Chapter Five

Disability Love

I feel very tired this morning, probably because yesterday itself was a very tiring day. On top of that, I woke up far earlier than necessary. After saying hi to Luhan and Kyungsoo, I start doing the work as instructed from the board. It looks like today is going to be heavy. I don't have problem with that now, though. Luhan and Kyungsoo might jump on me trying to get an answer about weather or not i've decided to join the Student Council, even if its just on day.

About 10 minutes into class, Baekhyun walks in and takes a seat, but no one looks at him. The teacher doesn't even comment on his lateness. He does, however, stop us to say that we're going to break into groups again.

I turn my head and see that Luhan and Kyungsoo are looking at me. Kyungsoo gives me a smile. This smile that says "We have you. There is no escape"

"Hyojin~ it looks like we're together again" Luhan grins and leans sideways while Kyungsoo pushes his desk to mine. There really no escape now. Kyungsoo snaps back into his serious mode and smacks today's assignment with the back of his hand in an overly dramatic and important way.

While i'm reading, i let my eyes wanders around the room and catch Baekhyun trying his hand at solving the problems. It looks like he's working alone.

I can't remember seeing he's working with other people before.

"Hey, that boy over there..."

"Huh? who?"

"Him. Baekhyun. Over there. Does he always work alone?"

Luhan shrugs. "I think so. Do you feel sorry for him because he's alone?"

"I was thinking maybe he can work with us or something"

"Uh, i don't think thats a good idea, Hyojin"

"Why not?" i looked at that lad, confused. "Kyungsoo wouldn't get along with him"

"Why?" Luhan shuffles around the question, letting out a laugh that sounds very strange. A nervous laugh.

"Just because, Hyojin" by now, Kyungsoo has notices our conversation, and it makes me realised how Luhan has been sighing everything he has been saying this whole time. "Anyway, we should start on our assignments, Hyojin"

We finish with time to spare, and i decide to ask if there are any alternatives to the cafeteria, as frankly, the food so far has subpar. I look over my shoulder towards the back of the classroom. He seems to be studying his notes from the previous class. Its an odd sight; everyone else in the class is busying themselves with the lunch break.

But, when i watch Baekhyun, it feels that i'm the only one who can see him. Almost as if he was invicible; sort of hiding in plain sight. Is he being bullied? Is he isolating himself from the rest of the class on his own accord? I see him look over his shoulder towards the classroom's rear door. Come to think of it, he hasn't turned a page since i've started watching him. 

Hm. I'd better clear the misunderstands from yesterday.

I started to get up from my desk and walk towards him.

"Uh, hi Baekhyun"


Well, at least he remembers my name.

"Hey... i just wanted to apologize for yesterday. I didn't mean to creep you out or anything. I'm just new here and thought i should get to know my classmates" I can feel Baekhyun is starring at me and i started to feel uncomfortable.

"Thats okay" i think hard how to make the conversation going on. "So, are you waiting for someone? i saw you looking at the door before.."

"Yeah, Suho"

"Oh, you mean Suho the blind- uh sorry..." Baekhyun only nod in response, and i can't help it but wonder if defining people though their disabilities is a faux pas of the worst kind or just normal here.

"Suho is nice. Are you two close?"

"Yeah" he checks over his shoulder to see if Suho's here yet. I sighed. "I hope i'm not disturbing you--" he cut me off

"No you're not" I was about to ask him something but then i noticed Suho at the door.

"Oh, he's here" Baekhyun spins around to confirm this. Upon seeing Suho, he moves quickly to the door.


"Good morning, Baek. Is the president here?"

"Yes" Baekhyun glances over Kyungsoo.

"I think, we'd best be off then" Suho's sigh and tone of what seems like frustration makes me raise an eyebrow. I guess theres some kind of emnity between the two. Its intriguing, but thats not really something i'd ask about. Im sure they wanted me to know, then they would tell me.

It's only my third day here; i should trying to make friends, not finding out why people are enemies.

"Hey, Suho. How's things?"

"Oh my, is that Hyojin? I didn't realise you were here"

"Uh... hyung" Suho gives a little nod. "I'm sorry Hyojin, but we must be off"

I looked at them and fiddle the hem of my skirt feeling a little hesistant to ask. "Um.. mind if i accompany you two?"

I know i'm kinda pushing it, but... Suho hums quietly, still smilling. "Im sure that Hyojin can join us right, Baek?" He looks at Suho, then at me, and then he just shrugged it off.


