Chapter Three

Disability Love

He immediately looks at Luhan, who smiles and makes a few quick gestures with his hands. Luhan nods and makes a few gestures of his own.

"I can see you're a little confused right? but i understand why you would think i was Kyungsoo. Kyungsoo is deaf, so im the person who translates things back and forth to him so im like an interpreter. He says its nice to meet you too!" He smiles. Kyungsoo started to make another gesture.

"You're the new student aren't you? Well Kyungsoo, of course she is! is she wasn't, she would have been standing up there for no reason right?" Luhan looks at me with a weird expresion, then continues. "We don't know much about her, but we'll maybe find out later"

Maybe i should've introduced myself after all. Anything would've given a better first impression than the teacher than the teacher's drone and fumbling with my name.

"We knew there was going to be a new student, but we didn't know you would be here today. So soon, right Kyungsoo?" Kyungsoo taps his finger on the desk to get Luhan's attention. They gesture back and forth to each other excitedly, their hands a blur. Luhan seems a little overwhelmed

"Oh uh, sorry about that. Kyungsoo wants you to know that hes the class rep, so if theres is anything you need to know, you an feel free to ask him" i noded, understand. "Do you like the school so far? we can show you around a little of you haven't had the time to walk around and... familiarize? yourself with it"

Luhan stumbles with the hand word a bit, making it stick out in his otherwise fluid translation.

"Thanks, that would be helpful. Yeah, i just kind of came straight to class today" He chuckled. "Thats not good! you should always try to learn as much as you can about where you're going before you go there"

Learn about where you're going? i guess i didn't bother to do that, or just didn't care. I didn't look forward to this, even if i committed myself to go along with it half-assedly, but anyway. I didn't say anything, and Luhan signs something that ends with a shrug. What was that? it seems like it was about me. I feel like slumping over in seat. Both of them are smiling, but that shrug hit me unexpectedly deeply.

"You look down, are you okay? don't take it in a wrong way, i hate it when people are afraid to ask questions, thats how people learn things, by asking!" he gave me a small smile. "All right"

"Oh right, we haven't touched our assignment. We should start working now, or Kyungsoo will be pissed" Kyungsoo glared at us impatiently. I don't need to know sign language to understand that.

"After class, we can take a walk around grounds together okay?" i noded quietly

Still, we finish it a few minutes than anyone else in the class, despite our late start. Kyungsoo and Luhan are really capable. They're quiet different though. The class rep is a calm and professional as he looks, while Luhan is alot more playful. To be honest, the two of them did most of the work. I feel guilty about that.

The clock tower bell rings, signaling the end of period. Time for lunch.

Without knowing what else to do, i follow Luhan, who is beckoning me into the hallway and down the stairs. We descend even below the lobby where i met Junho, down to the bottom floor.

Just like everything in this school, the cafeteria seems too spacious and oddly modern in contrast to the classic exterior. Its big window open to the courtyard, towards the main gate.

"This is the cafeteria" he introduced, my eyes wonders around. I pick something random and follow Kyungsoo to a table, sitting opposite of him.

As i nibble indifferently at the food i'd rather not eat, Luhan pokes me in the side to get my attention and points at Kyungsoo. I don't understand sign, so the point escapes me

"Do you want to know something?" he leans closer. "What?"

"About anything! we're your guides so you should ask something" 

"Hm i wonder.. oh yeah. Is there a library in the school? lately i've gotten into reading alot so i'd like to check it out" Luhan gives a frown that makes it clear he doesn't consider reading a healthy hobby. "There is, its on the 2nd floor we'll show you next time"

I return to my food while the boys talks between themselves



We arrive in the classroom early. The dark haired boy noticed before is slumped over his desk at the last row. He jumps a little when Luhan crashes into the room. He shrinks deeper into his seat. I can feel his tension all the way from here, as if he were slowly turning into stone just from our presence.

Luhan and Kyungsoo either didn't notice or don't mind it, as they walk directly past him to their seats and began to converse. Im left wondering about him, even when the classroom slowly fills with other students and finally, the teacher.

Before long, the final bell rings. School is finally over for the day

Luhan turns to me "Im sorry we can't stay and show you around today, Hyojin. We have things to do today. You'll find your way around here, im sure of it"

"Ah wait! the teacher said i'd have to see the nurse. Where do i have to go?"

