho earlier. >^<

Good luck on your speaking test author-nim! ^^9
panda_88 #4
Chapter 7: This story is amazing, author-nim! Keep it up :D

By the way, GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR TEST!!! While doing your test, just remember that a panda (me XD) is cheering you on :3

Make panda proud, author-nim! :D
Chapter 6: Hi to Lay over there! He's so amazing~ Hyojin should've join the art club then! She can be a good helper for Lay. ^-^
Chapter 5: What is Baekhyun's disability again? Gosh. Only if my tab isn't stupid enough to load the picture from the foreword… Aish.. =="
Wonder why Baekhyun is so different. Teacher never scold him for being late. And wonder why both Baekhyun and Suho could've their own private room for lunch. Is Baekhyun's parents' have a big share for that school?
A-ye. There's a lot explanation needed for why Baekhyun doesn't get along with Kyungsoo.
And hi to Chanyeol over there~
Chapter 4: So the black haired guy is Baekhyun. Hmm. He's a bit cold here. Wonder how could he got the scar.
Dumbfounded when find out that Suho is blind. I never expect that since well… his action before doesn't sounds like he's blind. (I mean like those preparing tea thingy)

Great shot author-nim. Waiting for the next update~ ^^9
Chapter 4: this whole time the black-haired guy was baekhyun haha i should've known
Chapter 3: Update soon! :D
Chapter 3: Wow this is really good, I like it a lot. I think you are doing an excellent job at writing a real response to the situation she is in. I have a friend with an incurable lung disease so I can really see the realistic responses of the character. I love the concept, I curious as to were this will lead.