"Well then, shall we go?"

So we leave, all 3 together. Suho walks beside the wall, letting his can gently tap it against every now and then. Baekhyun comes along right beside him while. As we turn around the corner of the hallway something hits me in the chest with the force of a stream trains. I saw Baekhyun running to me and my vision briefly goes black.




Oppening my eyes, i saw a pair of eyes looking up at me. They belong to the prepetrator, a tall boy who bumped into me and now has fallen down onto the hallway floor. He wears his PE uniform and a very worried frown. The former strikes me as a rather strange thing to have on during a lunch break. More striking than that, though, is that he doesn't have legs.

Or he does, but they are not flesh and bone. His skin and very much flesh-and-bone thighs end in shins and feet made of some black metallic of plastic-like material. They look disturbingly artificial and unnatural. It almost makes me forget about my chest is hurting.

The boy winces a little, rub his nose and jumps up.

"Aw man.... hey, are you alright? im sorry about that, really! I wasn't looking where i was going, and you just came out of nowhere. Sorry... sorry!" he's looking really apologetic. I quickly forget about being angry or anything.

"Its okay, don't worry about it- ouch..." i say that, but there's a stinging pain growing in my chest, and i know that this is about biggest possible danger for my condition.

Don't overexert yourself, don't forget your medication and most of all, don't get hit in the chest.

I try to rub my solar plexus to chase the pain away, holding my breathe in an attempt to hear my heartbeat. 

Dup. Dup. Dup. Dup. Dup.

It seems normal....

"Hey, should i get a nurse?" the worried, deep-voice of the boy snaps me out of it. I stare at him for a few seconds dumbfounded, until i realise that i probably looked worse off that i really was, doubled over myself and looking all tense.

Gosh. I'm overly worried about my heart.

"Um.. no need, i'm fine" managing to say something in response, i pull myself upright, feeling my sore ribs one last time, and take a deep breathe. He just knocked the wind out of me. Big time. But it's nothing more than that.

"You sure you're okay? i hit you pretty hard"

"It's okay. I said i'm fine, and nothings broken. No harm done"

"Thats good, i was-" Suho cut him off

"Hyojin, what happend?" He's not quite up to speed for obvious reasons, but he sounds very worried. More than what the situations deserves, really.

"Someone just bumped into me, nothing serious. Just winded"

"Er, sorry, its my fault. I was just going to get some stuff, and i was in a kind of a hurry"

"Thats 'someone' here is Chanyeol isn't it?" the boy coughs quietly and shuffles his plastic metallic feet, looking down at them before saying anything.

"Hi, Suho. Baekhyun" he said while rubbing his nape.

I guess these boys knows each other.

"Yah, should be careful. You might be sturdy enough to endure these accidents, but some people aren't" the boy blushes and starts to fidget nervously like a little child caught misbehaving. It's kinda adorable i find myself smiling.

"I know that... i- um i was just-- oh my god! i gotta go. Teacher will have my head, i promise to myself to help with printouts but i went running instead! Sorry, but i have to go change and everything!" before any of us can say a thing, Chanyeol has already bolted away, leaving the hallway eerily quiet.

"Does that kind of thing happend often around here?"

"There are more rules in Gwangju than usual for running in corridors but that rarely stops Chanyeol, it seems" he shakes his head weakly and offers a slight smile. "There's nothing we can stop that kid. Let's go now" Suho heads off along the hallway and Baekhyun hurries after him.

The route to the room the two use for tea is fairly simple to retrace, being still fresh in my mind from yesterday. Suho and Baekhyun quickly go about the business of making lunch. Before i can even open my small bag of food, Suho's busying himself with his thermos and teabags as Baekhyun is setting out both of their lunchboxes.

"So, is this what you meant by coming here everyday?"

"Yes, Baekhyun and I usually have lunch here" I nodded and take my seat as Suho's poured the tea for us.

The more time i spent with these two boys, the more i think they're a perfect foil to Luhan and Kyungsoo. Even without a voice, Kyungsoo is direct and brash, and Luhan seems to get along with everyone. On the other hand, Suho is soft-spoken and relaxed while Baekhyun is the quiet guy i've ever met.

"So, how are you faring in Gwangju? you seem a bit flustered before"

"Apart from getting lost every now and then and being crash-tackled outside my classroom? fine i guess..."

