Chapter Four

Disability Love

"So which class are you from?"

"I'm in class 3-B which is on the third floor, same as yours and is specifically for both blind and partically blind students"

"I see. Ah, i mean i'm s-sorry" i feel like slapping myself. Looking at his face, though, he doesn't seem in the least bit put off by it. He chuckled "Theres no need to be sorry"

"Can i ask you something? what clubs are there to join?"

"Hm.. the more popular ones are the track and field club, which uses the field near the school during lunchtimes, the baseball club, and the book club in a room near the library. There are also numerous small ones such as the art and music clubs" at a time i'm just wanting to get my feet, rushing into a club right away seems slightly unappealing

I wonder if this school shares the same rule as my old one

Not wanting my tea to get cold, i finally start drinking it as Suho does the same. As i look over the window over his shoulder, i notice the light coming into the room has a distinctly orange tint.

"Huh, the time's gone quickly"


Right. He's blind. Of course he can't see the sun setting.

"It just looks like the sun's starting to set"

"Sorry, Hyojin. I didn't mean to keep you from the library for too long" i quickly move to alley his concern. "Ah, no. Its okay. The library is still open isn't it?" he pauses and takes moment to think on it.

"Yeah. Its open until 6:30 during weekdays" a quick glance at my watch confirms i have well enough time to get there.

"Hm i might get going, i guess. Its nice talking to you, Suho" he smiles and give a nod, his hands still neatly folded on the table. "Its no problem. Oh... come to think of it, should i show you where the library is?"

"I think i can find it myself" 

Well, unless my navigational skills fail me. 

"Its alright, i was going to talk with the librarian anyway. I could introduce you" its pretty hard to deny his offer. "That'd will be great"

As he stands up to follow me, he takes hold of a straight, retractable cane that had be slipped in the middle of the floor. Together we leave the peaceful room and enter the empty hallway on the way to the library. It doesn't take us long to arrive.

"Ladies first" i take the lead and he followed me.

"Min, are you here?" he says it to the thin air since the librarian doesn't seem to be present and of course Suho can't see this. Something from under the counter thuds against it, followed by a quiet wail.

"Ow ow ow" theres a girl crawls out from the table. "Hehe. Hi, Suho. How can i help you?"

"Good evening. What happend just now? i heard a loud thud"

"Its nothing, i just hit my head" She divert her eyes at me. "Oh my! im sorry for not noticing you before. Do you need to check out a book? or return one?"

"She's with me. Min, this is Hyojin a new student. Hyojin, this is Min, the school librarian"

"Hi, nice to meet you" i bowed at her. "Pleased to meet you too, Hyojin"

"Umm i'll go check the aisle, if you don't mind" they both noded.



My first impression was right. The library is suprisingly big. Ambling down the narrow aisles, i study the spines of the books in random order, occasionally sliding one out to read the blurb, taking it with me if it look good. I reach the end of the aisle and find a collection of desks, set up for study or personal reading. Going a little further, i discover a nice quiet corner at the back.

While the rest of the library has odd student sitting at a desk either reading or stealithily sleeping, the back  is pretty much desserted. As u glance around, i see someone who i recongnize sitting at one of the beanbags.

Its the dark-haired boy from my class. The one who snuck out from the classroom earlier. He's reading a book, keeping it close to his face which he look like he's really into it.

Before i know it, i'm walking towards him. Walking over to another beanbag, i take a seat and lay my books beside it. My eyes are immediately drawn to the scars, subconsiously peeking past his hair until they meet his own eyes.

"Um uh, hi. I'm new here. Kim Hyojin. We're in the same class. Umm i just transferred here the other day. Maybe you don't remember?" the boy still doesn't say any word but just stared at me.

"I'm still getting used to the place so i'm trying meet as many people as i can. So.. um.. whats your name?"

"Baekhyun" i nodded.

"What book are you reading?" he tips the book backwards so that i can read the tittle.

What a cold guy.

"What is it about?"


I sigh and puffed my cheeks. "A boy and a tiger. On a boat." he spoke. I was shock, but i tried to maintain my calm face.

"Oh, i see.. i'm looking for new ones to read, but there's just too many--" without warning, Baekhyun takes off and walks towards the counter.

Great. Now he's going to think im flirting with him.

By the time i reach the counter he is nowhere to be seen. Suho and Min are happily chatting away.

"Hey, have you guys seen the boy run past here?" Min shrugged. "Hm maybe? what does he look like?"

"Black, dark hair. Not so tall. He had... well.. scars on his face"

"Are you talking about Baekhyun?"

