Character List

She's the Man (Literally)



Cross-dresses (in both fanfic and movie) to attend Illyria, dealing with a complicated crush on a fellow student, keeping their gender on the down-low, and improving their soccer.

Age/Year: Is a 1st year at Illyria.

Appearance: Baekhyun has jet black hair, pixie cut, and dresses in his school uniform and the assorted girl clothing his helpers found for him.






The common "pretty girl" who catches the eyes of many, dealing with her own complicated feelings amongst other things...let's just say this Olivia is a bit more complicated than the original;)

Luhanna is a junior at Illyria.

Honey-blond hair, around jaw-length down but also dabbles in pigtails and teeny tiny ponytails occasionally:) Her makeup is on the more natural side.







A great soccer player at Illyria (at least movie-wise, not sure if this Duke will dabble in the beautiful game). Is completely love-struck by a certain classmate who may or may not return the feelings;) This Duke may have another hobby outside of soccer that he participates in, but that has yet to be shared...

Chanyeol is a junior at Illyria.

Chanyeol has amber colored hair and a comfortable-casual style.








One of Duke's good friends, also plays soccer in the movie but may have a different hobby in this fanfic. Obviously has his own love interest, and it's safe to say that Kris has quite a history with this interest (Chanyeol isn't the only one who's had his eyes set on the prize for a while now;))

Oh, and he at BioChem. 

(Sorry Kris, you can be outstanding in English or something but Science is not the strong point for you, my friend)

Kris is a junior at Illyria.

Kris' hair is a dark red shade, more black towards the roots, but think about how it was styled in the History MV for the cut of it:) (minus the gel) Just a little side note: these physical descriptions aren't really important, I just like doing them because it's fun:)








Ahh, Malcolm.

Although Malcolm is a not too enjoyable in the movie, our Kyungsoo thankfully only shares aspects of his character:) However, Kyungsoo/Malcolm does share an obsessive nature when it comes to his own personal interest, as will be seen further on (actually this obsession has already begun with the first day of classes, if anyone remembers;)) 

Kyungsoo is also quite exceptional when it comes to his classes, and this comes with a backstory as well.

Kyungsoo is a Junior at Illyria.

Kyungsoo has dark red hair and likes to wear clothing in a variety of blacks, blacks, and blacks. 

Just kidding, he changes it up a bit with the school uniform;)







Well, as for Xiumin, he shares more connections with the other characters than Andrew does, and he plays more of an overall role than his movie counterpart does in general. Once again, this is another character who plays soccer in the movie but will most likely not play soccer in the story:(He also has his own outside activities that he enjoys, but I will leave that to you guys to find out later) (I've already mentioned it in the previous chapters but if some of you guys haven't pieced it together then you'll figure it out in a bit)

Xiumin is a senior at Illyria.

Xiumin has black hair that falls in his eyes a bit.







Suho is one of the characters who majorly deviates from his movie character, first and foremost because he's not in England for a music gig and also because his sibling is not taking his place at Illyria (he is very much there). This Sebastion has multiple problems he needs to fix in his life, from his relationships to parental problems, etc...

Suho is a senior as well at Illyria.

Suho has black hair that is perfectly styled almost every day (he is the perfectionist child, what do you expect;)) Style-wise: Suho is that very university-proper wardrobe type of person, but he also his assortment of casual clothes as well.







This character makes me laugh in both movie and fanfiction (I hope it's the same for you guys). Well, our Tao/Paul here is the main hairdresser for the story, a bit of a diva, and very concerned with his salon going smoothly (hence the breakdown over choosing a new employee). He definitely has a background and more connections with other characters than has been said, and that's all I can say about that for now;)

As for Tao, I believe I said that he finished early/dropped out of college to pursue his career at the salon, yes? I'm pretty sure that's right:)

Why do I even bother with physical description for this one? Well, Tao is currently blue-haired (not for long;)) and his style is very...fashionable? I don't really know how to describe tight black pants, an assortment of rings, and black shirts with the occasional gold trim...

Let's just say his fashion is almost as eccentric as his hair;)







So far, Kai has been one of the most entertaining characters to right about, haha:) Kia is the more ditzy friend of Baekhyun/Viola in the movie, a characteristic shared by Kai. He has a bit of a y-and-I-know-it demeanor but also has his cute/dorky side (mainly with his friends) He may dabble in soccer but is more into dancing...yup, that's Kai for you (for now) I don't want to say something that could give things away so these are vague...oh and I did not plan out Kai being Kia based off the similarity in their names, it just kind of worked out like that but shoutout to that subbie who commented about that:)

Kai is a senior in high school (haha 'twiglet')(I'm just kidding...he's very mature for his age:))

Kai is still currently red-haired, but it does change pretty often. He wears casual clothes pretty often and lounges around in sweatpants quite a lot.







