Chapter One

Disability Love

A light breeze causes the branches overhead to rattle like wooden windchimes. This is a popular retreat for couples in the summer. The decidous trees provide a beautiful green canopy, far out the sight of teachers and fellow students.

But now in winter, it feels like im standing under a pile of kindling. I breathe into my cupped hands and rub them together furiously to prevent them from numbing in this cold.

"Just how long am i expected to wait out here anyway? i'm sure the note said 5:00 PM"

Ah yes.. the note.. slipped between the pages of my math book while i wasn't looking. As far as clichés go, i'm more a fan of the letter-in-the-locker type, but at least this way shows a bit initiative. As I ponder meaning of the note, the snowfall gradually thickens. The snowflakes silently falling from the white-painted sky are the only sign of time passing in this stagnant world. Their snow slowly descent upon the froze forest makes it seem like the time has slowed to a crawl.

The rustling of dry snow underfoot startles me, interrupting the quiet mood. Someone is approaching me from behind.

"Hyojin.. you came?" A hesitating, barely audible question. However, i recognize the owner of that voice instantly. I feel my heart skip a beat.

Its a voice i've listened to hundred of times, but never as more than an eavesdropper to a conversation. I turn to face this voice, the voice of my dreams, and my heart began to race..

"Taehyung? I got a note telling me to wait here... was it yours?" 

Aish. I spent all afternoon to come up with a good line and that was the result?!?! Pathetic.

"Ah, yes. I gave you that note. I'm so glad you got it" A shy joyous smile that makes me so intense i couldn't move a single muscle even if i tried.

My heart is pounding right now, as if it were trying to burst out from my chest and claim this boy for itself.

"So.. ah.. here we are. Out in the cold.." 

Once again, the wind stirs up the branches. The cacophonous voice is my music to my ears. Taehyung flinches ever so softly against the gust of wind. As it passes, he rights himself, as if supported by some new confidence. His lock with mine and he lazily ruffles his hair.

All the while, the axious beating my heart of my heart grows louder. My throat is tight, i doubt i could even force a world even i tried

"You see.. i wanted to know.."


".. if you'd go out with me.."

I stand there, motionless, save for my pounding heart. I want to say something in reply, but my vocal cords feel like they've been stretched beyond the breaking point

".. Hyojin?"

I reached up to try to massage my throat, but this only sends spikes of blinding pain along my arm.



My whole body freezes, save for my eyes, which shoot open in terror.



The breathing in my chest suddenly stops, and i go weak at the knees. The world around me, the canopy of bare branches, the dull winter sky, Taehyung running towards me, all these to fade black.

The last thing i remembered before slipping away are the sound of Taehyun yelling for help and the incessant clatter of branches above..



It's been four months since my heart attack.

In that whole time, I can probably count the times i've left this hospital room unsupervised on one hand. Four months is a pretty long time when you're left alone with your thoughts. So, i've had plenty of time to come to term with my situation


A strange word. A foreign, alien one. One that you don't want to be in the same room with.

A rare condition. It causes the heart to act erratically and occasionally beat way too fast. It can be fatal. Apparently, i've had it  for a long time. They said it was a miracle that i was able to go on without anything happening.

Is that really a miracle? I guess it was suppose to make me feel better, more appreciative of my life. It really didn't do anything to cheer me up.

My parents, I think, were hit harder by the news than I was. The practically had hemorrhages apiece. I already had a full day by then to digest everything. To them, it was all fresh. They were even willing to sell our house in order to pay for a cure.

Of course there isn't a cure.

Because of the late discovary of this.. condition, i've had to stay at the hospital, to recuperate from the treatments. When i was first admitted, it felt if i was missed.. For about a week, my room in the ward is full with ballons, flowers and cards. But, the visitors dwindled and all the get-well gifts began tricking down to nothing shortly after.

I realised that the only person i had gotten so many cards and flowers because sending me their sympathy had been turned into a class project. Maybe some people were genuinely concerned, but i doubt it. Even in the beginning, i barely had visitors. By the end of the first month, only my parents came by on regular basis.

Taehyung was the last to stop visiting.

After six weeks, i never saw him again. We never had that much to talk about when he visited anyway. We didn't touch the subject that was between us on that snowy day ever again.

The hospital?