"Uh. You look pretty hurt before. Are you okay?" Baekhyun asked while his eyes were still focusing on his food. For a brief moment, i consider telling Baekhyun and Suho about my condition but then, i hold it back. I can't tell why, but for some reason i feel uncomfortable talking about it to these strangers, even they've been pretty friendly.

"Yeah, its nothing. I was just startled" judging from the 2 boys' expressions, i don't think they're buying it. But, in what i assume is their way of respecting my privacy, they don't press the matter.

I guess that is the one of the unwritten rules around here; "don't ask" even if people's condition are obvious like Baekhyun's theres still bound to be story involved.

"So.. how long have you been in this school? you both seem to know your way around pretty well"

"Well, i've been here since the start of highschool, but only moved into the dormitories a year ago. It's the same with Baekhyun too"

"So you've known each other since then?"

"Since i moved, yeah. Baekhyun lives next door to me" living next to someone is probably reason enough to befriend them, though i'm guessing that Suho's blindness played a part in it as well. I can't imagine Baekhyun can easily making friends with someone who has to deliberately avoid looking at his scars.

With the immediate conversation dried up, we start to eat our lunch.

It isn't long before the bells are signaling the end of the break. Like me, the boys pack up their lunches.

"I guess i'd better be off. Are you going to walk with Hyojin, Baek?" Baekhyun looks up at me for a second.

"Whatever" i feel a little bit happy. Maybe Baekhyun is starting to befriend with me? i push the feeling aside, trying to act natural as i can.

"We should hurry then. Class has already started by the sound of it" Suho gives a nod of farewell as he bend down to take his cane. Baekhyun and I filing out before him.

We walk quickly down the empty halls to our respeective classes. As we reach the door to Suho's 3-B class, he turns towards me.

"Thanks for having lunch with us today"

"It's no problem" and with that, we part ways; Suho entering his class and leaving Baekhyun and I to make off to our own. Baekhyun still haven't spoke anything since lunch.

"So do you really want to go back class now?"


"Okay then" i feel like i should say something more to him but its hard to come up with anything.

I open the rear door to class and come in (*overdose mode* oklol). The teacher looks up at me, and open his mouth to say something. However, as Baekhyun follows me in and closes the door, he simply nods to us and continue his lecture.

This is the third time that Baekhyun has his truancy pratically ignored. There's definitely something going on here.



[A/N] yay park chan! only lay is left huh? *rubs my imaginary beard* lol what. I should make Baek a little less cold but hmmm.


ok im being random here, my head is so messed up ;; but im fine! : D

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bellyrabbit #1
thank you for sharing
Chapter 8: Baekhyun should open up more…
Too bad Suho and Kyungsoo doesn't get along well. Wonder what kind of past that they shared which caused them to dislike each other.
Chapter 7: I just hope that Luhan and Kyungsoo doesn't avoiding HyoJin because she defend Suho earlier. >^<

Good luck on your speaking test author-nim! ^^9
panda_88 #4
Chapter 7: This story is amazing, author-nim! Keep it up :D

By the way, GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR TEST!!! While doing your test, just remember that a panda (me XD) is cheering you on :3

Make panda proud, author-nim! :D
Chapter 6: Hi to Lay over there! He's so amazing~ Hyojin should've join the art club then! She can be a good helper for Lay. ^-^
Chapter 5: What is Baekhyun's disability again? Gosh. Only if my tab isn't stupid enough to load the picture from the foreword… Aish.. =="
Wonder why Baekhyun is so different. Teacher never scold him for being late. And wonder why both Baekhyun and Suho could've their own private room for lunch. Is Baekhyun's parents' have a big share for that school?
A-ye. There's a lot explanation needed for why Baekhyun doesn't get along with Kyungsoo.
And hi to Chanyeol over there~
Chapter 4: So the black haired guy is Baekhyun. Hmm. He's a bit cold here. Wonder how could he got the scar.
Dumbfounded when find out that Suho is blind. I never expect that since well… his action before doesn't sounds like he's blind. (I mean like those preparing tea thingy)

Great shot author-nim. Waiting for the next update~ ^^9
Chapter 4: this whole time the black-haired guy was baekhyun haha i should've known
Chapter 3: Update soon! :D
Chapter 3: Wow this is really good, I like it a lot. I think you are doing an excellent job at writing a real response to the situation she is in. I have a friend with an incurable lung disease so I can really see the realistic responses of the character. I love the concept, I curious as to were this will lead.