"Is that so? we can at least show you that much. Come on, the nurses have their own building, so we have to go outside"

We join the flow of students making their way down the stairwell and outside, with the girls pointing out other seniors classrooms in the same hallway as us. When we get outside, they make their way to the smaller building right next to the school.

"The nursing staff facilities are in there. The nurse's office in on the first floor. You'll be fine from here right? we'll be going, see you tomorrow!" he explained then waves at me. "Ah, thanks. Bye"

I walk in, hoping that this really will be only a quick visit like the teacher said. One a white door on the left is a green cross with the tect "Head Nurse" and a nameplate. A voice from the inside respons to my knocks quickly. I let myself in

The room is not large and it smells strange. A friendly-looking woman turns around on her office chair as i enter.

"Hello, what can i do for you today?"

"Um, are you the nurse?" she kindly smiles at me "Why yes, i am. It says on the door, no? you can call by my name or "the nurse" like everyone else"

Of course. I shake off my confusion, realizing i should probably bow to her. "Im the new student and my homeroom teacher told me to come and meet you. My name is Kim Hyojin" her eyes light up and she snaps her fingers

"Oh i was just reading your file this morning. Some kind of chronic arrhythmia and related heart muscle deficiency, right?" She gestures me to sit down. "Um, yeah"

"Good. Well, you've probably been briefed about the school enough, so i'll just go over this quickly. We have all kinds of facilities available. Theres always someone from my staff around even at night so never hesistate to call us if theres a problem"

The famous 24 hour nursing staff.

"Woa this is like the hospital"

"Well not exactly, we do not do brain surgery here" her joke feels so out of place. "Now let me find your files again.." while she searches for something on her computer, i let my gaze wander around the room. Smilling, the nurse draws a thick file from a stack of similary thick files and opens it.

"So, you already have medication for the arrhythmia, just remember to take your pills every morning and evening or it won't be much help. At any rate, im sure you've been told this before, you just need to take care not to overexert yourself" She wags her fingers to emphasize the point. No need really, i've heard this a thousand times already

She goes over my papers one more time and sets them on desk, obviously content.

"Good, thats it. Come meet me if you need something"

Im ushered out before i even realize it. A quick visit, indeed

The dorm building is big and made of red brick. Let the others, it feels way too pmpous for what it is, so i push forward, going inside. Despite the ornate exterior, the inside of the dorm is fairly new, functional and boring. I poke my head around the corner of the common room door.

About halfway down the hall, i spy room 119. Light shines from below of room 117 so i knock lightly

"Hello, is anyone home?" a bespectacled girl standing in the doorway. Shee is looking at me very intently through her extremely thick glasses

"Who is it?" she leans closer to me until our noses are almost touching. "Kim Hyojin... im moving into the next room. I thought i should introduced my.." her face suddenly brightens and stands back upright, ing his hand out in a smiling greeting

"Oh hi! my name is Sera"

"Ah, hi" i take Sera's hand and shake it then she turns, fumble around for a moment in search of the door handle and shuts the door.

I shrugged and slide the key into the lock of the door marked 119



All through class, the question remains on my mind, so i decide to ask Kyungsoo about it. He crossed his arms and shifts his gaze at Luhan, who looks more preoccupied.

"Sorry dude, you want something from me? Oh.. i see thats a good question" he nodded "Thats right, everyone is encourage to join a club. Alot of people do so because there isn't really anything else to do, maybe you can help out!"


"Do you want to join a club, Hyojin?" he asked me. "Yeah, i was thinking about it" Kyungsoo and Luhan look at each other. Im about to ask what they have in mind when something dark flutters in my vision, catching my attention.

Out of the corner of my eye, i see the boy with dark black hair get up from his desk and slip silently towards the door. It doesn't seems like he was working in any group, and no one seems to notice him but me. I glanced at the teacher whos also looking at the black haired boy. Why doesn't he say anything?

"Hyojin, is there something wrong?" i shook my head "No, nothing"

During the afternoon classes, the black haired boy comes back and sits down in his sit without a word. 

That evening, i went to the library to borrow some books. My head was spinning to search for the room. After i turned around the corner, an unmarked door draws my attention because its not closed meaning theres someone inside and i can ask for directions.