Its not really the place i'd like to live in. The doctors and nurses feel so impersonal and faceless. I guess its because they are in a hurry and they have a million other patients waiting for them, but it makes me uncomfortable.

Today, the doctor comes in and gave me a smile. He seems excited, but not very. Its like he is trying to make an effort to be happy on my behalf. My parents are here. It's been a few days since i've last seen them. Both of them are sort of dressed up. Is this supposed to be a speacial occasion? its not a party.

There is this ritual the head cardiologist. He takes time sorting his papers, then setting them aside as if to make a point of the pointlessness of what he just did. Then he casually sits down on the edge of the bed next to mine. He looks me in the eye for a moment.

"Hello, Hyojin. How are you today?" I don't answer him but smile a lttle, back at him.

"I believe that you can go home, your heart is stronger now, and with some precautions, you should be fine. We all have your medication sorted out. I'll give your father prescription" The doctor hands the sheet of paper to my dad, whos expression turns wooden as he reads it quickly.

"So many.."

I take it from his hand and take a look myself, feeling numb. How am i suppose to react to this?

The absurdly long list of medications staring back at me from the paper seems insourmountable. They all blend together in a sea of letters. This is insane. I tried to read them, but its so futile. I can't understand anything. Attempting only makes me feel sick.

All this.. for the rest of my life, every day?

"Im afraid that is the best we can do at this point. However, new medications are always being developed, so i wouldn't be suprised to see that list fade over the years"

Years... what kind of confident booster is that? I'd have felt better if he hadn't said anything at all.

"Also, I've spoken to your parents and we believe that it would be best if you don't return to your old school"


"Please calm down Hyojin, listen to the doctor has to say.."

Calm down? The way he says it tells me he knew full well that i wouldn't like it. Am I going to home schooled? Whatever my concern shows, its ignored.

"We all understand that your education is paramount, however, i don't think that its wise for you to be without supervision. At least not until we're sure that your medical is suitable. So i've spoken to your parents about a transfer. Its a school called Gwangju Inhwa that specializes in dealing disable students"




[A/N] Woop first, sorry for canceling 'Contract Marriage' again, otl. The first chapter is about the introduction about the disease so yeah, lame. I had to use 'Gwangju' since theres no disable schools in Korea but theres a school for people who'd gets bully, abuse, ect so i had to use the name so don't be confused! Please support this story!






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bellyrabbit #1
thank you for sharing
Chapter 8: Baekhyun should open up more…
Too bad Suho and Kyungsoo doesn't get along well. Wonder what kind of past that they shared which caused them to dislike each other.
Chapter 7: I just hope that Luhan and Kyungsoo doesn't avoiding HyoJin because she defend Suho earlier. >^<

Good luck on your speaking test author-nim! ^^9
panda_88 #4
Chapter 7: This story is amazing, author-nim! Keep it up :D

By the way, GOOD LUCK FOR YOUR TEST!!! While doing your test, just remember that a panda (me XD) is cheering you on :3

Make panda proud, author-nim! :D
Chapter 6: Hi to Lay over there! He's so amazing~ Hyojin should've join the art club then! She can be a good helper for Lay. ^-^
Chapter 5: What is Baekhyun's disability again? Gosh. Only if my tab isn't stupid enough to load the picture from the foreword… Aish.. =="
Wonder why Baekhyun is so different. Teacher never scold him for being late. And wonder why both Baekhyun and Suho could've their own private room for lunch. Is Baekhyun's parents' have a big share for that school?
A-ye. There's a lot explanation needed for why Baekhyun doesn't get along with Kyungsoo.
And hi to Chanyeol over there~
Chapter 4: So the black haired guy is Baekhyun. Hmm. He's a bit cold here. Wonder how could he got the scar.
Dumbfounded when find out that Suho is blind. I never expect that since well… his action before doesn't sounds like he's blind. (I mean like those preparing tea thingy)

Great shot author-nim. Waiting for the next update~ ^^9
Chapter 4: this whole time the black-haired guy was baekhyun haha i should've known
Chapter 3: Update soon! :D
Chapter 3: Wow this is really good, I like it a lot. I think you are doing an excellent job at writing a real response to the situation she is in. I have a friend with an incurable lung disease so I can really see the realistic responses of the character. I love the concept, I curious as to were this will lead.