Hey Yvooone;) Lay plays the other good friend of Baekkie for this story, and it's probably been noted by you guys that he's also the more sane/practical one. BUT, Lay also has his woohoo moments (he's just not there all the time;)) Lay does play soccer, but he also likes dancing with Kai and their dance buddy in his spare time. Oh, and there is a reason behind why Lay and Kai live together (stay tuned for further detail in upcoming chapters)

Lay is also a senior in high school.

Lay's hair also changes pretty often, right now he's like a caramel brown color, and he dresses similarly to Kai.







Hehehe, I know this is a character list but seeing that Chen hasn't come in the story yet, I cannot say who he is related to in the movie. But I'm sure many of you are thinking of the characters left in the movie that he could be, so just keep thinking about those characters;)

Little Fun Fact though: he has a strong connection with a certain character;)

Hmm, let's just say Chen is in the same age range as the rest of them, closer to Suho and Xiumin's age.

I will make a teeny tiny character list (aka just Chen) after I introduce his character to the story so that I can further describe him as well.






This character just cracks me up *shakes with suppressed giggles* Pat on the back to whoever guessed this character, I tried to keep it secret but also hint at it during the first day chapter (when Sehun reminded himself of the advice his friend had given him before going into the classroom) 

We are going to have a lot of fun with this character.

Umm, further facts:

Loves Science (and is good at it).

Assists on the soccer team (as in: helps the coach out a bit).

Has his own extracurricular activities that he partakes in;)

Sehun is the one and only sophomore at Illyria, (he's brilliant, shh;)) for real though, Sehun should be in Baekhyun's grade but he skipped a grade.

Sehun has straight black hair (don't worry it's not middle parted or anything) and he dresses normally I guess, although he leans towards black colors a bit.






*Now remember, to those who have seen this movie, this character list is simply a vague similarity in roles between the fanfic and the movie, not an exact comparison. Also, some matters may be subject to change, simply based off of how the story goes as I write it. So to those who may think you know the outcome, couples, etc of this story...think again;)


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BubbleTeaAddict #1
Chapter 11: I just finished reading all of this in one sitting. And that V8 part made me laugh like a retarded seal. xD I find the weirdest things funny.
But now I'm sad there's no more. ;[ *cries silently*
Oh well, till the next chapter update!!
P.S Nice user name. :P
Chapter 11: YOU UPDATED! And it was amazing as always <3 I absolutely love the Tao-Lay-Kai trio and their grandma disguises... And Sehun is the best Eunice ever *Dies laughing* Keep up the brilliant work \(*^.^*)/ *Hugs all around*
THE CHARACTER LIST *Dies and falls to the floor* Thank you, thank you, thank you... Except I still don't know who Chen is *Frowns* But I'm super excited for the next chapter <3 And yay, I got them right *Dances around*
I just wanted to say that I just started reading this today (I finished everything you have so far btw) and I freaking love it <3 I absolutely adore the "She's the Man" movie, and now I absolutely adore your characters *^.^* I was laughing througout the entire story ^.~ Keep up the good work \(^.^)/

P.S. - I watched the FIFA World Cup too, to answer your question *^.^*
P.P.S. - And I think I have most of the characters matched up to the ones from the movie, but I'm still excited to see your characters list!
I love this story!!!!! Thanks for sharing! I can't wait to see how it all turns out!!!! :)
Chapter 6: I'm confused. Is Luhanna Luhan crossdressing (because it would be hilarious if they BOTH were and were trying to hide that from each other), or is Luhan going to show up at some other point?

Also, I guessed Suho would be in Baekhyun's class. Brilliant XD

One last thing... when are we going to find out what Heechul figured out about Baekhyun?
Chanyeolfanfangirl #7
DAEBAK!!! This story never fails to make me cry everytime I read it! 1 word. WOW!!
AHHHHH I love this so much!!
imperfect_narcissist #9
Chapter 3: Ahahaha. So, 2 cross dressers as roommates? This couldn't get any better...
lilybellz #10
the story sounds really interesting ~
i hope you start this soon <3