I gingerly push the centre of the door. The door slowly creaks, leaning over and poked my head ever further to gain sight of the room.

This.. is not what i expected

I mindlessly let the door open to its full extent, taking in the sight of the solitary figure taking centre stage in the room. The situation steals my voice, leaving me at the doorway staring at the flawless blond boy. The boy gently puts down his teacup and opens his eyes, but doesn't look at me

"Hello there. May i help you?" i snapped from my day-dream. "Uh, hi. I was just.. kinda lost" He takes a moment to reply.

"Care to take a seat?" i slowly stepped another seat opposite him, the boy resting the teacup. "I take it you're the new student of Gwangju?"

"Ah yeah, i just transfer in yesterday" he nodded.

"Im Kim Junmyeon but you can call me Suho instead. Pleased to meet you"

"Hyojin. Kim Hyojin" he smiles "Would you care for a drink?"

"Sure" as much as it pains me, i can't keep step with his formality in the proceedings. He gives a kind nod, taking the request in stride

Without another word, he steps off the chair and prepares a second cup of tea. A brush here, a brush there, his left hand often lightly touching the side of whichever container he's pouring into.. its seems to be a process she's followed a dozen of times before

"So," his soft voice brings me out of my silent observence "Which room are you looking for? its not often this classroom is visited afterschool"

"The school library. Kyungsoo and Lu- i mean, some classmates told me it was on this floor" he finishes pouring water into the teacup as he nods, a small metallic tapping coming from the teacup indicating it being stirred.

As he sets down the tea, i gently take it and have a sip.

"Thanks Junmyeon. Its really nice" he smiles and quickly waves his hand infront of his face.

"Suho, please. No need to be formal"



[A/N] A long update today and yay! $uho! so yeah i've been busy but not too busy to update HAHA lol-

So...... this era has been a hectic era. Well, like this 'BaekYeon' news. Holy cheez i was so shocked and kinds sad because baekhyun is new and its only've been 2 years from debut. Im not against it tho : ) im happy for them! as long as baekhyun is happy im happy too.

And im freakin sad with those not-so-called fan that called baekhyun is a 'traitor' ugh shut up bij. Its not wrong to date. Idols is a people too. The fans even sold  again baek's merch that they bought. Im really sad.

But oh well. Theres nothing i can do besides hoping the best for exo!

And sorry for the long a/n otl. ehe bye




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bellyrabbit #1
thank you for sharing
Chapter 8: Baekhyun should open up more…
Too bad Suho and Kyungsoo doesn't get along well. Wonder what kind of past that they shared which caused them to dislike each other.
Chapter 7: I just hope that Luhan and Kyungsoo doesn't avoiding HyoJin because she defend Suho earlier. >^<

Good luck on your speaking test author-nim! ^^9
panda_88 #4
Chapter 7: This story is amazing, author-nim! Keep it up :D

By the way, GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR TEST!!! While doing your test, just remember that a panda (me XD) is cheering you on :3

Make panda proud, author-nim! :D
Chapter 6: Hi to Lay over there! He's so amazing~ Hyojin should've join the art club then! She can be a good helper for Lay. ^-^
Chapter 5: What is Baekhyun's disability again? Gosh. Only if my tab isn't stupid enough to load the picture from the foreword… Aish.. =="
Wonder why Baekhyun is so different. Teacher never scold him for being late. And wonder why both Baekhyun and Suho could've their own private room for lunch. Is Baekhyun's parents' have a big share for that school?
A-ye. There's a lot explanation needed for why Baekhyun doesn't get along with Kyungsoo.
And hi to Chanyeol over there~
Chapter 4: So the black haired guy is Baekhyun. Hmm. He's a bit cold here. Wonder how could he got the scar.
Dumbfounded when find out that Suho is blind. I never expect that since well… his action before doesn't sounds like he's blind. (I mean like those preparing tea thingy)

Great shot author-nim. Waiting for the next update~ ^^9
Chapter 4: this whole time the black-haired guy was baekhyun haha i should've known
Chapter 3: Update soon! :D
Chapter 3: Wow this is really good, I like it a lot. I think you are doing an excellent job at writing a real response to the situation she is in. I have a friend with an incurable lung disease so I can really see the realistic responses of the character. I love the concept, I curious as to were this will lead.