"Yeah, thats him. I saw him reading and tried to talk, but i think he thinks im flirting with him.."

"Haha. I'll try and find him. Excuse me, Min" he smiled at both of us. "S-sure. I'll hold onto these until you come back"

"See you later, Suho" Suho hastily grabs his cane and hurries out of the library, leaving me alone with Min. "I don't think i'll ever get the hang of this place. Did i do something wrong?"

"What did you do?"

"Nothing! I just... talked to him. Didn't even manage to get started" Min sighs and looks awfully bothered, even more than before. "That boy is a bit special case. It's like he never really talks to anyone"

"Isn't that a bit... strange?"

"I wonder.. It's just how he is, i think" Min doesn't sound all that convincing. Then again, maybe this is just the norm around here. Everyone has their own problems or else, they wouldn't be here.

"Did you find any books? I should be closing soon. I mean this library should be closing. But i have to do it, i hope you don't mind"

"Oh. Yeah, i want some books, but i left them over there because.... I'll just go get them" i fetch my stack of books from aside the beanbags where Baekhyun and I were sitting and return to the counter.

Holding the library books with one arm, I trawl my pocket for the key to the door. A sudden sound from behind startles me, making me nearly drop the books i'm carrying or the key that i almost managed to get into the lock.

"Who is it?" I turn around to see who's talking. It's Sera.

"It's just me" this make her pauses and her lips nervously. "Who is me? I don't know anyone called me. Are you some new girl again?" her voice is suddenly strained and quick.

"Yes... but we've met before. Yesterday,"

"I don't think so, I would remember someone who i met only yesterday.. When was that? what day is it today?" i try to ignore her.

Is she joking or what?

"Prove that we've met before!"

"You live across the hall. You're Sera." Sera jumps back, her eyes filled with uncomphrehending fear.

"How do you know my name? ugh, this can only mean two things: either we have met, and you're telling the truth and i can't remember it or you're a spy" she pauses. She leans her face close to mine. "Ohhh Hyojin! its really you!"

"Uh yeah.. it's me. I'm going to bed now, its extremely late" she giggles. "Okay~ sorry about before Hyojin" she vanishes into her room so quickly and quietly its like he didn't even open the door but instead walk through it like a ghost.

I don't know if i can fully digest what just happend, so i give up and just go to my room, kicking off my shoes before facefirst into bed. It takes me some time to relax and get up so i can get started on my homework. I open one eye, seeing the schoolbooks and bottle of pills arranged side-by-side on my desktop.

Maybe this place is too much like a normal school, after all.





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bellyrabbit #1
thank you for sharing
Chapter 8: Baekhyun should open up more…
Too bad Suho and Kyungsoo doesn't get along well. Wonder what kind of past that they shared which caused them to dislike each other.
Chapter 7: I just hope that Luhan and Kyungsoo doesn't avoiding HyoJin because she defend Suho earlier. >^<

Good luck on your speaking test author-nim! ^^9
panda_88 #4
Chapter 7: This story is amazing, author-nim! Keep it up :D

By the way, GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR TEST!!! While doing your test, just remember that a panda (me XD) is cheering you on :3

Make panda proud, author-nim! :D
Chapter 6: Hi to Lay over there! He's so amazing~ Hyojin should've join the art club then! She can be a good helper for Lay. ^-^
Chapter 5: What is Baekhyun's disability again? Gosh. Only if my tab isn't stupid enough to load the picture from the foreword… Aish.. =="
Wonder why Baekhyun is so different. Teacher never scold him for being late. And wonder why both Baekhyun and Suho could've their own private room for lunch. Is Baekhyun's parents' have a big share for that school?
A-ye. There's a lot explanation needed for why Baekhyun doesn't get along with Kyungsoo.
And hi to Chanyeol over there~
Chapter 4: So the black haired guy is Baekhyun. Hmm. He's a bit cold here. Wonder how could he got the scar.
Dumbfounded when find out that Suho is blind. I never expect that since well… his action before doesn't sounds like he's blind. (I mean like those preparing tea thingy)

Great shot author-nim. Waiting for the next update~ ^^9
Chapter 4: this whole time the black-haired guy was baekhyun haha i should've known
Chapter 3: Update soon! :D
Chapter 3: Wow this is really good, I like it a lot. I think you are doing an excellent job at writing a real response to the situation she is in. I have a friend with an incurable lung disease so I can really see the realistic responses of the character. I love the concept, I curious as to were this will lead.